Chapter 382
Qi Xiaojin was injured.

Very serious injury.

But Qi Xiaojin could accept this result.

Because, she got what she wanted - Bingchansi.

Ice cicada silk is just a very special and rare material for ordinary warriors.

The things that can be made are armors and other things, or some ice-type properties can be added to weapons.

But for some specific [spirits], this is a magic elixir, a tonic that is enough to produce a transformational change.

According to the account of the [Ice Demon] player in her previous life, the starting point of all her achievements was this snow-white, as fine as hair [Ice Cicada Silk].

Qi Xiaojin still remembers the shock when she passed [Ice City] for the first time.

The entire city, from demons to warriors, everything is sealed and frozen.

Forcibly and with one person's power, the city's original name was erased and the city was dubbed the Frozen City by the world. The Ice Demon also completed this feat at the cost of his life.

No one knows what happened in the frozen city.

During the days when the apocalypse came, every city looked like a hell on earth.

But forcing such a powerful ice demon to commit suicide at the cost of sealing the entire city.

The frozen city at that time must have suppressed extremely terrifying existence.

But now, Qi Xiaojin is walking the same path that [Ice Demon] once walked.

She wants to seize the ice demon's opportunity and use it for herself!
She must be fast, step by step, in order to accumulate enough strength to protect everyone she wants to protect before the end comes.

In addition to the opportunity of the Ice Demon, during this period of time, Qi Xiaojin also relied on the teleportation array of the Black and Dry Sect to preemptively seize many opportunities from those strong men in the previous life in the name of going on missions.

From her rebirth to now, in just about two months, she felt that her strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

But it was not enough. The pressure of the coming apocalypse was like a huge mountain, weighing her down. If she took a moment to rest, the human tragedies she had experienced during the apocalypse would emerge from her mind one by one.

Such stable days will never happen again.

Such peaceful daily life is precious, and every minute and every second should not be wasted.

"God gave me a second chance, not to waste it, save the world!"

"I want to save Fang Yu, my family, and everyone!"

Qi Xiaojin took a deep breath and called out her [spirit].

Red steam slowly emerged from her body and enveloped her body.

An ice bird the size of a palm slowly emerged from the red steam.

"Contractor, give everything you have, and I will give you strength!"

A childish and somewhat solemn voice emerged from Qi Xiaojin's mind.


"To shut up!"

The cold scolding directly interrupted it!
He reached out and pinched the ice bird, as if tightening the throat of the ice bird, which instantly frightened the ice bird so much that it fluttered in the air, and the ice shards fell to the ground.

"Stop! What are you doing, what are you doing! Contractor, have you forgotten your faith! I am your faith!!"

Bingniao's childish roar was ignored by Qi Xiaojin.

In the future, she obtained the Bingchan Silk, and she was not the only one who was seriously injured in the battle. The [spirit] inhabiting her body was also seriously injured.

This is already the third spirit that Qi Xiaojin has replaced.

The Jiu Hua Ling who started in Lianyun Village was then replaced by the Bai Yu Ling behind the Black Ku Saint Sect, and now [Chu Bing Ling].

The spirit of a believer can only become stronger and stronger.

When there is no way to acquire a new spirit to replace the highly erosive old spirit, the believer's path will come to an end.

too fast.

In order to become stronger, she is already on the road of no return.

But only in this way can you have the strength and ability to protect the people you want to protect after the end of the world, right?

Everything is worth it!
Qi Xiaojin's eyes gradually became firm.

Every new dog is very disobedient.

But Qi Xiaojin is not one of those useless believers. When she became a believer, she did not come to be a spirit’s dog, but wanted the spirit to be her dog!
Putting the strand of cicada silk in front of [Chu Bingling], Qi Xiaojin said coldly as if she was ordering a dog.

"Eat it."

[Chu Bing Ling] could no longer maintain the form of the little ice bird, and was like a ball of ice mist, trembling slightly.

It seemed to hate Qi Xiaojin, and seemed to be resisting the temptation of Bingchansi. It pounced on it and swallowed it in big mouths.

