Invincibility starts when I see the BOSS health bar.

Chapter 384 The Lin family’s envoy

Chapter 384 The Lin family’s envoy
Tianyuan Town.


Fang Yu opened his eyes.

Looking at the woman next to him who was sleeping like a dead pig, snoring and kicking off half of the quilt at some point, Fang Yu scratched his head.

"This guy... came back at some unknown time in the middle of the night?"

The woman on the bed is clearly Ding Hui.

However, Ding Hui didn't even take off her clothes. Apparently as soon as she returned to the room, she took the quilt and fell asleep.

Did she really not think about it when there was already a man sleeping on the bed? ?
Sighing, Fang Yu covered her with a quilt, got up, rinsed her mouth, got dressed, and gently opened the door and went out.

Although they slept in the same room, they didn't do anything. It was just like sleeping in the same bed in the old house.

And because Ding Hui was so busy, Fang Yu basically came back to sleep and went offline, so Ding Hui didn't know when he came back to sleep.

So most of the time, when Fang Yu wakes up in the morning, there is someone lying next to the bed.

However, maybe because he has been with Ding Hui for a long time, he has actually begun to get used to Ding Hui's slovenliness, and he has become quite accustomed to it.

Inappropriate, inappropriate!

Don't let Ding Hui influence you!

This is obviously not the state a normal girl should have.

Fang Yu felt that his views on mate selection in reality were quietly being affected, as if sloppy girls were vaguely acceptable.

Shaking his head slightly, he threw away those miscellaneous thoughts and looked up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly, and the weather was good today.

Several days have passed since the night of the Lin family's raid.

Since then, the situation in Yudi Mansion can only be described in two words: calm.

Not only were outbound personnel recalled and huddled in Yudi Mansion, but even daily patrols were only arranged with a very small number of personnel to maintain the most basic patrol function.

We have even issued an internal order to try not to go out these days.

Therefore, most of the Yudi Mansion personnel are basically operating within Yudi Mansion these days.

Thanks to this, Fang Yu, the acting captain who was chasing ducks, had enough contact opportunities with the deputy captain and other personnel below.

At first, not many people could accept Fang Yu's airborne landing. Fang Yu still remembers the shocked and stunned expression on Zhuo Xueer's face.

However, since he couldn't go out and had to face Fang Yu almost every day, everyone gradually accepted the result.

Now, although he is not sure that the people below him will carry out an order 100% when he issues it, he basically doesn't resist his orders very much.

After all, there is a difference between the acting captain and the official captain.

For some things, Fang Yu also needs to unite with the more senior vice-captains in Yangshen Hall to publicly support them in order to gain the approval of everyone below.

If [Duan Baiman] from the Rain Team can help with the conversation, that would be really a sure thing.

However, [Duan Baiman] goes to [Zhang Zhenyi] who is recovering from injury every day, and except for the matters of her own rain team, she basically doesn't care about her own situation.

When he first took office, [Duan Baiman] seemed to have stepped down due to pressure from above, and then there was very little interaction with him.

Sometimes, he would even be pushed to take responsibility for some of the bad things that happened to Team Rain.

After becoming the acting captain, Fang Yu realized how difficult it was to be a captain.

In addition to daily tasks being assigned to the people below as needed, they are also responsible for supervising each deputy captain and even the people below to see how the tasks are completed, whether there are any emergencies, where personnel are needed to be supplemented, personnel adjustments, etc.

To sum up, it is basically civilian work, which can stretch the muscles a little. On the contrary, when the team below encounters powerful monsters and asks for help, they serve as first aid personnel to provide reinforcements.

Otherwise, only when important tasks are assigned from above, captain-level combat power may be needed.

Since Yudi Mansion is currently in a state of self-imposed lockdown, Fang Yu is basically overwhelmed by a pile of reports and documents every day, and there is nothing he can really do.

The only fun left was running to the prison.

However, the hall masters have spoken. None of the demons in the prison can be touched. They will interrogate them personally, and then keep their lives to see if they have any use value, or exchange them with the Lin family at a high price to see if the Lin family is interested in recycling some of the demon prisoners. .

After all, these monsters have become the Lin family. What they have done as the Lin family after the transformation is the people of the Lin family who care the most. The Yudi Mansion just wants information. The Lin family also has to take care of their face. The problem.

You can't touch the demons in the prison, but if you kill the prisoners, you won't gain much, and it will easily increase the evil spirit, which will add burden to [Soul Clothes: Broken Sleeves].

So Fang Yu only killed a few prisoners in the past few days, which just increased his blood volume a little.

The rest of the time, I spend more time processing paperwork and researching the path of energy.

After self-research and optimization, he has been able to make [Qi] walk on a relatively optimized path, and the end of the path is his feet.

Through this optimized path from [Dantian] to [Feet], next time you wrap your feet with Qi energy to increase speed, you can greatly reduce the consumption of [Qi], which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

With this experience, the next step is to formally study how to simulate [Air Explosion Sky Vortex].

