Chapter 551 A small fight
Second floor room.

"How about it?"

Ding Hui yawned lazily.

For the two of them, if they skip a meal or two, it won't affect them at all.

He took the initiative to go downstairs to inquire, just to find a reason to go down and explore the situation.

Judging from Fang Yu's calm expression, Ding Hui estimated that the situation should be under control.

"It's just a few small fish and shrimps. Just rest normally. I won't let them hurt you at all."

Fang Yu went downstairs to see the health of the group of people below. The strongest was a little old man with captain-level strength. As for the others, he couldn't even see enough.

It seems that as Ding Hui said, the first wave of people who come to test are generally not very strong.


It's just that this subtle change in Fang Yu seems to have started to appear after he obtained the new ability of the blood spirit.

She had some doubts as to whether the fusion of spiritual abilities had some subtle influence on Fang Yu's character.

But now, Fang Yu seems to have made up for this part!

Just to test, three thousand blood warriors were sent over. The forces behind them were quite generous in their actions.

The best situation is to not rely on any external force, just rely on the panel, become a numerical monster, and directly crush everyone to death.

Fang Yu was a little confused and didn't understand what Ding Hui meant.

And just then.

"So confident?"

"what chance?"

dong dong dong.


Ding Hui covered her mouth and smiled. She likes confident men.

People's self-confidence is very important. The judgment of decision-making in battle and the belief in one's own strength will actually feed back to the final battle result.

"Diao Deyi, don't be too blindly confident. People who can be sent by those forces to cause trouble for us are either desperadoes or have other extraordinary qualities. Although their hard power may not be as good as yours, they must have some unique methods. , you dare to swim in this muddy water, you have to be careful. "

When you reach three thousand blood warriors, even if you are placed in a big force like Yudi Mansion, you are treated as a captain, and you have reached the threshold of the position of captain.

Fang Yu nodded slightly.


To take a step back, if this group of people forces themselves to demonize or use the power of blood spirits, it will be a big failure on their part.

He understands.

Ding Hui seemed to see Fang Yu's mental state and joked.

So Ding Hui didn't think there was anything wrong with Fang Yu's performance at the moment.

"Ding Hui, when do you think they will take action?"

After thinking for a while, Fang Yu asked.

However, this is something that will be tested slowly later.

It should be said that my side is too strong.

Although Fang Yu had good strength before, he seemed to lack the aura unique to a strong man.

Although everyone downstairs is full of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, it would be great fun if a guy with some unique skills comes and causes him to capsize in the gutter.

A Thousand Blood Warrior is already considered to be quite powerful among warriors.

"Theoretically, the most suitable time to strike is when the night gets darker, when you and I fall asleep and everyone is quiet. But right now, they actually have an excellent opportunity to strike."

There was a knock on the door and a strange voice appeared.

Ding Hui had actually thought about this question before, so he answered it immediately.

"That's natural. If you can't even pass the first test, what if you are qualified to find the organization behind them?"

Fang Yu released his palm and clenched his fist again.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the two thousand blood warriors are all outstanding, famous masters, and geniuses.

As for the group of people downstairs...

Right now, she wanted to see how Fang Yu would behave.

"Sir, the food has been served to you."

Suppression, once it starts, will only be unilateral suppression!
Fang Yu has bright eyes and a confident mind.

However, for me now, other people have no right to be presumptuous in front of me unless I ask a captain-level master with five or six thousand health to come over.

At the same time, she did not forget to pour a basin of cold water on Fang Yu to cool him down a little.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, coming from far away, and soon stopped at the door of their room.

That was not the voice of the waiter just now.

Fang Yu looked at Ding Hui, who just smiled and looked at him, as if everything was silent.

Is this like this...

It's indeed a good opportunity.

But aren't they afraid of alerting others?
In other words, there are too many competitors, which makes some people become anxious and want to strike first.

Fang Yu wanted to laugh a little.

There are prerequisites for attacking first.

When the opponent is a soft persimmon, taking the first move before other competitors and picking up the fruits of victory is called attacking first.

But if this soft persimmon turns into a hard persimmon, an iron persimmon, then taking the first shot will become the first to die.

It's hard to say that the other people downstairs were watching this guy coming to ask for directions, but they were taken for granted without even realizing it.

"Guest officer?"

The person outside the door knocked twice more and started urging.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.


After shouting, he gave Ding Hui a look, turned around and strode towards the door of the room.

