Chapter 562 Humiliation
Fang Yu whispered silently.

Ding Hui never expressed these things or these emotions on a daily basis.

It turns out that she can be so sentimental sometimes?
"Where is Ding Hui now?"

Fang Yu turned around and looked at the members of Yudifu at the door. His tone had become much calmer.

It is Ding Hui's handwriting, and there is no secret code hidden between the lines, which means it means exactly what it says.

Then Ding Hui should be safe.

However, Fang Yu was still a little worried about letting Ding Hui stay with the people from Yudifu, especially Song Zhenrong, who he had fought with before.

"Master Ding Hui is with our captain now. I, I will lead the way for you!"

Fang Yu nodded, walked towards him, suddenly thought of something, and praised him.

"Good reaction. You were able to sense that I was about to attack you, aiming at your neck."

The man's eyes widened instantly and he trembled with fear.

Good response?

That cold invisible blade felt like it had really cut off his neck...

It's not that I reacted well, it's that your killing intent is too strong! It's almost becoming a physical thing!
This member of the Yuhefu team had only heard of things like murderous intent turning into blades and treated them as rumors. He had never thought that there would be someone who could actually reach this level.

This person might be several points stronger than Captain Song!
The team member thought silently and became more respectful to Fang Yu.

As Song Zhenrong's confidant and the deputy captain of Yudifu, his attitude is the attitude of all the Yudifu team members around him.

Fang Yu arrived at the clinic under the respectful escort of a group of people.

A small, somewhat shabby clinic.


"Lord Ding Hui, what's the situation?"

Doctor Mo asked nervously.

Doctor Mo, Doctor Mo, everyone calls him Doctor Mo, but Doctor Mo has not become arrogant.

He even knew how broad his medical skills were.

There are so many people who are more capable and skilled than him.

There was a time when he was quite inflated. He felt that he was revered as a miracle doctor and was superior to others, and he looked down on everyone.

It was not until he met the doctors from the top ten families that he was exposed.

His skills were simply the result of practice, and when faced with difficult and complicated cases, he was almost helpless.

And the doctors from the top ten families really have the ability to bring the dead back to life and do things that other people cannot do!

Doctor Mo had thought about this more than once. It was just that the doctors from the top ten families had the resources of the top ten families, so they surpassed him by so much.

If he had the resources and was free every day, with plenty of time to study medicine, he could also join that top circle.

Then he met Ding Hui.

A brilliant medical genius!

He was alone in Thunder City, without many resources, but his achievements in medical skills were so great that even he himself was ashamed of himself.

All the wonderful ideas and the alternative ways of thinking in the face of serious illnesses made him astonished at the time.

If the doctors from the top ten families were a blow to him in terms of resources, it was a blow to the status of his family.

Then the appearance of Ding Hui was an all-round blow to his personal abilities and medical achievements.

A person who had less resources than him, but had made a name for himself with his abilities. In terms of fame, he could directly compete with himself who had already entered the Yudi Mansion at that time.

To be honest, Dr. Mo was very frustrated at that time and even doubted his life for a while.

It was not until he actually came into contact with Ding Hui and experienced the other's desperate medical talent that Doctor Mo had an epiphany.

That was a person...who was not on the same track as ordinary people like him.

Even he is not on the same track as most of the doctors from the top ten families.

Because even the doctors from the top ten families, those famous miracle doctors, were fed bit by bit by relying on the continuous supply of resources from the power of the top ten families.

And this one is a wild, purely talented player.

If Ding Hui wasn't for his unstable temperament, he wouldn't be willing to settle down like him.

Doctor Mo even felt that Ding Hui's future achievements would go down in history!

Perhaps because he became famous early, or perhaps because he wanted to pursue something new and exciting, Ding Hui eventually left Thunder City.

It has been several years since he left, and Doctor Mo thought he would never see this dazzling new star again in his lifetime.

Who would have thought that after a twist of fate, this former star would come back again!

Moreover, with more powerful medical skills and more incredible methods, he left ordinary people like him who were represented by diligence far behind and became a god-like existence.

Extracting flesh, injecting worms, exchanging blood, feeding poison...

Facing the seriously ill Song Xi, Ding Hui's series of dazzling and extremely confident operations overwhelmed Doctor Mo, and... he couldn't understand it at all.

He couldn't even understand the purpose of each step taken by Ding Hui, because some of the materials were completely demonic materials, and Ding Hui actually injected them directly into Song Xi's body!
Moreover, this demon material is a living insect demon! Injecting a living insect demon into the human body to parasitize it, according to Dr. Mo's own understanding, is simply killing people!
But Song Xi was not in any danger. With the help of Ding Hui's other methods, this dangerous insect demon actually helped Song Xi gradually heal his injuries.

You know, Song Xi's injury was not a simple lesion on the cross-section. The appearance of lesions on the cross-section of the arm meant that the inside of the body had already been corroded, otherwise Doctor Mo would not have said that he was powerless and could not save him.

Even for an injury so serious that he was helpless, Ding Hui had a way to resolve it, and he did it effortlessly and with great confidence. Doctor Mo felt that he would never be able to learn this.

As for the blood transfusion, feeding of poisonous insects and poisons, they were still within the scope of Dr. Mo's understanding, but they were still quite unorthodox.

It can be said that if Ding Hui did not have the support of her reputation, if she continued to use this method, everyone else would regard her as a quack doctor who was harming people and would not give her the opportunity to treat them.