Soon, the thin ice mist turned into a small ice ball, as if falling into a deep sleep.

With Qi Xiaojin's slightest click, the ice ball melted into Qi Xiaojin's body.

"The new dog, don't let me down too much...cough! Cough cough cough!"

He was already seriously injured, but now he did something rash, which immediately affected the injury. Qi Xiaojin almost fainted from the pain, and she felt better after taking several pills.

"Xiao Jin!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly opened the door and pounced on Qi Xiaojin.

As the fragrance entered her nose, Qi Xiaojin immediately knew who it was.

"Sister Lian'er, it hurts..."

The person who came was suddenly the Holy Lady of the Black Ku Holy Sect!

But at this moment, the saint who has been fed by [Love Heart Powder] for a long time can be said to be completely devoted to herself and loves her sisters, even beyond the scope of sisters.

"Ah! I, I didn't mean it! Xiaojin, I, I, I, I brought you medicine!"

The saint was in a panic, like a child who had done something wrong, putting her hands on the corners of her clothes and squeezing them here and there.

This is the effect of constantly feeding [Love Heart Powder] every day.

The Saint has been completely controlled by me, and outsiders can't tell. They think that the Saint and I just have a good relationship. Little do they know that everything is manipulated by thought.

The methods of the unintentional Taoist are indeed despicable and disgraceful.

Qi Xiaojin sometimes feels uneasy about her conscience when she uses this method.

But, that's all.

The experience of the doomsday forged her iron heart.

Qi Xiaojin has witnessed too many lives and deaths. Compared with the endless mountains of corpses and seas of blood, it’s okay not to have this little conscience!
Not to mention, in the apocalypse, Taoist Wuxin is regarded as a hero by the world!

People in Qiu Mo Continent have no human rights at all.

Blue Star people are human beings!
[Miao Weixin] is the saint of the Black Ku Holy Sect. The elixir she brought has a good natural effect.

Qi Xiaojin quickly thanked him and talked to [Miao Weixin] with a sincere face, and quickly brought the topic to interesting things during the adventure.

Once this happens, [Miao Weixin] will be very excited.

As a saint, [Miao Weixin] is not easy to go out, and among her disciples of the same age, not many people can get close to her or have a heart-to-heart relationship with her.

Qi Xiaojin is a special case.

As a disciple, Qi Xiaojin can often go out to complete the master's tasks, and there are always different adventure stories, which are more real and interesting than those in the story books.

In addition to the fact that the two of them are similar in age, [Miao Weixin] feels like she suddenly has a younger sister, and she treats Qi Xiaojin as if she were her own.

But the weird thing is that recently... recently I always dream about Qi Xiaojin, and the scenes in the dreams are simply unspeakable...

[Miao Weixin] I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I just want to see Qi Xiaojin every day, I feel happy when I see her, I feel happy when I see her, I want to stay with her all the time, even if I don’t do anything.

"Sister Lian'er, I'm going to take a rest."

The story that was about to be told came to an end, Qi Xiaojin said in a weak voice.

[Miao Weixin] quickly told her to have a good rest.

Then he turned around and left.

After the saint left, Qi Xiaojin rolled his eyes and began to figure out his next plan.

"In one month, Tianyuan Town, where Fang Yu is located, will be destroyed."

"Although I know that Fang Yu will be fine, after all, he came out of such a mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in his previous life, I still feel uneasy."

Qi Xiaojin didn't want to have any butterfly effect on Fang Yu or affect Fang Yu's development path.

But some bad thoughts and ideas still can't help but pop up in my mind.

What if something unexpected happens in Fang Yu's life?What if Fang Yu is accidentally killed by a demon?

If something changes, then Fang Yu...will he still be the Fang Yu I know?
Will it still be the... person you are most familiar with?
"Just, take a look."

"When I finish all the plans at hand, I will go to Tianyuan Town to stay for a few days near the end of the month."

Qi Xiaojin had a plan in mind.

In the next few days, Qi Xiaojin was digesting the supplements given by the Saint, striving to recover as soon as possible, while observing the condition of [Chu Bingling].

