Chapter 306 Find some excitement
Qiong Xiaolou?
Che Linfang was taken aback.

"Are you sure? That guy hides quite deeply, don't admit the wrong person."

Che Linfang looked suspicious.

After all, I just said last night that I was looking for someone, but I found it in a blink of an eye. This efficiency is too exaggerated.

And the task was ordered by Lord Yaozu, so it must be that Lord Yaozu didn't find anyone, so he assigned it to continue to look for it.

It shows that this person is not easy to find, but Diao Deyi got it done with one shot.

"It must be him. I fought against him, but unfortunately he ran away."

Hearing what Fang Yu said, Che Linfang's expression turned serious.

"Can it run away from you? That guy is so strong after he got the equipment?"

Fang Yu said calmly.

"He is not strong, but the situation was a bit complicated at the time, and something happened."

Fang Yu didn't elaborate, and Che Linfang didn't ask again, but asked instead.

"Where did you meet him? Let's report the information to Mr. Blind, which is more or less an explanation."

Although no one was caught, but the information was provided, which can be somewhat credited.

But Fang Yu had other ideas.

"We will not report this matter."

"Not reporting?"

Che Linfang was stunned.

"what are you planning to do?"

"Don't worry, just listen to me. Think about it, if we just report the news, we will only get a lot of credit. Afterwards, Master Yaozu will take people to the intelligence point to search. If we really catch someone, what will happen to us?" ?”

When Che Linfang heard the words, he was thoughtful.

"what do you mean……"

"We catch people ourselves and hide the news. The equipment held by that guy, even Master Yaojiao has a peek at it, it must be good, we can take down this person and the equipment by ourselves."

Fang Yu paused for a moment, then continued: "At that time, we will have both people and things in our hands. If you go forward, you can steal the equipment, and if you retreat, you can hand it over to the blind adults. There is room for maneuver in whatever choice you want. What's more ...Even if we want to make an offering to the big demon, we don't have to go through Lord Blind, we can directly find the big monster and make an offering directly, isn't it more credit?"

These words obviously convinced Che Linfang.

And this move can indeed maximize the benefits.


"Bypassing Mr. Blind and carrying out these actions in private. Afterwards, Mr. Blind asked us to settle the matter. We will have a hard time."

Che Linfang looked worried.

It is not difficult to think of how to maximize the benefits, but how to resist the pressure is difficult.

It is not so easy to appease the anger of a Master Demon Foot.

Moreover, how to bypass the blind lord and see the big monster with a higher status is also a problem.

These low-level monsters rarely have the opportunity to meet higher-level monsters.

"It's not that we won't hand over people to the blind adults. It's just that we have the chips in our hands, so we have more choices."

Che Linfang nodded slightly.

"I know what to do. The most urgent thing is to catch the person first."

"Naturally. I met Qiong Xiaolou in Zuimenglou in Luolifang. He has an unusual relationship with Qianqian, the number one girl in Zuimenglou. You can start investigating from this aspect. Remember, after you find out whereabouts , don’t act rashly, so as not to startle the snake, report the news to me, and make a decision after I come.”

When Fang Yu said this, Che Linfang already knew what to do.

She responded and stepped back.

Che Linfang was doing business, Fang Yu was relieved.

Call the monsters below to investigate the whereabouts of Qiong Xiaolou and Dongmen Gulan.

The matter of Qiongxiaolou has the shadow of Yudi Mansion behind it.

Even if I use my group of people to investigate, I'm afraid they won't find anything.

It has to be a demon.

The monster just has no direction, no starting point for investigation.

And this aspect is what you can provide.

There is the above abacus on it, and Fang Yu also has his own ideas.

He has already reported the information on the monsters around him, and there will be a big cleansing soon.

According to the plan, he must stand out.

At that time, there will be various doubts.

At this time, if you have some bargaining chips at hand, I believe you can solve a lot of troubles.

And Fang Yu didn't say that he would hand over Qiong Xiaolou to the demon, even if he handed over, he could still secretly inform the high-level officials of Yudi Mansion to save people.

As for myself, as long as I make contributions and stabilize my position in the process of pulling, it is enough. The final game is left to the high-level officials of both parties to decide.

Fang Yuru is trying to survive in the cracks, and the master of the Yangshen Hall is pushing him to raise his status among the monsters, which will inevitably make him encounter more dangers and doubts.

If you don't take the initiative to find some bargaining chips, I'm afraid that you won't even know how to die when the time comes.

Taking out "Spring Bud Kung Fu", Fang Yu read it as he headed to the prison like a master of time management.

Halfway through, I also started the actual practice, controlling the breathing rate and sensing the existence of qi.

Although it is not efficient to practice while walking, the advantage is that you can make good use of your time.

When Fang Yu arrived in the prison, the practice of [Chun Ya Gong] could only be said to have improved a bit.

It's still necessary to calm down in the dead of night, calm down, and put your whole body into it, so that it is easy to cultivate results.

