Chapter 503 News of Alliance
When the entire human team, and the even larger army of monsters and monsters, all started moving together, the entire ground in this forest shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

And the person who felt this violent shock the most was Fang Yu, who was lying dead on the ground.

It was like he was lying on a massage chair with a strong vibration, and the ground shook.

If there were still people who took a look at what they were stepping on at first, then as the roars started and the battle with the demon army started in front, no one cared whether they were stepping on corpses or living people.

As the team continued to advance, Fang Yu was also trampled by others.

That is to say, Fang Yu has a lot of blood, so it is no problem for him to be stepped on hundreds of times by the rows of '-1'.

Compared with these, Fang Yu is more concerned about the current battle situation.

Fang Yu was forced to shut down his phone by someone just now, and Fang Yu didn't even dare to open his eyes.

Now that the situation was in chaos, Fang Yu secretly returned to the state of "die with eyes open" and looked outside to see the situation.

But at a glance, except for the densely packed human legs and feet, nothing else could be seen.

Previously, he was forced by Taoist Priest Qingling to activate demonization. If he took the initiative, he could indeed compete with high-end combat power, but then the demon leader united with the top believers, and the vast army of demons collectively targeted him.

I don't know if it is because of the advancement of the team, but Fang Yu's 'body' seems to be at the end of the team now, and many people, like him, are already lying on the ground.

[Vine Gourd Demon: 61864/61864. 】

Others pretended to be dead, so let it go, but when a familiar guy appeared among the corpses, it suddenly became a bit unbearable.

Why are you pretending to be dead here?
Whatever the situation, everything is self-taught, right?

[Thick-skinned big shield demon: 53788/54821. 】

The difference is that these people are really not breathing, while Fang Yu is just pretending to be dead.

[Two lizard mud monsters: 7642/8255. 】

Fang Yu didn't even dare to imagine how terrifying this kind of pressure would be. Just a Qingling Taoist Priest who could be completely corrupted by the spirit at any time, Fang Yu was a little unsure of defeating him, let alone others.

If you don't charge hard, how will the rest of the family escape? How can the human team break out of the encirclement? Stand up and go to the team and continue to work hard!


"It's better to continue pretending to be dead. When the demon army chases them, I will then carry out a sneak attack from behind. This will also make it easier for me to leave at any time and run away."

[Miao Xing: 261/1542. 】

I saw a dozen demons of mediocre strength suddenly swooping out from the grass and biting into the fresh corpses on the ground!

If a big monster of this level doesn't go to the front to suppress the formation, why would it come to the corpse area of ​​the human team?
There are so many demons. What's going on? There are too many demons and too many high-end combat powers. Do you want to waste some to hold the line at the rear?
Fang Yu held his breath and tried his best to blend into the pile of corpses so as to appear inconspicuous.

[Shengdan: 522/2016. 】

[Wu Youmei: 321/1000. 】

Fang Yu:! ! !
Good guy! How could such a heavyweight monster appear here? ?
Is the pressure on the front line so small? Monsters of your caliber can actually appear behind the battlefield!
Fang Yu was really surprised.

Monsters and humans are fighting together, but the human team is obviously selective in fighting and rushing forward. Even if someone is killed by the monsters and falls to the ground, they do not choose to rescue them, but run for their lives in an even more intense manner. Pushing the team forward.

[Miao Chengdao: 109/1341. 】

Especially, I am lying down now. If Wu Youmei knew that I was also pretending to be dead, wouldn't it be embarrassing to death?
Damn it, you who are pretending to be dead, can you think about the justice of mankind and the future of your family?

Fang Yu was still confused, but the demons had already taken action and provided the answer.

At this time, when you are a standout, you face extraordinary pressure, and it is easy for something to happen.

To be honest, Fang Yu felt a little strange when monsters with such a huge gap in strength were mixed together.

A group of demons gathered together, and the big demon was even more powerful.


Unlike players, there are countless opportunities to come back before the doomsday comes. Fang Yu is now bound to the character. If the character dies, things will also happen in reality!
He must act with caution and respect, and must not act recklessly.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed that a demon was rushing into the team.

Fang Yu:......

Fang Yu was thinking about what decision to make.

Fang Yu was really convinced.

He swallowed the delicious flesh and blood without chewing a few times, and immediately turned to look at the other corpse with a greedy look on his face.

