Chapter 334 Interception
"I heard that the friction between the Lin family and the Li family has been quite fierce recently. I wonder what Butler Lin thinks?"

Wu Luzhu tentatively said.

"The Li family, in the name of trials, constantly caused trouble in the Lin family's territory, and even almost transferred our Lin family's territory to theirs. This kind of thing is what we, the Lin family, should do based on emotion and reason. Fight back?"

Lin Ye's tone was calm.

"So, Butler Lin is fully aware of the increasingly fierce battle between the Lin family and the Li family, and is happy to see this situation continue to unfold, and is supportive?"

This topic is somewhat sensitive.

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It depends on what the Li family means. The one who is taking the initiative to cause trouble now is not our Lin family, right? I think the master of Wu Hall may have gone to the wrong door?"

After saying that, Lin Ye suddenly stood up and made a gesture to see off the guests.

"If the Master of Wu Hall comes here with prejudice, then please come back now to avoid continuing the discussion and affecting the harmony between our two families. We, the Lin family, have no intention of becoming enemies of the Yudi Mansion or worsening our relationship."


Wu Luzhu laughed and stood up, suddenly put his hands on Lin Ye's shoulders and gently pushed him back to his position.

Impatient, too impatient.

"Brother Lin, what are you talking about? What is the relationship between our Yudi Mansion and the Lin family? Even if we help the Lin family, we will not help the Li family. You are worrying too much. You are still so young, but your mind is filled with so many things. No, it will shorten your life."

Lin Ye's expression calmed down.

"I was reckless and didn't keep my composure, which made the Master of the Wu Hall laugh."

"It's okay, it's okay. Mr. Lin's temper is much more violent than yours. I haven't been here for so many years."

As he spoke, Wu Luzhu pretended to look around.

"By the way, where is Mr. Lin? I haven't seen him in a few years. Now he is still in retreat, studying his magical skills?"

"The master is still in seclusion. If the Master of the Wu Hall has something to do, just talk to me directly. If I can't handle it, I will find an opportunity to convey it to the master and let him make a decision."

This guy is so calm.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Wu Luzhu's heart, and he soon smiled again.

"I am still used to talking directly to Old Man Lin about some things. Although Old Man Lin has always said that he is in seclusion, I know that he must have fixed days and will come out for a few days to breathe. When will Mr. Lin come out of seclusion for a short period of time next time? Can you send someone to notify me?"


An inconspicuous look of hesitation flashed across Lin Ye's face.

Wu Luzhu said that the iron was hot and said: "Don't worry, I just want to inform you. If we don't really have important matters to discuss, I won't come to meet him in person, right? Or is it that I, the leader of the Yangshen Hall, don't have enough weight?"

Lin Ye thought for a while, lowered his head and said.

"Master of the Wu Hall, I understand. I will ask for instructions the next time the master comes out of seclusion. If the master is willing to see you, I will secretly send someone to invite you to the Lin family. I hope that the master of the Wu Hall will not make any announcement. Master I'm in seclusion because I don't want to be disturbed in my leisure time. Of course, if I don't want to see you... then I ask the Master of the Wu Hall not to be offended."

Wu Luzhu laughed.

"Don't worry, as we get older, we only see old friends less and less. Mr. Lin has a long life, but it's hard for me to say."

"The Master of the Wu Pavilion is joking, the Master of the Wu Pavilion has incredible magical powers..."


Wu Luzhu waved his hand: "If the people below had not lived up to expectations, I would have wanted to retire a long time ago. Why would I have such extraordinary skills? After all, Yudi Mansion is not as good as your family. Geniuses appear frequently and the incense is endless."


Lin Ye didn't seem to know what to say, so he just stood there and bowed his head in silence.

Wu Luzhu patted his shoulder and suddenly leaned close to his ear and whispered.

"If Old Man Lin doesn't want to see me after he comes out of seclusion, tell him a message."

"what news?"

"There is a demon lurking in the Lin family."

Lin Ye's expression changed and he stood up suddenly.

"How is that possible! My Lin family..."

After I finished speaking, Lin Ye suddenly paused again, as if thinking of something, his brows slowly furrowed.

