Chapter 353 The Real Status Quo

In his wild thoughts, Bie Huzi had already led Fang Yu to the Baiyi Pharmacy on Shiheng Street.

As soon as I entered the door, the guy inside shouted.

"Good morning shopkeeper!"

"The shopkeeper is back!"

"Shopkeeper, the Black and White Chamber of Commerce has sent someone to deliver the previous batch of medicinal materials..."

What other guys wanted to say was suppressed by Bie Huzi with a wave of his hand.

Ignoring the curious eyes of the waiters, he led Fang Yu into the back room.

Fang Yu looked at the buddy's blood volume.

There are those with one or two thousand health, and those with more than ten or twenty health, both human and demon.

Obviously Bie Huzi also made some preparations in order to maintain the human skin.

"Sir, the secret room is dark, I will hold the light for you."

Through the mechanism on the bookshelf in the back room, a staircase entrance extending downward appeared in front of Fang Yu. It was the small secret room prepared by Bie Huzi.

Fang Yu suddenly became interested, and when Bie Huzi led the way down the steps of the secret room, Fang Yu asked.

"Did you create this secret room yourself?"

Demons are extremely powerful, incomparable to humans. Is it not difficult to create a secret room?

But Fang Yu obviously thought too much.

"Sir, not everyone is good at building secret rooms. Humans are better at this kind of delicate work. As for my shop, when I was buying a shop, I asked a dentist to inquire about it in advance and found a shop with a secret room. House.”

Fang Yu was taken aback.

Can you do this?

Fang Yu also thought that if Bie Huzi had this talent, he would have him build a secret room for his house.

"So those Ya people still provide services in this area?"

"Sir, you probably didn't have much contact with humans before. Those humans like to make hidden rules. Some transactions are not made explicit at all. Services will only be provided if they are recommended by acquaintances. I guess they are afraid of getting into trouble."

At this point, the ladder has reached its end.

A few oil lamps provided light, and the secret room was divided into three rooms.

The room on the left is filled with miscellaneous clutter and dust. It seems that no one has used it or cleaned it for a long time.

In the middle room was a table, some utensils, and various herbs piled up in a mess. Several weapons, pieces of clothing, and a large dark brown stain of dried blood were also seen on the ground.

It seems that the secret room here was turned into...a restaurant by Bie Huzi.

Fang Yu glanced at Bie Huzi.

"I should have said that the limelight has been tight recently, so it's time to restrain yourself, right?"

Bie Huzi was shocked and said quickly.

"Sir, these are all the remnants of last month! Since you took office, I have been busy managing my subordinates. I have no time..."

Fang Yu waved his hand and stopped listening.

A monster is a monster after all.

Even Che Linfang, Bie Huzi, or even...


Fang Yu suddenly sighed and asked after a long while.

"Up there, in your medicine shop, I see you have hired a lot of humans as assistants. Could it be that..."

"No no!"

Bie Huzi waved his hands repeatedly.

"Sir, rabbits don't eat the grass around their nests. They eat the people around them. The possibility of being exposed is too high. All I need is..."

Realizing that he had spilled the beans, Bie Huzi quickly stopped talking, lowered his head, and did not dare to continue talking.

Lord Blood Demon is good at everything, but I don’t know if it’s because he is an undercover agent and has particularly high requirements for concealment of those below him.

Cannibalism has always been the most likely behavior to expose human skin, so they have been told to restrain themselves.

Bie Huzi himself is fine, he doesn't need a fixed human skin, and he doesn't lurk in the foolish hell. But the human skin hasn't been broken yet, and his identity can still be used, so he can keep using it, so he can sneak in occasionally.

People like Che Linfang, who live in the high-pressure Yudi Mansion, really don't have many opportunities to eat a few bites of meat.

"Sir, I really couldn't bear it anymore..."

"do not talk!"

Fang Yu's voice turned cold.

"Where are those people?"

Only then did Bie Huzi remember the business and quickly led Fang Yu to the room on the right.

It's all my fault that I didn't clean the secret room and let the adults discover it.

It's just that no one would enter this secret room on weekdays, so I just use it for myself, so I was careless.

The adults are also afraid that my identity will be discovered and I will be killed by humans, so they are angry. This is because they are worried about my safety!

The angrier Fang Yu became, the more moved Bie Huzi became.

detail!Details are the most important!Your Excellency is able to lurk in the Yangshen Hall and serve as the Inspector. I am afraid that it is through these morbid details and self-restraint that I have climbed up step by step. There are still many things that I need to learn from Your Excellency.

