Chapter 324 Two people
Liu Qianhu roared and drew his sword, only to see the black shadow of the mass murderer turn around and attack directly towards him.

Well done!
Liu Qianhu immediately raised his knife to block it, but was repelled by the strange force. He reached the edge of the eaves before stopping.

"Lord Liu!"

"Master Qianhu!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, Liu Qianhu looked up and saw that the one who took action was the two-color ink demon who had been so boastful before.

Not bad power!
Liu Qianhu tilted his neck, his fighting spirit gradually rising.

Sensing Liu Qianhu's sight, the two-color ink demon immediately charged up again.

"Two-color ink demon, let me help you!"

I saw a huge shadow rushing out of the blood mist behind the two-color ink demon. It was the previously defeated general, the Southern Barbarian Giant Elephant Demon.

The image of an elephant with its horns cut off left an impression on Liu Qianhu.

At the same time, more demons rushed into the crowd from the blood mist.

The Yudifu team members below and the little demon on the opposite floor were already fighting together on the ground.

For a moment, shouts of death were heard, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Seeing the two demons joining forces to kill, Liu Qianhu's eyes narrowed and he concentrated his killing moves.

呲! !

呲! !

Accompanied by two splashes of blood.

The two-color ink demon and the southern barbarian giant elephant demon were both pushed back to the edge of the roof.

The huge body of the southern barbarian giant elephant demon suddenly knelt on the ground. The entire elephant foot had a long wound that was dripping with blood and winding down like a stream, and was trembling slightly.

The two-color ink demon next to it was like a mirror being slashed diagonally. The upper body slowly slid down along the diagonal wound. Black and white bubbles gurgled from the body before the wound was repaired as before.

And during this restoration process, the two-color ink demon's eyes were fixed on Liu Qianhu, not daring to move away.

"One hundred cuts... or one cut? The famous veteran Qianhu is just not simple."

The two-color ink demon had an ugly expression. Only after the actual fight did he know why his brother, the Southern Barbarian giant elephant demon, had lost an elephant horn from this man's hand.

Liu Qianhu's strength is extraordinary.

If it were an ordinary Qianhu, if he and the Southern Barbarian Giant Elephant Demon joined forces, there would be no problem in suppressing them within seconds.

But at this moment, it was the two demons who were suppressed in turn!
Coupled with the fact that the Baihu team around him cooperated in defense, they were almost like turtle shells and could not attack at all.

The gaze shifted from Liu Qianhu to the Baihu team protecting Liu Qianhu.

Unless these guys are eliminated...

"There are not many who can see through my trick!"

The two-color ink demon's thoughts were interrupted by Liu Qianhu.

The moment Liu Qianhu finished speaking, he led his team to kill the two demons!
Behind you is the edge of the tall building.

With no one cooperating, the two demons are no match for this person, so they can only avoid the edge for the time being.


The two-color ink demon shouted, but the giant southern elephant demon obviously failed to react in time and did not understand the two-color ink demon's intention.

There was a moment of hesitation in his expression, and the two-color ink demon advanced instead of retreating, and suddenly rushed towards the oncoming Liu Qianhu team!

"You two monsters went up together just now, and you couldn't do anything to me. Now you are alone..."

Liu Qianhu suddenly stopped talking.

Because, when the two-color ink demon rushed up, a dozen black shadows were rushing out of the gradually fading blood mist behind it!
There were also three or four black figures, rushing over from the buildings on the left and right in coordination!
"Master Two-color Ink Demon, we are here to help you!"

"Lord Nanman Giant Elephant Demon, step back, I'm coming!"

"Stupid garbage from hell, suffer death!!"

Amidst the shouts of killing, Liu Qianhu quickly asked the team to form a defensive formation on the spot.

This group of demons came suddenly, Liu Qianhu could react, but Baihu under his command was a little confused.

boom! !

A demon with the body of a centaur kicked a man from a household in the face with two front hooves, sending him flying dozens of meters away and falling from a tall building screaming.

Hundreds of households around them were suddenly ignited by netherworld fire. They were so frightened that they rolled to the ground to put out the fire, but the flames continued to burn until they were ashes.

