Invincibility starts when I see the BOSS health bar.

Chapter 523 Negotiations on formation changes

Chapter 523 Negotiations on formation changes
The spirit is powerful.

The abilities of most spirits are almost as powerful as the rules.

Among the demons, only a small number of demons have innate abilities that have rules-like abilities, but most of them are still biased toward the physical system.

So the spirit is rare and the spirit is very powerful.

Blood-related spirits only imitate the most basic form of spirits.

Each spirit has different rules and abilities that cannot be imitated.

Ding Hui originally thought that this was almost an unsolvable problem, because after all, the blood spirit only imitated the form of the spirit, and everything inside was quite different from the real spirit.

But now, Ding Hui thinks differently.

The idea of ​​cutting the spirit into countless parts really opened up her thinking and guided her thoughts.

Theoretical ideas kept popping up in Ding Hui's mind, and he wanted to experiment on Fang Yu now.

Ding Hui chattered endlessly, her whole body gradually becoming excited, but then she discovered that the internal transformation and morphological changes of the woman in front of her seemed to have reached a kind of saturation, and the overall situation was gradually becoming stable, exuding... An aura similar to that of a bloody man.

Bloody people are Ding Hui's nickname for those who have been transformed by spiritual elements.

As for the purpose of taking action, as long as the result is good, why bother to delve into it? In a sense, I have contributed to Sunset City's difficulties.

Snapped! !

"and many more……"

Ding Hui got closer.

The crocodile's mouth growing out of his shoulder does not seem to affect Ding Hui's autonomous actions.

Ding Hui, who had not looked at the person behind him just now, turned around for the first time and paid attention to the girl.

People affected by the spirit particles will all lose their minds and kill everyone on sight.

The intense emotional ups and downs could not resonate with Ding Hui at all.

"So it's like this. It's very similar to the awakened believers in the records. However, just the revenge of killing one's mother can gather spiritual elements. Is it because of an emotional outburst, or is it because this guy's own spirit is high and he is suitable to be a container?"

On Ding Hui's shoulder, a crocodile-like crocodile-like mouth suddenly sprouted, biting the female vampire's palm.

It is equivalent to a rare material that suddenly displays various changes in properties in front of people, allowing people to observe and study it. This kind of opportunity is not available on ordinary days, so Ding Hui is getting closer and closer.

A certain emotion in her was rising, which seemed to attract a gathering of spirits. Those scattered spirit elements, the spirit elements that should only be gathered on the blood people, and the spirit elements condensed into spirit particles, are constantly gathering here at this moment. On the girl's body!

Ding Hui was too immersed in it, so she didn't notice that the blood-colored veins were bulging on the bloody man's arms, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

"Girl, you should thank Taoist Qingling. If he hadn't changed the environment inside Sunset City, cut the spirit into countless parts, and walked around the entire Sunset City like air and powder, an ordinary person like you, even if there is a No matter how good your qualifications are, if you don’t have the spirit, you are nothing.”

She waved to the bloody woman.

If she didn't take action, that person would only attack more people and cause more casualties.

"no no!!!"

It's just that this kind of method that can directly affect ordinary people will be a very terrifying ability if used in a large-scale war.

A figure behind him was kneeling on the ground, wailing and shouting.

But she didn't notice that the girl who was gradually transforming, the girl whose eyes had completely turned into blood, was exuding such exaggerated malice and murderous intent at the moment!
"Amplified, the emotional fluctuations are amplified. Is the internal structure of the brain changed by the invasion of Lingsu? Or is it a change in nature after the combination of the two? Interesting! I didn't expect that you, who was just ordinary just now, would change because of external stimulation. , you can get this favor.”


So now, after all, collect more of these spiritual particles, so that you can have the capital to experiment and make mistakes in the future.

"No, the spiritual elements are still drifting this way, but your body refuses to absorb these spiritual elements."


boom! ! !
A palm as fast as lightning suddenly struck Ding Hui!


"But now, you have a spiritual substitute. In a sense, you have begun to become beautiful and powerful."

"Interesting, is it a self-protection mechanism? If you can open this restriction and continuously gather the surrounding spiritual elements into your body, what kind of monster will be created?"

She is studying the detailed changes in every part of this woman's body. This transformation process will be of great help to her subsequent research on the other party.

