Chapter 516 Following
The defeat of the Silver Lion King Demon made the Disturbing Gu Heart Demon and the Vine Gourd Demon change their expressions.

In the same realm, demons are stronger than humans. This is almost a deep-rooted inherent knowledge.

Even in the previous battle with the human coalition, it was only because the old man from the Hai family cooperated with a large number of human masters to fight together that the Silver Lion King Demon was injured and troubled.

If he were to fight alone, the old man from the Hai family would definitely not be a match for the Silver Lion King Demon.

But the situation in front of me is different.

That believer, relying on only one person, actually completed the counterattack against the Silver Lion King Demon at a one-on-three disadvantage! And it’s an effective counterattack!
This is simply incredible!
"Is this kind of thing really something that human warriors can do..."

Disturbing Gu Heart Demon cannot understand.

Although I have always heard that special warriors and believers among humans have innate advantages over demons, I have never actually encountered them before, so I never took them seriously. How could I have imagined that they would be so powerful!
What on earth is that weird black tree attack?
It’s okay if you can kill the thick-skinned large shield demon, but why can you injure the silver lion king demon?

That's... the Silver Lion King Demon Lord! !

Among the demon army, the most powerful demon is the leader of all demons!

This speed...this change in strength is as if this human being has not really used all his strength in the previous battle, which makes people feel a huge sense of frustration.


So...danger is approaching! ! !

And getting rid of these two obstructive monsters is the second step of the plan!

However, such a powerful Silver Lion King Demon was actually suppressed by that human's counterattack!

Unfortunately, when he sensed danger, Fang Yu's black afterimage was suddenly approaching!
The moment the vine gourd demon's pupils shrank, more than a dozen vine whips were already lashing forward!
Snap, snap, snap, snap! ! !

A dozen vines whipped over, but in an instant it seemed like nearly a hundred vines had been whipped out.

So it doesn't know how huge the change in Fang Yu's strength will be due to the high degree of demonization.

Therefore, when Fang Yu almost dodged all the vine attacks here, and instantly approached the Zhivine Gourd Demon, slapped his hands, and at the same time grabbed the arm of the Zhivine Gourd Demon that was about to launch a heavy hammer attack, Zhivine At this moment, the expression on the gourd demon's face was one of horror, fear, and even trembling!

Yes, it just failed.

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon felt that it was unacceptable. In other words, the excessive strength of the human in front completely subverted its perception of the strength of human warriors.

Whoosh! !

The demon bodies like them know best what kind of strength the Silver Lion King Demon is.

But when they were surprised and stunned, they all ignored one thing.

He is very clear about the feedback effect of his vine whip on the human body.

At this moment, the Zhivine Gourd Demon truly realized that... this human being was really an almost equal existence to the Silver Lion King Demon.

"Gu heart interference!!!"

The whipping speed was so fast, as if the previous vine hadn't hit the ground before the next vine had already whipped over, dragging out the afterimage on the spot.

Perhaps because of fear, or perhaps because of nervousness, the Vine Gourd Demon's beating at this moment seemed to reveal its ability to suppress the bottom of the box.

But how is this possible?

He was whipping so fast, why could that human being avoid it?

"Let him go!!!"

Since there is no feedback from the hit, it means he didn't hit!

"not good!"

As long as there is a slight chance to defeat the Silver Lion King Demon by their own strength, then these demon bodies will not be called demon bodies, but will directly climb on the head of the Silver Lion King Demon and become kings themselves.

Ignore that defeating the Silver Lion King Demon is only the first step of Fang Yu's plan.

As a result, all his vine whips failed.

Bang! ! ! !

Open, tree.

However, what makes the Zhivine Gourd Demon feel horrified is that the speed of his vine whipping has reached such an alarming speed, so exaggerated that it has almost reached the limit of the physical performance that he can exert after reacting temporarily.

What kind of situation is this?
Can a mere human believer really do such a thing?
That's the Silver Lion King Demon!
The two monster bodies had different reactions when faced with the scene of the silver lion king monster being hung high on the top of a black tree.

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon shouted loudly!

The vine gourd demon was also so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

In the world of monsters, the rules are very simple and primitive, that is, the law of the jungle eats the strong.

The vine gourd demon didn't think about Fang Yu's sudden increase in strength in a short period of time.