Another three hundred households suddenly raised their knives and slashed at their own people.Even more ink-colored tigers and leopards appeared out of thin air, pounced on the members of the hundred families, entangled and fought together.

For a moment, the situation around Liu Qianhu was in chaos, but no matter which monster rushed out, they did not dare to confront him directly, and they all went towards his men.

Liu Qianhu held the knife in his hand.

"Your opponent is me!!"

The two-color ink demon suddenly appeared in front of him while he was drinking, but...

呲! !

A knife!

The body of the two-color ink demon was cut into two parts, turned into ink shapes, and scattered on the ground.

Judging from the squirming behavior of the ink on the ground gathering together, the two-color ink demon is not dead, but it will not recover for a while.

"Let's join forces!!!"

[Long Poetry Canvas Demon] suddenly panicked, and while releasing the ink tiger and leopard, he shouted to the surroundings.

But no one responded to him.

No one wants to be the first bird, just like when the two-color ink monster rushed out first, they chose to kill the buildings on both sides when they were tailed. The two-color ink demon cooperates to fight against the enemy.

Before setting off, the high-sounding slogan of joining forces to fight against the enemy seemed like a joke at the moment.

No one dares to make the first move, no one wants to be the first, no one wants... to be the first to die in the hands of Liu Qianhu!

Liu Qianhu had a panoramic view of the surrounding situation.

Then he made a move.


Buzz buzz buzz buzz! ! !
A sound as dense as a buzzing sound suddenly exploded from the ears of everyone on the top of the building.

[Long Poem Canvas Demon] saw the light.

In other words, everyone present saw the light.

Knife light!
The sword light, as fine as silk but as sharp as a blade, suddenly spread outward like a cage with Liu Qianhu as the center!


In just a moment, the nearest [Long Poetry Canvas Demon] was slashed by the light of the sword, and large exploding ink erupted from his body, and he fell to the ground as if he had been dismembered.But if you look carefully, you can see an eye squeezed out of the ink that fell on the ground, observing the situation like a thief.

Facing the light of the sword, [Ghost Fire Demon] widened his eyes in horror and roared angrily.

Roar! !

Fierce ghostly fire suddenly burst out from his body!The surrounding light was slightly distorted, as if it was going to burn everything out, not even the light of the sword... was spared!

boom! !

The ghostly fire burned the sword light, like the iron pillars of a cage being twisted and bent by the light. She opened a hole in the dense sword light, and her body wrapped in flames passed by the sword light.

Then, she saw the horse-tailed demon. She jumped deep into the tall building next door, but was covered by the suddenly accelerating sword light in mid-air. In an instant, she was turned into dozens of pieces of raw meat, and her corpse and blood fell from the sky. .

The huge horse head still maintained the frightened expression before death. Before falling, it looked at the Nether Fire Demon for the last time.


On the other side, the terrified screams stopped abruptly like a broken kite.

The corpse was cut into two halves by the sword light from above.

But... it's not the body of [Heart-Deceiving Demon], it's the bodies of hundreds of households around her!
"Protect me! Protect me! Protect me!!!"

Blood flowed from [Heart-Deceiving Demon]'s eyes, but she was still exerting her strength crazily.

One, two,!
Seven bodies from hundreds of households stood in front of her one after another.

But it's not enough, the sword light is still approaching!

There was not much time to think in the electric light and flint, so [Heart-Deceiving Demon] almost acted on instinct, retreating and roaring at the same time.

But she didn't notice... there were no humans around her who could bewitch.

[Heart-Deceiving Demon] had already retreated to the edge of the roof, and the sword light was about to strike her as if she was teleporting.

Just when her pupils were shaking and she was about to scream...



[Heart-Deceiving Demon] was stunned for a moment, then looked around, all the sword light had disappeared, and she immediately realized it.

"Distance! This distance is the ultimate distance of Liu Qianhu Baizhan..."

呲! !

The head is flying high.

The sound stopped abruptly.

Liu Qianhu shook off the blood on the knife.

With one kick, he kicked the body of [Heart-Deceiving Demon] off the tall building.

Then, he slowly turned around and looked at the mess on the ground.

Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood!

