Chapter 366
The iron rope is coming.

Zhuo Xueer's expression changed, and she blocked the attack with two sickles.

His arms were immediately numb from the shock.

The strength attached to the lock on this iron rope is actually quite impressive!

As soon as he landed on the ground, he staggered two steps back and almost lost his balance.

It wasn't until someone gently held her behind her back that she regained her composure.

Looking back, I saw clearly the appearance of the person who was helping.

It was Lin Xinjie who had fought against her before.

This person may be the strongest person in the Lin family's team besides Lin Bei.

Zhuo Xueer was slightly surprised.

I didn't expect this person to help.

Looking at the other members of the Lin family who were hesitant just now, they are now moving closer to the [Iron-locked Double-Faced Demon].

It seems that these elite members of the Lin family have concluded their discussions and are coming to help slay the demon together.

within reason.

No matter how reluctant he is, this is still a demon, and Lin Bei is still possessed by a demon. If he doesn't get rid of it, if the blame comes from above, the people in his team will also have to be punished.

"Have you finally decided to help?"

Zhuo Xueer snorted coldly.

"That's natural."

Ruby Lin grinned.

The next moment, Zhuo Xueer immediately felt a heartbreaking pain suddenly appear from her back.

The palm that had been attached to her back just now was now trying to penetrate her back, piercing her heart and lungs!

The disadvantage is that in the fighting state, in the demonized state, the whole body is full, the mind is tense, and the reaction ability is not at the same level as usual.

Not a moment's pause or hesitation.

At the moment when the stinging pain appeared, Zhuo Xueer kicked her foot, and her whole body had already exploded forward like a cannonball. During the sprint, a long trail of blood was drawn out of her whole back like string, and blood spilled all over the floor. .

And this scene happened to be witnessed by the people from the Yudi Mansion and the Lin family team who had just arrived.

Suddenly everyone was in a trance, confused, and completely confused as to what was happening.

On Zhuo Xueer's side, after suddenly pulling away a large distance, she gasped for air, endured the severe pain in her back, and turned to look at Lin Xinjie.

"What the hell is going on with you! Why did you attack me!!"

Zhuo Xueer doesn't understand, doesn't understand.

But Lin Xinjie was slightly surprised when he looked at the bloody fingers in his hand.

"Did you miss it?"

His move can be said to be a surprise. Under normal circumstances, no one would be prepared for it.

It can only be said that Zhuo Xueer, this guy, has been secretly guarding himself from the beginning, so he was able to escape from this fatal blow and ascend to heaven.

Hearing Zhuo Xueer's stern question, Lin Xinjie just grinned, then put his fingers into his mouth one by one and sucked, looking at Zhuo Xueer with abnormal eyes.

"Sure enough, if you wear human skin for a long time, it will become dull..."

Bang! ! !
Ruby Lin, her body was torn apart.

The blood mist exploded.

"This is?!"

"how come?!"

"Ruby Lin is also a demon?!"

Everyone in the Lin family who had just arrived couldn't accept this scene.

The Yudi Mansion also looked ugly and the pressure doubled.

One Lin Bei is a demon, which is enough to give people a headache. Now another one comes, and I don't know if I can handle it.

"No wonder he wanted to sneak attack me..."

Zhuo Xueer's face was gloomy, and the wound on her back stung unbearably.

"Master Zhuo Xueer!"

Long Zehui retreated to Zhuo Xueer's side, the hands holding the sword trembling slightly.

Obviously, he couldn't handle the strength of [Iron-Chained Double-Faced Demon].

The Lin family members and members of the Yudi Mansion who were supposed to rush over to support were intercepted because Lin Xinjie revealed his true form as a demon.

Everyone didn't wait for the blood mist to clear, and began to attack Lin Xinjie first.

However, what came out was the tinkling sound of gold.

Just hearing a series of screams, a group of people were swept out and a clearing was cleared. The rest of the people, whether they were the Lin family or people from the Yudi Mansion, all gathered together in a tacit understanding.

At this moment, facing monsters and powerful enemies, they had no gap and could only temporarily cooperate against the enemy.

In front of where the blood mist dissipated, Zhuo Xueer's demon was revealed to be Lin Xinjie's real demon, an iron-man demon with a height of three to four meters.

The Iron Man Demon looks like a baby if placed in front of the [Iron-locked Double-Faced Demon], but in front of humans, it becomes a little giant.

The steel-like skin has extremely strong defensive capabilities. It can not only prevent everyone's attacks, but can also easily sweep and hit everyone with every move.

Although Yudifu and the Lin family disciples had a numerical advantage, after several rounds of fighting, they did not have much advantage.

The attack continued, but it seemed to have little effect.

"They are too weak!"

