Chapter 555 Flame Palm

Actually... just received a palm?
Fang Yu's expression became subtle.

The meaning of this palm probably corresponds to the one that disfigured his sister Song Xi.


Does he underestimate me a little too much?
Fang Yu thought, his normal combat power was the standard Wood Realm combat power, and with the addition of the bone armor, he was among the best at the same level.

Where did Song Zhenrong get his confidence? He wanted to disfigure me with just one slap.

"Okay, come on, what if I give you a slap?"

Song Zhenrong seemed not to have expected that Fang Yu would agree so easily.

The confidence radiating from the inside out made Song Zhenrong's expression gradually become serious.

"All spread out."

The surrounding Yudifu team members obeyed the order and dispersed to make room.

"elder brother!"

Song Xi obviously didn't want to know about this with just a slap.

What she wanted was for Fang Yu to die in her pain and torture.

While begging on her knees, she suffered humiliation and died.

But if it was just a slap, even if it really killed Fang Yu, she wouldn't feel very happy.

Or just disfigure Fang Yu and let Fang Yu really leave safely, which would be even more unpleasant!
Anyone who has offended her will end up miserable, and the person in front of her is no exception!
She shook Song Zhenrong's arm almost coquettishly, but Song Zhenrong just looked at her sideways with his dead fish eyes.

"Back off."

Song Xi froze immediately when the voice appeared.

She knew her brother's temper well, and for this reason, it was no longer something she could change by acting coquettishly.

Gritting his teeth angrily, stamping his feet, Song Xi retreated to the rear.

"Get away!"

She occupied a good viewing position, and her domineering behavior only caused the other subordinates of Yudi Mansion to avoid her.

It seemed that no one except her brother could stand her bad temper.

At this time, only Fang Yu and Song Zhenrong were left in the middle of the inn.


Fang Yu stretched out a hand and waved at him.

Song Zhenrong frowned slightly.

It wasn't because of how good Fang Yu's defensive posture was, on the contrary, the opponent's posture was full of flaws and extremely casual.

This attitude, this gesture, it's like she doesn't take him seriously!


Song Zhenrong raised his right palm.

But he just held it there, motionless.

Just when Fang Yu felt a little confused.

Bah! ! !
Song Zhenrong's right palm suddenly turned into a ball of hot red palm like lava. Its temperature was so high that even from a distance, you could feel the billowing heat waves coming from his right hand.

"Flame Palm, melting gold and cutting iron, can transform anything. I will use this palm to attack you. Now, you have five breaths to make final preparations."

As Song Zhenrong finished speaking, the temperature in the inn suddenly rose again.

The current intensity is not Song Zhenrong’s limit!
"It's a move that Song Xi used before..."

Fang Yu looked at the other party's red and warm palm, thoughtfully.

The brothers and sisters came from the same martial arts school, but Song Zhenrong's attainments were obviously far stronger than Song Xi's.

Just from the continuous soaring temperature of the surrounding space, people can already understand the gold content of this palm.


The countdown has begun, and this guy actually counts down five seconds honestly to give himself time to prepare.

what to do.

You look down on people so much, right?

Fang Yu squinted his eyes slightly, and the surface of the skin on his face began to gradually overflow with white liquid...

"It's appeared! It's Captain Song's Flame Palm!"

"You actually used this trick on this person... I thought Captain Song would be merciful. After all, every time something happens, it's not always Deputy Captain Song Xi who causes trouble first..."

"Hush! Don't talk about this matter again, and it's not like Captain Song didn't give that man a chance. It was his own provocations that made Captain Song use such a killer move."

"It's over, it's over. I thought it was just to teach me a lesson, but now I see, another life is going to happen..."

"Captain Song's flaming palm and the top-grade sword melted immediately upon contact. They covered the guy's face directly. I'm afraid it wouldn't have melted a hole on the spot, and he would have been waiting to collect the body..."

"Wait! Look, that guy is starting to make moves too!"

"The face is overflowing with white stuff... It's so disgusting, wait! It's solidified! What is that thing, turning into a white mask that covers the entire head??"

Everyone in Yudi Mansion originally thought that their own captain's moves were strange enough.

Unexpectedly, the mediocre guy opposite had even weirder moves.