A towering black tree burst out from behind the vine-gourd demon! !
The exaggerated damage figures directly reduced the Vine Gourd Demon's already low HP!
The two-handed tree-opening attack is not as efficient as the four-hand synchronization, but it is still more efficient than one-handed tree opening.

Perhaps because he has the highest level of strength among demon bodies, his sense of danger is also the sharpest among the demon bodies.

Because in addition to these two hands, Fang Yu also has a third hand and a fourth hand!
And the third and fourth hands, almost at the same moment, reached out and put their hands on the chest of the Zhivine Gourd Demon.

That's because it's fast.

But in the process of retreating, Fang Yu pulled the body of the Zhivine Gourd Demon to retreat!

The dangerous aura from behind suddenly accelerated and approached!
Everything forced Fang Yu to retreat.

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon roars and roars!

However, his set of attacks against human souls, which are extremely effective and have a special attack effect on humans, fell on the believers wearing strange deadwood armor. It was as if the power was absorbed and reduced by the deadwood armor, and the remaining The remaining power has almost a negligible impact on the human believer.

This made Disturbing Gu Heart Demon very distressed and angry.

In such an important battlefield, he was like an outsider, unable to play his due role! Give full play to the strength and positioning that a demon body should have!

"Never! This has never happened before!!"

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. Apart from his own strength positioning, his biggest role in being able to ascend to the position of a demon body is his special attack method. This attack method is effective against most humans. A penetrating attack that is almost impossible to defend against.

After all, there are only a few human beings with a strong spirit and will. Most warriors specialize in physical training and cannot effectively defend against his killing moves.

But the believer in front is different. Whether it is the weird tree bark body or the super mental toughness, that believer is far from being comparable to the ordinary human warriors I have seen before.

This directly led to a problem. It disturbed the Gu Heart Demon and almost gave up its proud spiritual attack. Instead, it used its own demon body to directly cause harm to the human believer through physical means. Otherwise, he will not make any effective achievements in this battle!
So the troublesome Gu heart demon is anxious.

It wants to prove its worth, and even more so, it wants to kill this believer, so that this kind of existence that can resist its own ability and make its own ability almost ineffective will completely disappear from the world.

As for rescuing the vine gourd demon who was dragged away by Fang Yu, that was just a simple matter of lips and teeth dying, and most of the relationships between the various demon bodies were actually not very deep.

However, both the disturbing Gu Heart Demon and the Silver Lion King Demon, which had already descended from the black tree and suddenly accelerated, were all a beat slower.

Because the human believer had already grabbed the body of the vine gourd demon and turned around to run away!
Move! Move the vine gourd demon! !

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon was furious as he watched the vine gourd demon being dragged away like a dead person.

But he didn't know that the actual situation was that the vine gourd demon was restrained.

Fang Yu's extra arm firmly restrained the vine gourd demon, so he could take it with him!

However, after being attacked by Kaishu, the accumulated injuries in the body of the vine gourd demon burst out, which was also one of the reasons.

The vine gourd demon has become weaker.

In other words, after the injury broke out, he could not exert his full strength, so he was captured by Fang Yu. But that was only temporary. When the vine gourd demon reacted and struggled desperately, Fang Yu clearly felt the pressure.

However, Fang Yu didn't need to escape with the vine gourd demon for too long. The space gained in just a moment was enough for Fang Yu to deal with this demon.

and so.

tread! !

Fang Yu suddenly stopped.

The vine gourd demon was stunned for a moment.

Open...tree! ! !

Bang! ! !
A big black tree rises out of thin air! In the blink of an eye, it grows and blooms!
When the Disturbing Gu Heart Demon and the Silver Lion King Demon arrived one after another, the body of the Vine Gourd Demon was already hanging on the tree, swaying back and forth with the breeze.

"Bad boy!!" The veins on the silver lion king demon's forehead were jumping.

He was negligent for a moment and was injured by this mere human!
Not to mention the loss of face, my physical condition was really damaged! Coupled with the injuries that have not yet recovered from the fierce battle with the old man from the Hai family, the current condition of the Silver Lion King Demon is actually not good.

But even so, the Silver Lion King Demon still has great confidence and directly kills the humans in front of him.

Because through various previous battles and tests, he had basically judged the approximate strength of the human beings in front of him.

It can be said that except for the weird black tree attack, which is quite tricky, the pure physical performance can only be said to be sparse and ordinary.

But despite this, he still let this human being seize the opportunity and take the opportunity to get rid of one of his demon-bodied generals.