This reaction made Wu Luzhu's heart move.

It seems that the Lin family really has some problems.

However, Lin Ye may have noticed something, but he is not sure yet. It was only after I touched it today that he suddenly realized it.

He couldn't help but ask with concern.

"Butler Lin, have you thought of something?"

Facing Wu Luzhu's concerned inquiry, Lin Ye smiled awkwardly.

"It's nothing."

"Steward Lin." Wu Luzhu grabbed his shoulder again.

"Our Yudi Mansion and the Lin family have a close relationship. If something happens to the Lin family, how can our Yudi Mansion fare better? How can Tianyuan Town fare well? If you think of something, or if you think someone is suspicious, speak up. Inside the Lin family It’s not easy to operate, so I’ll do it for you.”

Lin Ye's face darkened slightly.

"Master of the Wu Hall, I told you, it's nothing. The Lin family will handle the Lin family's affairs themselves, so I won't bother my brothers from the underworld!"


Wu Luzhu was silent for a moment, then let go of Lin Ye's shoulders and smiled.

"It's okay, it's not easy for outsiders like us to interfere in the Lin family's family affairs."

"In short, the situation has been turbulent recently and the demons are constantly making moves. When Mr. Lin comes out of seclusion, you should let him stay at the Lin family for a while, just in case."

"In addition to the dispute with the Li family, I also hope that Butler Lin can control the people below and ask them to restrain themselves. Don't let the monster take advantage of the conflict between your two families. It will not sound good if word spreads."

Lin Ye seemed stunned for a moment, then bowed slightly.

"I can tell that the Master of the Wu Hall really cares about the Lin family and wants peace and peace in Tianyuan Town. It's just the internal affairs of the Lin family that really don't allow outsiders to interfere. Please forgive me."

Wu Luzhu smiled, said no more, turned around and walked out.

Several shadows followed closely behind.

"In that case, I won't bother you anymore. I hope Butler Lin can give me a satisfactory answer as soon as possible."

"If we really find out the demon inside the Lin family, I will personally deliver the elimination list to the master of the witch hall and come to the door to say thank you."


Wu Luzhu walked to the door, stopped, turned his back to Lin Ye and said.

"The objects of your suspicion are the people who had a fight with the Li family that day and triggered conflicts with the Li family, right?"


"I can guess it without saying anything. Let's do some research. You still have a long way to go if you want to manage such a large Lin family's business. Follow Mr. Lin and learn from me. I'm very optimistic about you."

After that, he strode out of the reception hall.

Lin Ye's voice came from behind.

"Master of the Wu Hall, I will send someone to Long Guanyin to your house..."

In response, Wu Luzhu just smiled slightly.

Although Long Guanyin is rare, it is only a foreign object after all.

The person he was optimistic about was Lin Ye.

This guy is stable and careful, and he is a good prospect. Unfortunately, he lacks experience and is still not ready after all. After some probing by himself, he found out the suspicious person within the Lin family.

"Ying Wu, you go back first and thoroughly investigate all the Lin family children who appeared on Changping Street that day. The higher the status, the more careful the investigation will be for me. I want the records of all of them."


The figure of a woman in black behind Wu Luzhu flashed back slightly, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air, becoming invisible to the naked eye. Only the sound of rapidly leaving footsteps could be heard from time to time, and could not be detected.

"Sir, since we are certain that there is a demon inside the Lin family, it would be best for us to leave as soon as possible."

Another man in black whispered.

Wu Luzhu smiled.

"Don't worry, this is the Lin family, that old guy's territory. If I take action here, he will definitely sense it and come here after hearing the news. With our joint forces, how can anyone beat him?"

"...My lord is brave."

Wu Luzhu waved his hand.

"Okay, let's go back home first."

Wu Luzhu had just taken two steps when he suddenly stopped and looked back at the shadow behind him.

"What news?"

The figure behind him paused for a moment, as if receiving a signal, and then looked at Wu Luzhu.

"Back to my lord, it's Madam Zhang Zhenyi who's here. She's at the door of Lin's house now."

Wu Luzhu frowned.

