Chapter 545 Pride and Pride

One night passed quickly.

The next day, Fang Yu followed Ding Hui out of the house.

Ding Hui's first stop was surprisingly a bank.

"Shopkeeper Huang."

Ding Hui said with a smile.

When the shopkeeper named Huang saw Ding Hui, his eyes widened instantly.

"Ding! Ding..."

He glanced around and lowered his voice: "Doctor Ding, why are you here in Thunder City?"

While talking, he didn't forget to look at Fang Yu next to him.

Following the trend, Ding Hui stood up.


Are you joking? Do you really think I am telling you the value of this cup of tea?

"What a coincidence, Shopkeeper Huang, right now, I really have something that I need your help to find out."

This is purely polite. Ding Hui just doesn't like human interactions, it's not that he doesn't understand these things.

So Shopkeeper Huang is really a pure businessman.

But since Ding Hui can find him, he must not be a simple thing.

After giving instructions to his men, he made a gesture of invitation.

Shopkeeper Huang was shocked! Stand up straight from your seat.

After the tea was brewed, shopkeeper Huang sat down and asked: "Dr. Ding, the last time I heard about you, you settled in Tianyuan Town. Later I heard that there was a big chaos in Tianyuan Town. I also thought about whether to send someone to Tianyuan Town. Yuanzhen is looking for you.”

Now, this is professionalism.

Ding Hui glanced at Fang Yu, and the two followed Shopkeeper Huang into the inner courtyard.

Ding Hui smiled and said: "The sky is round and the sky is high and the sky is far away, so it won't affect Thunder City."


It's not that Fang Yu's vision is too high, but that people who don't have a hundred health points really can't get into his eyes.

Fortunately, shopkeeper Huang was also an old man. He pretended not to hear anything, as if he had just come to his senses, he stopped and said in a deep voice.

Shopkeeper Huang hurriedly walked back and forth, while Ding Hui calmly waved to Fang Yu, asked him to sit down too, and poured Fang Yu a cup of tea.

"Divine Doctor Ding, the Great Xia Dynasty will not sit idly by with Tianyuan suppressing the chaos like this. There is no chance that another great chaos will strike soon."

Compared with the completely unreliable agent next to him, the shopkeeper Huang in front of him was obviously an experienced actor.

"That's hard to say. Things like business are interconnected. If you know the news one step in advance, you can seize business opportunities in advance. Divine Doctor Ding, I owe you a favor. Divine Doctor Ding is new here. If you need anything, Down here, feel free to speak. Don’t mention the old friendship, just for today’s news, Huang must treat Dr. Ding well.”

"Shopkeeper Huang is not well-informed. Recently, there is a demonic cholera outside. I was forced to flee here."

"Divine Doctor Ding, are we chatting inside?"

On track.

Once you get started, the problem is not small.

Thunder City has been causing trouble ever since blue blood disease appeared, and it was really difficult for him at his level to collect some information.

Ding Hui suddenly regretted bringing Fang Yu out.

[Huang Yousheng: 16/16. 】

Shopkeeper Huang smiled and said, "Doctor Ding, please tell me."

Fang Yu smiled and nodded as a greeting.

He hesitated and said: "Doctor Ding, I wonder if what you want is alive or dead? Big stuff, or small stuff?"

Ding Hui rolled his eyes and whispered: "Fifty taels."

"It's like this. Tianyuan Town was destroyed by demons. I can't continue with some things at hand, so I plan to temporarily settle down in Thunder City and look for some suitable materials to continue my research... However, you I also know that my research may require some special materials. I wonder if Shopkeeper Huang still has access to it?" Ding Hui said slowly.

Shopkeeper Huang frowned.

"Tianyuan Town is occupied by demons? This, this, this..."

Ding Hui also lowered his voice at this time.

"Ear tea, refreshing and improving eyesight. There is a bag of tea leaves outside, at least this amount."

Ding Hui stayed with Fang Yu all day long and learned some strange vocabulary.

Shopkeeper Huang slowly frowned.

"Shopkeeper Huang is interested, but Tianyuan Town has been invaded and occupied by demons. No matter how many people you send to rescue me, there will be no return."

Ding Hui stretched out five fingers.

Fang Yu hesitated and said: "Five hundred taels?"

Fang Yu couldn't understand the pure slang. However, Ding Hui said casually: "Of course it's alive. What I want this time are small goods, but... if there are large goods for sale in Thunder City, please bother Shopkeeper Huang to inform me."