Fang Yu felt that compared to those one-to-one, one-to-one sword moves and ultimate moves, this kind of illusory "Spring Bud Art" was much more difficult to practice.

There are too many mysterious and ambiguous records, so that people can't grasp the key points, and it is natural to practice with twice the result with half the effort.

"Master Diao!"

"grown ups!"

At this time, the prison has arrived.

Fang Yu nodded slightly, and was about to go in, but saw the jailer guard, who had been nodding and bowing, stretched out his hand uncharacteristically to stop him.

Fang Yu looked at them suspiciously, but saw that their faces were full of embarrassment and unnaturalness.

"My lord, yes, I must register."


Prison is not my home, come and go whenever you want?
When are there new rules?

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

"What did Qian Guxing say?"

" has nothing to do with Lord Qianguxing, it is Lord Shan Sichen's death order. Whoever comes to the prison must first register his identity..."

The jailer lowered his head and spoke submissively.

Who doesn't know that Fang Yu is the god of prison killing.

Although there has never been a precedent for hacking one of their own people to death, watching the prison gods killing prisoners every day, the ferocious image has long been introduced into their minds, and Fang Yu is afraid that if he gets angry, he will chop them up as if they were prisoners.

The jailer had already cursed this newcomer Shan Sichen a hundred times in his heart, but he had to bow his head under the eaves.

There are three fires for a new official to take office, and no one wants this fire to burn on himself.


Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

"What's the matter?"

"Master Hui, he is a newly appointed Grade A prison guard, equal to Lord Qianguxing. But the order of numbers should be in front of Lord Qianguxing..."

They didn't know whether the higher the number, the more powerful it was, but they didn't dare to offend the new high officials.

The left and right were just registering the information, and seeing the faces of the two familiar guards who were about to cry, Fang Yu didn't make things difficult for them.

After registering his identity, Fang Yu strode in, while the jailer quickly led the way as usual.

"Take me to see Qian Gu Xing first."

After seeing Qian Guxing, Fang Yu was going to meet the newcomer Shan Sichen and beat him up.

Prison is his back garden, not everyone can get involved.

And now that Li Xunxue is being held in the prison, Ding Hui has to come here often. If he can't guarantee that the prison is his territory, then the research location will have to be moved.

It's not that there is no land anymore, if you have to find it in other people's land, it's not happy, isn't that a disease of the brain?

If you can't control the prison, then take him back to the mansion and close the door for Ding Hui to study slowly.

"My lord, this way."

The jailer who led the way was not in Qianguxing's Class A prison area, but in the Class B prison area, heading in a certain direction.

Amidst Fang Yu's doubts, there was a sudden sound of arguing in front of him.

"Shan Sichen, don't deceive others too much! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Bai Kang's backing behind you!"

It was Qian Guxing's voice, high-pitched, broken, and seemed emotional.

"Miss Qian, since you want to open up and say, that's fine. I am a dog sent by Master Bai Kang to bite you. What's the matter? Are you not convinced? Either you go to Master Bai Kang to convince you Ruan, everyone will meet in the future and be kind. Or from now on, this prison will have nothing to do with you."

It was the voice of a frivolous man I had never heard before.

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows, and strode over without waiting for the jailer to lead the way.

With the sound of stomping footsteps, Fang Yu has already spoken.

"What a big tone! I want to see who dares to bully me in prison!"


Shan Sichen turned his head and found Fang Yu immediately.

But he frowned tightly, and didn't see where Fang Yu was coming from.

On the other hand, Qiangu Xing showed a surprised expression visible to the naked eye, and stepped forward excitedly.

"Diao Deyi!"

She has already moved out of Fang Yu's name.

The inspector of Yangshentang, with this name, ordinary people should have quit long ago.

But Shan Sichen did not.

Behind him is the Bai family, so he is unscrupulous and doesn't pay attention to any inspectors at all.

Qian Guxing's last hole card failed to deter this person at all.

She felt helpless and frightened, and she had to hold on to her strong appearance.

Under the aggressiveness of the other party, Qian Guxing couldn't last long at all. Fortunately, Fang Yu came.

Qian Guxing quickly came to Fang Yu's side, took Fang Yu's arm with both hands, subconsciously hugged it to his chest, and looked at Shan Sichen with hostility.

Now that her face was torn apart, she stopped pretending.

"He is the inspector of the Yangshen Hall I mentioned—Diao Deyi! Shan Sichen, even if the master behind you meets the people of the Yangshen Hall, he must show some respect!"

Shan Sichen smiled.

Laughing at the ignorance of potential lone stars.

"Qian Gu Xing, you underestimate the people of the Bai family, the mere Yangshen Hall, Lord Bai Kang won't take it seriously..."

After a pause, he squinted at Fang Yu.

"As for you, inspector, right? Take your hand out of her chest, and roll as far as you can. Otherwise, when the sun rises tomorrow, you won't be able to keep the right hand that touched Qian Guxing."

