Chapter 358 Picking

This time Ding Hui really stared at Fang Yu.

Fortunately, Divine Doctor Yun called her over to help, so she went to work again.

Fang Yu took advantage of this moment to open the remaining copy given by Ding Hui.

"Cat Tail Strength".

This is the name of the fragment.

It is indeed a book about Qi cultivation, but it is very incomplete. There is only a part of the cultivation content, and even the introduction in the first half is intermittent.

Fang Yu took a general look at it and found that the technique of "Mao Wei Jin" refers to the [Dantian] as a 'cyclone', which is essentially the eye of the [Qi storage]. For some reason, it is said differently. Maybe this technique is more wild.

What is different from Fang Yu's imagination is that "Mao Wei Jin" actually has three [dantian], and they are all concentrated between the buttocks.

Concentrate the airflow between the crotch and extend it back to form an invisible tail.

The three Dantians are like three nodes, joints of bones, responsible for controlling the invisible tail and performing various operations.

Since the 'tail' is a brand new limb composed of [qi], it seems to be more free and full of power in structure, and has strong scalability.

It can allow the airflow in the tail to collide with each other internally, thereby exercising the hardness and taking the hard-core rigid tail route.

You can also choose to soften and make various flexible auxiliary movements.

What's more, improving toughness and taking into account stiffness can be used as a means of defense.

In short, depending on the direction of cultivation, this invisible tail can be displayed in different forms, which can be said to be quite changeable.

The only problem is that the remaining copy doesn't record how to practice this thing at all, it only records the introduction content and quite early content.

As for where the three [Dan Tian] are concentrated between the thighs, and in what proportion and direction, they are sorted, all are unknown.

Although Fang Yu had a system to assist him, he was still a little unsure about this thing.

"You shouldn't be practicing to become possessed, right?"

Fang Yu muttered to himself.

If you want the system to add points, you first need to light up your proficiency.

Judging from the incomplete content of this "Cat Tail Strength", most of it is an overview, and the detailed training parts are quite rare, so the possibility of lighting up proficiency is quite low.

I could still study the previous book "Two Heart Locks" with Ding Hui and figure it out. After all, the handicap was not very bad.

But this one is basically hopeless.

But even so, with this fragment, Fang Yu already has a rough idea of ​​how to cultivate [Dantian].

The next step is to get a complete secret book and practice according to it.

"Diao Deyi."

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind.

Looking back, I found a person standing at the door.

[Dong Xingzhou: 3000/3000. 】

The high blood volume that was amazing before is no longer amazing now.

But compared to my own physique of over 100, it is still far beyond.

"Lord Dong Xingzhou."

Fang Yu went out and saluted.

At this moment, Dong Xingzhou was already wearing the official uniform that could only be worn by the vice-captain. It was obvious that his 'suspension and leave' had ended early.

Also, something happened to the hall leader, Wu Luzhu, so there was no reason to let the vice-captain take a leave.

"Palace Master An has ordered me to take you to the Zhenjing Pavilion."

Dong Xingzhou was businesslike, but he was not polite to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu understood and shouted to Ding Hui, but Ding Hui was too busy and had no time at all, so he just raised his hand to express his intention.

After following Dong Xingzhou out of Jingyun Tower and walking to a deserted path, Dong Xingzhou spoke.

"I really didn't expect that something would happen to the Master of the Wu Hall. If only I had been there that day, I might have been able to help."

What can Fang Yu say.

No one wants this to happen?

Just as he was thinking about what to say, Dong Xingzhou suddenly said again.

"That day, I asked you not to interfere. It was for your own good."

Fang Yu was stunned for a moment before he realized that Dong Xingzhou was talking about that day at the brothel when he met Qiong Xiaolou and Dongmen Gulan.

to be frank.

Fang Yu didn't care much about people, but he was quite interested in the equipment that could make the objects in contact disappear temporarily.

"Sir Dong Xingzhou, that day at the brothel, the utensils were clearly right in front of us and within easy reach. Why didn't we recycle them?"

"Because the task that the Wu Hall Master left for me is not to seize the equipment."

Don’t want utensils?What to do?
Could it be that... you want to keep an eye on people?Staring at the bonfire?
Fang Yu was puzzled and tried a few more words, but Dong Xingzhou ignored him.

It wasn't until he reached the Zhenjing Pavilion that Dong Xingzhou suddenly spoke again.

"Actually, I'm a little uneasy."

Fang Yu:?
What did you say, Leng Buding?

Looking at the Scripture Pavilion, Fang Yu's heart was full of secrets and secrets, so how could he bother to listen to what he had to say.