But she understood that these spiritual particles that had been successfully decomposed would be the most important and core materials in the subsequent experiment. Without them, she would be unable to make a fool of herself.

"A very exaggerated increase in strength. Based on the physical fitness of ordinary people just now, you have at least increased your strength several times!"

Ding Hui pulled away and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

But even if she suddenly transforms into a blood person, the woman will only have the strength of an ordinary person at first, and the increase in strength is limited. In front of Ding Hui, she is not worth mentioning.

What responded to Ding Hui was the beastly roar of the female vampire.

"Where's the speed? Where's the ability? Use whatever means you have and let me see. As for the spiritual particle in your head, I can take it out later."

On a face that is not even pretty, the blood-colored meridians are bulging at the moment. The most eye-catching thing is the pupils, which are visible to the naked eye and have turned into a blood-red color. The unique inner details of human pupils have been lost, as if the inside of the eyeballs are filled with blood. There was only blood.

"Is this the end? Is it because you lack potential? Or..."

Roar! ! ! !


Ding Hui thought so, but after a few moves, when the female vampire's roar became more and more rough and violent, Ding Hui began to realize that something was wrong.

Getting stronger!
The body that had originally refused to absorb the surrounding spiritual elements, as its emotions surged, once again opened itself to the outside world to absorb the spiritual elements!
boom! ! !
The female vampire punched her, and even if Ding Huige blocked it, she still slid a few meters away and shook her ice crystal hand to neutralize the enemy's remaining strength.


The female vampire roared up to the sky and continued to increase the intensity, but Ding Hui began to feel powerless.

Quickly judging the situation, without hesitation, Ding Hui turned around and ran away!
But before he could escape even two steps, the pressure from behind suddenly approached!

So fast!

Do not!
It's me who's slowed down!
The current strength cannot even display the strength that it should have in normal times.

"Is it because of the previous one..."

The constant feeling of taking something into the body is still going on, it's just that the body is gradually adapting and becoming numb.

Ding Hui, who understood that his strength was declining and his condition was beginning to decline, gritted his teeth, turned around, and prepared to fight!

at this time……

boom! ! !
I saw a man wearing Hai family clothes suddenly appeared in front of me, punched the head of the approaching female vampire, and knocked the female vampire to the ground on the spot, losing her breath.

Diao Deyi? !
Ding Hui subconsciously wanted to shout, but immediately realized something was wrong.

The smell is wrong.

At this time, the man had turned around and faced Ding Hui, cupping his fists.

"Miss Ding, I am here to ensure your safe return to the Hai family on the orders of the family master."

It turned out to be a guard sent by the Hai family.

Ding Hui understood, and his excitement calmed down.

In the face of the other party's puzzled expression, Ding Hui walked directly to the body of the female blood man, inserted one hand into the female blood man's head and groped for it. With the slightest bit of coldness exuding from his hand, he soon found something. "The agglomerated particles are larger than ordinary blood people. It's good, it's an idea."

"I was a little confused before, why not everyone in Sunset City was transformed into a blood person, and why Taoist Qingling was so kind. Now it seems that there are conditions for transforming into a blood person."

"The higher the mental intensity, the more suitable it is for transformation..."

"There are also extreme emotional changes, which are also the key to stimulating the gathering of spiritual elements. It's a pity that I knew it too late, otherwise I would have planned and done it in advance. I believe there will be great gains..."

The Haijia guards were a little depressed.

It stands to reason that any girl would admire him for being such a handsome rescuer, but in the end, Miss Ding completely ignored him and seemed more interested in the corpse.

What a strange woman.

However, since the other person was a married woman, the Hai family guards did not dare to have any ideas, and just lowered their heads and asked for instructions.

"Miss Ding, this place is dangerous. You'd better come back to Haijia with me quickly."

Ding Hui had already taken out the spirit particles from the female vampire's head. As for returning to the Hai family now? That is impossible.

"The Hai family is really interested."

Ding Hui didn't like to owe people favors, so after thinking about it, he said to the Hai family guard.

"If the Hai family can solve the current bloody chaos in Sunset City, it will definitely become famous, right?"

