Chapter 302 People and Shadows

The sheepskin demon was once very strong.

But in order to travel to this point, it has already dissipated all its power, and it starts all over again.Coupled with the inequality between the two worlds...

To be equal to the power over there, it needs to be several times, or even dozens of times stronger than the other side, and suppress the other side in order to control the situation.

Among them, the unequal exchange ratio of power, the difficulty of the process, is simply not cost-effective.

"Compared to that, that guy..."

The sheepskin demon thought of the believer who was still chasing and killing him.

"That guy is just like a monster! Why can she put 100% of her power into this world? How did she do it?"

The Sheepskin Demon felt terrified. If he hadn't had the means to save his life, and set up a clone to pretend to escape to the edge of the city, but secretly hid in the city sewer, otherwise he would have been killed by that guy long ago.

"That believer, if I don't die for a day, I will never live a stable life! I am bound to do anything I want to do!"

"It's a pity, I thought I could turn the kid next to that woman into a demon, and look for a chance to plot against that woman..."

Panting heavily, the sheepskin demon suddenly widened its eyes and spit out blood.

In an instant, the injury was added to the injury.

He knew that it was the avatar of the security guard in that community, and he was also found out and dealt with.

Efficiency... so fast.

His tricks are becoming more and more familiar to the believers, and the situation is getting worse!
"Hibernation... I have to dormant for a period of time, I need time to recover some strength first..."

"The tossing these days should also make the believer become suspicious and exhausted, enough to buy me time to recover my strength."

"I hope that [spirit] can move soon and help me attract firepower."

"An enemy's enemy is a friend. I never thought that one day, I would count on [Spirit] to help me..."


Clearwater District.

Accompanied by a burst of sudden braking, a group of bodyguards in black came down from the convoy.

Standing in front of them was their employer, Qi Xiaojin.

Qi Xiaojin looked indifferent, because she had just dealt with a clone of a sheepskin demon disguised as a community security guard.

She thought she had already taken precautions against everything, but she didn't expect that her driver would be tricked!
Now even the community security has an accident.

That sheepskin monster is far more cunning than what I thought.

At this moment, Qi Xiaojin looked at everyone like a monster, and a sense of irritability grew in her heart.

"Check the people in the community first to make sure there are no demons lurking."

"In addition, the community is no longer safe. Just in case, the safe house that is already in preparation has to be speeded up."

Ideally, it is natural to protect the community.

After all, this community carries many good memories of Qi Xiaojin, and it can also preserve the memories of previous lives, which is the biggest advantage.

But if something really happens, it is also very important to have a way out.

So since returning from rebirth, Qi Xiaojin has been thinking about whether to build a safe house outside.

At the beginning, it was just design and preparation, people purchased materials, designed safe house circuit diagrams, escape routes, refrigeration systems and other things.

It was only recently that construction began experimentally.

This was originally a long-term plan.

Counting down the years, before the end, build the ideal safe house step by step.

But now, everything must be accelerated.

Even if it's just a prototype, she still needs to build the safe house first, and the follow-up refrigeration system, generator, material reserve, self-circulating farming system, etc., can only be slowly stuffed in later.

With an idea in mind, Qi Xiaojin took a deep breath and made a phone call.

Then he waved his hand, led his bodyguards, and began to spot check the community, one by one.

There are professionals in the safe house responsible for supervision and construction. She only needs to control the general direction, and she doesn't have to worry about the rest.

What she wants to guarantee now is the safety of the community.

Give Fang Yu a safe and stable growth environment, otherwise external stimuli may cause Fang Yu's growth in the game to deviate from his previous life.

This is what Qi Xiaojin doesn't want to see.

To be honest, Qi Xiaojin didn't know what was going on in the community in her previous life, but she hadn't heard of any monsters or big news. It wasn't until the end that everything changed.

It may be that Fang Yu did something secretly in his previous life, which was not known and reported.

It may also be that with his rebirth, something has really changed in the world.

No matter what, what Qi Xiaojin has to do now is to stabilize the situation and let everything transition smoothly until the end of the day.

The butterfly's wings affected something, Qi Xiaojin wanted to stop this change, at least not let this change affect Fang Yu.

I took people along and checked them all the way, but unfortunately, there was nothing to gain.

The sheepskin demon should not have any more people in the community, but this is not the end, it is just a temporary repulsion, and the sheepskin demon will make a comeback sooner or later.

