Chapter 505 Force Field

[Thick-skinned shield demon], who had canceled the magnetism, had already turned around with his shield raised, facing Fang Yu who landed on the ground, and made an upward movement with his fingers.

"Shield Forest."


The second forest of giant shields rose from the ground not far behind Fang Yu!

"After that……"

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] stared at Fang Yu and whispered.


Woohoo! ! !
The sound like crazy bombing appeared again!
[Thick-skinned large shield demon] The whole person was simply projected towards Fang Yu like a cannonball, with extremely fast speed!

But fortunately, Fang Yu had already seen its operation, and was already on guard the moment the opponent raised the shield wall.

I saw the demagnetized [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon], who had turned around to look at Fang Yu's falling figure.

It is very difficult for Fang Yu, who is in mid-air, to change his footing at this moment, especially...the two shield walls are too fast! It’s so fast that there’s almost no room for thinking.

What is this for?
Boom! ! !
[Thick-skinned large shield demon] has arrived, and it hit the shield wall hard, like a magnet plate being attracted to the shield wall. The distance was not that far in the first place, but it arrived almost instantly!

There was a hint of ridicule in the corner of its mouth.

Fang Yu had already jumped up when the [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] hit him like a bomb blast from a high-speed train.

A certain figure passed by Fang Yu's feet, and then...

The inverted body, the lower half of the head and the chest area were directly crushed into flesh by the shield wall. Blood splashed three to four meters high, leaving only the waist and two legs on the shield wall.



But when his figure changed from jumping up to gradually falling, Fang Yu suddenly realized something.

[Thick-skinned big shield demon: 52984/54821. 】

Such brutal attack methods also quickly established his prestige among his fellow demons, and gradually he had his own team.

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] frowned slightly, and then his whole body seemed to be sucked away by a magnet, almost flying madly towards Fang Yu's direction.

The [thick-skinned shield demon] felt extremely happy when the human beings were crushed to pulp again and again, or had their legs broken and screamed in agony.

The blood stained on the shield wall almost dyed the shield wall red.

If it hadn't been for the pressure from Taoist Priest Qingling and the lion demon's intervention, [Thick-skinned shield demon] would probably still be the boss of a small group now instead of joining such a large organization.

The roar of the shield wall's violent movement was almost like an out-of-control plowing machine, plowing out a dirt road from all the soil it rushed over.

Looking at the numbers popping up above the opponent's head, Fang Yu couldn't help but think of two words.

[Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] The most impressive or creative human warrior is the one who uses his own move to accelerate to the ground like a genius, and wants to use his good hands to slap the ground to get a second flight. , thereby avoiding the attack.

This move, [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] has been tried and tested repeatedly. Just like the unique thinking inertia of human beings, when faced with an offensive like its own, it will always choose to jump up to avoid the attack.

Compared with such worries, [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] is more concerned about what choice the human warrior in front of him will make.

That's it?

Fang Yu, who was standing on the shield wall, tilted his head slightly.

Countless arrogant human warriors died under these shield walls.

It can be said that this double shield wall attack is a kind of first sight kill. People who see it for the first time will not be prepared, and even feel cumbersome. After realizing the mystery of it, they have already been killed. late.

Two brand-new shield walls rose up from the ground at an unknown moment, attracting each other from the left and right sides and outflanking them!

"What a weird human technique."

It's a shield wall.

The eyes of [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] are rulers!
It accurately calculated the height of Fang Yu's feet and the height of the shield wall. Fang Yu fell down, and the moment the height of his feet reached the same height as the shield wall, he began to activate the mutual attraction ability of the shield wall.

As the bone spurs on the soles of his feet were removed and turned into white powder, Fang Yu stepped on the shield wall that merged into one with both feet.

Boom! ! !
It hit the second shield wall hard.

Not to mention, the shield walls on both sides are quite thick when put together, like a brick road, but they are not flat.

And this jump almost caused most of the human warriors who did not have the ability to stay in the air or change their actions in mid-air to fall prey to it.

But without it having to say anything, Fang Yu already knew what would happen...