Corpse, corpse corpse corpse corpse!
Human corpses and demon limbs were mixed together, indistinguishable from each other, and covered the entire roof in a mess.

Hundreds of cuts.

No enemy or me.

Hundreds of cuts.

There is no need to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy!
Today, only the Blood Demon can take my life.

Everyone else, absolutely not!
With a focused look in his eyes, Liu Qianhu locked his next target and stepped out without saying a word!

As soon as he moved, everyone present suddenly started to move as if they were awakened from a dream.

"Roar!!! You take the two-color ink demon away!!"

After finally regaining its composure, the Southern Barbarian Giant Elephant Demon, who was lucky enough not to be harmed at the edge of the sword light, roared and pounced on Liu Qianhu, knocking him out of the tall building. One man and one demon fell down together!

The frightened Nether Fire Demon didn't care what others were going to do, so he turned around and ran away!

The unconvinced two-color ink demon had just condensed into half a human form when he saw the Nanman Giant Elephant Demon knocking Liu Qianhu out of the tall building.

"Let's go! Let's meet up with the Blood Demons and the others!!"

The slowest to respond [Long Poem Canvas Demon] is actually the calmest.

Suddenly, a human form formed from the ink in the eyeballs as quickly as a painting. With a kick and a puddle of ink water, the two-color ink demon picked up half of its body and was about to escape with the ghost fire demon.

So fierce!So fierce!Or it’s too monster! ! !
How could there be such a monster among humans? !
Is this Liu Qianhu really him, just Qianhu? ? ?

With a hundred cuts in one hand, you can't get close without [Demon Foot], and you can't fight without [Demon Foot]. Without Master Yaozu present, they can't suppress the monster with just a few Fairy Tails!

And the elite young men they brought with them were instantly crushed into pieces of flesh when Bai Zhan appeared, just like the hundreds of households in Yudi Mansion who had no ability to protect themselves, and their bones and corpses were sticky and mixed on the ground. No one can tell who is who.

"Only the Blood Demon Demon, who is said to be the strongest among us, can come over and suppress this person. If we cooperate with the Blood Demon Demon to assist, can we have a chance to capture this person! Only with the two-color ink demon, Nanman The Giant Elephant Demon, and us Fairy Tail guys who all have their own agendas, are far from being a match for this person!"

At this moment, [Long Poetry Canvas Demon] had a clear understanding of strength stratification in his mind.

Either Master Yaozu comes to the town, or the Blood Demon Demon comes to test the ingredients, otherwise they will have no choice but to escape in the face of Liu Qianhu's pursuit, and they will not be able to defeat it!

As for the situation on the scene, which is very good, it is completely meaningless for everyone in Yudi Mansion to be suppressed by our demonic forces. It is just that Liu Qianhu is not allowed to have more helpers around him.

After all, Yudi Mansion is good at cooperative operations. Previously, the Baihu team protected Liu Qianhu, and by cooperating with Liu Qianhu, the defense could be as tight as a net, making it difficult to find loopholes.

boom! ! !
When [Long Poetry Canvas Demon] thought of this, there was suddenly a loud rumble on the ground, as if something heavy had fallen to the ground.

The three demons turned around subconsciously, and the pupils of [Long Poetry Canvas Demon] suddenly shrank.

I saw a light figure standing quietly on the edge of the roof with his feet slightly bent, as if he had just jumped up from below.

The long hair that fell down obscured his face, but the Qianhu official uniform he wore had exposed his identity.

Do not!wrong!

On this person's waist is... a sword? ? ?

My heart trembled, and an extremely terrifying speculation emerged from my mind.

"Speed, [Swift Wind Sword] Speed ​​Double Happiness?!"

[Long Poetry Painted Demon] said that name with almost a trembling voice.


The visitor stretched out his hands, leaving his long hair in the sea, and pushed it aside at the same time, revealing the shape of a one-eyed dragon, grinning.

"I didn't expect that I am quite famous among demons? But for the hatred of the left eye, I have to go to your Red Moon Demon to settle the score."

Sure's him! !

[Long Poetry Canvas Demon] The three demons looked at each other.