In Fang Yu's expectation, this is at least a double gyration path. Through the continuous accumulation of energy in the gyration path, when it is finally displayed, it can produce the effect of gyration aeration, which is the effect of [Air Explosion Sky Vortex].

With the direction in hand, Fang Yu naturally wasn't in a hurry.

As the efficiency of processing documents has gradually increased these days, he has begun to become more comfortable and has more time to spare.

"Diao Deyi, breakfast is ready. Come sit down and eat together."

When he came to the hall, the second sister waved to him happily.

In the past few days, Yudi Mansion has been under internal lockdown, and Fang Yu has been at home most of the time. It can be said that the second sister sees Fang Yu every day, and her mood is visibly happy.

Although he had just eaten breakfast in real life, it did not affect Fang Yu's appetite in the game at all.

After eating and drinking, the second sister began to practice in the yard. The second sister has gradually mastered the postures that made Fang Yu look a little twisted. Her body flexibility has been greatly improved. She no longer shows any discomfort when doing those postures. micro-expressions.

The comfortable sunshine, the quiet courtyard, and the second sister practicing Qigong. Fang Yu, who was sitting in the rocking chair, felt peaceful for a long time, and felt like he was back when he was a child.

Since entering the game, I seem to have been constantly fighting and struggling, as if I have never stopped.

But as Yudi Mansion sealed itself off, Fang Yu felt that his rhythm suddenly slowed down, and his days seemed to become more leisurely.

My eyes slowly closed unconsciously...

"Diao Deyi? Why are you still at home?"

Behind him, Ding Hui's voice was heard.

Looking back, Ding Hui yawned with dark circles under his eyes, scratched his stomach in an indistinct manner, and walked towards this side with sleepy eyes.

It stands to reason that anyone who looks at a girl with such an imageless appearance would make a comment or two.

But maybe it was because of habit, but Fang Yu didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and it felt very natural.

"Woke up so early today? Second sister said you only woke up at noon before."

"You're hungry, please leave me alone. Yesterday, the hall master said that the Lin family was going to send an envoy. As the captain, didn't you need to go and see him?"

Fang Yu was stunned when he heard this.

The Lin family... sent someone here?

"The hall master didn't notify me." Fang Yu was confused.

Ding Hui also tilted his head in confusion at this time, then suddenly remembered and said: "Oh! Wrong, I didn't say it yesterday, I said it today!"

today?Didn’t today just...oh!For Ding Hui, a lot of time has indeed passed today.

In other words, the hall master told her about this in the early morning.

Just as he was thinking about it, a servant trotted over outside.

"Sir, Vice Captain Zhuo Xueer wants to see you."

Fang Yu looked at Ding Hui and then at the second sister who was finishing her work.

"I'll go."

The second sister nodded worriedly, while Ding Hui waved her hand and went to the hall to find food.

Fang Yu walked outside the door. As expected, Zhuo Xueer, wearing deputy captain's clothes, was waiting at the door.

Zhuo Xueer's right eye is no longer a human eye, but a brown-yellow eye with a vertical pupil, and that half of her face has some scaly markings the size of a fingernail.

More than half of the demonizing influence gradually left traces on her body.

Without the strength of the Wu Hall Master, and without Diao Deyi's special demon bloodline, as an ordinary demon warrior, her resistance to demonization is quite low.

No matter how many times she looked up at Fang Yu, Zhuo Xueer still looked a little weird.In the blink of an eye, his former subordinate suddenly ran in front of him and became his immediate boss. This kind of thing is weird no matter how you think about it.

But no matter what the idea was, Zhuo Xueer had to bow respectfully now.


No one would call Fang Yu the acting captain. If the distinction is so clear, he is not asking for trouble.

Different from the alternate vice-captain.

Alternate vice-captain, that is a real position. It is a position below the vice-captain and is a substitute.

Calling an [alternate vice-captain] a vice-captain is flattering, looking for trouble, and disrespectful to those official vice-captains.

But the acting captain is different. The acting basically the same as the captain.

The power and status are not much different at all. He is still appointed by the hall master. If no big mistake is made, the captain position may be secured directly.

"Lord Zhuo Xueer, just call me Diao Deyi as before."

Fang Yu laughed.

Having said that, Zhuo Xueer did not continue.

She finally got into the position of vice-captain, and she was never willing to have problems with such trivial matters.

"Captain Diao, now that you are the captain, everything is different from before. In addition, the hall master has ordered Captain Diao to go to Jie Feng Hall now to meet with the envoys of the Lin family."

Jie Feng Palace.

It is specially designed for receiving guests.

Seeing this, Fang Yu said no more.

"lead the way."

In the past few days, Yudi Mansion has sealed itself off. Fang Yu and Zhuo Xueer are both members of the Yangshen Hall and have met many times.

