Chapter 343
The news that he was fighting against the Four Thousand Households must have reached Brother Qing's ears.

There were also three foreign aid demons participating in the battle, so it was reasonable to report them to Qing Yao.

But it’s not easy to break into Yudi Mansion, and it’s not easy to come openly in human skin. Naturally, you can only wait outside for the opportunity... I don’t know how long Brother Qing waited outside before he found the opportunity to come in.

"Brother Qing, that's enough. I'm really fine. I'll just recover slowly by myself."

Fang Yu stopped him again. This time Qing Yao did not persist, but instead slowly gathered something from his palm.

That familiar outline is... blue and white fruit? ? ?

Fang Yu's expression changed.

[Rite Ten Knives: 9307/18552. 】

The blue and white fruit consumes its source and consumes its maximum health to condense, which is a huge drain on the green demon.

Now that he has [-] blood, Qingyao only has less than [-] blood, so he still has to condense the blue and white fruit for himself.Does he still want to improve his strength?Working under the names of big monsters like Shu Bird Demon is no less risky than making false promises with those hall masters.

Only if you have enough strength can you ensure safety.

Fang Yu quickly grabbed his hand.

"Brother Qing, no need! No need! I'm in good condition!"

"Don't stop me, just take this one! I said I would take you up, but I didn't expect that I would almost let you die in the hands of those guys in Yudi Mansion... If I could catch it at that time Come back, you will get hurt somewhere!"

At the end of the sentence, Qing Yao had anger on his face.

As long as he was on a business trip, if the demon foot hadn't suddenly intervened, the blood demon demon might really...

He had heard the report and knew about Fang Yu's bravery, but without the cooperation of the [Demon Foot], whether it was the Qianhu team or the foreign demon, Fang Yu might be killed.

Fang Yu had a wry smile on his face. In this regard, Brother Qing was too stubborn and refused to listen to advice at all.

At this time, the blue and white fruit in Brother Qing's hand had already taken shape, like a ripe fruit peeling off a tree. He flipped it over gently and found it in Fang Yu's hand.

"Take good care of yourself. I'll do the hard work. Don't show off."

[Rite Ten Knives: 4307/13552. 】

Seeing Brother Qing's sudden drop in blood volume and his increasingly ugly expression, Fang Yu felt uncomfortable in his heart.

At this moment, Brother Qing patted Fang Yu on the shoulder.

"Today, the Yudi Mansion suddenly launched a surprise attack, and even we couldn't react in time. If you hadn't joined forces with the [Guiyuan Great Moth Demon] to turn the tide and kill four thousand households, as well as foreign demons with unknown purposes, I'm afraid the demons planted in this area would have There will be heavy losses. You have done a good job, and even the Shu Harpy is praising you for this achievement."

"With your achievements, I propose that you be promoted to the position of [Demon Foot]. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"When you go up a little further, you and I can fight side by side again, and it's not impossible to come back to my side."

"Staying lurking on the human side is risky after all. Come back when the time is right."

Qing Yao has worked as an undercover agent and knows the uneasiness and wandering that lurks in human forces, so he can understand Fang Yu better.

But his situation is obviously a little different from Fang Yu.

Seeing the worry on Brother Qing's face, Fang Yu felt embarrassed.

Because he is the least afraid of his identity being revealed among humans, but the senior officials of Yudi Mansion don't like him very much.

On the contrary, the demon side needs to be careful to conceal its identity, but the demon side is protected by Brother Qing, so it is easier to get along.

"Brother Qing, that [Guiyuan Great Moth Demon] is robbing me of my merits..."

Fang Yu quickly reported his true record, but he couldn't let [Guiyuan Great Moth Demon] take credit for his achievements.

"Is there still this?"

Qing Yao's face instantly darkened.

Did you take advantage of my brother?
Don't kill!

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter."

No one can be wronged by one's own brothers!

With Brother Qing's words, Fang Yu naturally didn't need to say anything more.

Brother Qing is reliable in his work.

But the next moment, Brother Qing asked a question that made Fang Yu's heart tremble.

"By the way, I almost forgot about the business. Today, I, the Shu Bird Demon, and the Ice Fairy Demon jointly attacked the master of the Yudi Mansion's Yangshen Hall. How is he doing now? Where is he being healed? Can he still maintain his consciousness?"

Only people in Yudi Mansion can know this kind of thing, and in Yudi Mansion, Fang Yu is still the patrol officer of Yangshen Hall, so he can be said to be the person closest to knowing the precise answer.

But this means that the already weak human intelligence will be leaked.