[Speed ​​Wind Sword], not only the speed of the sword is fast, but also its body skills are first-class!
The only way to escape from the [Speed ​​Wind Sword] is... to disperse and flee!

Just as the three demons were thinking of this, a group of black shadows suddenly emerged from below and landed beside [Sufengjian].

"Come so fast?"

It's... Hundreds of Willows and Thousands of Households!

Throwing the huge elephant demon's head to the ground, the two-color ink demon's eyes widened instantly.

It’s the Southern Barbarian Giant Elephant Demon!

Liu Qianhu has already killed it...

The two-color ink demon felt his mouth go dry. He never thought that any of the three demons would end up here.

"Not one left?"

Su Qianhu pulled out the long sword at his waist, pointed it at the three demons, and stood side by side with Liu Qianhu.

"Not a single one."

Liu Qianhu shook off the blood on the knife and pointed the knife forward with a cold look in his eyes.

On the right side of the two people, the blood mist had already dissipated.

In the towering long painting studio, there was a demon, who knelt on the ground with a thud and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. "In the end what happened?"

The giant blue-hammer ape monster's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Just now, when the group of demons were killing each other, he wanted to rush out with him, but he was ordered by the Southern Barbarian Giant Elephant Demon to stay and take care of his unconscious brother, the Red Hammer Giant Ape Demon.

In addition, Changhuazhai was also attacked by enemies and needed someone to guard it, so he stayed.

Unexpectedly, wait until the blood mist clears.

The big demon brothers in front of me were already dead and injured, and the human warriors from thousands of families were preparing to make the final effort to kill them all.

"I just blinked, I just blinked! Why did everyone die? Obviously it was just a thousand households, just a thousand households! Just a thousand households!!!"

The giant blue-hammer ape demon knelt down and roared angrily, but it only attracted Su Qianhu and Liu Qianhu's peripheral vision.

The nameless little demon is not worth mentioning.

Looking back, the two Qianhus were suddenly stunned.

Because there was a person standing on their swords.

A person wearing the [Xunsi] brand on his waist.

"You two seemed to have a great time killing each other."


1 minutes ago.

The street in front of Chang Hua Zhai.


"It's a monster!!"

"Kill them!!"

The red-eyed Yudifu team saw the large army of Fang Yu and his party, and rushed forward with their swords raised without even thinking.

But before he could rush in front of Fang Yu, he was slapped on the head like a watermelon by the demon outside.Or bite off half of the kidney in one bite, or several demons swarm up and bite the human body directly, and then start to gnaw on the human body before it is killed.

The scene was cruel and bloody, but it seemed nothing compared to the corpses scattered everywhere on the ground.

In addition to feeling more and more uncomfortable with the behavior of monsters, Fang Yu was also a little depressed. He basically had nothing to do with the humans he met along the way.

Counting the few people Ju Baihu killed casually at that time, and earned several hundred points of blood, the rest of the time it was basically the demon brother who took action.

Before anyone from Yudi Mansion could get close, they were stopped and killed by the escort team of Bie Huzi, Rong Qiulu, and Bu Ange.

Don't look at Bie Huzi's incompetence, but he's just outstanding.

But it is enough to deal with ordinary households. With the same blood volume, monsters are generally stronger than humans, and they are much stronger.

Rong Qiulu with [-] HP and Bu Ange with [-] HP ensured the basic lower limit of combat power.

The teams they encountered were only led by a few hundred households at most, and they were killed before they even had the chance to get close.

If Fang Yu hadn't spoken out and wanted to capture a few of them alive and kill them himself, he wouldn't have even left any soup for himself.

After all, Fang Yu only had two to three thousand blood.

At this moment, the demon boys around him started to look at me strangely.

If Fang Yu was not responsible for killing but not eating, the corpse would still be thrown to the demon brother for disposal. I'm afraid they would all think that I was trying to rob them of their welfare.

It wasn't until Bie Huzi came over, a little embarrassed, and mentioned in a subtle way that this kind of hunting behavior was originally a benefit to the demons below, and asked Fang Yu not to interfere as much as possible, so as not to affect the morale of the army, that Fang Yu restrained himself a little.

The main reason is that there are not many Yudifu teams encountered along the way. There are only two or three kittens, which is not enough.

