Chapter 538 Mutated Spirit

From the current point of view, although these three techniques have their own directions, the actual effects are quite similar. They all suppress the mental sting after the spiritual shield is broken and ensure the combat effectiveness of believers.

Fang Yu has no intention of learning these three techniques in depth. If he can light them up, he will be successful. With all three techniques, the spiritual shield would be enough to deal with a junior believer like myself.

[Attribute points: 67→63. 】

[Introduction to the Heart Sutra [Not yet started] → Introversion to the Heart Sutra [Basic level/first glimpse into the door]. 】

[Attribute points: 63→59. 】

[Suppressing God and Collapsing Body Kung Fu [Not yet started] → Suppressing God and Collapsing Body Kung Fu [Grass Level Beginner/First Preview]. 】

[Attribute points: 59→55. 】

[No Thoughts and No Phase Skills [Not Beginner] → No Thoughts and No Phase Skills [Grass Level Beginner/First Peep at the Door]. 】

If the three techniques are used together, any mental pain will be suppressed and cannot affect me at all!

Fang Yu hummed happily twice, which quickly attracted Ding Hui's attention.

But Ding Hui just looked at him and continued to do his own business. Fang Yu noticed that Ding Hui was bringing out more and more materials, and seemed to be preparing for a big one, and couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

I don’t know if I can withstand the last 40% erosion tolerance left...

The next journey was relatively smooth, probably because after leaving the radiation range of Sunset City, the number of demons that jumped out increased, but the quality could not keep up.

Fang Yu gained almost nothing from killing ordinary little monsters, so his attribute points only increased a little along the way.

"Where are you going to find some big monsters to kill..."

At night, a bonfire is raised on the roadside to rest.

Fang Yu took a sip of the medicinal soup prepared by Ding Hui using demonic ingredients and a large number of precious medicinal materials, and his experience value actually increased by more than fifty points.

Fang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly took two more bites. Unfortunately, only the first bite had the full effect, and the second bite had only a dozen experience points left.

"What kind of medicinal soup is this? It's so nourishing!"

Ding Hui, who was preparing experimental materials, raised his eyelids.

"Just make up for it, you will suffer later."

Fang Yu:? ? ?
This sounds a little bad...

Sure enough, after a while, Ding Hui prepared the materials, spread a thick blanket on the ground, and let Fang Yu lie on it.

"This time, the reaction may be more intense, so you have to be mentally prepared. But if it goes well, the basic theory will be established, and it will just be a matter of adding more water and more."

Ding Hui tried his best to explain things so that Fang Yu could understand them clearly.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu now only heard one meaning from Ding Hui's words - the big one is coming!

Fang Yu said while gritting his teeth and closing his eyes.

"Come on! I can take it!"

But unlike what he imagined, Ding Hui was some sticky paste that was applied to Fang Yu's body, and then he asked Fang Yu to open his mouth and hold a pill in his mouth.

"Don't bite it into pieces. Hold it in your mouth first. I'll let you bite it into pieces before you bite it into pieces. With the materials we have on hand now, I can't get a second pill like this."

The elixir is expensive, and the paste applied on Fang Yu's body is also expensive!
They were all rare materials, blended together with special medicinal properties, mixed with medicinal properties, and finally applied to Fang Yu's body.

The precious spirit particles are also placed in specific positions one by one, just like the eyes of the formation, with a vague connection.

Then, like a gunpowder fuse, sprinkle a bunch of powder and connect it along the flexible particles.

"This is after I saw the operation of the grand array in Sunset City and communicated with old man Sheng Yuan, I came up with a new method. Although it is only a very superficial application of the array, but combined with the characteristics of the demon material, this effect can be used , maximize your performance.”

From the earthen jar, he took out a yellow, round ball, which looked like an inner bladder or something else. There was a thick translucent liquid stuck to it. Fang Yu looked a little disgusted, and Ding Hui put the thing in her mouth without blinking, which made her cheeks bulge.

She chewed it for a while, then chewed it up, spit it in her hand, rubbed it twice, and continued to smear it on Fang Yu's body.

Fang Yu felt like two or three layers of something unknown were spread on his body. When Fang Yu saw Ding Hui stop, everything finally ended.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning.

"Bear with it."

Before Fang Yu knew what to hold back, Ding Hui poured something into his mouth, opened his mouth, and sprayed out a ball of blue fire, which of course set Fang Yu on fire.