He couldn't bear this humiliation!

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon's eyes widened.

A few hours ago, he was drinking and chatting with these four monsters to prepare for today's action.

As a result, now, among the five demon bodies, he is the only one who is dead.

When the human believer faced the two demons who came, he stood on the spot with his demon-like posture, stretched out his four hands, gave four thumbs up, and turned his head 180 degrees to make a provocation. hour.

The silver lion king demon rushed out.

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon only felt a sudden gust of wind, and the figure of the Silver Lion King Demon disappeared.

Fast, too fast!
The speed of the Silver Lion King Demon is too fast!
But what's more, it's actually the disturbing Gu heart demon that is afraid.

His attention was lost.

Mental fear, fear of the strong, and... when the human believer turned his thumb downward, he kept staring at him as if he was seeing prey.

All of this made Disturbing Gu Heart Demon want to retreat.

The thick-skinned shield demon is dead, the red lotus and blood leopard demon is dead, the cherry blossom demon is dead, and the vine gourd demon is dead.

Of the five demonic bodies, the only one who died in the blink of an eye was himself!
The believers are like monster hunters, specifically watching and killing these monsters!

Therefore, the disturbing Gu heart demon is afraid.

He stared blankly at the corpse of the vine gourd demon hanging high in the air, and the emotions in his heart changed drastically.

The Silver Lion King Demon yelled, 'Cooperate with me to block his escape route! 'At this time, the disturbing Gu Heart Demon turned around and left!
As if he had given up all his dignity and career, the Disturbing Gu Heart Demon turned around and fled. At this moment, he was so decisive, so resolute, without a moment's hesitation!

tread! !

The figure of the Silver Lion King Demon, which was so fast that almost no one could catch it, stopped at this moment.

In other words, he was completely angry.

"Troublesome Gu Heart Demon, you are here! What are you doing!"

What he was staring at was no longer Fang Yu who was seizing the opportunity to breathe and regain his health in front, but the deserter behind who turned around and ran away!

However, when faced with the question from the Silver Lion King Demon, the Disturbing Gu Heart Demon just ran away, even faster!

The troubled heart demon knows that it is embarrassing and knows the consequences of doing so, and may not be able to survive in the nearby demon circle.

But the disturbing Gu heart demon wants to live.

He wants! !

"Disturbing Gu Heart Demon!!! Take one more step and see! Do you believe me or not? I will go over and kill you now!!"

The Silver Lion King Demon has never been so out of control and so angry!

He lost face in front of his men!
His men lost confidence in him and turned around and ran away!
What's this? What's the matter? !
Anger makes people crazy!
Anger makes people crazy!
The Silver Lion King Demon is going crazy right now.

He wants to kill the deserters and disturb the Gu Heart Demon!

And his roar also had an effect.

The heart-wrenching Gu heart demon was so afraid of death that it didn't dare to move, or in other words, it didn't dare to escape.

But it also didn't dare to look back and face the furious Silver Lion King Demon.

At this moment, an uncoordinated voice appeared.

"Troublesome Gu Heart Demon, just run away. I can guarantee that your boss, the Silver Lion King Demon, will never be able to kill you!"


The Silver Lion King Demon almost thought he heard wrongly.

The skin jumped a few times, and the whole face was almost distorted to the extreme.

He slowly turned back and looked in the direction of Fang Yu.

He almost squeezed his throat and made a sound.

"Human! Human! Dare you say one more word?"

The lion hair all over his body slowly stood up like exploding hair.

The state of the Silver Lion King Demon seems to have entered a more terrifying and extreme stage.


Fang Yu suddenly showed a sweet and harmless smile.

"I said, in front of me, there is absolutely no way you can kill the Disturbing Gu Heart Demon."

boom! ! !
The figure of the silver lion king demon disappeared.

The Disturbing Gu Heart Demon didn't even see what was happening, and a series of terrifying sounds sounded from behind.

The trees collapsed crazily, and the terrifying explosions spread all the way. In the blink of an eye, they had covered a distance of more than hundreds of meters. It was vaguely like seeing a small body being blown away in a series of terrifying explosions. Picture of going out.

But the disturbing Gu Heart Demon no longer cares about that much.

Because, he really wanted to escape now.

However, the Disturbing Gu Heart Demon fled so neatly that it did not notice that a man holding an iron bead in his hand quietly followed behind it.


(End of this chapter)

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