Zhuo Xueer said coldly.

With her demonizing ability, she might be able to break through the iron-skinned demon's defense and inflict trauma.

After taking a look at the battle situation on Diao Deyi's side, Zhuo Xueer made up her mind.

If you want to deal with the big monster [Iron-locked Double-faced Demon], you must gather the strength of everyone.

Diao Deyi and the others alone are not enough.

So right now, the most important thing is to deal with the iron-skinned demon, let everyone join forces with Diao De, and gather everyone's strength to win this battle!

Immediately, Zhuo Xueer ignored Long Zehui's obstruction, endured her injuries, and rushed towards the iron-skinned demon.

"Use my demonizing power!!!"

The wound from the sneak attack on the back stimulated Zhuo Xueer's nerves.

She roared with a ferocious face, suddenly accelerated in the middle of the journey, rushed directly in front of the iron-skinned demon with a whoosh, and jumped up!

"I will definitely break your iron skin!!!"

Zhuo Xueer roared angrily.

The iron-skinned demon also noticed the 'acquaintance' in front of him at this moment.

Without hesitation for a moment, he raised his hand and swung an iron hand towards Zhuo Xueer.

But in the end, it was Zhuo Xueer who took the lead, and her attack touched the Iron Skin Demon's body first.

when! ! !
Just listen to a harsh golden sound.

Zhuo Xueer's proud demonic sickle power left a shallow white slash mark on the metal skin of the iron-skinned demon.

When Zhuo Xueer's expression changed slightly.

when! ! !
An attack with the same force appeared out of thin air at the same location.

The marks of the white slash became deeper.

But, that's all.

"how come?!"

Zhuo Xueer's eyes widened.It turns out that it’s not that everyone’s attacks are too weak, but that this monster’s defense ability is too strong!Not even my demonic power can break through the surface!

The attack of the iron-skinned demon also arrived at this time.

The huge iron hand was swung on her body. Zhuo Xueer, who was unable to dodge in mid-air, suddenly screamed and vomited blood, and her whole body fell down like a kite with its string broken.

"Master Zhuo Xueer?!"

"not good!"

"Attack this monster! Don't let it have the opportunity to continue hurting Lord Zhuo Xue'er!"

Someone below exclaimed, they were all members of Yudi Mansion.

The offensive suddenly intensified, and the iron-skinned demon, who was about to crush Zhuo Xueer to death, used his backhand to deal with the nearest 'fly' first.

Seeing this, the Lin family also began to follow the rhythm of Yudi Mansion and launch a strong attack.

There is no way, if Yudi Mansion suffers heavy casualties, they alone cannot deal with the two big monsters.

Only then did Long Zehui rush to help Zhuo Xueer, who was seriously injured.

"Lord Zhuo Xueer, are you okay??"

He was entrusted by Liu Ningran to help. If Zhuo Xueer died, it would be difficult for Liu Ningran to explain.


Zhuo Xueer wanted to say that she was fine, but when she opened her mouth, she spit out another mouthful of blood.

She didn't even understand.

Even though this iron-skinned demon has strong defensive capabilities, why is it so powerful and hurts her even if it touches it? It is exactly the same as the [Iron-locked Double-faced Demon].

Long Zehui wanted to go up and kill the demon, but in Zhuo Xueer's condition, if he didn't stay by his side, he was afraid something would happen.

But the current battle situation requires his help!
Long Zehui was anxious and looked towards the Iron-skin Demon, where he was fighting with the Yudi Mansion and the Lin family.

Although the Iron-skinned Demon is extremely powerful and has steel bones all over its body, its movements are slow and its size is relatively small. Therefore, due to its numerical advantage, it consumes energy. However, it seems that the offensive from the human side has little effect on it. It can only add up to a small amount, and accumulate sand into a tower, slowly consuming this demon to death.

Look over there [Iron-Chained Double-Faced Demon].

Just as he expected, the [Iron-Chained Double-Faced Demon] was using an absolute advantage, making everyone unable to fight back.

and many more!

No, why does it feel like [Iron-Chained Double-faced Demon] feels a little suppressed?

It was obvious that the situation was very bad when he retreated just now.

Who made the effort?Change the situation?
Long Zehui was puzzled, but this situation was obviously good news.

Before Long Zehui could be happy, something happened again on the Iron Skin Demon's side.

Just hearing a sharp shout, the Iron Skin Demon's side immediately became a mess.

"What are the Lin family people doing! Why did they sneak attack on our Yudi Mansion people!"

The Lin family and Yu Difu immediately divided into two teams. Although they were still dealing with the Iron Skin Demon, their ability to resist was obviously much weaker.

"You are slandering people! What are the people in the stupid hell doing?"