Fang Yu originally thought that the main force of the Yudi Mansion was far away from them, but now it seems that he was slow on his side and failed to keep up with the large force.

There was a commotion in Changhuazhai. People and demons from Yudi Mansion were fighting each other, and the situation was inextricable.

"Sir, let's go directly to support. The other Fairy Tails should be fighting inside." The green smoke snake demon suggested.

Fang Yu was about to nod...

boom! ! !
Something heavy hit the ground hard, making a loud rumble that sounded not far away.

"Lord Blood Demon, the noise is coming from over there!" Bie Huzi leaned closer and whispered.

"Diao... Blood Demon, the people from You Mansion haven't come yet, so we reported the battle location directly to him. Isn't it a little hasty? What if they betray us?" Che Linfang was struggling with this matter all the way. I'm still struggling right now, I'm not in the mood at all.

"Sir, should I go take a look?" the green smoke snake demon whispered.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and waved his hand.

"I'm going to take a look. Che Linfang and Zhang Xiaoli's team will go with me. The others will go in first to support the two-color ink demon and the others."

"Sir, with the number of people in Yudi Mansion, thousands of households should have been killed. You..." The green smoke snake demon wanted to say something else, but when he saw Fang Yu's gaze, he lowered his head again.

Thinking that the distance was not far, if something really happened, it would be too late to come for support, so he gritted his teeth and led the way towards Chang Hua Zhai.

Fang Yu took Che Linfang, Zhang Xiaoli, and some little demons to the place where the sound came from.

Then, they saw a headless demon corpse.

But, Fang Yu recognized it.

"It's the corpse of the Southern Barbarian Giant Elephant Demon!"

His face gradually darkened.

"The corpse of the Southern Barbarian Giant Elephant Demon?!" Che Linfang covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Zhang Xiaoli was a little confused and followed Che Linfang closely.


At this time.

A drop of blood fell on Fang Yu's nose.

Fang Yu slowly raised his head and looked directly above. A figure just rolled back onto the roof.

Che Linfang also saw it, his eyes widened, and he was about to say something, when he saw that Fang Yu had jumped up, and seemed to have slapped something on his face in mid-air.

"Che Linfang, inform them that Qianhu is here with me!"

"Yes Yes!!"

Che Linfang is still self-aware.

In terms of strength, she is now weaker than her younger brothers. Instead of showing off, it is better to notify others immediately to help.

He led the team to rush towards the Changhua studio, but just in time saw a group of people rushing out from the door.

Upon discovering Che Linfang's team of monsters, they immediately rushed over with shouts of death.

How could Che Linfang be polite? He let the team kill him with a wave of his hand.

But when the pair of men and horses approached, Che Linfang suddenly heard a startled shout.

"Che...Lin Fang??"

who? !

Che Linfang was shocked, frowned, and looked at the source of the sound.

The next moment, she recognized the person.

To lurk, your memory must not be bad.

The one who called out her name was clearly [Biao Zhengzhi].

Diao Deyi had sent this person to summon her before, and I remember he seemed to be... Liu Qianhu's subordinate.

Got it, the person above is Liu Qianhu!

"Don't stay alive!"

Leaving behind a death order, Che Linfang strode forward. All the Yudifu team members who wanted to kill Che Linfang were stopped and killed by the surrounding demons.

At this moment, Biao Zhengzhi didn't understand that there was something wrong with Che Linfang. He roared angrily and wanted to kill him.

"Remember that you are a subordinate of Diao Xunsi! Diao Xunsi trusts you so much! Yudi Mansion cultivated you so much, but you turned out to be...a monster!!"

In the roar, Shi Hu, who was clearly just a show of righteousness, turned out to be unexpectedly ferocious, killing all the way to Che Linfang's back, and almost met Che Linfang, but...

boom! ! !
The blood-colored mist suddenly exploded from the girl who was always with Che Linfang.

Zhang Xiaoli reveals the true identity of the demon!

Bang! !

One palm.

Just a palm.

Biao Zhengzhi flew backwards, vomiting blood, and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

"Eat that guy's body."

Zhang Xiaoli left these words and followed Che Linfang into the Changhua Studio.


above the tall building.