I originally thought that he was just a guy who could be defeated by the captain. At this moment, everyone suddenly had more expectations for that young man?
After all, they always watch the captain defeat enemies and monsters easily, and sometimes they want to see what it will be like when the captain uses all his strength to fight.

But despite having such thoughts, they actually didn't have much expectations for Fang Yu.

Because...Captain Song is too strong!

Song Xi was staring at Fang Yu with a sneer at this time.

"It's just a pretense before death!"

This is Song Xi's idea, because she has absolute confidence in her eldest brother Song Zhenrong.

She couldn't master the Flame Palm, so she was injured by Fang Yu and failed to exert the power that this palm should have.

But the elder brother is different.

If this palm is placed in the hands of the elder brother, its power will only be magnified a hundred times and a thousand times!
And this man is still obedient and ready to take this slap!
You know, even if the Flame Palm misses, it doesn't matter. Once this thing is solid, the steel and iron bones will melt for you on the spot! The power brought by the extreme high temperature is completely unreasonable!
"This dead!"

Song Xi felt a little confused and resentful, but she could still accept this result.

At least the eldest brother stood up for her!

This energy was barely released.


The countdown continued, and Song Zhenrong even deliberately slowed down his tone, as if he wanted to wait until Fang Yu was completely ready before he officially took action.

This move showed Song Zhenrong's calmness and elegance to the fullest. And it also represents Song Zhenrong's respect for Fang Yu - the respect of the deceased.

That's right, in Song Zhenrong's opinion, Fang Yu couldn't take this palm.

Because even among warriors in the same realm, there are not many who can take this move.

If Fang Yu could really take over, then, based on emotion, reason, respect for Fang Yu's strength, or the promise he had made before, he would let Fang Yu leave. "one."

The final countdown fell, and the atmosphere reached its peak at this moment.

At this moment, everyone's attention was attracted by Fang Yu and Song Zhenrong in the center of the inn, so no one noticed that the sick old man had quietly moved towards the corner where the prisoners were guarded.


Zhao Wutian was excited, and Brother Tian and others, who were waiting for the opportunity, even brightened up when they saw Bing Wujiao groping over.

The opportunity they were waiting for seemed to suddenly come to their doorstep!
Bang! !

"Take it, move!!!"

The airflow behind him suddenly exploded, and Song Zhenrong suddenly shouted loudly. Even Bing Wujiao, who came over to save others, couldn't help but look back at the battlefield over there.

The scorching hot air waves were frantically scraping around like compressed air.

As for Song Zhenrong's flaming palm, the moment it was released, the surrounding air exploded out of thin air as if it had been ignited!

A palm is discharged, and wherever the palm passes, it explodes like an explosion, with continuous booms!
In the process of the rolling hot wind and waves intertwining with each other, the extremely hot flame palm, which represented Song Zhenrong's strongest secret skill, had already hit Fang Yu's face!
As soon as the expert takes action, he will know if there is any!

In just a moment, Fang Yu immediately sensed that the opponent's palm contained a large amount of [Qi].

This is a move, similar to the Qi Exploding Heavenly Vortex, a Qi-level move that utilizes the power of [Qi] to the extreme!

Fang Yu didn't understand his move, how the ratio of energy to move was balanced.

To be able to condense this explosion-like effect onto the palm of his hand, only the air flow driven by his palm's advancement allowed this power to leak out a little.

But just such a trace of leakage caused the air to instantly ignite and explode, forming extremely strong thrust and explosive power.

This move is very subtle.

At least from Fang Yu's perspective, this move is far more exquisite than the Qi Exploding Heavenly Vortex.

However, the Qi Explosive Tian Xuan was originally a Qi Jin move developed by Yuan Hongxin behind closed doors, and she was the one who forcibly simulated the Qi Explosive Tian Xuan move without Yuan Hongxin's guidance. It’s hard to say how much of the original true appearance can remain.

For example, it is difficult for Fang Yu to improve his Qi Explosive Tianxuan now. Because he, who was trying to cross the river by feeling stones, had long lost his follow-up direction.

At this moment, when he suddenly saw Song Zhenrong using such exquisite energy moves, Fang Yu suddenly had a little inspiration in his mind.

But it was fleeting, because Song Zhenrong's flaming palm was now approaching!
The air in front of him exploded, and amid the billowing hot wind, Song Zhenrong's flaming palm seemed to be propelled in three stages. Every time it got closer to him, the bursting sound became stronger. When it got closer, the bursting sound suddenly reached its peak, and the air wave With the push, the last distance of this palm appeared in front of Fang Yu almost out of thin air like teleportation!
So fast!