The bloodstains on the ground and the human weapons should have been cleaned up long ago. Don't be careless just because it is a secret room.

I thought that if someone sneaked into my secret room, found these things, and then saw through my identity as a demon, and chopped myself off with my backhand, this would be an injustice. I am afraid that I would die without being able to figure it out.

The more I thought about it, the more I became afraid. Bie Huzi's expression became more humble and respectful.

At the same time, Fang Yu had also entered the room on the right.

The room was also used to store debris, but in a pile of weeds in the corner were a few humans with their hands and feet tied.


When they saw the people coming, they all made a sound. Some looked ferocious, some looked pitiful, but all of them were speechless because their mouths were blocked by dirty rags.

Only one person was lying there dying.

[Cui Aonan: 52/305. 】

[Bo rice rice: 5/179. 】

[Ni Jianming: 32/188. 】

[Ren Pingya: 30/122. 】

[Chu Qi: 37/101. 】

[Yu Yeliu: 19/85. 】

Their strengths vary, and the strongest one only has 300 HP. I really don’t know where they got the confidence to come to me for trouble.

Fang Yu frowned slightly and first looked at the guy with residual health.

According to Mi Hengpeng, they injured the escaping thief during their pursuit.

Now it seems that it is not just as simple as being injured, but the person is about to die.

But that's right, what kind of place is Yudi Mansion? It's okay for you to lurk in. If you want to leave alive after being exposed, you need some luck.

That is to say, they can run fast, and there are tens of hundreds of households in the surrounding area. There is no time to dispatch the manpower. Otherwise, if you break into Yuji Mansion without permission, you will end up dead.

Cui Aonan, who gave Fang Yu the highest health and looked like the leader, turned on the 'microphone'.

"Sir, sir! Sir, the person next to you is a demon! I saw with my own eyes that he commanded the demon to capture us alive!"

As soon as he could speak, Cui Aonan spoke in horror.

Fang Yu:?
When I put a question mark, it's better that you have a question, not me.

I am already standing with Bie Huzi. Anyone with a discerning eye can see who I am with, right?
You call him a monster, do you think I know his identity?Need you to shout out?
Do you want to join the world at this level?Do you also want to keep an eye on my mansion?He really never died, right?

Fang Yu frowned.

"Speak softly. With such a big secret room built, don't you think that if you shout too loudly, someone will be able to hear you and come to save you, right? Just think about it with your brain and you know it's impossible."


Cui Aonan stopped talking, and the frightened look on his face calmed down.

He was looking at Fang Yu, and then at the brothers around him who were begging for help.Taking a deep breath, Cui Aonan spoke.

"Brother, our Ghost Road Six Rats are in trouble this time. But sir, one person is responsible for each task. I took over the order this time. If you can let my brothers go, I am willing to put the matter to its original conclusion." Tell me everything, and I will let you handle it."

The six ghost rats?

I haven't heard of it?

However, Fang Yu was not familiar with the local forces, so he turned his head and looked at Bie Huzi next to him.

The latter quickly attached his ear canal.

"They are not local forces in Tianyuan Town, they should be foreign warriors."

It turned out to be the case.

But are foreign warriors targeting me?Could it be related to the bonfire party?

Fang Yu frowned slightly. If Red Bull's identity was exposed, it would be a bit troublesome.

"The six ghost rats, right?"

Under Cui Aonan's gaze, Fang Yu walked slowly to Bo Fan, who looked frightened, and slowly raised his feet. .

"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me? Do you think your brother will survive if I kick him?"

Cui Aonan's pupils shrank, and although her hands and feet were restrained, she quickly knelt down.

"Your Majesty, please keep your feet under your feet! Whatever your Majesty wants to know, I will tell you everything! I just ask you to let go of my brothers. They have been with me for more than ten years..."

Fang Yu waved his hands, too lazy to listen to his nonsense.

"Tell me! Why did you send people to watch Diao Mansion? Who sent you here?"

"Mansion, mansion?"

Cui Aonan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly came to his senses.

He suddenly realized who the guy in front of him was!
No wonder he looked familiar. In order to handle this matter well, he had asked someone to inquire about the situation in the Diao Mansion.

The master of the Diao Mansion shows up every day, and there are actually quite a few people who have seen him.

Therefore, when those people described Master Diao's appearance, they were extremely accurate, giving Cui Aonan an outline in his mind.

