Chapter 313 Action
When Fang Yu heard this, he wasn't angry at all. He just smiled and said, "You've been influenced by what you hear and what you see. Only by using human behavior can you better integrate into human beings, right?"

"In this regard, I am not as good as you... I have been here for so long, and I can't get used to the intrigue of human beings."

Che Linfang sighed, otherwise, there is indeed a reason why it was Diao Deyi who came to power instead of himself who had been lurking for many years.

Fang Yu picked up the information on [Jin Yexue] and [Hui Hui] at this time.

Huihui is the fat gardener, who was born in a brothel, and the information given by Mi Hengpeng is completely in line with it, and there is no problem.

But that [Jin Yexue] who has already left...

Fang Yu frowned.

Why does this woman's information feel so weird? It seems like... a player? ?

Different from the information provided by Mi Hengpeng, the information provided by Che Linfang and other monsters started from the investigation when [Jin Yexue] entered Tianyuan Town. It belongs to the investigation from the source, so the information is more comprehensive.

Several times of contradictory behaviors and weird behaviors are remembered by the onlookers, so they can be found out by the monsters and recorded in the data.

Players...that's all, everyone has driven away, so there's nothing to care about.

It's not that Fang Yu has never seen [Jin Yexue]'s health bar, players with more than a dozen blood points pose no threat to him.

"Call Zhang Ziheng for me, and I'll beat him."

Zhang Ziheng has only recently become Mi Hengpeng's insider, and he should be able to easily instigate rebellion as long as he hits one or two.

When the time comes to find out about Mi Hengpeng, if there is no background behind it, just get rid of it.

Fang Yu didn't have much trust in a younger brother who dared to put the inside line on his side.

"it is good."

Che Linfang took the order to retreat, with a smile on his lips.

She has long been unhappy with Mi Hengpeng, as if she wants to compete with herself everywhere, as both monsters, it is obvious who is on the side of Diao Deyi.

After a while, Che Linfang brought him over.

She closed the door and exited the room, turned and left.

I have been very busy today. Although I have messed up things, I am really tired and need to go back to rest.

After leaving Diao Mansion and returning to her residence, she didn't expect that someone, who had been waiting for a long time, threw herself into her arms.

"Sister Fangfang!"

"Zhang Xiaoli? Why are you here?"

Che Linfang looked puzzled, but then found that there was another person in the shadow of the room, slowly walking out of the shadow, revealing his figure.


Che Linfang was shocked and quickly protected Zhang Xiaoli behind her.

The man stopped, smiled, and made a gesture of salute.

"Lord Che, it's the first time we met. I'm a blood mushroom demon. I came here this time to recommend myself. Because I couldn't find a way, I asked Miss Palm."

Xiaoli, the palm behind Che Linfang, grabbed the corner of Che Linfang's clothes.

After Che Linfang looked at him with confusion, Zhang Xiaoli said, "This new guy is very powerful. He said he has an older brother who is even more powerful!"

Che Linfang raised her eyebrows slightly.

As Diao Deyi became more and more famous, there were more and more monsters outside who wanted to join their forces.

Therefore, Che Linfang also started the screening mode. She will not accept monsters who are not particularly strong or trustworthy.

I've never heard of this blood mushroom demon, and she's wearing the human skin of an old butler, so she really can't see how strong she is.

"I've never heard of you before. Are you awesome?"

The Blood Mushroom Demon just smiled, stretched out his hand, and saw small mushrooms growing continuously from his arms like mushrooms after rain.

Just looking at it from a distance, Che Linfang felt the pressure.

The blossoming colorful mushrooms seem to contain extremely terrible poison. Just looking at them, people can't help but take a few steps back and avoid them.

"If this poisonous mushroom is eaten by a high-level warrior in the grassland, if there is no way to detoxify it, it will definitely die within a moment."

Che Linfang's mouth twitched slightly.

This is no nonsense, so many poisonous mushrooms, who can bear it.

As colorful as you are, no one will eat your food.

But in terms of power alone, it is enough.

After all, she, Che Linfang, has no means to make high-ranking warriors in the Grass Realm miserable.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, he turned his hand and retracted the poisonous mushroom in his hand, retracting it into his arm, the blood mushroom demon smiled.

"My eldest brother and I, as well as a group of brothers, came from Jianjiazhuang. After hearing about the Tianyuan Town Fengyunjihui, we also wanted to make a career in it. I asked about the demons nearby, Lord Blood Demon, He is the strongest, so he came directly to defect.”

That must be!
Che Linfang raised her chest slightly.

Diao Deyi is well-known, and she has a lot of credit for it.

"You have foresight. With this strength, you can directly enter my name..."

"Lord Che, I wonder if you can let me meet Lord Blood Demon. It is said that his strength is extraordinary. I haven't seen it with my own eyes. It's a bit..."