"It's too good to hide!"

Qi Xiaojin clenched her fists, her eyes were cold.

"If I have the [equipment] for hunting monsters in hand, or if my strength improves to a higher level, I will definitely be able to find the trace of that guy!"

Anxious, it is useless.

Qi Xiaojin calmed herself down.

In addition to arranging screened security guards, taking turns to patrol, and strengthening the defensive strength, Qi Xiaojin also plans to improve his strength in the game as soon as possible.

After all, she was able to break free from the [Shackles of Human Sin] for a short time, and her strength in the game was equivalent to her strength in reality.

But she has arrangements for the rest of her life.

It needs to be put into the game step by step in exchange for resources.

If too much power is used in reality, the lifespan will be greatly shortened, and many planned plans will not be able to be implemented.

Gently rubbing between her brows, Qi Xiaojin felt a headache.

"Is it so difficult to protect a person..."

"In the previous life, how much did Fang Yu silently sacrifice to protect me..."

Thinking of Fang Yu, Qi Xiaojin's tired heart seemed to be comforted all of a sudden.

In the previous life, Fang Yu tried his best to protect me.

In this life, it's my turn!

She raised her spirits, and after arranging the work of the security guards, she strode towards her room.

She is about to log into the game.

Since the current strength cannot find the sheepskin demon, then increase the strength!After raising a realm, that guy should be able to be dealt with.

When dealing with the security guard disguised by the sheepskin demon avatar, Qi Xiaojin had already confirmed Fang Yu's safety, so naturally he didn't send anyone to disturb Fang Yu's rest at this moment.

Back in her room, Qi Xiaojin sat on the bed, but looked at the desk in the room.

On it, there was a half-written piece of white paper, next to it was a bunch of crumpled waste paper.

"If something happens to me, this letter is the last guarantee."

"The safe house, as well as all subsequent arrangements, will let Fang Yu know through this letter..."

"The truth of the world, and the coming of the end..."

"If possible, I really don't want him to face these cruel realities again."

"If possible, I hope that he can spend this final time as carefree as I did in my previous life..."

"After all, after that..."

"Everything I see and encounter is purgatory."

The letter is not finished.

Because of some things, Qi Xiaojin didn't know how to talk about them.

Even picking up the pen a few times made her vacillate.

Some selfishness made her cheeks warm up several times.

It was like writing a love letter that was a few years late, and I wanted to put it all in, but worried that I would scare the other party if I was too enthusiastic.

What style and context should be used to leave this letter.

When this letter appeared in Fang Yu's hands, what would happen to him.

Qi Xiaojin didn't know, so she never finished writing this letter, a heavy letter.

"Go to the game first, as long as I am strong enough, all problems can be easily solved."

Looking away from the unfinished letter on the desk, Qi Xiaojin put on the game helmet.

game, log in.


Black Dry Holy Gate.

Qi Xiaojin opened his eyes.

"Xiao Jin! You're awake!"

The goal is the stunning beauty of the saint [Miao Weixin].

"Sister Lian'er, why are you here?"

Qi Xiaojin blinked, her expression calm.

[Miao Weixin]'s baby name is Lian'er, and only those who are close to her will call her like that.

As a disciple, Qi Xiaojin formally joined the Black Dry Sacred Sect, and the first mission was to go to [Xidao Mountain].

Few people know that walking along a hidden mountain path in [Xidao Mountain], one can reach a place of blood pool.

This is [Xi Dao Xue].

With this item, the materials for [Loving Heart Powder] are basically ready.

Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, I even encountered a special big monster named [Xi Yao], and almost failed to escape.

But fortunately, Qi Xiaojin did not go to collect this object unprepared, so there was a lot of danger, but he still escaped and returned to the sect smoothly.

After the task is completed, you can rest for a while, and with the contribution of the sect, you can directly exchange for medicinal materials.

Qi Xiaojin's long-awaited [Love Heart Powder] can finally start refining.

For several days, Qi Xiaojin stayed in the pharmacy and never even went out the door.

It wasn't until the first batch of [Love Heart Powder] was refined that she was greatly relieved.

There was no rush to drug the saint.

Instead, give medicine to the junior sister who came in at the same time first, and try the results.

Within three days, the junior sister who had been prejudiced against her gradually eased her attitude towards her.

Although he didn't have the kind of unswerving love that Taoist Wuxin mentioned, it did work.