But he still had to be patient and asked.

"Why are you upset, sir?"

"Because things are starting to go a bit beyond expectations. Both the current actions and the group of people I followed before are starting to make people feel uneasy. Especially that group of people, there seems to be a more terrifying force behind them. Supporting them.”

Fang Yu didn't know what he was talking about. Was he talking about a bonfire party?It is true that the Bonfire Club has always given people a strange feeling. Even the protector himself feels that there is something wrong with this organization.

This time, before Fang Yu could speak, Dong Xingzhou suddenly turned around and faced Fang Yu.

"The Master of Wu Hall once said that if something unexpected happens to me, you will continue to perform this mission. Although I think I can do it on my own, I don't mind keeping an insurance policy. Qiong Xiaolou and Miss Qianqian, where they are now The point is Baoan Temple. It should not change in the short term. If there is any change, I will find a way to let you know."

"in addition……"

Dong Xingzhou hesitated.

"The action that is about to be carried out is also the assessment task for Xiaoxue to be promoted to the deputy team. The task can fail, but I hope that you can protect Xiaoxue's safety."

Fang Yu froze for a moment.

Qiong Xiaolou and Dongmen Gulan were originally in Baoan Temple?
Does the bonfire party have anything to do with Baoan Temple?

Fang Yu thought of Monk Quan Heng's face and shook his head slightly, feeling that it was basically impossible.

It was probably by chance that I got in.

As for helping Zhuo Xueer save her life...

"Lord Dong Xingzhou, I will do my best to ensure the safety of Lord Zhuo Xueer."

Dong Xingzhou nodded slightly, saying these words was enough, he couldn't force too much, and then said suddenly.

"There are four floors in Zhenjing Pavilion. The exercises you want are on the fourth floor. You can go up directly with this order. There are three cabinets on the fourth floor. The first cabinet is not qualified to touch with this order. The second one is The first and third cabinets represent middle-grade and low-grade exercises respectively, and they are all Qi-related exercises. If you are not related, you may be recommended to take the middle-grade exercises in the second cabinet, but I would recommend a low-grade exercise book in the third cabinet - "Qi Gathering Gong"."

You don’t want middle-grade ones, but low-grade ones?

Fang Yu asked suspiciously.


"Because you are young enough." Huh?
What is the reason for this?
Should young people endure hardship?Should I just practice low-grade exercises? ?

Fang Yu was confused. What kind of explanation was this?

But Dong Xingzhou continued without caring at all.

"Because I'm young, there are endless possibilities."

"Because you are young, you still have a bright future."

"Determining the Qi Jin method and the location of the Dantian will actually affect a person's future martial arts development direction to a considerable extent. It can be said to be a crucial step."

Only then did Fang Yu realize that Dong Xingzhou really wanted to help him.

He quickly corrected his attitude and bowed respectfully.

"Please give me some advice from Mr. Dong Xingzhou."

"I don't take advice as an advice. It's just that if a talented young man like you regrets his whole life because of a wrong step, it will be a pity after all. Since I have this opportunity, and the Wu Hall Master trusts you so much, I naturally don't mind helping you. You give me a handful."

Dong Xingzhou began to lower his voice.

"Do you know how the "Purple Qigong" practiced by all the hall masters came from?"

Fang Yu shook his head.

"I don't know."

Before today, he didn't even know what "Purple Qigong" was, so how could he know such a secret.

Dong Xingzhou said directly.

"It's an evolution of a low-grade skill, "Qi Gathering Skill"!"

Fang Yu was taken aback.

"That being the case, then "Qi Gathering Gong" and "Purple Qi Gong" actually come from the same lineage?"

"Yes!" Dong Xingzhou said: "If you practice other Zhenjing Pavilion's mid-level skills, your strength may skyrocket in the short term, but after all you have chosen the wrong path. Although it does not mean that you have cut off the path to advancement, your future You have to explore your own path. But "Qi Gathering Gong" is different. If you practice "Qi Gathering Gong", you will shine brightly in the future. If the hall masters appreciate you, you can also practice the top Qi Jin Gong in our Yudi Palace in the future. Practice "Purple Qigong"! The road to martial arts in the future will only go further!"

"Maybe one day, you can surpass the hall masters and become the 'Palace Master' of Yudi Mansion in Tianyuan Town."

Dong Xingzhou smiled, obviously the last sentence was a joke.

Fang Yu understood what he meant.

If you practice middle-grade skills, you can naturally improve by adding a few points, but the quality must be this quality.It's just a matter of adding some extra points.

