Chapter 543 The foothold

Fang Yu, who was driving the carriage, looked forward.

There was a long queue waiting at the gate of Thunder City.

In the team, some people were dressed rather poorly, while others were both guards and servants, and were either rich or noble.

However, without exception, they all had to wait in line at the city gate.

Fang Yu made a brief observation and found that the speed of the team's advancement was actually not slow. The gate guards responsible for the investigation were very efficient. However, there were just a lot of people who wanted to enter Thunder City, so it seemed that the team had not changed at all.

Fang Yu first looked back at Ding Hui, and when the latter nodded slightly, he set up his carriage and followed the team at the back.

It's not impossible to jump in line. With Fang Yu's current strength and financial resources, he has the capital to do something powerful.

However, considering that Thunder City is a big city and they are new here, it is better for the two of them to keep a low profile to avoid getting into unnecessary trouble.

Under the scorching sun, the long queue was slowly advancing. The boring wait would inevitably make people feel bored, so when a 'newcomer' like Fang Yu entered the back of the queue, some people's eyes were already on him.

"This new guy doesn't seem to be doing well."

"Judging from the carriages and goods, it's not comparable to the previous caravans. It's probably a small business."

"How dare you. In today's world, how dare you be in the wild... Oh! Here comes another team!"

Fang Yu also looked back at this time, and could see a motorcade approaching from a distance, a team of about seven or eight people, all of whom were women.

But he was fully armed, with a long sword on his waist and a long bow on his back. He looked like he was not easy to mess with.

[Yedan Mountain: 52/500. 】

[Fu Yansi: 721/1500. 】

[Xueyunting: 1681/2000. 】


If you look closely, you can see that everyone in this team has some injuries all over their body, and they are vaguely protecting the woman named Ye Danshan in the middle position.

That night, Danshan's face was completely drained of blood, and his wrists were bandaged with bleeding wounds, as if he might collapse at any time.

I don’t know if it was because they were approaching Thunder City, but the tensed expressions of the people in this team relaxed a lot, but they still led Ye Danshan to speed up the pace and came to the back of Fang Yu, becoming a member of the long queue. .

Fang Yu didn't think much about it, and just as he was about to look away, he suddenly noticed that the woman named Ye Danshan had a '-1' popping up on her head! Fang Yu was slightly startled by the blood loss number, and then he came to his senses.

This guy is seriously injured.

But the matter had nothing to do with him, so Fang Yu didn't pay much attention to it, but he didn't expect that someone in the team behind him suddenly walked towards him quickly.

"what's up?"

Fang Yu looked at the visitor calmly.

[Xueyunting: 1681/2000. 】

Although Xueyunting was injured on his hand, he still held his hand towards Fang Yu and asked politely: "Is this elder brother a druggist?"

Fang Yu looked back at Ding Hui and immediately realized that although their cart of medicinal materials had been exhausted, there was still a lot of remaining medicinal materials left, which were piled on the carriage, which was quite conspicuous. .

After thinking for a while and nodding slightly, Xueyunting immediately showed joy and said anxiously.

"I wonder, big brother, do you have [Ningyan Baisicao] or [Ningyang Pill] in the car class? We are in urgent need!"

Good question.

Fang Yu looked back at Ding Hui, but unfortunately the latter didn't even bother to raise his eyelids.


The meaning is very clear.

Fang Yu shook his head again towards the visitor.

But Xueyunting didn't give up.

"Are there any medicinal herbs for sale that can coagulate and stop bleeding, or detoxify snake venom?"

As he said that, Xueyunting also glanced at Fang Yu's carriage. There were scattered things, and there was a woman sitting there. It looked like it had been robbed, and not much was left.

She probably just asked as a last-ditch hope.

Ding Hui didn't speak, so Fang Yu naturally continued to shake his head.


Xueyunting suddenly looked disappointed.

"Really...then, excuse me."

She returned to her team and went to take care of Naye Danshan. She could faintly hear words like 'Miss, hold on a little longer', but Fang Yu didn't pay much attention, so he didn't listen carefully.

With Ye Danshan's slow blood loss rate, there was no way he could hold on until he entered the city without losing his life.

At this time, several more groups of people came from behind the long queue, all waiting in line honestly.

Just when Fang Yu moved from the end of the long queue to the middle position... there was a sudden commotion in front.

"...What are you doing! What are you doing! Get back here!"

"Whoever takes another step forward will be killed!"

"Foolish Underworld obeys the order and stops everyone. No one is allowed to escape!!"