As the distance got closer, Fang Yu could feel that the people outside the door were gradually condensing murderous intent, and they were full of loopholes.

Turning a blind eye to all this, Fang Yu put his hands on the door handle and was about to open the door...

hum! !

A ray of sword light instantly pierced the door and stabbed towards the people in the room!

The sword was thrust towards the chest, intending to kill him with one strike!
The sword stabbed quickly, but Fang Yu dodged even faster.

As if he had been warned, he dodged the sword with a slight sideways movement.

The sword missed, and the person outside the door was obviously stunned.

next moment.

As if angry from shame...

boom! !

He kicked the door open with one kick. When the long sword was withdrawn from the door, he slashed horizontally at the figure in front of him again!

It was still a carefully planned sword that took advantage of the sudden chaos and the advantage of being first, but was firmly clamped in the middle by the person in the room with two fingers, unable to move!
[Wearing a mule: 500/500. 】

When the other party wanted to take back the long sword, but his face turned red, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not take the long sword back from between those two fingers, Fang Yu had already seen this guy's true face in Lushan.

Astonishingly, it was the guy with the Chinese character face who was sitting at the table with 2000 HP, Zhao Jinci.

At first glance, Fang Yu thought this guy was just a small minion and didn't take him seriously at all.

I didn't expect that the first wave of guys to attack now would be such a little guy.

"court death."

The moment the other party finally realized the absolute difference in strength between the two, he looked up at Fang Yu in horror.

boom! !

With one kick, Fang Yu kicked the person away.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Chuan Mule screamed and fell directly from the second floor.

boom! !

With a loud bang, he fell onto a table full of food, smashing the table to pieces on the spot. The guests at the table were so shocked that they all stood up to avoid it.

The wooden table shattered, and pieces of wood flew around, while Chuan Mule himself was already lying on the ground, his eyes wide open, and his right hand was tightly covering his chest, as if he was holding back his breath. When an enchanting figure slowly came into his eyes from the side.

puff! !

The suffocated breath flowed out for thousands of miles on the spot, and blood spurted out more than one meter high. It kept spraying wildly, and after a few breaths, he passed out and became motionless.

[Poison Marrow Sword] At this time, Zhao Jinci looked up from the corpse on the ground to the direction of the second floor.

On the edge of the cracked guardrail, the young man in white who had just gone downstairs was looking down at the people below as if he were guarding a ring.

At this moment, almost everyone in the hall on the first floor raised their heads and looked at Fang Yu.

Someone reached out to the weapon on the table and stood up from his seat silently.

Some people picked up the wine flask and poured wine into their mouths, as if it had nothing to do with them.

This scene looked as if a war was about to begin!

Silently, as if they were very experienced, the waiters stepped back and moved toward the entrance of the store.

As for the shopkeeper, when the person fell from the second floor, he immediately retreated to the door of the inn.

When Tie Ye of the Red Blood Gang was killed, he was seeking death and deserved it.

But how this man died is beyond the comprehension of the shopkeeper.

In short, the atmosphere at the scene seems to be very bad!
Although I felt very sad about the broken table, my life was obviously at stake at this moment.

The shopkeeper was still at the door, hesitating between running and not running.

And in front, a certain handsome young man unfolded his folding fan and said with a smile.

"My friend on the second floor has such a bad temper."

[Lin Yiyuan: 1500/1500. 】

What responded to him was the sword.

A sword that wears a mule.

The sword that originally belonged to the mule was snatched away by Fang Yu with two fingers, and now he threw it directly downwards with his backhand.

Whoosh! !

The sword flashed and the sound of breaking through the air sounded. Lin Yiyuan below suddenly changed his expression!

He clicked several times with his feet, used his proud body skills to accelerate several times in a row, and used his proud body skills to activate with all his strength, only to narrowly avoid the attack.

Bah! ! !
But the clothes were still torn, leaving a bloody wound on his shoulder.

Lin Yiyuan's expression darkened visibly to the naked eye.

Covering the wound on his shoulder, he raised his head and glared at the person above him.

"Friend, what do you mean?"

Fang Yu on the second floor ignored him, but looked down at everyone below equally, and then spoke.

"I don't want to waste time, you guys, let's go together."

Go together?

After the words fell, some people's expressions changed obviously.

Some were angry, some were shocked, and some were surprised and hesitant.

That almost invincible posture and powerful attacks are extremely terrifying.