Fortunately, Fang Yu was prepared. He took a small half step back to provide a pulling space. At the same time, he quickly raised his right arm, clenching it into a fist. As the bone powder erupted like a liquid, he quickly retracted it, completely covering his right fist... …

boom! ! !
Fang Yu's punch directly met the Flame Palm head-on.

The terrifying air wave exploded at the moment the two collided, raging towards the surroundings.

The surrounding tables, chairs, wood chips and other debris were all thrown up by the air wave, slamming against the surrounding walls and smashed to pieces on the spot.

The people around them didn't seem to expect that the noise between the two fighting would be so loud.

Either he hurriedly bent down to avoid it, or he hurriedly hid behind the bunker to avoid the aftermath.

In fact, they did not see clearly what was happening in the center of the battlefield.

Because it's fast.

Everything happened so fast!
In Fang Yu's eyes, he can also analyze moves, dismantle movements, and even consciously perform small movements such as defensive steps and small retreats.

But in the eyes of others around him, it only happened in an instant.

In an instant, Song Zhenrong rushed forward, and then a terrifying wave of air suddenly exploded.

No one knows what the result of this punch will be.

Judging from the fierce airflow reaction at the scene, Captain Song... seems to have encountered a tough situation?
When the heat wave slowly subsided and the smoke slowly dispersed, Song Xi immediately looked at the situation on the battlefield.

Only two figures were seen, separated by a certain distance, Yaoyao looked at each other.

The first thing Song Xi looked at was her brother's situation.

The red-warm palms had quickly cooled down and returned to normal, but faintly. She actually found that her brother's palms seemed to be... trembling slightly?
This discovery made Song Xi unbelievable.

How could anyone in this world make my brother feel miserable! !
After being distracted for a moment, she immediately looked towards that nasty guy!

Judging from the marks on the ground, the nasty guy was knocked back and slid back several meters, so the two of them distanced themselves.

And look carefully at that annoying guy's face.

The white bone mask that was still covering him just now slowly disintegrated and slid off his face like dissolved powder.

Is your face okay? !

How can it be! That's my brother's flaming palm!
Song Xi quickly looked at the condition of other parts of the guy's body, and then felt a little relieved.

I saw that the clenched fist of the guy's right hand was almost completely charred, exuding a burning smell!
"It's useless!"

Song Xi frowned with joy.

"His right hand is gone!"

For those who practice martial arts, if one hand is disabled, half of it is almost useless.

The future path of martial arts, without the help of a miraculous doctor, would basically be completely cut off.

"Deserve it!"

Song Xi's face was ferocious and proud, and his wild and violent attitude made him want to raise his nose to the sky.

This is my brother’s strength, and this is the result of provoking me! !
If the path to martial arts is cut off, your strength will only continue to decline in the days to come.

There is no need for my brother to take action again. When your strength declines to a certain level, I will personally torture you again!
Song Xi seemed to have been able to foresee that wonderful scene.

Calculating it this way, the guy's current situation is actually playing into his own hands, allowing him to personally avenge the disfigurement!
Song Xi's face was distorted, and she felt that her brother had done a good job, and her brother had played well! The right amount of power creates the current situation, which is almost tailor-made for oneself.

Sure enough, brother, he loves me the most!
The look in Song Xi's eyes when she looked at her brother Song Zhenrong, in addition to full admiration, also contained a hint of complicated and obscure love that was unknown to everyone.

At this moment, Song Zhenrong spoke.

"Good skills."

His right hand no longer trembled, but he was still frightened by all the touches and feedback from the head-on confrontation just now.

Very strong!

This is Song Zhenrong's evaluation of Fang Yu.

Someone who can stand up to me in a head-to-head battle!

This was Song Zhenrong's sigh after fully recalling the afterglow of the battle just now.

At this time, Fang Yu also shook his black right hand slightly.

It's like shaking away the dust stuck to your hands.

Black powder was thrown down in large swaths.

As for the palm of Fang Yu's right hand, these burnt black things were scattered, revealing the tender white flesh.

In an instant, Song Xi's eyes widened.

"Is your hand okay??!!"

She almost screamed in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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