Because the incident happened suddenly, by the time Fang Yu noticed it, someone had already rushed out from the city gate.

Yes, it came out.

About five or six people, wounded on their bodies, broke through the siege of the guards at the city gate and rushed out of the city.

"Escaped! Escaped!"

"Go, go, go! Get out of this damn place!!"

"Flee in all directions! Run for your lives!"

"Don't go into the city! Don't go into..."

呲! !

The last person who spoke kindly to the long queue was the first to have his head chopped off.

The headless corpse fell, and screams of panic erupted from the queue.

As for the few remaining people who rushed out, they had already ran outside and scattered.

"Captain Yi, don't sleep! Someone has escaped from the city!"

"Captain Yi, get up quickly, something happened!!"

"Captain Yi, someone leaves the city without permission, should we chase him?"

The defenders shouted, and the direction of the shouting was a guy who was covering his face with a drawing book, leaning back on a chair, and putting his legs on the table, sleeping soundly.

Such a loud noise just now did not wake this guy up.

At this moment, when he heard the team members shouting, he stopped snoring, as if he had just woken up, took off the drawing book covering his face, and looked at the few people fleeing out of the city.

[Yifeiyan: 5000/5000. 】

I don’t know if it’s because of the boldness of a skilled person or because of his simple personality. He rubbed his eyes, stretched out his hand to touch the big bow on the table, and shouted.

"Bold monster! How dare you attack Yudi Mansion, where can I escape!"

Fang Yu heard this.

In an instant, the DNA will come up.

Isn't this the most common phrase he used when he was hanging around in Tianyuan Town?

Everyone has the same feelings!

But the problem is, the guys who escaped are not monsters.

Na Yifeiyan didn't care about all that. After shouting the slogan, he drew the bow and shot the arrow, all in one go.

hum! !

As soon as the bowstring vibrated, a few arrows shot out!


Along with several screams, the people who escaped fell down one after another, temporarily losing the ability to move.

"Captain Yi hits every target with every shot!"

"Captain Yi, really, take action earlier and scare us! We thought something was going to happen."

"Go, go, go, catch all these people!" The remaining city gate guards went up to catch them, and the captain named Yifeiyan yawned, threw his bow on the table, and painted Ben covered his face and went back to sleep.

what's the situation?
Fang Yu scratched his head, feeling a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird.

Ding Hui, on the other hand, suddenly spoke at this time: "Yan Chu Kuan Jin, Thunder City, I'm afraid something has happened."

Fang Yu was stunned and immediately looked back at her.

"How to say?"

Ding Hui said nothing and pointed to the city gate.

I saw only the people entering the city who were entering the city gate, which was ajar, and no one was waiting outside to leave the city.

You know, Thunder City is a big city. It stands to reason that the daily flow of people in and out is actually not low. Even in Tianyuan Town at that time, there were not a few people leaving the city every day.

But at this moment, in Thunder City, there are only people entering the city and no one leaving the city.

"It's hard to say. All I can think of is that it's probably a plague, or are people being arrested and searched for? Something like a demon infiltrating."

Ding Hui pursed his lips, but actually didn't seem to care too much.

After all, the two of them were going into the city, not out.

When it's time to really leave, it's not too late to think about this issue, not to mention that with their strength and means, it shouldn't be difficult to leave Thunder City.



While Fang Yu and Ding Hui were talking about this, the all-female team behind them suddenly shouted in surprise.

Fang Yu looked back and saw that the woman from Yedanshan had fallen to the ground, with a blood volume of -2 on her head! ''-2! 'It fell. It seemed that the injury suddenly worsened. It seemed that he could not hold on to the city.

Moreover, the team lining up to enter the city temporarily stopped advancing because of the commotion just now.

Fang Yu looked at Ding Hui.

"She's dying."

"I know." Ding Hui closed his eyes and rested his mind, with the attitude of living like the king of hell.

Fang Yu hesitated and said, "Save someone's life..."

But before Fang Yu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ding Hui.

"It's up to you. If you want to save her, just bring her here."

Fang Yu smiled when he heard this.

Although Ding Hui is sometimes indifferent to others, he rarely fails to meet his demands.


Fang Yu waved to Xueyunting.

"If you want your young lady to survive, bring her here."

The rest of the all-female team showed hostility and vigilance towards Fang Yu. Only Xueyunting gritted his teeth and directly carried Ye Danshan on his back. Without saying a word, he quickly came to Fang Yu!

People just kneel down.

"Please, big brother, save my young lady!"