At the end, Shan Sichen began to laugh strangely.

But soon, he found that the little inspector in front of him was also laughing, and the laugh was louder and more unscrupulous.

"My right hand, which can eat and behead, I'm afraid your master won't be able to take it. You don't seem to know my background, come on, Qian Guxing, help me open the doors of the left and right prisons, and get the prisoners out. I will give it to you." The newcomer opened his eyes."

Hearing this, Qian Guxing saw that Fang Yu didn't seem to be joking, so he nodded his head heavily, and obediently went to open the doors of the left and right prisons, and then asked the jailer to escort him out and kneel down in front of Fang Yu.

"Bah! Some dog officials, kill me if you have the ability! The scars on the left and right are no bigger than a bowl. After 18 years, I will be a good man again!"

The man was filled with righteous indignation, his legs were still trembling when he saw his health bar was 38.

[Bu Liannan: 38/38. 】

"Kill the god, spare your life! Kill the god, spare your life!! There is a wrong and a debtor, obviously this guy provoked you, so you shouldn't blame us!"

The other person is much more acquainted, he looks like a prison veteran, and he has a clear understanding of Fang Yu's ruthlessness.


[Hu Aodong: 1555/1555. 】

With your health bar, you don't look like a good person.

The fish that slipped through the net in the second-level prison area.

Shan Sichen obviously didn't know what Fang Yu was going to do, but seeing the prisoner's reaction, he couldn't help frowning.

"what are you going to do?"

"It's nothing."

Fang Yu came to Bu Liannan, who had 38 blood, and put his hands on his shoulders.

"I just use the name of the inspector to suspect that these two people may be demons in disguise."


Shan Sichen was a little dazed and didn't come around.

Then, he saw Fang Yu swipe, and drew his sword out!

His pupils shrank, he took a step back subconsciously, and put his hands on his chest in a defensive posture.

But soon, he discovered that it was not him that Fang Yu wanted to kill, but...

"Big brother, spare me! Big brother, forgive me, I kowtow to you, bang bang bang bang bang! I was the one who was so stubborn just now, my mouth is not clean, big brother don't kill me, you don't kill me, I've been leveling for so long and it's not easy for me... ..."

hum! ! !
The sword light flashed.

The head rolled to the ground.

[Bu Liannan: 0/38. 】

The blood bar was emptied, and the system prompt sounded.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing the player [Bu Lianan] and gaining 10 experience points. 】

[System prompt: [Bu Lianan] was detected as a human being, and the blood talent of [Blue Demon Blood] was triggered. 】

[System prompt: It is detected that [Bu Lianan]'s realm is lower than or equal to the player, and obtains 100% of its maximum life. 】

[Life: 23216/23216. 】

Long lost.

Familiar feeling.

Killing people in prison increases blood volume.

It seems to go back to the early days of the game, the days when the prison developed.

In Shan Sichen's stunned and stunned expression.

Fang Yu flicked the sword in his hand, and at the same time blood splashed onto the ground, he tilted his head and squinted at Shan Sichen.

"It seems that I killed the wrong one."

Shan Sichen: ...

Shan Sichen:? ? ?

Shan Sichen:! ! !

Shan Sichen was silent, then trembled, and slowly clenched his fists.

"You, are you him! It was intentional at all!"

Shan Sichen's face was livid.

Even a fool would understand that Fang Yu's action was to kill chickens to scare monkeys.

Qiangu Xing and the jailer in the prison had already seen the strange things, and they didn't even change their expressions.

But Shan Sichen had never encountered such a thing. He didn't understand the prison's self-proclaimed system and all kinds of dark unspoken rules.

How could I have imagined that I would meet such a ruthless person on my first day in prison.

And looking at the reactions of the people around, this is not the first time.

This guy kills casually in prison, no one cares? ?
But no one really cares, and no one even speaks out for the prisoners.

"What's intentional? I don't understand what Master Shan said. But this guy, guess, is he a demon?"

Fang Yu's sword was placed on Hu Aodong's shoulder.

With 1500 HP, Hu Aodong's body was shaking violently.

"Diao Deyi, right? Don't go too far! Prison is not a place of lawlessness! If you kill prisoners like this at will, I will file a lawsuit with you. Don't think about it!"

"well said."

Fang Yu nodded in approval, and then...

Brush it.

Suddenly, Hu Aodong's head fell to the ground.

Bang! !

Amidst the stunned expressions of everyone present, Hu Aodong, whose head fell to the ground, suddenly exploded the blood mist, and a cloud of shadows continued to swell and expand from the blood mist!
But Fang Yu, who had completed the beheading action, flicked the blood on the sword, turned his back to the blood mist that erupted behind him, and faced Shan Sichen with a smile.

When the other party was stunned, fell to the ground in fright, and pointed at something behind Fang Yu with trembling fingers, Fang Yu smiled and said.

"Master Shan, I now suspect that you are also a monster."

(End of this chapter)

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