Chapter 373
"Diao Deyi?!"

Suo Fengxiang from behind shouted worriedly.

The rest of the people also looked at Fang Yu and Lin Sheng.

No one thought that the seventh son of the Lin family was actually a demon!

And looking at this posture, he wants to drive them all away!

[Zhuo Xueer: 9/1501. 】

[Yi Qinglei: 82/1055. 】

[Suofengxiang: 368/1100. 】


Fang Yu looked behind him out of the corner of his eye.

A group of people, injured and disabled, cannot provide any help at all.

The only good news is that Zhuo Xueer and Yi Qinglei's blood volume has not yet bottomed out, and they were rescued from the verge of blood loss.

As for the two giant demons with thousands of blood raging in front, they can no longer take care of them at this moment.

Just as he was about to look away, Fang Yu suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of crisis in his heart.

With almost no time to think, Fang Yu subconsciously raised his sword to block it!
when! ! !
Lin Sheng's cold face caught Fang Yu's eyes.

"You are the first one who dares to be distracted when facing me."

The calm voice seemed to be stating the facts.

Then in the next second...

呲! ! !
The long sword that had just blocked the attack was immediately pressed down by a strange force!

The noble and luxurious sword instantly pressed down on Fang Yu's long sword and struck Fang Yu on the shoulder!

Blood spurted out from his shoulder, splashing half of Lin Sheng's face.

But this guy didn't seem to care about whether his face was dirty or not. He didn't even blink an eyelid and continued to apply pressure!It seemed that with this slash, Fang Yu's arm would be removed directly! -

[Life: 26205/36840. 】

Fang Yu was frightened when he saw the high damage numbers.

Four-digit damage? ! !

The one chop I just took caused only a little over three digits of damage.

This guy didn't use his full strength just now? ?

"The bones are pretty hard."

With Lin Sheng's light and fluttering voice, he actually started exerting force twice!

[Life: 25686/36840. 】

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

A stinging pain came from the shoulder, and it was cut half deep again.

Although the damage is not high, it is obvious that if you continue to chop, you can really chop off your own arm!

Tigers don't show their power, you treat me as a sick cat!

"Diao Deyi?!"


When Fang Yu was about to use his Yuan Ti Kung Fu, a figure suddenly approached from behind and slashed at Lin Sheng's neck with a sword.

But Lin Sheng just raised his free left hand and stretched out a finger.

when! ! !
The attack of the attacker was directly blocked by this finger, causing a golden sound!
What the hell is this body hardness? ? ?
Fang Yu was a little dumbfounded, and the sneak attack was no exception.

But Lin Sheng swiped his index finger to the left, and immediately drew a half-arc afterimage.

The attacker had already retreated quickly, but he was still a step too slow!
呲! ! !
A long wound appeared on her chest, as if she had been slashed by a sharp sword!
Using a finger to represent a sword, how could it still be so powerful? ! !

Fang Yu's face darkened when he saw Suo Fengxiang's hand reaching towards him as he fell to the ground after the sneak attack failed.

Bang! ! !
White powder suddenly exploded from around him!

Armor, change! ! !
The thick white powder obscured Lin Sheng's sight. He just groaned and was knocked back by the force. While taking a few steps back, the long sword was withdrawn from Fang Yu's wound.

"On the contrary, I have some strength."

Lin Sheng looked calmly at the young man holding the woman with one hand through the gradually dispersing white powder.

A two-digit damage figure appeared slowly from above his head.

[Lin Sheng: 3455/3500. 】

This kick on this guy's chest was not even as powerful as the collision of swords when he was rescuing someone just now.


Fang Yu put down the injured Suo Fengxiang and stared at Lin Sheng.

It’s been a long time coming, and the damage figures were only in double digits.

"Senior Sister Suo!?"

"Sister Fengxiang!"

"how come?!"

The three girls of Jie Yuxue rushed forward to take care of Suo Fengxiang, while Fang Yu had already disappeared in a flash.


Almost at the moment Lin Sheng spoke up.

when! ! !
The two forces collided unexpectedly.

The generated air waves instantly blew away the surrounding dust and debris, clearing an open space.

[Lin Sheng: 3369/3500. 】

[Life: 25531/36840. 】

Under the conflict of forces, the damage done by the two was almost the same.

In the competition of strength, Lin Sheng and Fang Yu's faces were almost touching.

Lin Sheng is smiling.

He looked like a strange-looking man, covered in armor.

After a long absence, the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, revealing a smile.

