Chapter 557 Back to Back

save you?

Fang Yu looked at the woman in front of him.

As for appearance, it is indeed pretty good.

It can be seen that she was born mediocre and has thick calluses on her hands, which are left behind after doing rough work all year round. It can be said that there is basically no maintenance, but her overall appearance is considered acceptable. She is similar to the second sister, and she is a naturally beautiful type, but Years of hard work have obscured this beauty.

However, beauty is beauty, and Fang Yu has not forgotten that not long ago, this guy was eavesdropping on his room.

Fang Yu didn't slap her to death, it was because his evil spirit was too strong and it was inconvenient to kill again, otherwise this woman would be a corpse now.

Eyes narrowed.


Fang Yu's refusal was quite decisive.

Qin'er's body stiffened.

"Master, if you don't save Qin'er, Master, Qin'er will definitely die! Please show mercy, Master..."

After saying that, Qin'er gritted her teeth and kowtowed heavily in the direction of Fang Yu.
However, before he could even take a bite, Fang Yu had already closed the door.

The moment the door was closed, Qin'er just kowtowed and came down.

His forehead hit the ground hard and blood spilled out.

However, she endured the pain and put her head on the ground, not daring to move.

Qin'er has no way out.

The outside was heavily surrounded by Yudi Mansion. Apart from relying on this person's magical power to help her get out of the siege, she couldn't think of any other way to escape from the inn.

Now, as soon as the door of the other party's room was closed, Qin'er's last hope of survival was almost wiped out.

This didn't mean closing the door, it would have ended her life!

Tears fell from the corners of her eyes unsatisfactorily. Qin'er was afraid of death. Everyone was afraid of death, but she didn't want to die.

The silent sobbing and slightly trembling body made Qin'er look so pitiful, but no one saw this scene.



The door that had just been closed for a while was suddenly opened again.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Fang Yu said with a slight frown.

Fang Yu minded if his hands were stained with evil spirits again, but Ding Hui had nothing to say. If he continued to stalk her, Ding Hui would probably have her head ripped off.

Fang Yu's ordinary words, with just a hint of displeasure in his tone, made Qin'er, who was kneeling on the ground, tremble with fear.

She didn't dare to look up at Fang Yu because she didn't have the courage.

When she faced Fang Yu just now, she felt that this man exuded an extremely terrifying aura that made people feel scared.

That kind of indifference to life and death, the feeling that she could be crushed to death at any time, made her tremble.

Just when Qin'er didn't know what to do, suddenly... a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded.

"She is the one spying on us next door? It's interesting. The person spying on us is now kneeling on the ground asking us for help. Little guy, who are you working for?"

Qin'er has heard this female voice.

To be precise, I overheard it.

Surprisingly, she was the woman living in this room with this young master.

Perhaps because they were both women, or perhaps because this was the last hope left, Qin'er almost mustered up her last courage and said with a trembling voice.

"Come back, sir, I took over the task of the rebels and came to stay in this inn."


Fang Yu felt strange, but Ding Hui's eyes lit up.

"Interesting, I didn't expect the rebels' sense of smell to be quite sensitive."

Ding Hui paused and continued: "But it's a pity that the rebels only sent a small role like you to observe us. It seems that we are really underestimated."

Qin'er still put her head on the ground, listening to Ding Hui's words, not daring to express any opinions.

She was sent by the rebels to monitor the other party.

Presenting herself as a rebel almost confirmed the fact that she was an enemy.

But when faced with the other party's questions, Qin'er didn't dare to lie and could only tell the truth.

I thought that the other party would kill me immediately after hearing about the rebel organization. Unexpectedly, the situation... seemed to be turning around a little bit?
Qin'er's heart was pounding. Although she was still nervous and scared, there was still a glimmer of hope deep in her heart.

"Rebels? What is that?"

Fang Yu looked confused, he had never heard of such a thing.

"It's almost a rebel army. Because of the blue blood disease, Thunder City oppressed the lower-level people below. The people below couldn't stand it anymore, so the rebel army was born."

"Of course, judging from the fact that the Rebels are still active in Thunder City at all levels, the Rebels organization obviously did not appear suddenly, let alone something that can be spawned by civilians independently. It should have been premeditated, but It just happened that the opportunity came up and it just surfaced.”