"Presumptuous! Master Blood Demon is something you can see whenever you want?"

This time it was not Che Linfang who spoke, but Zhang Xiaoli.

Che Linfang was slightly surprised.

She didn't realize that under her influence, the attitudes of people around her and Fang Yu had already been subtly changed by her.

And Zhang Xiaoli was right.

Diao Deyi, not everyone can see it.

The purpose and identity of these alien monsters are unknown, and their origins are difficult to find out.

It is impossible for her to recommend Diao Deyi without first filtering from her own side.

"If you want to see Lord Blood Demon, at least follow me first and make some contributions first. Strength alone can't impress me, let me be your referrer."

Che Linfang said calmly.

This was not the first time she had encountered this situation. There had been some powerful demons before who wanted to talk to Diao Deyi, but she sent them all back.

None of the three powerful foreign aid characters such as the green smoke colored snake demon, the two-color ink demon, etc. have the upper limit of strength, and they are quite temperamental.

Ordinary monsters are rejected, at this time, they either follow Che Linfang with peace of mind, or they feel dissatisfied, they have good strength, they have no shortage of masters, so they turn around and leave.

But the blood mushroom demon did not.

"Do you want to make a contribution? I think right now, my elder brother and I have a chance to make a contribution to Lord Blood Demon."

Che Linfang showed doubts.

"Oh? What do you say?"

The blood mushroom demon showed off his human skin and even slowly turned around.

"Lord Che, do you know what my identity is in this human skin?"


Che Linfang frowned slightly, looked carefully, and then shook her head.

"can not tell."

The Blood Mushroom Demon laughed, made a joke, and his expression changed, as if entering the scene in a second, he made a stern-faced old man, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"You Shuyang, the inspector of the Yangshentang, and You Changping, the old butler of his house, have met Mr. Che."

After the words fell, Zhang Xiaoli was still full of doubts, but Che Linfang's expression changed suddenly.

"The housekeeper of a tour division in Yangshentang! Your hand... is really long enough!"

"I don't dare to take it seriously. My eldest brother is really powerful. He has already replaced the Inspector of You Mansion!"

Che Linfang, who was just surprised just now, had his pupils suddenly shrinking, with a look of shock and astonishment on his face.

"You, you mean, your eldest brother gave You Shuyang, the inspector of Yangshentang..."

"Not bad!"


Che Linfang was silent.

She felt a big head, an incomparably big head.

This foreign monster is simply messing around!

The inspector of the Yangshentang, can he be replaced if he wants to!

Within three days, they will be found out!
At that time, if I get involved on my side, I'm afraid I will be uprooted!

But to be able to kill a patrol officer and replace it, the strength of this new monster is really not simple, and they are all unique in their combat power.

For a moment, Che Linfang looked at the Blood Mushroom Demon with complicated and hesitant eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to leave this difficult problem to Fang Yu to solve.

"No wonder you came to the door late at night, so anxious."

Che Linfang took a deep breath to calm down.

The blood mushroom demon's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Master Che clearly understands. We are indeed in trouble, but as the overlord of the surrounding area, Mr. Fairy Tail Blood Demon, I think he can help us solve this trouble."

"I'm not sure about this. If Lord Blood Demon wants to solve it, it's not difficult. But can you really afford the price?"

The Blood Mushroom Demon bowed and said: "My elder brother gave me orders before he came. If Lord Blood Demon Demon can help us solve our troubles, I will do whatever you want!"

Che Linfang snorted coldly.

If you reject this person, this person has already seen you, and you are guaranteed to sell yourself.

Different from the unity of the local monster forces, these foreign monsters can't tell when they will do things with no lower limit.

Zhang Xiaoli is still inexperienced, so she brought people to my residence like this, directly exposing my identity.

Che Linfang was worried, but felt that the problem was not serious and everything was still under control.

"Understood, you should go back and wait for the news. I will let you know tomorrow when I ask Lord Blood Demon what he means."

"Thank you Master Che for your support!"

Saluting and stepping back, the Blood Mushroom Demon closed the door and went back to Youfu.

In the room, only Che Linfang and Zhang Xiaoli were left.

Zhang Xiaoli looked excited.

"Sister Fangfang, with this help, Lord Blood Demon's power can be further improved!"

But after the words fell, Che Linfang suddenly sighed, and Zhang Xiaoli was stunned.

"Sister Fangfang?"

"You... Hey, next time someone asks to see you, just talk to me first, don't bring anyone to my residence casually."

"Yes Yes……"

Zhang Xiaoli lowered her head, looking aggrieved.

She saw that the blood mushroom demon was so powerful, so she wanted to rush to bring someone over to claim credit, but she didn't think about it, it seemed... that she had done something bad...