"You two seemed to have a great time killing each other."

His left foot stepped on Liu Qianhu's long sword.

His right foot stepped on Su Qianhu's long sword.

Fang Yu stood on top of their swords like a light paper painting.

[Liu Shangfeng: 1030/1155. 】

[Speed ​​Double Happiness: 997/1089. 】

And his blood volume is...

[Life: 27108/27108. 】

There is a kind of... numerical beauty.

Fang Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, grinned, and smiled.

At this time, Liu Qianhu and Su Qianhu finally reacted.

"Who is that? Wearing a bull-head mask and sneaking around!"

Su Qianhu drew his sword to strike, but it struck the air.

His sword is very fast and he rarely misses, but this time, he seemed to have miscalculated.

It is a shame to have your sword trampled on.

Su Qianhu's eyes were red and he glared at the person coming, but he heard Liu Qianhu beside him murmur.

"It turns out...the red bull at the bonfire meeting is actually a person from the inside of Yudi Mansion!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two-color ink demon and the three demons also reacted.

A long poem about the canvas demon and the ghost fire demon. I don’t know who the visitor is, but the two-color ink demon has already blurted it out excitedly.

"Master Blood Demon!"

The voice just fell.


The long-poem canvas demon and the ghost fire demon widened their eyes in an instant, and both looked at Fang Yu, who had only his back in front of Luo Zaisan demon.

This person is the rumored to be the strongest in Fairy Tail... the Blood Demon? ! !

What? ! !
Su Qianhu and Liu Qianhu also shrank their pupils and looked at each other subconsciously. the blood demon? ?
Red Bull, one of the ten top executives of the Bonfire Party, turns out to be our coordinator, Blood Demon!

Today... we will all die in his hands!
After all, Two Thousand Households climbed up from the bottom, and quickly suppressed their emotions, but their eyes inevitably began to be firmly locked on Fang Yu.

"The Blood Demon...or Red Bull, who is it?"

"He wears the title of Inspector around his waist, which shows that his position should be that of the Inspector in the Third Hall."

"There are three teams in one class. One team is divided into five mates and ten alternates. Each captain, deputy corps, alternate deputy corps, and the number of patrol officers under his name vary. It's hard to say if we really want to check."

"There is also a possibility that the patrol badge was taken from a dead person in order to use a false shot to deceive others."

"No, it's the last dance, why do you want to investigate? After today, my Liu family can enjoy prosperity and wealth, and be in peace forever! Those dirty transactions can also be completely washed away..."

"Father, I did it. I didn't lose face to the Liu family. I'm only one step away!"

Suppressing his thoughts, Liu Qianhu clenched the knife in his hand.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, he saw the blood demon suddenly stretched out his hand and waved.

"You two, come together?"

Go together?

As soon as these words came out, Liu Qianhu and Su Qianhu were still doing well.

The two-color ink demon and three other demons behind were anxious first.

"Master Blood Demon, no! Those two are Qianhu! Their strength is extraordinary, not ordinary Qianhu masters, but also the top strength among Qianhu!"

"Lord Blood Demon, are you crazy? These two are both monsters. Don't anger them!"

"You can't win without using force! You can't win without using force! If you have the ability to challenge us, Lord Blood Demon, one on one!"

The three of them started shouting, which showed no grace at all. Fang Yu even felt a little embarrassed.

And right now.

Liu Qianhu, moved.

He wasn't inspired by Fang Yu, he just wanted the last dance to be more gorgeous, and the curtain call to be more beautiful.

At least, show what you have learned throughout your life, and then die generously!

The knife, the same knife.

But the hand holding the knife was shaking, shaking at a high frequency!
That is not fear, trembling with fear, but the realm of 'qi'.

He is here, playing with the air.

The pattern of Qi and the flow of Qi all over his body are undergoing subtle changes!
If it were before, Fang Yu would never have been able to tell.

But after learning [Spring Bud Kung Fu], Fang Yu could barely understand the trick.

The energy around Liu Qianhu's body became thicker and denser, and just when Fang Yu felt like he was about to see something...

"Hundred cuts!"

 Seven thousand words is the human limit!
(End of this chapter)

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