"Who is hiding behind this organization? If you think about it carefully, it might be quite interesting."

Ding Hui chuckled to himself, which made people feel a little baffled.

Fang Yu scratched his head.

Ding Hui's intelligence collection was quite comprehensive. In addition to briefly explaining the situation of the rebels, he also provided some behind-the-scenes analysis of the rebel organization.

Fang Yu didn't have any feelings about this, he just said.

"Since they are from the rebels, let's kill them. You do it."

As soon as the words fell, Qin'er's eyes widened in an instant, and she was about to pee in fear, in a physical sense.

Because of the extreme fear, even the body became uncontrollable and could not move at all.

Now it's not whether she wants to stand up and run away, but she can't move at all.

What kind of murderous devil is this? He is ready to kill himself with just one word!

Qin'er was anxious, scared, and aggrieved. Fear surged into her heart. When her brain became hot, she fainted.

And just then...

"Don't worry, the rebels are different from those three-legged cats. Take her with you, maybe we may need the help of the rebels."

Fang Yu was confused by Ding Hui's words.

"Are you planning to cooperate with the rebels?"

"My friends can't help with some materials, but the rebels should have good channels."

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows.

"did you mean……"

Ding Hui looked at Fang Yu.

"There are some things that some local forces cannot do, or dare not do, but radical new generation organizations like the Rebels should be willing to try, or even intervene."

Fang Yu's heart moved.

Meat, that’s all.

When new organizations emerge, they must carve up the territory of the old organizations.

Between the old and the new, some businesses hidden in the depths will surface.

If the rebel has never been exposed to the slave business, then let him do the slave business. Once he starts the business, old and powerful players will naturally come to his door.

And that established force is the target he is looking for.

Even if the rebels have already been exposed to this business, they will naturally have information about this business.

Ding Hui's words gave Fang Yu some inspiration.

He was thoughtful, then stepped forward to help Qin'er up.

"Girl, what do you call me?"

However, as Fang Yu helped the person up, he discovered that Qin'er had already fainted from fear at some point.

It could also be that he fell into a coma because of excessive bleeding from his forehead. Fang Yu looked back at Ding Hui helplessly.

"Give her to me, let's leave here first." Ding Hui said.

There has been something going on here, and it's too conspicuous.

As for the people in the foolish underworld around them, they can stop the small fish and shrimps, but they absolutely cannot stop them.

"it is good."

Fang Yu handed the man to Ding Hui, then took him with him and bowed, then led Ding Hui downstairs.

"Wait a minute, let me check the situation outside first."

When they approached the door of the inn, Fang Yu asked Ding Hui to stop.

Fang Yu was not afraid of the rain of arrows, nor was he afraid of the siege of the foolish underworld, but Ding Hui was not a man of steel, so he still had to worry about Ding Hui's safety.

He strode out of the inn.

The next moment, everyone in the Yudi Mansion outside the inn suddenly became frightened and their expressions changed.

"It's him!"

"The person who took over Captain Song's flaming palm!"

"Why did he come out!?"

"Alert! Everyone is alert!! But don't take action. The captain has an order, and no one is allowed to take the initiative to take action against him!!"

Everyone shouted, and even the entire team retreated back a little. Fang Yu felt a little funny.

"Get out of the way. I'm ready to leave. I'll tell you, Captain Song, that I will return the slap today to him another day."

After that, Fang Yu asked Ding Hui to come out and followed him towards the encirclement of Yudi Mansion.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they wisely moved out of the way and did not dare to conflict with Fang Yu.

More than a hundred people looked at Fang Yu nervously, but did not dare to make any move.

The scene could even be said to be extremely quiet. Only the footsteps of Fang Yu and Ding Hui could clearly rise and fall. At most, the others just kept staring at Fang Yu, warning him.

Until Fang Yu walked out of the siege of Yudi Mansion, everyone in Yudi Mansion breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Yu didn't stay any longer and strode away directly.

"Finally gone!"

"It scared me to death... The guy who can compete with Captain Send is at least an old monster from the Wood Realm!"

"Another old guy with good looks..."

"Hush! Just say a few words. If he comes back with a sudden attack, we are no match for him."

Everyone in Yudi Mansion was whispering.