And if you choose "Qi Gathering Kung Fu", it means you have another chance to improve the quality of the technique.

Because they come from the same source, they are compatible. It is estimated that the location of the Dantian is the same, and there is no risk of modifying the Qi Jin method.

But "Cat Tail Strength" doesn't say that you can practice several Dantians. Why can you only practice one in Dong Xingzhou?I feel very cautious when choosing Qi Jin exercises.

Could it be that there is another way to say it?
As for the palace master Dong Xingzhou mentioned...

"In our Yudi Mansion, there is also a palace master?? What kind of position is this?"

Dong Xingzhou smiled.

"If you have been to other towns, you will not be able to ask such a question. Yudi Mansion, as a mansion, naturally has a master. But our Tianyuan Town is special. It is rumored that there was a man with unparalleled power a long time ago. The masters of the palace, but they disappeared later, leaving only the hall masters to maintain the Yudi Mansion, which resulted in the current situation of five halls standing in a tripod."

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

"Gone? Dead? Or missing."

Dong Xingzhou shook his head.

"I don't know. I just know that he is gone. As for whether he is dead or alive, the master of the palace has never returned to Tianyuan Town, so whether he is dead or alive is actually not important anymore."

Fang Yu was confused: "Master Dong Xingzhou knows a lot."

Dong Xingzhou smiled.

"The ancestors of my ancestors don't know how many years ago, our Dong family held positions in Yudi Mansion in Tianyuan Town. In the early years, there were captains, but later on, from generation to generation, each generation was not as good as The first generation, by my time, has long since lost any talent in learning martial arts. I can only maintain the position of deputy captain because the hall masters gave the Dong family face."

Dong Xingzhou said it modestly, but Fang Yu felt that the alternate vice-captain only had about 1500 health points, so even if he was promoted, he would not suddenly become much stronger.

Therefore, Dong Xingzhou, who has 3000 HP, is probably quite strong among the vice-captains.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. When people get old, they can't help but nag. Diao Deyi, just go in. What I give you is just a suggestion. If you like a suitable method, you can choose it. , maybe we can find a suitable path. As for Xiaoxue... I leave it to you."

It seems a bit strange to entrust the alternate vice-captain to a cadre under his name.

But Dong Xingzhou seemed to trust Fang Yu's strength.

Fang Yu didn't know how much information Wu Luzhu had revealed to Dong Xingzhou through the microphone. As for Zhuo Xueer's matter...since I accepted my love, I would try my best to help if I could.

After bowing and thanking Dong Xingzhou again, Fang Yu held the token and stepped into the Sutra Pavilion.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a cold and solemn look on the counter, scanning over.

[Muchuan: 3111/6150. 】

He was an old man. Although he was old, his posture was upright and he had a sharp feeling like an eagle.

But the old man only had one arm and was holding a cane.


The old man's voice was cold, as if he was not welcoming the visitor.

Fang Yu showed his token with a respectful attitude.

"Old sir, I am Diao Deyi, the Inspector of Yudi Mansion. Following the order of the Hall Master, I came here to seek the technique."

Mr. Mu took the token and looked at it, frowning slightly.


He muttered something and took the lead.

When he turned around and saw that Fang Yu hadn't followed, he said.

"Still not following?"

Fang Yu quickly followed.

All the way from the first floor to the fourth floor, every time you go up to a floor, the old man needs to unlock some restrictions, and the space will be slightly invisible ripples.

Fang Yu noticed that this was... the fluctuation of Qi.

In addition, as the number of floors increases, the number of bookcases becomes less and less.

When we got to the fourth floor, there were only three bookcases left.

"With your green order, this cabinet cannot be touched. The other two are free to pick. You only have one stick of incense to make your choice. Once you have chosen, come down and talk to me."

After saying that, the old man lit the incense next to him and went down alone.

It seems that the restriction is only triggered when going up, but there is no obstacle when going downstairs.

After the old man left, Fang Yu looked at the bookcase and felt excited.

Except for the first bookcase that cannot be touched, the other two bookcases actually contain a lot of secret books.

Before, there was only one incomplete copy of Qi Cultivation, and Fang Yu read it with gusto.

Now there are so many books for him to read, how could he not be excited.

Without hesitation, Fang Yu walked towards the second nearest bookcase, which was a medium-quality bookcase.

 I haven't had a good rest recently, and my mind is feeling hazy.

  I was a little stuck again, so I adjusted my schedule and sorted out the outline.

  There are still two chapters in Tianyuan Town, the landlord chapter + the green demon chapter. Now we have just entered the landlord chapter, and we will try to have one chapter per month!
(End of this chapter)

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