Che Linfang patted Zhang Xiaoli's head, looking at the bright moon outside the window, thoughtful.



Diao Ruru carried the medicinal soup and walked towards Fang Yu's room.

Before reaching the door, I heard a creak.

I saw a young man walking out of Fang Yu's room, trembling all over, with cold sweat on his forehead, and a frightened expression on his face.

After careful identification, it was Zhang Ziheng, one of the servants in the mansion.

"Zhang Ziheng?"

As soon as Diao Ruru opened his mouth, Zhang Ziheng shuddered suddenly, and looked at Diao Ruru as if awakened from a dream.

"Small, miss!"

He suppressed his emotions and saluted.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Diao Ruru asked with concern, but Zhang Ziheng showed a very forced smile and shook his head.

"No, it's fine."

Without waiting for Diao Ruru to ask further questions, he hastily resigned and left.

The maid next to her was Xiao Qiao, and she couldn't help pouting slightly.

"Miss, Zhang Ziheng really doesn't know how to behave."

Diao Ruru smiled and didn't say anything, but doubts inevitably arose in her heart.

Stepping forward to Fang Yu's room, the maid who was close to her, Xiao Qiao, immediately helped to open the door.

She came in with the soup.

"Second sister?"

Fang Yu in the room was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly stood up and took the hot soup from her hand.

"It's so late and you still don't go to bed, why do you still carry the things yourself, just let the servant girl come."

"That's different. I worked on it myself all afternoon."

Diao Ruru blinked.

As the days got better, her temperament became a little more lively.

"What is it? It smells so good."

Fang Yu put the decoction on the table and took a deep breath.

Well, it smells like medicine, but it can't take away the second sister's face.

"One kind of prescription left by Doctor Ding..."

Diao Ruru's face was slightly flushed, and she seemed a little embarrassed to speak.

"Anyway, anyway, it's to make up for the body."

Fang Yu immediately understood, and was stunned.

Ah this...

Is it possible to make up for that?

Ding Hui, what are you doing, giving the second sister this kind of prescription...

"Second sister, I'm in good health."

At this time, Diao Ruru was no longer shy.

"You have to drink it too, you are the only one in the Diao family..."

Diao Ruru's voice stopped abruptly, and her expression darkened accordingly.

"Anyway, listen to me and drink obediently."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Fang Yu didn't argue too much, just took a sip of the medicinal soup, and drank it as soon as he drank it, and Ding Hui would not harm himself.

Let the second sister sit down and ask her what she did today, but she didn't think about it...

"I went to Bao'an Temple."

Fang Yu got up from his seat all at once.

"Quan Heng, Master Quan Heng is looking for you?"

"No, it's just that you've been busy recently and want to go to worship Buddha and pray for your safety."

That's good.

But the second sister went to find Monk Quanheng alone, Fang Yu was still a little worried.

I told my second sister to go next time and tell myself that the two of them will go to Bao'an Temple to pray for Buddha together.

With the second sister's full promise, Fang Yu blew a few mouthfuls of the soup and poured it into his mouth.

Sure enough, there was a hot feeling in the abdomen immediately.

But he was quickly suppressed and regained his composure.

The last time I borrowed the "Song of Goodness" from the Quanheng monk, this scripture is really useful for eliminating evil spirits.

But now that he has something that breaks the evil spirit, he can find time to return this thing.

At that time, I can add more incense money, and the monk Quanheng helped, but it is not good that I have not expressed anything.

Mainly this monk, his strength, Fang Yu now feels unfathomable.

With such a strong strength, Fang Yu couldn't help him, so he could only give him incense money.

After sending away the second sister, Fang Yu re-entered the cultivation state.

One night passed in a flash.

However, the progress of the cultivation of Chunya Kung Fu has only slightly increased the proficiency.

I knew that I had practiced the wooden zither saber technique. If I practiced that thing overnight, it would somewhat improve.

Unlike the second sister, he didn't have any personal maids around him, so he did it himself. After a simple wash, he strode out of the room.

I got together with my second sister in the hall and ate breakfast prepared by the kitchen when I suddenly saw a servant coming quickly.

"Master, someone from the Zhuo Mansion sent a letter, please read it."

Zhuo Mansion?Zhuo Xueer?

Why is it so close? We will meet at the Yangshen Hall soon. This is a daily routine. I have to sign in and report.

He reached out to take the envelope and opened it.

Fang Yu's face suddenly changed.

There are only four words in the letter.

"Action today."

But the signature was... Dong Xingzhou!


Fang Yu stood up abruptly.

"Diao Deyi?"

Amid Diao Ruru's doubts, Fang Yu strode out.

"I have something to do! Second sister, you eat first, I'll go out!"

Why are you in such a hurry?Why are you in such a hurry!
I was given no time to prepare at all!
(End of this chapter)

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