"It's easy to talk about..." Shopkeeper Huang breathed a sigh of relief.

Big goods represent demons.

Small goods represent human beings.

It is a simple and easy-to-understand slang.

Ding Hui used to conduct experiments on the prisoners in the death row of Yudi Mansion. However, since Fang Yu was introduced, the direction of Ding Hui's research and the materials needed have changed. The need for living people is actually not that great.

Of course, what Ding Hui wants at this moment is not as simple as a living person, but... a slave.

Shopkeeper Huang also spoke at this time.

"Dr. Ding, these days, Thunder City has been very busy. It's not as easy as before to get goods. But I do still have some ways. In this case, you go to Fengtianmenfang and find a man named Tie Leizi. As long as you tell me my name, he will take you to the place where the goods are sold."

When Ding Hui heard this, he blinked his eyes but did not speak.

Fang Yu, on the other hand, suddenly became excited.

It’s a good thing that we have a direction so quickly!

Fang Yu looked at Ding Hui, who smiled at him at this time.

"In that case, I will follow Shopkeeper Huang's advice and go to Fengtianmenfang. I will come back to the bank another day to personally thank you."

"Hahaha! Doctor Ding is too polite. With our friendship, this little help is nothing."

Shopkeeper Huang laughed loudly.

After seeing Fang Yu out of the bank entrance, he went back to busy with his own business.

"Ding Hui, have you found a place where slaves are bought and sold?"

Following Ding Hui, Fang Yu asked in a low voice.

"Not really, but we have a direction."

Ding Hui's casual answer made Fang Yu confused.

Looking at the direction Ding Hui was walking, I felt something was wrong. Wasn't that the direction back to the inn?

"Aren't we going to Fengtianmenfang?"

Ding Hui stopped and looked back at him.

"Fengtianmenfang... Well, since you are here, let's go there."

What do you mean?
Fang Yu felt that there was something in Ding Hui's words, but as Ding Hui changed direction and strode forward, Fang Yu naturally followed quickly.

After Fang Yu and the others left, a swordsman came to Shopkeeper Huang's bank.

The sword is a snow-white sword.

People are absolutely beautiful people.

Shopkeeper Huang rarely uses the word "beautiful" to describe a person, but the woman in front of him is indeed worthy of this compliment.

The blood-stained banknote was pressed on the counter.

"To change money, I need cash."

Shopkeeper Huang closed his open mouth and whispered. "Guest, please wait."

Shopkeeper Huang can see that there is a kind of hostility in this kind of Jianghu person, and he may get into a fight if there is a slight disagreement.

He is just a businessman, but he has no ability to compete with martial arts masters.

The blood-stained banknote has a story, but this story will not belong to him.

However, reselling this story to those who want it is a means of survival.

Stacks of silver were quickly piled up.

The woman stretched out her hand, put away all the silver, picked up the sack full of silver, turned back and glared at Shopkeeper Huang, and said coldly.

"I haven't been here today, understand?"

With that said, he threw down a piece of silver and turned around to leave.

Chen Ya is very anxious.

With the money on hand, she must quickly find someone who can take over it.

Because the people who were chasing her should have sneaked into Thunder City by now.

Make money, save yourself, and find your brother!

Chen Ya clenched the sword in her hand. She didn't know if she had experienced a big change. She became more and more indifferent in the game, but at the same time, her swordsmanship became more and more powerful.

Every time you practice swordsmanship, your swordsmanship proficiency will increase rapidly, and it will even be more efficient than killing low-level monsters and improving martial arts through attribute points.

Chen Ya had also heard a little bit about Thunder City, the Whampoa Military Academy in the player circle, and one of the towns with the highest requirements for players' acting skills.

But Chen Ya is not afraid.

Her character has a clean background, has a name, and is not a native of Thunder City. Even if someone wants to check, they can't find it. At best, they will be framed.

And the sword in her hand will not sit still and wait for death!
The players in Thunder City are indeed lurking deep, but if business comes to them, there will be no one who refuses to do it.

Chen Ya is confident that she can find those lurking players and complete the deal.

If she hadn't gotten a sudden windfall and was eager to sell it, she wouldn't have chosen a dangerous place like Runway Thunder City to come to players for transactions.

Scanning everyone on the street, Chen Ya felt that anyone might suddenly attack them, so she silently quickened her pace and left this crowded street.



"Are you Tie Leizi?" Fang Yu asked doubtfully.

Contrary to imagination, Tie Leizi is not bald or full of spots. He can even be said to be a bit delicate and thin, just like the guy in the slums who hides in dark corners and may come up to steal your things at any time.