I saw Fang Yu, who was about to fall, even at his best, his legs would be cut off by the shield walls from both sides. Suddenly, two long bone spurs suddenly extended from under his bones-covered feet!
Like stepping on high heels, Fang Yu, who was supposed to fall into the shield wall, actually relied on the two long bone spurs under his feet to drill into the ground and resolve the situation!
Boom! ! !
The shield walls on both sides collided together, or were pinched together, directly pinching off the long bone spurs like high heels under Fang Yu's feet.

"So, what will you do? Believer!"

When this killing move emerged, and under the attack of the shield walls on both sides, [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] suddenly opened his eyes wide and saw a scene that he could not understand.

But for now, if you don't follow them, the only outcome will be annexation. [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] actually doesn't have much choice.

That scene can be said to be extremely funny, so [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] was very impressed.

Unfortunately, [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] was not only capable of this, so that guy died.

Boom! !

This exaggerated speed even permeates the shortcomings of too much movement and the fact that it can almost only move in a straight line.


The magnetism of [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] had just disappeared, and as soon as he raised his head, someone had already stepped on his face.

But the shield on his right hand moved one step faster than the body's reaction, and moved sideways forcefully.


Someone's foot stepped on the giant shield held by [Thick-skinned Shield Demon].

"How dare you come."

Fang Yu bent down and made a gesture like putting his hands in his pockets, looking down at the demon at his feet.

"The battle has just begun."

[Thick-skinned big shield demon] almost recognized Fang Yu's strength, so he said this.

But obviously, Fang Yu didn't think so.

Fang Yu said with a smile.

"No, the battle is over."

[Thick-skinned and large-shielded demon] I thought the other party was just talking trash.

But I didn't expect that almost at the moment when the human in front of me finished speaking...

Bang! ! !
A large amount of white powder suddenly erupted from the human being in front of him, instantly filling the surrounding area and blocking his vision.

The group of human survivors and the demon brothers were already far away, and once the white mist blocked them, almost nothing could be seen.

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] does not understand this behavior.

It thought that Fang Yu just wanted to use this method to block vision and perception to cause interference to itself.

But as soon as this thought came up, [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] realized that he was wrong!

Because, something is penetrating the giant shield in his right hand! That invincible giant shield that was so proud of itself and was almost defenseless and indestructible was being penetrated and broken through by something at a rapid rate!

impossible? ! !
[Thick-skinned large shield demon] opened his eyes wide, almost in disbelief.

Because in the long years, even the [Silver Lion King Demon] has never broken through his giant shield!

His defeat was due to his lack of personal strength, not the inability of the giant shield to defend itself!
But now, in his eyes, the giant shield that is unparalleled and absolutely invincible in the world has been broken!
What is it! What broke my giant shield!

Thoughts are faster than actions, but no matter whether [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] wants to escape or counterattack, his movements are already a beat slower. The attack that penetrates the giant shield is already close at hand!
[Thick-skinned shield demon] opened his eyes wide, trying to see what was breaking through his giant shield as if it were nothing.

Then, [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] saw clearly.

It's a black spike.

The extremely thin spikes seemed to penetrate the tiny gaps inside the giant shield. After penetrating the giant shield, they came to him.

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] Like a lizard with its tail cut off, it abandoned its shield and tried to retreat, but the speed of the black thorn was too fast.

It hasn't even made a move to lean back...

Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!
Densely packed, hundreds or thousands of terrifying black thorns instantly penetrated its face, penetrated its head, and burst out from the back of its head!

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] The whole body seems to have been pierced into a hedgehog, and the back is densely covered with terrifying black thorns.

Just when [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] thought this was the end, he discovered that his strong vitality was rapidly wilting. The black thorns in his body were like needle-like pipelines, quickly draining the vitality from his body. , and help the black thorn grow and grow!
The black thorns are blooming!
The black thorn is draining its body of nutrients!

It turned out that it was not a black thorn, but a tree.

A small sapling is growing vigorously behind it! Rapid growth!
Another advantage of the brain running faster than the body is that it can make decisions calmly when faced with a crisis.

"Shield suck!!"

The shield, with the body, is being sucked away.

In addition to the two rows of shield walls that flanked Fang Yu, he also had two shield walls left.