Fang Yu had chatted with her several times about this title issue, but all ended in vain.

So now, I no longer insist on it.

All the way to Jie Feng Palace.

Fang Yu found that Dong Xingzhou and several other vice-captains had arrived early and were waiting at the door.

Such a large formation was obviously not just for receiving the Lin family's envoys, but also to increase their momentum and put more pressure on the Lin family's envoys.

Fang Yu successfully entered the Feng Jie Palace, while Zhuo Xueer was blocked by guards and raised his hand to stop him outside.

Obviously, only the hall master and captains can enter the Jiefeng Hall now.

Saying goodbye to Zhuo Xueer, Fang Yu entered the Jie Feng Hall.

Zhuo Xueer looked at Fang Yu's leaving figure with a complicated expression, and then silently came to Dong Xingzhou's side.

"It's very unpleasant."

Dong Xingzhou suddenly spoke.

"Uncle Zhou, I, I didn't..."

Before Zhuo Xueer could finish speaking, Dong Xingzhou interrupted.

"Some people are destined not to take the ordinary path. There is no need to question Diao Deyi's ability and loyalty. He has done a lot for Yudi Mansion."

Hearing this, Zhuo Xueer frowned slightly.

Regarding the sudden promotion of Diao Deyi, the internal discussion in Yudi Mansion has not been low.

But no one knows how Diao Deyi got this bad luck.

Even Zhuo Xueer didn't understand why the hall masters favored Diao Deyi so much.

But judging from Uncle Zhou's words, it seems that there is another hidden story?

Zhuo Xueer still wanted to ask more questions, but Dong Xingzhou suddenly changed the subject.

"Xiaoxue, it's not easy. Finally, you have reached this point and climbed to the position of deputy captain..."

Listening to Dong Xingzhou, who was like an elder, speaking these words, even Zhuo Xueer, who had always been strong, couldn't help but feel a little sore in his eyes.

Yes, it’s not easy, it’s not easy.

After struggling all the way, braving rumors and rumors, constantly uniting the team members below, and attracting more outstanding talents, I finally proved myself in this promotion mission.

"Late, late! Gonna be late [for work]!"

Jing Chulan, who was talking strange words, arrived late at this time, breaking the immersive atmosphere.

Seeing that Jing Chulan, whom she regarded as her fierce rival, was successfully promoted to vice-captain, Zhuo Xueer felt unhappy and looked away slightly, ignoring her.

However, Jing Chulan quickly ran towards Zhuo Xueer.

"How is it? Are the Lin family members here? Zhuo Xueer, why are you ignoring me? Don't forget that you still owe me a favor! You said it yourself that night..."


Inside the Jiefeng Palace.


The master of the tea ceremony hall [Anmen Yi] put down the steaming tea cup and glanced at Fang Yu.

"Go and wait nearby, the Lin family hasn't arrived yet."


Fang Yu retreated to the side, but he was wondering in his heart what the Lin family's attitude would be when they came over this time.

Yudi Mansion made a big fuss in the Lin family, and then retreated to Yudi Mansion. Without leaving home, they sent some small fish and shrimps out to maintain daily operations.

The Lin family neither launched an attack on Yudi Mansion nor vented their anger on the small fish and shrimps outside.

No matter how you think about it, something is wrong.

Could it be that the Lin family just swallowed this tone?

Or is there something wrong with the Lin family and they have no time to take care of Yudi Mansion?
Fang Yu has an intelligence network on demons here, but the Yudi Mansion has sealed itself, making it inconvenient for him to come in and out, and it is also difficult to obtain information from the Lin family.

Che Linfang's status was low enough, so she had the opportunity to come and go, but she was ordered by Fang Yu to stay in Yudi Mansion temporarily, so as to prevent her from being targeted by the Lin family when she went out, and she would have less useful subordinates on her side.

No matter what, let's see what the Lin family envoy wants to do first, and then look for an opportunity to get in touch with the demon's subordinates outside to obtain information.

When Fang Yu thought of this, there was a sudden sound outside.

"The Lin family envoy [Lin Yanlan] has arrived!"

Fang Yu looked up and saw a woman wearing red and blue clothes striding into the hall with her head held high.

He seemed to have no fear of the surrounding captains and even the hall masters.

But wait for Fang Yu to see his health bar.

[Lin Yanlan: 121/121. 】

One glance...cannon fodder.

Just as Fang Yu was thinking about it, he saw several hall masters, whose expressions suddenly became inexplicably serious, and there were faint sounds of whispering.

"Why is she?"

"The Lin family is really brave..."

As Lin Yanlan stood still, Anmen Yipi said with a smile.

"Miss Lin's third daughter actually came to visit her in person. We were disappointed to receive her from afar."

The Lin family...the third lady?

100 blood?

Fang Yu's heart thumped, and a terrible suspicion suddenly came up.


(End of this chapter)

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