He was wearing a dirty robe, which was basically all his clothes. His face was stained with mud, revealing a pair of big dark eyes.

"It's me, who introduced you here?"

[Iron iron: 1000/1000. 】

Although his image is dirty and not normal, his strength is actually quite good.

You know, Qianxue's strength, even if placed in Yudi Mansion, is a good hand.

"Shopkeeper Huang from Baiyin Bank introduced us here."

Ding Hui said calmly.

Tie Leizi tilted his head and glanced at Ding Hui. That look made people feel uncomfortable, as if he was examining a piece of goods.

Fortunately, at this time, he had withdrawn his gaze and looked at Fang Yu.

"Since you are introduced by shopkeeper Huang, then come with me."

After that, Tie Lezi took the lead and led the way.

Fang Yu glanced at Ding Hui, but the latter shrugged and followed.

Everything went smoothly, which made Fang Yu feel a little incredible.

The first place I went to was where slaves were bought and sold. Then I just had to collect information and find out the whereabouts of my eldest brother Diao Ruinian.

Looking around the streets, unlike the prosperity of other neighborhoods, the streets of Fengtianmenfang are a bit shabby and muddy. Even as Tie Lezi walks along, the surrounding houses and buildings have become dilapidated, like a barren land like a village in the city. The streets also began to gradually emit a certain stench.

It seems to be in line with my understanding of the area where slaves were traded?
Fang Yu thought thoughtfully.

At this moment, Fang Yu's eyelids suddenly twitched slightly.

Just now, in the alley that the corner of my eye swept, a figure flashed past.

The speed is very fast, unlike ordinary people.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he continued to follow Tie Leizi. As he continued deeper into the slums, the little moves of the guys following him in the surrounding alleys began to become blatant.

When Tie Leizi, who was leading the way, stopped under a big withered tree, there were already five or six figures standing on the short, flat and dilapidated houses around Fang Yu, faintly letting out weird laughter, condescending He looked at Fang Yu and the two men who were surrounded.

"This place is very suitable for burying corpses, what do you two think?"

Tie Leizi turned around and pulled out two butcher's knives like kitchen knives from his robe. He licked his lips with his long tongue and made a ferocious and deep sound with an expression of big and small eyes.

Coupled with the several accomplices standing on the surrounding dilapidated eaves, it was full of intimidation.

However, they did not scare Fang Yu and the other two.


Fang Yu sighed, took two steps forward, and protected Ding Hui behind him.

"You already knew that, right?" Fang Yu said.

Ding Hui winked playfully.

"It's you who came."

"I thought... forget it, let's settle the matter at hand first."

[Pei Jinghui: 1000/1000. 】

[Jing Ying'an: 1000/1000. 】

[Qiu Yangjia: 1000/1000. 】

[Dongyue: 1000/1000. 】

[Chonghuan: 1000/1000. 】

Five people, plus Tie Leizi, each of them has the strength of a thousand blood, and they are like clones.

But the deeper reason is probably... they have hit a bottleneck.

Or a skill bottleneck, or a human resource bottleneck.

It's easy to say that the bottleneck of Kung Fu is easy to say. If you study and practice advanced Kung Fu, you can naturally break through it.

But if it is a person's own bottleneck, it means that their martial arts potential has reached its end.

This is a cruel thing. Except for players, every human being in this world will be limited by their own potential. But when the potential reaches the limit, there will be no progress.

Only believers or external forces such as demon warriors can break through this restriction.

Fang Yu had heard of this theory more than once, but rarely had any real experience with it.

Because wherever he encountered, he was basically either terribly strong and had already broken through the limits, or weak and pitifully weak, far from reaching the limit of his potential.

Taking a step forward with one foot, Fang Yu stretched out a hand and said calmly.

"I'm in a hurry, so come on together."

Go together?

Tie Leizi was angered by these words, and the other companions looked more or less angry.

They are all 'disabled people', and their achievements in martial arts will only stop here in their lifetime.

But because of this, they put in more effort than ordinary people!

Continuous cooperation and continuous practice have created an amazing tacit understanding between the six of them. Even if it is a cross-border challenge, they are still capable of fighting!
But the two ordinary bitch men and women in front of them seemed not to take them seriously at all!
"Stay alive!"

Tie Lezi's arrogant tone revealed Fang Yu's response.

The enemy is arrogant, and he is even more arrogant!
Instead of killing people, he wants... to capture them alive!

(End of this chapter)

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