[Yunfu Erhuyao: 8552/9012. 】

After all, in such a big scene, even if he has a lot of blood, it is actually not easy to operate.

Just when Fang Yu was thinking about what to do, the crowd's emotions suddenly became more intense and even chaotic.

Then he secretly observed, and he immediately noticed that, except for a few big monsters, these demons were actually of mediocre strength, and they seemed to be generally demons with around 10,000 HP.

"Do you want to follow? 'Resurrection' and break out with them?"

Just when Fang Yu was thinking about this, he suddenly noticed that among the corpses lying on the ground with him, several of them actually still had health bars!

As the number of corpses on the ground continues to increase, the human team has moved forward for a certain distance and distanced itself from the location of the corpses.

[Wandering Swamp Creeper: 18516/18516. 】

Fang Yu secretly complained in his heart, but suddenly found that in the grass next to him, at some point, several pairs of big eyes suddenly lit up, as well as rows of blood bars.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen corpses were eaten.

This operation of the demons made Fang Yu understand instantly.

What kind of demonic regular army is this? They are clearly here to sweep the battlefield and take care of logistics and pick up corpses!
Good guy, you don’t even pretend to be dead anymore, right?

The most important thing, is it worth the big demon's effort to dispose of corpses? ? It's enough to deal with these little monsters who can't even get enough health. But when those big monsters come over, are they overkill?

As if he sensed something was wrong, the [Miao Xing] who was lying on the ground to pretend to be a corpse, with about 200 health, suddenly jumped up from the ground and ran away like crazy.

court death!

This is the evaluation given by Fang Yu.

If there weren't those big monsters, Fang Yu might still think that [Miao Xing] had caught the opportunity to escape well.

Because of the little demons who handled the corpses, only the first corpse ate quickly, while the second corpse ate a little slower, as if they were savoring the food slowly and enjoying every sensation of the taste buds.

And this time is indeed the time when the demon is most relaxed and the best time to escape.

But right now...

"There are still survivors!"

"Don't let her get away!"

"Why are you panicking!"

The fifty-thousand-blood [thick-skinned shield demon] scolded coldly.

Then he said respectfully to [Vine Gourd Demon].

"Master Vine Gourd Demon, the surrounding area has been surrounded by my men, forming a tight defense line. There are no loopholes in the rear front. Even if the woman keeps running away, she will eventually hit our shrinking encirclement net. The same is true. A fate of death." It spoke slowly, with great confidence and arrogance.

[Vine Gourd Demon] raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I only care about where the body is, and you can handle the rest by yourself."

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] seemed a little dissatisfied with [vine gourd demon]'s attitude, but still lowered his head and said: "I will help you find the body."

After saying that, it waved its hand to its opponent.

"Catch up and bring the person back."


The demons under his command have been so excited that they can hardly contain themselves.

That's a living mouth! It tastes better than the flesh of a dead man!

The demon's subordinates who were close immediately chased Miao Hong, who was escaping.

Visible to the naked eye, the distance between the two sides is rapidly closing.

When he saw the demon chasing after him, [Miao Xing] was so frightened that he screamed and cried without tears. He thought he could escape by pretending to be dead, but he didn't expect that he would encounter a more tragic end!

"Chengdao! Chengdao, come and save me!!"

[Miao Xing] screamed uncontrollably, as if shouting someone's name, but no one in the pile of corpses got up and rushed to rescue.

It wasn't until a new demon approached the pile of corpses that several people jumped up in succession. As if they had a tacit understanding, they looked at each other, each chose the opposite direction, and ran away for their lives!

Wu Youmei was one of them. Fang Yu noticed that Wu Youmei glanced at her body at the end, with complex and sad eyes. He didn't know what she was thinking, and then she separated from the others and ran for her life.

But they obviously haven't realized that among the monsters who deal with corpses, there are actually super monsters with 50,000 and 60,000 blood.

"Interesting, humans are really cunning."

The vine gourd demon touched his chin and said with interest.

But the face of [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] has darkened.

Because on the battlefield at the rear, the part responsible for the finishing touches, the real person in charge, is actually it. The vine gourd demon just went around looking for a certain corpse.

If there is a problem with the defense line behind and humans really escape alive, then the entire responsibility lies with the [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon].

So [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] was a little anxious, and his expression was a little ugly.