"Why is he here?"

Shadow shook his head.

"I don't know."


Wu Luzhu thought of something and suddenly sighed.

"It seems that after all these years, he still hasn't let go of his hatred for the Lin family."


The shadow next to him was not good at talking, let alone suggesting discussing such things, so he remained silent.

"That's all, I'll go see him and hope he doesn't cause any trouble."

Wu Luzhu had already stepped out at this time, and Ying quickly followed.

After confirming that Wu Luzhu and the shadow he brought with him had left, Lin Ye slowly sat back down in the hall.

Picking up the Long Guanyin that Wu Luzhu had not drunk yet, he took a slow sip with his eyes thoughtful.

Tea is naturally non-toxic and has no problems.

A cup of poisonous tea cannot get rid of the master of the Yangshen Hall.

Instead, it will only scare the snake.

Unless Lin Ye was ready to kill Wu Luzhu, he would not do anything extra.

However, Wu Luzhu did cause him some trouble.

Lin Ye's eyes shone slightly with a cold light.

It's a pity that Lord Lan has not returned yet, otherwise, he does have some ideas. the door of Lin Mansion.

"Master Wu."

"grown ups!"

Those who carry the sedan chair are all experts from the Yangshen Hall.

The person following the proud man is naturally a top-notch expert.

However, among the original team, there were two more people.

Zhang Zhenyi, the captain of the Wind Team of the Yangshentang Wind, Rain and Snow Team Three.

and Mu Maidong, the vice-captain of the Wind Team.

Zhang Zhenyi has a pair of dead fish eyes, and she seems to dislike everyone, but in fact she has a gentle temperament, but she is just born with a bad face.

"My lord!"

When Wu Luzhu came out, deputy captain Mu Maidong took the lead in saluting. Zhang Zhenyi saluted perfunctorily, her face still smelling bad, as if someone owed him money.

This time, it's not that his face just looks like this, but his face is really gloomy, and the looks in the eyes of the guards at the door of Lin's house are as if they want to kill someone.

"Zhang Zhenyi."

"……grown ups."



If you want to visit the Lin family, the pomp must be sufficient. In addition to the people arriving, the sedan must not be careless.

So what was carried out was a large sedan, which was more than enough for two people.

Vice-captain Mu Maidong watched helplessly as the two men boarded the sedan, then he also mounted his horse and led the way.

As for [Shadow], except for a few people who stayed behind to follow the sedan, the others had already dispersed around to put on guard.

In the sedan, Wu Luzhu and Zhang Zhenyi bumped slightly as the sedan moved.

Zhang Zhenyi was not a talkative person either, so she was silent all the way without saying a word.

In the end, Wu Luzhu couldn't help it and sighed.

"Almost ten years have passed, so what if you hold a grudge? The Lin family is still the Lin family. They did nothing wrong back then, and you have no reason to kill them."

"...Isn't it there now?"

Zhang Zhenyi said dullly.

"have what?"


"What reason?"

Zhang Zhenyi looked at Wu Luzhu.

"Lord Master, stop pretending. You haven't been to the Lin family for several years. A few days ago, when a dispute broke out between the Lin family and the Li family, you suddenly came..."

"I came here to ask the Lin family to restrain themselves and not to cause trouble in Tianyuan Town because of the Heli family's trouble..."

"Lord Hall Master, please let me finish first?"


"Since Lin Yiqiu went into seclusion, no matter how much trouble the Lin family made, you turned a blind eye. Today, if you suddenly petition, there is only one possibility - there is something wrong with the Lin family, and it must be related to demons."

Wu Luzhu smiled.

"Your inference is quite far-fetched. Lin Yiqiu is about to leave isolation. I just came to say hello in advance."

"...You once said that when you have doubts in your heart, draw your sword. Yudifu will always be my strongest backing."

"I asked you to draw your sword against the demon, not the Lin family."

"So now I suspect there is a demon in the Lin family!"

"...You are pretending to be self-serving. Stop talking about it. I will pretend I never heard it."


Zhang Zhenyi slowly held the knife in his hand.