Although Brother Qing didn't have any tools to verify the authenticity of his words, Fang Yu didn't want to lie to him.

Fang Yu looked up at Qing Yao.

"Brother Qing, is this what you want to ask, or is it what Shu Bird Demon asked you to ask?"

Qing Yao was a little confused, thought for a while, and said.

"The bird demon Shu knew that I was looking for you, so he asked me to ask specifically."

"I can feel that the information you provided this time will greatly change Shu Harya's view of you. It will be of great help to future promotions."

"Besides, even without his instructions, I still want to know what the old guy's condition is now."

"This will be very helpful for how to proceed in the future."

"But you don't need to feel pressure. Although you are the patrol director of the Yangshen Hall, it is difficult for you to get in touch with the hall master. You just need to know as much as you can."

After a pause, Qingyao asked.

"By the way, is there any difference between me asking about this matter and Daishu Harpy asking about it?"

Fang Yu smiled.

"If Brother Qing wants to know, I will tell you everything, even if I take some risks to find out the information. But if it's just the Shu bird demon who wants to ask... To be honest, I don't trust the big demon above. I only believe in you. Low-level demons like us may be abandoned as outcasts at any time. Today you just injured the hall master. I am providing information. Tomorrow you will be able to accurately locate the hall master and try to kill him. Then I There is a high possibility that the undercover agent will be caught by the people from Yudi Mansion."

Qing Yao understood what Fang Yu meant, smiled gently, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Shu Harpy is still trustworthy for the time being, but his way of doing things is sometimes unacceptable even to me. Just think of it as me asking for information. This matter is related to the direction of the next action, which is still very important. .”

In this case, Fang Yu no longer hid it.

Although it is said that someone will be sent to assassinate tomorrow, in fact, not everyone can break into the defense of Yudi Mansion. There are still four hall masters standing guard, so the possibility of demons coming to forcefully break into Yudi Mansion is very low.

What's the big deal, secretly sending a message to the four hall masters again?If the demons take action, they might be able to use their tactics to weaken the strength of a wave of demons.

"The master of the Yangshen Hall has been rescued and his life is now in good condition, but there is no sign of awakening yet. As for his consciousness, I don't know yet. He is currently recuperating in the Jingxin Building. Several doctors are taking turns to provide first aid. There are many captains and deputy captains outside. Experts are surrounding us, and the hall masters should also be in the building."

Fang Yu didn't go into too much detail, but the information was still given out.

Qing Yao was slightly surprised.

"Do you know it in detail?"

"I met a doctor here in Yudi Mansion, and she was also called into the building."

Qing Yao was very pleased.

Look at the blood demon demon, and then look at the other lurking demons, the gap is huge.A group of wastes will only lurk step by step, but the Blood Demon Demon will also take the initiative to make friends with useful talents in Yudi Mansion and use their network of contacts to obtain information. This enthusiasm is much higher than that of other lurking demons!
Qing Yao looked at Fang Yu with pride on his face.

"Okay! You've done a good job! Stop paying attention to this matter and try to stay out of the sight of those high-level officials. With this information, it's enough to hand over to Shu Bird Demon and the others."

At this time, there was a candle light outside the door, which should be the guards patrolling the courtyard.

But it still surprised the two of them.

"Brother Qing, it's time for you to go." Fang Yu lowered his voice.

Fang Yu will be fine no matter how long he stays in Yudi Mansion, but if Qing Yao is discovered, his skin will be destroyed at best, or he will die on the spot at worst.

At this juncture when the leader of the Yudi Mansion was injured by the demon, if Qing Yao was caught, he would only die without a burial place.

"...Okay, I'll take the first step, and you should be more careful."

"So are you. The Shu bird demon made a dangerous move today. Although it was a great success, it often walks by the river without getting its shoes wet... You follow him and protect yourself first!"

Qing Yao was moved and nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

What Shu Bird Demon did today really made Qing Yao feel unhappy.

No notification was given before the operation, and the operation was launched suddenly without being informed of the content of the operation.

And the content of the operation was so dangerous. As the Blood Demon Demon said, if the operation had not gone smoothly, the other two big demons might have been able to escape, but it was hard for him to say.

A gust of night wind blew by, and the green demon had left.

All that was left was the [Blue Flower Fruit] in Fang Yu's hand.

Fang Yu sighed in his heart. Although this blue and white fruit only gave Brother Qing [-] points of maximum life, the loss certainly could not be calculated purely in terms of life points.

"Brother Qing, Brother Qing, you have to improve your strength. Now I am the same as in the past, but now I may be stronger than you..."