After gently putting down Yedanshan, Xueyunting had already kowtowed to Fang Yu.

When he looked up again, a line of blood had already slid down Xueyunting's forehead.

"Sister Xue!"

"Sister Xue! Why do you ask this stinky man!"

"Sister Xue, we will not be humiliated! Get up, let's go to the front to find Captain Yi for help! He is from Yudi Mansion and will definitely save the eldest lady!"

The rest of the team didn't seem to understand the situation yet. They wanted to pick up Xueyunting who was kneeling on the ground. Others wanted to carry Yedanshan on his back, but Xueyunting drew his sword with a clanking sound and held the man on his back. On his neck, he shouted with angry eyes.

"Put down the eldest lady! Can't you see that the eldest lady is about to die!"

Those women were intimidated by Xueyunting's momentum and did not dare to act recklessly.

Xueyunting kowtowed heavily again, but this time, the direction of kowtowing was towards Ding Hui on the carriage.

"Please, sir, save my young lady!"

He is quite smart and knows that Ding Hui is the one who can really save people in this car.

Fang Yu got off the carriage, picked him up, and put him on Ding Huina.

This action made the group of women feel stressed again. Unfortunately, they were glared at by Xueyunting and did not dare to make a mistake.

Someone stamped his feet and ran towards the city gate, as if he wanted to go to Yifeiyan for help, but he was intercepted by the city defenders halfway and was pinned to the ground, unable to move.

At this time, the guys who had escaped from the city also had their consequences. They were hanged on the city wall by the people of Yudi Mansion and hanged alive. A row of corpses were hung there to dry, which was very strange.

The cruelty of this method is not much worse than that of a demon.

"All right."

Fang Yu looked back and saw that Ding Hui had already put away the silver needle.

And that night, Danshan's health bar remained at 10 points of blood. He stopped beating and even his breathing seemed to have stabilized.

Xueyunting's eyes widened.

The poison her young lady was poisoned with was so unusual that it could stop the disease from getting worse in just a few moments. Even their family's miracle doctor couldn't do it!

"I just want to stop the injury from getting worse and seek treatment from a good doctor after entering the city."

Ding Hui said indifferently, and then continued to close his eyes and rest.

Fang Yu wondered why Ding Hui didn't completely cure the person.

But then I thought about it, saving people can also be divided into small rescue, medium rescue and major rescue.

They are not relatives in the first place, but it is already good to be able to reach this point.

If it weren't for his own fault, Ding Hui probably wouldn't even look at them.

Xue Yunting naturally understood this truth and did not dare to expect anything else. After checking that the young lady had really stopped the condition from worsening, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Thank you sir for saving me..."

Fang Yu and Ding Hui didn't bother to listen to these tired words, but the other women in the women's team reacted quite interestingly.

All of them blushed as if they were constipated. Xueyunting pressed their heads and bowed their heads to thank and apologize.

"We are from the Yeyun Sect, and we have come to Thunder City on orders from our sect. I wonder why our two benefactors came to Thunder City. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Xueyunting said in a low voice sincerely.

It seems that this matter is quite secret.

But Ye Yunzong?
Fang Yu looked at Ding Hui, but Ding Hui didn't even raise his eyelids and ignored him at all.

Well, it seems that Yeyun Sect is not a big sect.

However, since he entered Thunder City, if he wanted to find someone, he would need manpower, and it would be good to have more connections.

So Fang Yu's attitude towards Xueyunting is pretty good.

I wonder if it is because the group of people who escaped from the city have been dealt with and can allocate manpower to continue the review and interrogation, the team entering the city from outside the city is moving much faster.

Soon, it was Fang Yu's turn.

After a brief interrogation, they were released into the city.

Fang Yu suddenly felt a little weird.

So easy? Didn't you check it carefully?

If a demon wanted to sneak into the city, wouldn't it be simple?

Fang Yu was confused, but he glanced at Yifeiyan who was sleeping with a painting book not far away, and felt that Thunder City was very powerful. If a monster really entered the city, it would probably be difficult to act as a monster.

After entering the city, the prosperous Thunder City appeared in front of Fang Yu.

The streets paved with bluestones stretch out for a long time, and buildings with antique blue bricks and ceramic tiles are in front of you.

"Thunder City... finally arrived!"

Fang Yu clenched his fists.

"Let's go, find a place to stay first." Ding Hui said.

However, the direction that Xueyunting and the others, who separated from Fang Yu and the others, went were not to some inn, but to... Anjia, one of the top ten families in Thunder City!
(End of this chapter)

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