The Haijia guards didn't react. Why did Ding Hui suddenly mention this? And it's natural. If the Hai family can solve the big crisis that affects the entire Sunset City, then the Hai family's reputation will naturally skyrocket. It is not an exaggeration to say that the people's support will be overwhelming.

After hesitating for a moment, the Hai family guard nodded.


Ding Hui continued: "Then if I can help the Hai family solve this problem, do you believe it?"

In this matter, the Haijia guards are a bit unable to make the decision.

In the past, someone at least the level of Coach Ma or Elder would have to be able to preside over such a major event.

But right now, it’s a little bit hard to catch the duck.

"What did Miss Ding discover?"

"Of course there is. I discovered that the core root cause of the Bloody Man Rebellion actually lies in the formation. Such a large-scale spiritual pollution, without the aid of the formation to spread, it is impossible to spread to the whole city. So stop the formation , or destroying the formation should be able to end the Blood Man Rebellion.”

It turned out to be the case.

The Hai family guard was thoughtful.

"If that's the case, then I'm afraid I have to go to Master Shengyuan."

Ding Hui was also present when he was on the city wall before. Naturally, he had also heard of Sheng Yuan's name. He should be a formation master or something.

Immediately, she waved her hand.

"Go ahead, I'll continue here..."

"Miss Ding also wants to go with me."

Ding Hui frowned.


"Because I was ordered to protect you, but if I go to Master Shengyuan, I won't be able to protect you. So it's best if Miss Ding goes with me. And you said that the formation can I don’t know how to solve the bloody chaos, and I still need you to explain the reason to Lord Shengyuan.”


Ding Hui was a little unhappy.

But when the Haijia guard said that he would help clean up the bloody people along the way, Ding Hui immediately agreed. The only requirement was that she be responsible for the route planning.

To put it simply, Ding Hui will hit wherever he feels there are many bloody people, passing as many as possible and killing more bloody people.

The Haijia guards naturally had no objection.

If it weren't for the order of the family leader, he would probably be fighting on the front line to clean up the bloody people in the city.

There are weak and strong blood people. Like the one he dealt with just now, it was just a very weak one. Some of them were simply transformed from the original warriors. They were so powerful that even he would feel the pressure.

According to Ding Hui's route, it would be somewhat risky to clear the way.

But the Haijia guard is not afraid of the challenge, because he is the deputy captain of the third team of the Haijia guard team, and he cannot lose face in front of the guests.

The two people's journey began, and it was a thrilling journey. When the Hai family guards finally escorted Ding Hui to Lord Shengyuan, the result they got left them both stunned.

"The formation cannot be stopped, let alone any modifications!"

Sheng Yuan blew his beard, stared, and stood in front of the formation.

"Why?" Ding Hui frowned: "Is it because I didn't explain it clearly enough? Although I don't know much about the battle method, the solution ideas and directions provided should be absolutely no problem."

"It has nothing to do with that!"

Old man Sheng Yuan glared at Ding Hui.

"You should be considered a warrior, right? Don't you feel that the power in your body is gradually being absorbed by something?"

Ding Hui was shocked.

"Wait! Could it be..."

"That's right! Your power, and even the power of all living people in Sunset City, are gathering towards the head of the family at this moment! He is fighting against monsters, and the only way to fight against monsters is to become a monster!"

Ding Hui's face turned gloomy and he slowly clenched his fists.

She had felt it vaguely at first, but now she was basically sure of it.

"Hai Linjun is absorbing the life force of everyone in Sunset City!"

Sheng Yuan retorted: "Human life is very long! It is a crime to take ten years of life from one person, but seconds or tens of seconds to take millions of lives, what does that mean? Without the head of the family, who can compete?" That monster? Or you? Only Master Hai Linjun can turn the tide!"


It can only be described as crazy.

But at the same time, infinite interest arose in Ding Hui's heart.

"How do you do it? Teach me!"

Sheng Yuan:……

Sheng Yuan, who was about to give an impassioned speech, was suddenly stuck.

A normal person wouldn't react like this...

Old man Sheng Yuan stared at Ding Hui suspiciously, and then asked.

"Aren't you going to let me stop the formation?"

Ding Hui spread his hands: "Will you stop if I tell you?"

"will not."

"That's alright. If you have time, why don't you teach me how to do this? Maybe I'll have a chance to apply what I've learned."

(End of this chapter)

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