I'm afraid that in Brother Qing's eyes, he is still the little monster in Yudi Mansion, needing his protection and protection.

Controlling his mood, Fang Yu opened his mouth and swallowed the [Blue and White Fruit].

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for eating [blue and white fruit], body +0, spirit +1. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for eating the [Blue Flower Fruit] and gaining 1000 experience points. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for eating [Blue Flower Fruit], reacting with the demon blood [Green Demon Blood], and the blood effect [Organ Regeneration] is slightly improved. 】

[System prompt: The purity of the bloodline fluctuates slightly, and the progress of [Demonization] increases by 1%. 】

[System prompt: The experience value has exceeded 100, and the total has been converted into 10 attribute points. 】

I don’t know if I ate too much [Blue Flower Fruit], but my bloodline level did not increase this time, but the bloodline effect was slightly improved.

The other rewards are somewhat dispensable. It is better to let Qing Yao keep them to ensure his combat power.

Next time you must refuse directly.

But speaking of it, if I want to improve my demonic bloodline, I can’t keep catching Brother Qing to plunder his wool, right?There must be some other way to improve yourself.

Fang Yu remembered the [Crane Moon Tears] that the Red Moon Demon had contributed.

This thing is similar to [Blue and White Fruit], but because the attributes don't match, it has no effect.

If I can find a high-level wood demon and let him eat it for me, my bloodline level should be improved, and I won't have to trouble Brother Qing every time.

Fang Yu looked thoughtfully at the attribute list.

[Attribute points: 203. 】

After the battle of Qianhu and the blue and white fruit provided by Brother Qing, 200 attribute points have been accumulated.


"System, add some points!"


Snapped! !

A big hand slammed on the table.

"Do you know what you are doing!"

Lin Ye, currently the most vocal person in the Lin family, was looking coldly at the two people in front of him.

But these two.

One person was picking his ears nonchalantly.

One person looked calm and showed no joy or anger.

The man grinned and asked calmly.

"Boss Lin, do you know what you are doing?"

Hearing this, the woman giggled, put her hands on Li Shiquan's shoulders, and looked sideways at Lin Ye.

"What? Manager Lin doesn't want to hang out with us anymore? Has he finally remembered that he is a human being?"

Lin Ye's hand slowly clenched into a fist, and he laughed in anger.

"Do you know how much reaction your actions will cause if you take action against the master of Yudi Mansion without consultation? Have you forgotten Master Lan's plan?"

"What a bite! We want to ask you! What are you doing! Lin Ye!" Bai Wansi glared at Lin Ye: "If you bring someone out to rescue later, we have already captured the witch green bamboo and killed it. It’s his dog’s head!”

Lin Ye was really angry and laughed, his hands were shaking.

"It's easy to kill one person, but is it easy to kill everyone in Yudi Mansion? Is it easy to kill people from the five major families? Do you know how big of a reaction it will cause if you just alert the snake? The current situation was laid down by Mr. Lan for many years. If it is because of your actions, The move caused variables..."

Before Lin Ye finished speaking, Bai Wansi had already smiled.

"Why is it easy? There are only a few hall masters in Yudi Mansion, and we have already cut off one of their arms. Isn't that enough? Hesitating, mother-in-law, how can we make it a big deal? After all, you still care about human beings, and you are not sincere at all. Surrender! Shu harpy, what do you think? This guy can’t be kept! Let’s work together to kill him here!”

The first words were approved by a salute and ten punches, but the next words started to be a bit outrageous.

What is this crazy woman thinking?

Li Shiquan quickly shook his head.

"Whatever you are doing! Lin Ye was brought in by Mr. Lan himself, so he must be loyal and reliable, no need to question it. It's just that you led a team out to rescue today and really ruined our good deeds. You need to give us an explanation."

Lin Ye, however, was so angry that his face twitched.

"Why are you asking me? If I lead the team and don't show up, I won't be the master of the Lin family that you have to face before! Do you really think that you can cause trouble near the Lin family and still leave safely?"

So, it makes sense.

After all, the three demons were rounded up by the team led by Lin Ye and evacuated safely.

"But you still came too early!" Bai Wansi said coldly.

"You launched an operation privately and caused trouble near my territory without even informing me. Now you blame me for bringing reinforcements too early? Ice Fairy Demon, don't think that you have found a good person, so I won't dare to touch you! Wait for Mr. Lan When I come back, I will report this matter to Master Lan. You will know who should be punished when the time comes!"

When Master Lan was mentioned, both Li Shiquan and Bai Wansi immediately restrained themselves a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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