What is trying to pull him away now is the shield wall left behind!
The adsorption of the shield wall is sometimes a means of attack, and sometimes it is also a means of retreating to save one's life!
But just when the body of [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] was about to be sucked away by the shield wall behind...

Bang! ! !
Bloody steam suddenly filled the air!

That is? !
[Thick-skinned shield demon]'s pupils shrank, and the exaggerated sucking force behind him paused for half a second.

It's less than half a second...

Open the tree, done.

boom! ! !
The complete black towering tree took shape instantly behind the [Thick-skinned Shield Demon].

The violent power made [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] feel like it was hit hard!

Although the body broke through the shackles of the bloody steam, it was sucked away again by the rear shield wall with the thick black towering wood.

But the [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] that caused this heavy blow had its combat power greatly reduced.

Boom! !

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] hit the shield wall behind.

The huge black wood that had lost its source of power fell apart like a crash when it hit the shield wall.

But [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] had no doubt about the terror of this blow.

He looked up in horror at the bloody steam-filled place ahead.

never had.

Even Taoist Priest Qing Ling has never brought such pressure to him!

Because it has never seen Taoist Qingling take action, and has never actually fought against Taoist Qingling, it cannot imagine what the pressure from Taoist Qingling would be like.

But the method of that human being in front, that believer! He felt it clearly!


[Thick-skinned large shield demon] The human in front can only be described as terrifying!

No one, whether human or demon, has ever broken through his defense, let alone done it in such a weird way!
His almost invincible defense was ineffective in the face of the opponent's ability!
" this the true strength of believers!!"

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] almost roared at the bloody mist.

Instead, there was only the sound of footsteps in response to him.

That was the sound that was made when both feet stepped on his shield wall.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a certain figure standing in front of the shield wall, watching him.


[Thick-skinned shield demon] For the first time in his life, he felt real fear.

"Shield Forest!"

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] roared, set up a row of shields behind, and...

"Shield suck!"

That's right!

[Thick-skinned large shield demon] is on the run!
But he didn't expect that the person standing in the bloody mist would be pursued!
quick! Horrifyingly fast!
[Thick-skinned big shield demon] pupils suddenly shrank!

He knows how exaggerated his shield absorption speed is!

That's why he escaped in this way!

But I didn't expect that the guy who almost turned into a black shadow was faster! More exaggerated!
etc! Why black? !
Isn't that guy wearing white armor?
Irrelevant questions flashed through his mind, and the [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] suddenly shouted after hitting the shield wall behind with a thud.

"Meteor Shield!!"

The shields that had been pinched together suddenly fell into pieces, as if there was a huge repulsive reaction between them.

No matter how firmly it was adsorbed before, it would be ejected at an exaggerated speed.

All the shields controlled by [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] suddenly changed from defensive means to offensive means, and the attacks were irregular, and they all reacted extremely repulsively to each other.

But [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] itself has generated a strange force field, which controls all the out-of-control shields around itself and carries out crazy and disorderly attacks!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh——

The shield that is repelled from [Thick-skinned Big Shield Demon] will generate stronger rebound force the moment it touches the edge of its force field and bounce back!

This kind of force field will completely control all the shields with crazy acceleration and disorderly attacks within their own territory!

And in this field, [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] will be treated as the same kind by all shields, wrapped in absolute repulsion against shields!

It can be said that from this moment on, the longer you stay next to the [thick-skinned shield demon], the higher the possibility of being killed on the spot by a shield that comes from nowhere.

At this moment, [Thick-skinned Shield Demon] was surrounded by a shield array, and it was clearly a dazzling dodgeball scene. After just a few rebounds, any shield's speed and power were superimposed into a very terrifying... To the point that even the [Thick-skinned Large Shield Demon] was frightened when he saw it, and it became increasingly difficult to maintain the force field.

[Thick-skinned big shield demon] I don’t know, in this crazy meteor shield attack field, there will be someone who can’t think about it and continues to attack him!
and so……

"Get out of my way!!!"

But unfortunately, someone's speed is even more exaggerated than the shield after rebounding many times! !

Therefore, this battle is still going on!


(End of this chapter)

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