As soon as the blue fire touched Fang Yu, it jumped more than three meters high. Fang Yu instantly transformed into a human-shaped fireball, and his whole body crackled and burned.

"Ding Hui! Ding Hui!"

Fang Yu screamed in fright, but Ding Hui shouted: "Don't move! Let the effect of the medicine be fully integrated!"

Fusion is a ghost, I will be burned to charcoal!
Thanks to Fang Yu's extraordinary strength, he was a Wood Realm warrior, otherwise no one could withstand the fire.

The blood bar dropped by ten or twenty points. Although the impact was not big, the burning sensation and pain of the flames were still there.

If Fang Yu hadn't restrained himself, the bone armor would have come out of his body.

At this time, Fang Yu could finally see that all the formations and medicinal applications were fake.

Ding Hui is actually still using the same old method of refining medicine! Just treat him as a human-shaped furnace and use him to make elixirs!
Isn’t it so outrageous!
Is this too much?

At least treat me as a person!
Fang Yu was really depressed, but as the fire gradually became restrained and stabilized, the various medicinal materials on his body were burned and fused by the blue fire, reacting with the skin and body...

The system prompts and starts to beat gradually.

[Erosion degree: 61%. 】

[Erosion degree: 62%. 】

[Erosion degree: 63%. 】


The jump in erosion represents the increase in the power of the blood spirit, but there is still a gap between the results they seek.

And as the erosion level increased, Fang Yu actually began to feel a little panic inside.

Unlike Demonization, Demonization still holds attribute points in his hand and can still tolerate mistakes, but the degree of erosion is irreversible.

Ding Hui is so generous, if there are any mistakes or problems, his side will really be doomed!

"Ding Hui!"

Fang Yu suddenly shouted.

Ding Hui, who was preparing for the next step, boiling water and filling a large vat with materials, turned around, looked back at Fang Yu, and said.

"Hold it, the medicine will soon..."

"I trust you!!"

Ding Hui's voice was suddenly interrupted.

She was stunned for a moment, then raised the corners of her mouth.

After several days of testing, constantly looking for materials for adaptation, exploration, and research, Ding Hui basically figured out the context.

In fact, the theoretical framework has almost been constructed in the mind, and the next step is to implement it in practice. Only through practical feedback can the correctness of the theory be verified.

Although I took some risks, if I don’t practice it, the theory will remain theory.

The actual operation results at this moment are very important, and Fang Yu's cooperation is even more important!

Ding Hui came to Fang Yu and felt a little heartbroken when he saw him sweating profusely and gnashing his teeth.

There are naturally mild experimental methods, but the results will never be as good as now. For the first actual operation, Ding Hui wants to get the most accurate feedback so that he can make correct judgments for the next continuation.

The palm turned into a demonic ice crystal hand. Ding Hui's hand penetrated the blue flame and held Fang Yu's palm.

The sound of ice and fire was extremely harsh.

Although Ding Hui didn't say anything, the sudden cold feeling still shocked Fang Yu. Before he could feel it carefully, the cold feeling had quickly faded away.

Fang Yu looked sideways and saw that Ding Hui withdrew his hand that had turned back into human flesh. There were traces of being burned by the fire on his palm.

"Ding Hui..."

"It's a small problem. If you keep at it, it'll be fine in no time."

Ding Hui hid his right hand behind his back and laughed twice.

Most people can't withstand that blue fire if they are touched without any preparation.

The thick layers of stuff on Fang Yu's body were not smeared in vain.

Accompanied by Fang Yu's scream, the blue fire suddenly erupted for the second time. The temperature and power rose to a new height. It actually began to smear and melt the layer of medicine on Fang Yu's surface. The thing that looked like a lead became even more powerful. It lights up, connects several Ganoderma lucidum particles, and gradually merges with the medicine.

At the same time... [Erosion degree: 72%. 】

[Erosion degree: 74%. 】

[Erosion degree: 76%. 】

The erosion level is still rising, and it’s rising faster!
Fang Yu shouted with his heart in his throat.

"The erosion level is 70%, almost 80%!"

"not enough!"

Ding Hui introduced the final ingredients into the large vat, stirred them with a long stick, and said.

"Since there is no problem so far, it means that my idea is correct, so let's continue compressing! Press one to 90%, and then proceed to the next step!"

Ninety percent...

Fang Yu gritted his teeth.