Naturally, the Lin family would not admit such a thing.

Even though the big demon was nearby, the two sides were quarreling with each other, and Zhuo Xueer, who was supposed to be able to guide the situation, was dying at the moment and could barely stand, let alone anything else.

Long Zehui's sharp eyes discovered that one person in the Lin family's team suddenly took action and hit one of the Lin family members on the forehead while the others were fighting against demons or scolding each other in Yuyu Hell.

Without even groaning, the Lin family members who were attacked fell straight down.

This kind of little trick would have been noticed by someone on a normal day, but during the chaotic battle between the monsters and monsters, no one noticed it.

Moreover, that man was skillful and decisive in his movements. He would sneak up on his subordinates first and target the injured and weak, killing them with one blow without leaving any trace.

Long Zehui did not announce it immediately, but waited for the opportunity. When the other party was about to make a move, he suddenly shouted at the top of his voice.

"That guy! That guy from the Lin family is killing his own people! He is a mole!!"

Everyone looked at the man in unison, not even having time to take care of the demon's attack.

"Lin, Lin Jun?!"

"Lin Jun, what are you doing!"

"What happened to Lin Nu on the ground?! He was fine just now!"

"The palms are stained with blood...Lin Jun, why are you attacking one of your own!"

Everyone in the Lin family asked loudly, while the people in the Yudi Mansion on the side were watching the show while dealing with the demons.

Lin Jun, who became the center of attention, glanced coldly at Long Zehui, who was exposed, and then...

Bang! ! !
He actually took the initiative to tear apart human skin and reveal his true form as a demon!

The blood mist exploded, making people suddenly realize.

There are actually demons lurking in the Lin family!

For a moment, everyone in the Lin family looked at each other in panic, secretly doubting whether the people around them were humans or monsters.

The Yudi Mansion also stopped cooperating with the Lin family and chose to deal with the monsters alone.

Originally, it was a bit reluctant for both teams to work together to deal with the Iron-skinned Demon.

Now that the team is divided into two, and a new monster has been added to the enemy, the situation has taken a turn for the worse.

A haze emerged in my mind.

Long Zehui's heart sank.

And at this moment...


For some reason, the [Iron-Chained Double-Faced Demon] seemed to be enraged, and dozens of iron ropes burst out from it like long whips, swishing like a swish.

He even ignored the sudden attacks of the people around him and focused on that person to launch a strong attack, as if he had a deep hatred.

Is this full of hatred?Who on earth caused this demon to be so furious?
Long Zehui looked at the attacker of [Iron-Chained Double-faced Demon] in confusion, and saw only one person, with his head lowered and his fists facing each other, saying something that made Long Zehui unable to hold back.

"It turns out that [qi] can also be entangled."

If Long Zehui didn't know how to be angry, he would have wanted to slap that person on the head.

If the Qi is not entangled, what is it used for?
Wrapping the sword, wrapping the fist, using the wrapping as the starting point to expand the power of the moves, isn't this the most basic use of Qi? ?
But when Long Zehui saw who that person was, he was a little stunned.

That person turned out to be the new member of Zhuo Xueer's team, Diao Deyi!

He had previously cooperated with Diao De and others when they besieged the [Iron-Chained Double-Faced Demon].

My impression of this person is that he has good strength and great potential.

After all, at this age, someone who can achieve a strength similar to his own is considered to be among the best, and is worthy of Ran Ran.

But that's all, then why does [Iron-Chained Double-Faced Demon] target this person like this?
Long Zehui was puzzled.

Then, he saw a scene he would never forget.

Under the blockade of the sky-wide iron ropes, Diao De suddenly exploded into a ball of white powder, and then his figure flickered and disappeared from his sight in an instant.

No!That's not disappearing!But the speed is too fast!So fast that he can't keep up!
Whoosh whoosh! !
I could only hear the sound of breaking through the air, and the iron ropes all over the sky were changing directions quickly and chaotically, but instead they became a mess and intertwined with each other.

After a while, there were only a dozen iron ropes left, still following Diao Deyi, and Diao Deyi's terrifying speed blessing also disappeared at this moment, with white powder scattered all the way, revealing his figure.

Holding a long sword in one hand and a short sword in the other, they took a stance and waited for the attack to come.

When the iron rope really hit, Diao Deyi's eyes instantly condensed, and his expression became more serious.

But Long Zehui couldn't see how Diao Deyi took action at all. He only saw the afterimage of his hands feinting quickly a few times.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! !

A series of blocking sounds suddenly sounded one after another.

The iron ropes fell to the ground one after another, but Diao Deyi was unscathed!
This guy? !

Long Zehui's eyes widened.

This guy is suddenly many times stronger than when he fought with me just now!
(End of this chapter)

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