Especially that sword strike just now!
Putting aside the death of Guozi Lian, they didn't see what was going on on the second floor. They only saw Guozi Lian fall from the second floor and died suddenly on the spot.

But they saw the sword strike just now completely!
It can be said that that sword is terrifying!
Lin Yiyuan's body skills are definitely top-notch among the famous masters.

There is a hidden beauty in the smile, and it is said that he never misses.

At first glance, he looks like a master, but in reality, he is a fast runner and has top-notch movement skills.

Because of his strong physical skills, he can find opportunities to strike and deliver a fatal blow.

Because the body is strong, he can fight and run away, and he can run away if he can't beat him. If he doesn't make a move, he doesn't miss, so he never misses.

Those who know the details of Lin Yiyuan can see the terrifying strength of the person on the second floor just from the way he dodged the sword in embarrassment!

Some people have already decided to give up.

But some people's blood surged and they felt excited.

"I come!"

The boy in black jumped on the table, and the blood bar above his head was...

[Zhao Wutian: 500/500. 】

He drew his sword out of its sheath, excitement evident in his eyes.


Fang Yu, however, took his eyes away from him.

I can’t get excited.

It's only 500 blood, but killing it will increase the evil spirit. It's a waste of killing opportunities.

The Chinese character face is a special case. The first one to jump out will naturally be given the best treatment.

As for the rest, it turns out that only people with four-digit HP can arouse people's interest.

Not only did Fang Yu not take Zhao Wutian seriously, others present also ignored the clamoring Zhao Wutian.

Most people were vaguely focused on the Poison Marrow Sword Zhao Jinci, as if they were waiting for the Poison Marrow Sword Zhao Jinci to express his stance.

At this moment, Zhao Jinci slowly squinted his eyes and showed a sweet smile.

The poisonous scorpion girl doesn't laugh often, but when she does, she's almost sweet to the point of death.

Even everyone around him was stunned by Zhao Jinci's sudden sweet smile.

"The young master on the second floor is so irritable, why should we go together? I don't know each other, what can we do together? I really don't understand what the young master is saying?"

Everyone thought that Zhao Jinci was giving in.

Everyone felt that Zhao Jinci was ready to retreat.

Only her good sister, the Bone-piercing Whip Zhao Yinxin, knows that whenever her sister shows such a little womanly attitude, that is when... her murderous intent is strongest!
The man upstairs is dead!

As Zhao Jinci finished speaking, she was already walking along the stairs with enchanting steps, one step at a time, towards the second floor.

No one knew what kind of tricks Zhao Jinci was playing, but the scenery was truly beautiful.


A gust of fragrant wind came.

Zhao Jinci has arrived on the second floor.

Fang Yu looked at her calmly, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, and Zhao Jinci was already approaching.


Fang Yu suddenly took action and was about to strangle Zhao Jinci's neck.

Unexpectedly, this time, I caught nothing! Zhao Jinci took a small step back and dodged it!
"Hehehe! Why is the young master so impatient? He has been poisoned by me..."

A big hand covered her face, causing Zhao Jinci's voice to suddenly stop.

Zhao Jinci's eyes widened instantly.

Because she had obviously poisoned the opponent, which had dulled the opponent's perception and mobility, but at that moment, she didn't even see the opponent's move clearly.

The black shadow had already covered her face as if teleporting.

how did you do that? !

That is my unique secret poison that I am proud of!
How many people have been poisoned by this poison, their strength has been greatly reduced, and they have been killed by themselves across the border!
How many people have been infected by this poison, unable to distinguish between east, west, north and south, their consciousness and physical control misaligned, and their physical abilities greatly reduced!
But the person in front of him was not affected at all! Why is this!

Although she was shocked and shocked, the first thing she needed to do now was to save herself!
"let me go!!"

Zhao Jinci shouted sharply, and his voice suddenly became sharp, thin, and extremely harsh. Just as he was about to reach for the Poison Marrow Sword at his waist, he suddenly felt his head and body being pulled forward and thrown forward!

Oh oh oh!
The wind roared in her ears, and before she could react, there was a bang as if she hit something, causing her to scream in pain.

"Let go of my sister... ugh!"

Others can see clearly.

Feeling that something was wrong, he jumped up from the hall, and Zhao Yinxin, the bone-piercing whip that came up to save people, was suddenly smashed down and collided with his body.

The two women almost fell to the ground together and rolled aside.



"Sister Poisonous Scorpion is no match for him..."

(End of this chapter)

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