It's just that he never thought that there would be someone colluding with the demon in Yudi Mansion? ?

This Tianyuan Town is actually worse than their Thunder City, it’s rotten to the core!

"It turns out that it was Master Diao... But, Master, you misunderstood! What we are looking at is not you, nor your mansion, but the guy named Huang Qixin who visited your mansion before! Misunderstanding! Sir, It’s all a misunderstanding!”

As soon as these words came out, several other members of the Ghost Road Six Rats also opened their eyes wide and looked at Fang Yu in disbelief. Apparently they also knew who Lord Diao was.

After all, the mansion that I had to keep an eye on before was called Diao Mansion.

"What are you doing, Mr. Diao? I don't know what you are talking about."

Fang Yu's eyes turned cold.

I don’t know if this guy is really smart or fake.

If you dare to reveal my identity at this time, you are really... desperate!
"Hurry up and tell me who assigned you and why you are staring at Huang Qixin. My patience is running out."

Bie Huzi chuckled beside him and slowly opened his mouth, revealing a mouth of teeth that made a clicking sound.

Cui Aonan was horrified when he saw it. At this time, he didn't care whether he had credibility or not. Survival was the most important thing, so he said quickly.

"Yes, it's the Juling Gang. They couldn't find Huang Qixin, so they entrusted us, the Six Rats of Ghost Road, to find him. We brothers have traveled all over the country, are somewhat famous outside, and are quite good at searching for people... But we are only responsible for finding people. Don’t do anything else! If you find the person, you will just report the whereabouts to Ji Gengtao of the Juling Gang, and then the goods and money will be settled, and you won’t do anything else.”

Cui Aonan seemed to think that Fang Yu and Huang Qixin had a close relationship.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Fang Yu was depressed.

Unexpectedly, it was because of Huang Qixin that he was being targeted.

It was really a big oolong.

Are the things in Huang Qixin's hands really that valuable?Is it worth the Juling Gang’s perseverance?
Several other people who were looking for Ghost Road Six Rats asked them again, and they were basically the same. They even didn't know what Huang Qixin's things were, and they were just looking for people.

Fang Yu closed his eyes, thinking deeply.

"Sir, we can't keep these people."

Don't forget the ear canal.

Fang Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"Of course I know."

After looking at Bie Huzi, Fang Yu drew his sword!

呲! ! !
Just a sword.

The dying Bo Fanfan fell down.

[Bo rice rice: 0/179. 】

"Third brother?!"

"Third Brother!!!"

"Do not!!!"

Everyone roared, and some people twisted their bodies bound by ropes like crazy and rushed towards Fang Yu.

However, what greeted them was only sword light!
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!
Four swords in a row, four people fell!

[Ni Jianming: 0/188. 】

[Ren Pingya: 0/122. 】

[Chu Qi: 0/101. 】

[Yu Yeliu: 0/85. 】

" no no no no!!!"

Cui Aonan, the leader, looked at the corpses of his former brothers one by one on the ground, and couldn't help but burst into tears. Then he glared at Fang Yu with tears in his eyes and roared in despair.

"How could you kill them! Do you know who the third brother's biological sister is? She is from Thunder City..."

The sword light that had already been taken struck across his neck.

Cui Aonan's eyes widened and he fell silently.

[Cui Aonan: 0/305. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing [Bo Fanfan] and gaining 17 experience points. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing [Ni Jianming] and gaining 18 experience points. 】


[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing [Cui Aonan] and gaining 30 experience points. 】

[System prompt: The experience value has exceeded 100, and the total has been converted into 1 attribute points. 】

[System prompt: Detected..., [Blue Demon Blood] bloodline talent is triggered. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player's maximum life value increased by 305 points. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player's maximum life value increased by 179 points. 】


[System prompt: Congratulations to the player's maximum life value increased by 85 points. 】

[Life: 35942/35942. 】

Amidst a series of system prompts, Fang Yu didn't feel much excitement.

He suddenly felt that his behavior seemed to be no different from that of a demon.

It's just that the monster eats people, and he kills people.

It's just that these people have figured out my identity, so if I don't kill them, my identity will be exposed, and I will die.

Fortunately, this is just a game.

Fang Yu took a deep breath.

"Get rid of the body, and find out the specific origins of the six ghost rats, especially the third brother, the one with the shortest life. Find out what kind of heel this guy has in Thunder City."

 came back!

(End of this chapter)

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