"Things seem to be getting interesting."


Fang Yu said nothing because his arms were trembling slightly.

After becoming armored, he was still unable to compete with Lin Sheng in the competition for strength!
The sword began to tilt slightly from the collision.

Lin Sheng's sword began to gradually press against Fang Yu.

Lin Sheng noticed this, a slight disappointment flashed across his face, and then he heard a sound that broke through the air!
Whoosh! ! !
It's another bone blade!
The white afterimage cut diagonally upward towards Lin Sheng's neck, but he turned his head nimbly, leaving only a shallow wound on his face.

[Lin Sheng: 3364/3500. 】

Green blood overflowed from the wound on Lin Sheng's cheek.

When Fang Yu was about to cut again, Lin Sheng stuck out his tongue and licked the green blood on the wound.


Bang! ! ! ! !
Lin Sheng's body exploded with blood.

The rich green blood splashed around like a violent storm indiscriminately.

When Fang Yu realized something, he was already retreating!

But it was still too late.

Zizizizizizizizizizizi! !
The acid blood, like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm, struck Fang Yu's body crazily.

The bone armor that had just been transformed was instantly dissolved and was covered in devastation, like the surface of the moon, which was densely covered with small craters.

Some of them even penetrated the bone armor and fell directly into Fang Yu's body!
79!Intensive damage figures immediately jumped from his head quickly.

Acid Blood Kung Fu!
It's acid blood skill! ! !
Fang Yu backed away for a long distance before stopping and looking at Lin Sheng in front of him with a look of surprise.

That guy, currently bathing in the acid blood he burst out, seemed to be enjoying the shower, and he looked a little intoxicated.


Fang Yu's body was still aching and he looked at the top of his head.

The corrosive effect of the Acid Blood Technique is still continuing!

Although the power is not as scary as it was at the beginning, the continuous blood loss still makes people feel scared.

It had been so long since he had faced off against the top masters of the Lin family that even Fang Yu had forgotten that the Lin family's secret skill was the Acid Blood Kung Fu, which was famous for its absolute defense!
Back then, Lin Jie had shown shocking defensive capabilities, as well as acid-blood attacks that sprayed everywhere.

How did I resist the corrosive effect of this continuous acid blood?
Fang Yu remembered that it was the side martial arts he had given up for a long time, [Fargo]!

It is the blood-freezing power of Fargo that restrains the corrosive effect of acid blood.

After the long-lost operation [Fargo], the blood temperature in the body dropped rapidly, and the corrosive blood in direct contact with the body was slightly reduced by this force.

But the numbers above my head are still beating!

Fang Yu understood immediately.

At the beginning, he could resist Lin Jie's Acid Blood Kung Fu with his flower-level [Fargo], but now he faced Lin Sheng, who was even more powerful and had a higher level of Acid Blood Kung Fu.

The current Fargo is somewhat insufficient.

Fortunately, I just got attribute points!

Staring in front of Lin Sheng, who had a cruel smile on his lips and slowly launched an attack stance, Fang Yu growled in his heart.

Dark blue, add some! ! !
No one knew what Fang Yu was doing at the moment.

But the Lin family and the people in Yudi Mansion all saw Lin Sheng's exaggerated performance.

"What is that?! Monster! This Lin Sheng is indeed a monster!!"

"It's not a demon! It's not a demon! It's the Acid Blood Kung Fu! It's our Lin family's Acid Blood Kung Fu!"

"What?! The Lin family's sour blood technique??"

Some people don’t know what acid blood gong is.

Some people were shocked that Lin Sheng could actually perform the Acid Blood Kung Fu.

What's more, the Lin family didn't know whether Lin Sheng was a demon or not, and they were hesitant.

While everyone was thinking about it, Fang Yu had already completed adding points.

[Attribute points: 127→90. 】

[Fargo [Flower level intermediate level/first glimpse of the door] → Fargo [grass level basic skills/first glimpse of the door]. 】

At the moment when Fargo was promoted to the grass level in one go.

The constantly beating numbers on the head also stopped. The effect of Fargo suppressed the corrosive acid blood in the body!

Fang Yu felt that the blood all over his body was almost extremely cold.

Fortunately, this feeling went away as quickly as it came. Fang Yu quickly regained control and suppressed it.

This is the small disadvantage of improving martial arts too much in one go, which will cause all changes to burst out in an instant.

On a normal day, it might not be a problem.

But now, in a life-and-death battle every second, Fang Yu's flaw in this moment was immediately caught by Lin Sheng.