A large part of a believer's strength depends on the spirit.

The stronger the spirit, the stronger the believer.

"The Gray Soul Spring in Tianpan Mountain has not yet reached the time of condensation. This thing can reduce a lot of my penance time, so I can't miss it. However, according to rumors, the person who got this opportunity in the previous life was after fighting with many people. , snatched by force. So I don’t know who got the drop of water from the Gray Soul Spring. I can only imitate that person and wait for the right time to kill everyone in the dry Gray Soul Spring. At the bottom of the spring, search your belongings one by one."

Fortunately, the Gray Soul Spring incident has nothing to do with the Black and Dry Saint Sect. Seeing how the man in his previous life spoke it out so easily, it seems that his opponent at that time was not very strong either, so he would not have capsized in the ditch.

Qi Xiaojin remembered the date. When the time came, he would pick up a mission near Tianpan Mountain at the Black Ku Holy Gate, and use the teleportation array to transmit it to nearby towns. After a few days of traveling, he would arrive early.

After a few days of rest, Qi Xiaojin was quite clear about the next plan.

After Tianpan Mountain, there is Jiuli Bridge on Jiuli Mountain.

Jiuli Bridge is composed of two single trees. The bridge is surrounded by clouds and mist, and it is bottomless.

And if you jump down and are lucky enough to be dragged down by an old tree halfway up the mountain, and luckily save your life, you can see a cave near the halfway up Jiuli Mountain.

Inside, there is the opportunity that Qi Xiaojin wants.

However, the opportunity in Jiuli Mountain is dangerous and requires more preparation. The advantage is that there is no competition and you can plan with peace of mind.

"She is the latest genius disciple, Lian Qingjin?"

"I heard that he was born in a small place like Lianyun Village. He got lucky and got into the sect by hooking up with the Holy Lady."

"Ah? Is this happening? But why did I hear that she relied on her strength to obtain the official discipleship spot on the day of the big exam?"

"That's because the Holy Lady cultivated her well, otherwise what would happen to her!"

"I heard that Lian Qingjin has been out frequently these days. Every time he comes back, he is covered in injuries. He has almost struggled on the verge of life and death several times. For such a hard-working person, I don't feel like he got in through connections. "

As Qi Xiaojin gradually emerged in the Black Ku Saint Sect, more and more people began to pay attention to Qi Xiaojin's situation, and some rumors spread, which made Qi Xiaojin have to start to be cautious.

Some people even started to follow her secretly!

Qi Xiaojin was seriously injured this time because of the sneak attack by some disciples from the sect, which disrupted her rhythm.

"Senior Sister Lian! I haven't seen you for a few days. You look much better."

Ahead, an uncomfortable voice sounded.

Astonishingly, it was Junior Sister Gua who was at the same time as her.

"Junior Sister Gua, I heard that you have already booked your [movie]?"

Qi Xiaojin raised her eyelids and said calmly.

The sect's skills require the cooperation of people and shadows to practice, so you can get twice the result with half the effort.

If you think about it carefully, you will find that this cultivation method is somewhat similar to the relationship between man and spirit among believers.

It's just that the sect's techniques have undergone more changes, and are not as simple and crude as those bound by contracts by believers.

"The news is quite good, good! I have already booked a [Shadow] and started pouring resources into [Feast of Hundred Flowers]. He will definitely stand out and become the final winner!"

Qi Xiaojin narrowed her eyes slightly.

Some people will indeed start investing and planning before the [Hundred Flowers Banquet].

But there is no doubt that this is a kind of bet. Once the target of the bet is out of control, everything will be lost.

As for the two of them, as newly promoted disciples, they have to compete with the old disciples on the same stage. If they want to rely on their resources to compete with those old disciples, the probability is very low.

"Junior Sister Gua, it seems that you are too naive."

"Hmph! I have my own methods! But you, on the other hand, made an ordinary mission so embarrassing. It's not like your style."

Qi Xiaojin felt that her relationship with Junior Sister Gua was very delicate.

They are both competitors, and because they started at the same time, it has something to do with it.