On the other side, Bing Wujiao, who escaped, was finally captured.

"Let me go! Let me go!!"

Bing Wujiao roared angrily, but Song Zhenrong pushed his head into the ground.

Following the loud bang, Bing Wujiao became more obedient in an instant and did not dare to move.


Zhao Wutian shouted, but to no avail.

"Take those guys and all of them back to the prison."

Song Zhenrong pointed at Brother Tian and others who had been subdued, and then looked at his sister who had been sulking and not being spoken to since just now.

"Song Xi."


"Don't be willful. It's a good thing that you encountered a tough fight today. It saved you a day or two. I don't think anyone in Thunder City can control you."

"It's not that my brother won't help me!" Song Xi glared at Song Zhenrong with tears in his eyes, shook his head, turned around and ran away.

"team leader……"

The confidant beside him said.

But Song Zhenrong just shook his head slightly.

"Let her calm down. I've pampered her too much these years, and it's time for her to suffer a little."

Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent, but in fact they could no longer stand the arrogance and domineering nature of Vice Captain Song Xi.

That was not arrogant and domineering towards outsiders, it was true towards everyone, especially their subordinates, who seemed to think that Captain Song's men were her slaves, shouting around arrogantly and doing whatever they wanted.

But for Captain Song's sake, he didn't dare to say no. Who in the Yudi Mansion didn't know how much Captain Song loved his sister? Who dared to offend her!

This forbearance lasted for many years, and many people in Yujifu privately complained. But Captain Song was too good and authoritative, so he suppressed these voices, as if nothing happened.

In fact, this resentment has been accumulated for many years. No one likes that guy and hopes that something will happen to her sooner or later.

After all, seriously speaking, Song Xi is actually just the deputy captain. These cronies are also deputy captains in terms of their positions, and they are on an equal footing with Song Xi! But due to Captain Song's relationship, he could only swallow his anger and be inferior to others.

Now that Song Xi was defeated, they were actually secretly happy in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show it.

When everyone was thinking about this, a voice suddenly sounded from the front.

"Captain Song."

It was a woman with a big belly, and she was accompanied by some maids to protect her.

Song Zhenrong's expression changed slightly, revealing a serious look.

"Captain, why are you here?"

"Captain Song, I'm relieved to see you're okay. After thinking about it after I went back, I still feel a little uneasy. I know Song Xi's temperament, and I will definitely look for that person from outside the city again. It's troublesome. After I went to Yudi Mansion, I was sure that she must have asked you for help. Fortunately, you haven't had a conflict with that guy. Let me tell you, that person from the outer city is very powerful. Wan will cause trouble for him because of Song Xi."

Song Zhenrong smiled bitterly: "The captain reminded me too late, I have already fought with him."


Che Xintai's expression changed, he covered his big belly and asked quickly.

"you win?"

Song Zhenrong shook his head.


When Che Xintai saw this, his expression darkened.

"Now that a conflict has arisen, we must eradicate it, Captain Song. That guy is just from the outer city and has no roots. The lions who have separated from the pride are just old, weak, sick and disabled."

Che Xin Taiyi pointed out the way.

But Song Zhenrong had other ideas.

"No need to worry. Although I had a conflict with this person, we have reconciled. He should not cause trouble in Yudi Mansion..."

Just as Song Zhenrong was about to say this, a harsh scream suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Song Zhenrong's expression changed on the spot.

Almost as soon as he heard the sound, the person rushed out.

Because, that voice was the scream of his sister, Song Xi!

"what's the situation?!"

Although Che Xintai was a little confused, he quickly led everyone in Yudi Mansion to follow Song Zhenrong.

She is pregnant and her combat power is greatly reduced, so she would not dare to do anything too dangerous without guards around her.

However, out of concern for his colleagues, he kept up with him at full speed.

However, when she arrived, she saw Song Zhenrong picking up a bloody severed hand from the ground, then stood up in a flash, looking around with red eyes.

"Get out! What did you do to my sister? Get out of here!!"

Only then did Che Xintai realize that the bloody severed hand belonged to Song Xi!
Although Song Xi usually acts like a fool, he is actually a master at the level of deputy captain of Yudi Mansion. His arm was broken off in such a short period of time...

"The person who came here is not good..."

(End of this chapter)

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