No matter what, the big deal is that I won’t need the power of the blood spirit anymore!

Ding Hui, I will go crazy with you!
boom! !

The blue fire surges for the third time! The extreme power of the flames instantly fused together all the drugs applied on Fang Yu's surface, as if the drugs were burned into Fang Yu's body, even his skin was burned and made a sizzling sound!

[Erosion degree: 85%. 】

[Erosion degree: 89%. 】

[Erosion degree: 93%. 】

"Ninety percent!!"

Fang Yu shouted!

"Now! Jump into the vat!"

No need to think about it, Fang Yu jumped up and dived into the large vat of boiling water with blue fire.


It's also amazing.

As soon as the blue fire met the water in the vat, it was immediately extinguished.

At the same time, Fang Yu's burnt skin began to peel off layer by layer as the vat of water was cooking, revealing tender new skin.

"How does it feel?"

Ding Hui asked nervously.

Obviously, this experiment has reached its most critical moment.


"no change."


Apart from the fact that my body cooled down quickly and I felt comfortable even though I was sticking out of the boiling water, there were no other changes at all.

"how come……"

Ding Hui was stunned. All the previous theories were verified, but at the last moment, the chain dropped?

"What about erosion?"

"It's still 90%, no change."

Ding Hui frowned and began to walk back and forth, his impatience and nervousness visible to the naked eye.

Fang Yu just wanted to say a few words of comfort...

hum! !

The nerves in his brain seemed to be violently vibrating.


The boiled water in the big vat was mixed with unknown medicine, and Fang Yu's body absorbed it quickly and continuously!

As the water was absorbed, Fang Yu clearly felt that his body was undergoing some kind of change, a drastic change!

"It's actually a built-in reaction! Is it related to the formation? I added some formations to stay away, but unexpected situations occurred... In this regard, it seems that more knowledge of formations needs to be learned before it can be applied in practical applications."

Ding Hui's voice gradually faded away, and Fang Yu could only hear the violent tinnitus and a strong tingling sensation in his brain.

Something, something is happening...

Bang! ! !
The vat was torn apart.

Rolling steam overflowed and filled the air.

Fang Yu, who was naked in the steam, opened his eyes.

He ushered in peace.

[System prompt: The player's spirit body has mutated! The player's spirit body has mutated! 】

[System prompt: The spiritual body mutation is over! The spirit body was devoured successfully! 】

[System prompt: The player's spirit body has added new characteristics. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for gaining 3000 experience points. 】

[System prompt: The experience value exceeds 100, and the total is converted into 30 attribute point. 】

[System prompt: Erosion degree returns to zero. 】

[Spirit body: Blood Spirit [Diao Ruru], ability [repeat]. 】

[Erosion degree: 0%. 】

Fang Yu opened his palms.

Power, unspeakable power!

The pure spiritual power fills the whole body!


"What kind of strength do I have as a believer now?"

"At least, it's entering the next stage, right?"

Fang Yu felt the power of his body, and at this moment, a figure also jumped into his arms.

"Diao Deyi!"

"I'm fine... No, I'm fine, don't stick to me..."

Ding Hui did not let go and whispered in Fang Yu's ear.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before."

But after saying this, she blushed a little, took two steps back, and circled around Fang Yu, wanting to see every part of Fang Yu.

Fang Yu quickly put on his clothes, then looked at Ding Hui and said.

"It's done!"

Ding Hui is smiling.

She was actually relieved.

A brand new field, a brand new attempt. Although in theory she had done everything she could think of, she was still worried about what would happen in the actual process.

Now that the experiment is successful, it also means that there is no problem with her research theory. At the same time, using this theory as the cornerstone, countless branch theories and branch ideas have been spread out, and they all have a basis for implementation.

Ding Hui looked at Fang Yu now, and it could be said that several new theoretical methods came to his mind in one second.

"You said, since we can achieve the effect of replacing the spirit without replacing the spirit, then if we maintain this theoretical basis and add new characteristics to the blood-related spirit, is it possible that the spirit can only have one kind? Based on the characteristics, new abilities are added!”

"You mean... spirits of plural powers?"

"That's right! If this step is successful, then as long as your blood spirit continues to eat new spirits, it will continue to have the abilities of other spirits. Think about the abilities of hundreds of thousands of spirits, just by yourself. What a wonderful picture it would be to show it on your body!”

(End of this chapter)

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