But most of the time, it's still hostile.

Even after Qi Xiaojin was followed and ambushed, the first thing she thought of was that Junior Sister Gua was acting as a monster behind her back.

But when I came back and thought about it carefully, it didn’t feel like it.

Someone else should have done it.

The Black Ku Saint Sect is too big, and the factions inside are complicated. All Qi Xiaojin can do is to keep a low profile and develop steadily.

Bidding farewell to Junior Sister Gua, Qi Xiaojin was ready to start choosing a suitable mission.

"Wait! [Hundred Flowers Banquet], you don't want to join forces with me, then are you interested in this mission?"

What Junior Sister Gua gave was a mine mission, a forbidden area called Juediao Mountain, which belonged to the same mountain range as Hongyin Manyue Mountain.

There is a kind of mine in Hongyin Manyue Mountain, called Hongyin Manyue Mine, which is equivalent to the specialty of Black Ku Saint Sect. It is a very rare mineral that only disciples of the sect are qualified to collect, and the amount of tasks released each time There are very few of them, so you need to squat down to grab the mission.

Obviously, Junior Sister Gua has snatched it, but the mountain range in the forbidden area is very dangerous. Junior Sister Gua is looking for helpers, or she may be looking for a scapegoat. No matter what, Qi Xiaojin is not interested.

Even though Hongyin Manyue Mine could forge quite powerful weapons, Qi Xiaojin was not very interested.

She and regular disciples have different development paths.

While others were still gathering weapons, props, and combat elixirs, she directly began to improve her strength and realm.

It would be a pure waste of time to really mine ore with Junior Sister Gua.

After saying "not interested", Qi Xiaojin strode away, leaving Junior Sister Gua behind her roaring like a red-blooded creature, but Qi Xiaojin turned a blind eye.

A few days later, under the concerned attention of the saint, Qi Xiaojin stepped into the sect's teleportation array and appeared in Huipan City near Tianpan Mountain.

Next, we have to travel for several days to reach Tianpan Mountain.

Qi Xiaojin moved forward step by step according to the plan in her heart.

But when she left and returned to Pancheng, she found... that she was being followed once again.

Moreover, there are more people than last time!
Now, Qi Xiaojin was sure that someone in the sect wanted to plot against her.

Finding an opportunity, Qi Xiaojin attacked these people with a backhand.

After the evolution, the First Ice Spirit first showed its divine power. When a cold wind blew by, it froze all these people in place and turned them into ice sculptures.

One of them was still alive, the ice sculpture was creaking and shaking, and the person inside was shivering from the cold.

"Who told you to follow me?"

He casually destroyed the ice sculpture next to him, making the person in front of him turn pale with fear.

"Ming, Senior Brother Ming, it was Senior Brother Ming who forced us to do this! It has nothing to do with me!!"

Qi Xiaojin filtered through his mind, but couldn't think of who his senior brother was.

There is no way, she has been too busy since entering the Black Ku Holy Sect.

In reality, they are busy with the sheepskin demon and his sister turning into a vegetative state. In the game, they are busy with seizing opportunities, planning time and routes, and there are no cliques within the Black and Dry Holy Sect.

Thinking back carefully, I vaguely seem to remember that someone mentioned that Senior Brother Shi Ming invited me to a dinner party, but I refused.

That was probably when he was provoked.

"...So it was him."

Qi Xiaojin knew what he was going to do.

After casually destroying all the ice sculptures, she rushed to Tianpan Mountain according to her original plan.

What fate, senior brother, what plots and tricks are not important at all, strength is everything.

She wants to use force to defeat cleverness, and defeat ten groups with one force.

When I get the opportunity in Tianpan Mountain, I will find an opportunity to kill Senior Brother Ming when I get back, so that I can send people to follow me every day.

After a few days of traveling, Tianpan Mountain was already looming.

If everything goes well, her strength will be even greater!
"Fang Yu, wait for me."

"This time, I won't let you bear everything alone!"

"This time, I am in front of you to protect you from the wind and rain!"


(End of this chapter)

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