"Lord Hall Master, I have always wondered why the Lin family could kill my entire family without any guilt."

"They were killing demons!"

Wu Luzhu said impatiently.

Zhang Zhenyi was staring at Wu Luzhu.

"Is it really a demon? If it's a demon, why did you raise me as an adult? If it's a demon, why didn't you eat me? If it's a demon..."

Wu Luzhu's face darkened slightly.

"Enough! I told you, they are monsters! The rest of your family may have died in vain, but your parents are definitely monsters, and there will be no lies!"

"...If my parents are monsters, then I am also a monster!"

Wu Luzhu laughed angrily.

As long as he has anything to do with the Lin family, this guy is a bit irrational.

"Zhang Zhenyi, you were raised by demons, but that doesn't mean you are also a demon. You are a human, a living person. The demons don't eat you, they are just afraid of tearing up the disguise, being discovered by us and being annihilated. However, in the end, you were exposed and were The Lin family is just wiped out. You have nothing to do with them."

"Does it really not matter? Since you rescued me from the place where Zhang Mansion destroyed my family, you have always taught me loyalty, justice, etiquette and filial piety. My parents were already demons before they became my parents. So, are my parents human after all? Does it matter whether I'm still a demon? They raised me and stayed with me throughout the first half of my life..."


Wu Luzhu looked ugly.

"I said, you are a human. Humans want to slay demons. Don't you still know that your hands are stained with the blood of so many demons? Demons have no heart! Those who are not of my race will have their hearts killed! What is in your memory All good things are just disguises of demons! Do you understand?"


Zhang Zhenyi was silent, and then spoke.

"Then I will kill the demon, the Lin family's demon!"


Wu Luzhu rubbed his forehead and said, "I understand. I will make arrangements for you. You are not allowed to act without permission before I give you an order."

"Thank you sir!"

After saying that, Zhang Zhenyi opened the curtain and wanted to go down.

But he suddenly made a move and stepped back.

"what happened?"

Just as Wu Luzhu was wondering, the sedan suddenly stopped.

Then, Ying's voice came from outside the window.

"Sir, there are two people blocking the sedan in front and one person behind. We are blocked in the middle."

"...Why are you reporting now? Where are the scouts around?"

"Sir, there is no response. I'm afraid..."

Wu Luzhu's heart skipped a beat, and then he sneered.


In Tianyuan Town, there are still people who want to attack him, don't they want to kill him?
"Master, those who block the sedan are either ignorant and fearless, or... they are prepared. You stay inside and I will handle it."

Zhang Zhenyi came back just to say this.

Even if the argument was fierce just now, Wu Luzhu was the one who rescued him from the ruins of the Zhang family, and was also the one who cultivated him. As his reborn parents, they naturally didn't want anything to happen to Wu Luzhu.

But Wu Luzhu snorted.

"What a joke! I, the majestic master of the Yangshen Hall, still need protection from a junior like you?"

After saying that, he stood up and tore open the curtain and looked at the person in front of him.

"Who is coming!"

Looking around, I saw the person blocking the sedan chair, with his back to everyone, suddenly burst into laughter, and then...

Bang! ! !
The blood mist exploded.

A group of shadows and blood mist kept rising.

At the same time, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

In the scorching afternoon, ice and frost condensed on the ground, spreading towards this side!

"Lord be careful!"

"Protect adults!"

"The two people at the back..."

Not surprisingly, the two people intercepting behind the sedan also burst into blood mist.

The demon's true form kept rising in the blood mist.

Two demons, one in front and two in back, sandwiched Wu Luzhu and others in the middle!


earn! !

Zhang Zhenyi drew her sword and charged straight at the frost demon in front of her.

"Captain, I'll help you!"

Vice-captain Mu Maidong quickly followed.

"You go up and help him." Wu Luzhu ordered the shadow beside him.


"go with!"


The shadows fled into the air one after another and disappeared.

But if you look carefully, you will see several obscure outlines behind Zhang Zhenyi, following closely behind.

The breath shook!
boom! ! !
The sedan was torn apart.

Wu Luzhu stood on the spot and looked at the two demons behind him.

"So, are you two planning to kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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