There were not many materials, so Qi Xiaojin immediately fed the remaining [Loving Heart Powder] secretly to the saint.

The saintess didn't have much defense against her, and the maid who was close to her had already put down her defenses, so it was easy to succeed.

The effect of heart powder is constant.

The more you invest in the saintess, the less effective it will be for that junior sister.

Qi Xiaojin's younger sister, who was visible to the naked eye, went from softening her attitude to being indifferent and hostile again.

It is also a way of continuous observation to judge the condition of the saintess by observing the condition of the junior sisters.

Now the saint [Miao Weixin] appears in his boudoir, which is the proof of the effect of [Love Heart Powder].

"The road that Taoist Wuxin walked, I will walk it again!"

"Take the cultivation base of the saint and achieve my way!"

For the saintess, it is a long-term development, not in a hurry.

On the contrary, it is self-cultivation, which needs to improve daily life.

After having a cordial conversation with the saint, Qi Xiaojin sent her away on the day when she would meet secretly next time.

It wasn't until the saintess left her room that Qi Xiaojin looked away, and the false smile on her face gradually subsided and became calm.

"The new dog is disobedient."

Bang! !

Qi Xiaojin's body suddenly exploded with billowing blood-colored steam, which was about to explode like a hot wave!

But when it was about to bloom, it suddenly froze, stopped, and then suddenly retracted into Qi Xiaojin's body like collapsing and flowing backwards!

But that momentum seemed to be still impacting inside Qi Xiaojin, making her body tremble slightly.

Qi Xiaojin's eyes turned cold.

"Do you still remember the agreement when signing the contract? Three times, more than three times, you will be abolished!"

"The fate of Hop Flower Spirit is your fate!"

Trembling, stop.

Body, return to full control.

Qi Xiaojin snorted coldly, pushed the door and went out.

"Sister Banner!"

"Sister Banner!"

She is already an official disciple of the Black Dry Holy Sect, and while she has her own room, her status has naturally changed.

Although just getting started, there are not only official disciples of the Black Dry Sacred Sect, but also outer disciples, low-level handymen and so on.

In the eyes of these people, Qi Xiaojin is an existence that is unattainable and unattainable to them.

Not to mention, Qi Xiaojin gained some fame in the battle when she started, which was known by many people.

"Senior Sister Qi, are you finally willing to come out of that turtle shell?"

A strange voice sounded, it turned out to be Junior Sister Gua, the woman who was hostile to Qi Xiaojin, who was changed by love heart powder, and then lost the effect of love heart powder.

"Junior Sister Gua, what's the matter?"

If you don't deal with it, why waste time.

"Hmph! I heard an interesting rumor recently, do you want to hear it?"

"...If it's okay, I'll go first."

"Wait! It's [Hundred Flowers Banquet]! You should know it too, it will officially start soon."

Qi Xiaojin raised her eyelids.

The Hundred Flowers Feast, similar to the way she was recruited into the Holy Gate before, is a way to recruit disciples from outside.

But now that she has started, she is not interested in the future disciples.

But Junior Sister Gua raised her lips at this moment.

"Flowers are the source, birds are the drive. The disciples of [Hundred Flowers Feast] are not formal disciples, but [shadows] selected for us. The quality of the shadows determines the progress of our practice. How about it, do you want to join forces with me? Take the strongest shadow! I heard that there will be good seedlings this time, and several senior brothers and sisters who started in the early years will also make a big move."

"I don't want other people's second-hand goods, I only want new ones! The strongest!"

Junior Sister Gua has desire in her eyes, yearning for the strong, impulsiveness!
Qi Xiaojin wrinkled slightly.

The cultivation method of the Black Dry Sacred Gate is extremely special.

Like withered wood, the offerings of others are turned into nourishment for oneself.

And the so-called "shadow" is the resource that every disciple must strive for.

[Shadow] is the supporter, the stronger [Shadow] is, the smoother [person's] path of practice will be.

One person, one shadow is the standard equipment of the Black Dry Holy Sect.

But people and shadows can exchange identities when certain conditions are met, so when recruiting disciples, [shadow] will also be advertised as an official disciple.

Qi Xiaojin was recruited into the sect as a "person", so he is naturally qualified to select "Shadow".

In the same way, Junior Sister Gua who came in at the same time is also [person].

(End of this chapter)

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