With a whoosh, Lin Sheng rushed in front of him, and the long sword stained with corrosive blood slashed directly at his wound.

So fast!

Not only is it fast!And it seems to be getting stronger!
This guy became even more troublesome in the bath of Acid Blood Kung!
Almost without thinking, Fang Yu immediately shouted.

"Bone Armor!!!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The originally pitted bone armor was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye at the expense of absorbing Fang Yu's body energy.

When Lin Sheng was about to cut his own body, the repair of the bone armor was almost completed.

But, it's still too late.

Lin Sheng's corrosive sword had already struck Fang Yu's chest.

There was a loud bang, and the newly repaired bone armor burst open!

The long corrosive sword struck directly at Fang Yu's chest, breaking through the skin with a sizzling sound and cutting into the inside, like disembowelling him.

But the damage was not as high as expected.

[Life: 24329/36840. 】

The structure of the bone armor may not be strong enough, but its defensive capabilities are quite superior.

Just now, a casual sword strike caused four-digit damage, and now a full-strength slash only caused three-digit damage.

Although the corrosive long sword subsequently cut into the body, the corrosive power crazily corroded the flesh and blood organs in the body, and the small damage number jumped wildly, but the direct damage was indeed exempted by a large amount.

Even Lin Sheng himself felt a subtle difference.

His violent power, after breaking through the bone armor, was removed by [-] to [-]%. The remaining power, even if it directly kills the opponent's flesh and blood body, is far less effective than the previous effect without the bone armor.

But the particularity of the Acid Blood Technique is that even if the direct damage is insufficient, after breaking through the human skin, the subsequent corrosive power is enough to kill a strong human being!
Because human organs are very fragile!

And people who lose their organs... don't live long.

In Lin Sheng's eyes, Fang Yu was already a dead man.

So he didn't notice that this 'dead man' would stab him with a bone blade in his right hand at the same time his body was hit!

So when Lin Sheng reacted, it was already too late.

The bone blade is close at hand!

呲! ! !
Just taking half a step back, the bone blade had already pierced his skin, splattering acid blood, and it was still going deep! -

[Lin Sheng: 3143/3500. 】

Sure enough, what a lot of strength!

Lin Sheng smiled ferociously and drew his sword, intending to chop off Fang Yu's dog's head with his backhand!

As a result, just as the Sour Blood Sword was raised above his head, Fang Yu exploded with white powder again with a bang. When his feet moved, he got the strength from nowhere and rushed out against Lin Sheng!
Lin Sheng, who was suddenly out of balance, lost his point of focus, and his feet were pushed a few inches off the ground by Fang Yu's bone blade.

But this time, he saw clearly.

Among the heavy white powder, he saw that a large amount of white powder was rapidly pouring out of Fang Yu's face, skin, and even internal organs, like a liquid solidifying into a solid, quickly shaping and condensing!
The area where the body had just been disemboweled was covered with bone armor, thus stopping the exposure of blood and organs.

Through the white bone armor, Lin Sheng could even feel the slightest chill exuding from Fang Yu.

The terrifying acid blood remaining in Fang Yu's body, which was supposed to have a fatal effect, seemed to have lost its effect at this moment and could not affect Fang Yu at all.

how come?
Lin Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then he felt excitement that he had not seen for a long time.

It's been a long time and no one dared to fight with him.

It's been a long time, no one can continue to fight with him for such a long time!
Lin Sheng suddenly smiled.

And the laughter is getting more and more wanton and arrogant!
"I, Lin Sheng, approve of you!!!"

In the midst of his arrogant laughter, Lin Sheng suddenly shouted loudly!
Bang! ! !
The next moment, exaggerated acid blood exploded like a water balloon.

Zizizizizizizizizizi! ! !
Acid blood beat wildly on Fang Yu's body like a rainstorm, and most of the bone armor was dissolved in an instant, revealing his original body of flesh and blood.

Fortunately, the bone blade on his right arm was still piercing Lin Sheng's body, going deeper and deeper! -

[Life: 24015/36840. 】

Intensive damage figures danced above Fang Yu's head, and soon disappeared as the ice storm started.

Under the improved level of Fargo, even the sustained damage figures of acid blood have been reduced a lot.

In contrast to Fang Yu's dense numbers, Lin Sheng's head was filled with another large amount of damage.

The bone blade, under the continuous sprint, once again penetrated deep into Lin Sheng's chest! -

[Lin Sheng: 2838/3500. 】

(End of this chapter)

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