"Catch them back! Catch them all! I want to live! I want to taste these ungrateful things myself!"

Obviously this team has just been established not long ago, but a clear superior-subordinate relationship seems to have been established between the demons. It is also possible that these little demons were already the subordinates of [Thick-skinned and large-shielded demon] before, but they just joined the organization and were blocked. Enter some of the men.

No matter what, the demons under [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] were very obedient to the orders and chased after those who escaped.

Pretending to be dead is a skill.

At least on the surface, you have to have fought and been injured before you can 'die' convincingly, so it's natural for you to fall to the ground and pretend to be dead.

Therefore, the guys who pretend to be dead in the corpse area are basically injured, have unhealthy blood volume, and damaged combat power.

Faced with a small team of three to five monsters chasing each other, these people who were pretending to be dead with their combat power weakened were all quickly captured one by one.

And just when these demons were escorting the escaped humans back, ripples suddenly appeared in the space around [Vine Gourd Demon].

The next moment, Fang Yu, who was lying on the ground, his pupils suddenly shrank violently!

Because as the space swayed slightly, a small blue paper crane slowly appeared and flew into the palm of [Vine Gourd Demon]!
Fang Yu's breathing seemed to have stopped.

Lan, Master Lan? !

Is this guy having an affair with Master Lan? ?

This is Sunset City!
Why is Master Lan related to the fate of Sunset City? How could his hand be stretched so long?

Moreover, after the battle in Tianyuan Town, even Lord Lan must have been injured and needed to recharge his batteries. Why did he start to take action so quickly?

Fang Yu's heart began to beat rapidly. Fortunately, no one at the scene noticed the change in the condition of a corpse.

I saw the expression of [Vine Gourd Demon] change to one of surprise visible to the naked eye, and then whispered something into [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon]'s ear.

"Good news, the Demon City is willing to form an alliance with us! Help us take down Sunset City!"

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] suddenly widened his eyes.

"Demon City?! It's the nearest one... OK, OK! With their help, even Taoist Priest Qing Ling..."

"Hush! Too much words will lead to mistakes. Believers are mysterious and unpredictable, so it's better not to mention him less. I'll leave this to you. I'm going to meet up with Mr. [Silver Lion King Demon]. Remember, find that guy's body and send it to him. Come to me. You should know how precious the body of a believer is. Master [Silver Lion King Demon] needs his body intact!"

[Vine Gourd Demon] emphasized the word 'completely', and then quickly got into the ground and disappeared.

As soon as [Vine Gourd Demon] left, Fang Yu felt the pressure and immediately fell.

If it's just a big monster with fifty thousand blood and a bunch of weak monsters with ten thousand blood around it, I can still handle it!
But at this moment, Fang Yu's thoughts were more focused on what [Vine Gourd Demon] mentioned about the Demon City and the alliance with Lord Lan.

Mr. Lan, he started taking action so quickly. Could it be that after he destroyed Tianyuan Town, his next step would be to destroy the surrounding towns?
Sunset City is his next target?
Fang Yu was confused and didn't even know what Master Lan's purpose was.

All he cares about is...

"I wonder how Brother Qing is doing with Master Lan now..."

The noisy sounds of Wu Youmei and others brought Fang Yu back from his thoughts.

He watched Wu Youmei and others being suppressed and kneeling in rows in front of the [Thick-skinned Shield Demon], and followed the [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] to the first survivor who escaped, opening his mouth wide.


With just one bite, the man named Miao Chengdao was bitten off his head. As if he had eaten a small grape, the [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] closed his eyes and chewed, enjoying the delicious food.

The saliva dripping from the mouths of the men next to them adds even more flavor to this exclusive delicacy.


[Thick-skinned large shield demon] walked up to Wu Youmei.

Yes, the second one is Wu Youmei.

She knelt on the ground, her lips were stained with dried tears, her eyes were red, and she stared at the terrifying huge monster in front of her with fear.

That tall figure was weighing on her heart like a mountain at the moment.

The huge shadow casts a countdown to her death.

Wu Youmei opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything to beg for mercy. Only her trembling body told her inner helplessness and fear at this moment.

And at this moment of 'execution' like a guillotine, no one noticed, or in other words, no one noticed.

Among the pile of corpses, someone slowly stood up.


(End of this chapter)

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