Seeing that Ding Hui did not answer him, but continued to focus on finding the appropriate position on Song Xi's body, he took a knife and cut it, and the poisonous blood was accurately released. Doctor Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Tension, uneasiness, and a feeling of frustration that had not appeared in a long, long time all surrounded him.

The emotions of the people around him, including Song Zhenrong, also changed from distrust at first, to shock, confusion, and finally admiration...


The treatment method was extremely strange, and the technique was unconventional. It was totally contrary to the pharmacology-based doctors on the market. But...

Efficient, powerful, a miracle doctor!
Song Xi's condition was visibly stabilized and gradually improved under the orderly step-by-step operation of Lord Ding Hui, despite the serious injury that even Doctor Lian Mo seemed helpless to treat.

"Who is she exactly... Is she a descendant of the Hundred Flower Valley that was said to have been extinct for almost a hundred years? Or is she a descendant of some hidden Medicine King family?"

Song Zhenrong was completely stunned.

He invited Doctor Ding over because he was eager to show his absolute trust in Doctor Mo, and because he was desperate and had the impulse to try his best.

But I didn't expect that Doctor Ding would be so helpful.

Lian Doctor Mo could only assist Doctor Ding, and even the other famous and fortunate doctors around him could only watch from the side with wide eyes and could not get involved at all.

Occasionally, there were a few quite famous doctors who vaguely recognized Doctor Ding.

"Why did she come back... When did she come back?"

"I haven't seen him for a few years, and he's become even scarier... In the rumors back then, this guy was already scary enough, but now, he's even scarier!"

"What is that thing that looks like a heart and lung in her hand? It's trembling like a living thing... Wait! Did she put this thing into the patient's mouth? Hiss—that thing actually grew tentacles and actively drilled into the patient's mouth!!"

If one had not seen a series of outrageous actions by Ding Hui before, this one action alone would have been enough to scare people into thinking that Ding Hui was committing murder for money.

But at this moment, they only felt that Ding Hui was performing another magical operation.

At this moment, someone recognized what the object that had drilled into the patient's mouth was, and a look of thought flashed across his eyes.

"Is it possible? But how is she going to solve the problem of that thing contaminating the patient's blood? Wait! Pills! Finally there is a method that a normal doctor should have! It seems to be a blood-calming pill, which can slow down the blood flow in the human body... Is she going to use this method to deceive the perception of that thing? It can't be done, right? Or... has she actually modified that thing to a certain extent?"

Each of Ding Hui's operations was like a feast, causing bursts of low exclamations from the top doctors present and touching every nerve of theirs.

Especially after Ding Hui fed Song Xi a blood-calming pill, there was finally something that the doctors present could understand. The discussion immediately skyrocketed, and the whispers among them suddenly became louder.

Only Doctor Mo was concentrating and helping silently.

The other doctors present could only understand a small part of Ding Hui's operation, and he was not much better than others. Moreover, understanding the operation is one thing, and understanding the thinking behind it is another.

The former can be figured out through observation, but the latter cannot be replicated at all without amazing experience and genius ideas.


At this moment, Ding Hui suddenly exhaled and patted Song Xi's bulging belly.

Like a drowning person with his chest squeezed, black liquid like ink flowed out from the corners of Song Xi's mouth.

The black liquid fell onto the bed, making a sizzling sound like a burning venom, which made everyone's scalp tingle.

Looking at Song Xi's big belly that looked like she was pregnant, everyone was confused.

That's it, that's it? ?
"The leech demon's eggs will parasitize in your sister's body for about seven days. After seven days, they will grow out of your sister's broken arm and replace your sister's original arm."

Ding Hui wiped her hands and started packing.

This trip was a small loss, but luckily Yu Difu will definitely cover the loss. Not only will they compensate for all the consumables, but they will also subsidize a bunch of better materials. This was agreed upon with Song Zhenrong on the way here.

Even if Yudifu cannot give that much, Song Zhenrong will fill the remaining hole with his own money.


The people of Songxi were a little confused. They looked at Doctor Mo, who was keeping his head down and keeping silent as if he was still thinking, and then looked at the other famous doctors around who were chattering like crazy. It seemed that no one understood why Ding Hui suddenly stopped and said it was over. What was going on?

Judging from her physical condition, sister Song Xi's vital signs are indeed gradually recovering, but the broken arm seems to be covered with dense frog eggs, her body is gray and muddy, her body is swollen, her belly is as big as if she is ten months pregnant, and her face is so swollen that it is almost unrecognizable. If Song Zhenrong didn't know that this was his sister, he would have thought it was a swollen corpse when he first saw it!
"Ding, Master Ding Hui... Is this the end? Is my sister's life saved? Will she be like this forever?"

Ding Hui smiled when he heard this.

Showing that row of neat and white teeth.

"You only asked me to save her life, but you didn't tell me to save her appearance. Moreover, if you want to deal with the rejection reaction, you will definitely not be able to save her life without a certain degree of assimilation first."

Song Zhenrong looked embarrassed.

Song Zhenrong felt overwhelmed when he thought about his sister waking up and finding that she had become an ugly, swollen thing, as if she was pregnant for ten months and couldn't go out to see people. He even thought that his sister might commit suicide on the spot after discovering this.

However, compared to losing his life and never being able to see his loved ones again, Song Zhenrong could completely accept this level of ugliness, disfigurement, and deformity.

At worst, he can just support his sister for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, Song Zhenrong bowed to Ding Hui and saluted respectfully.

"Thank you, Dr. Ding, for saving my life! If I can be of any use to you in the future, I will do my best to help you!"

Song Zhenrong is not good at speaking, but his feelings are sincere.

He is willing to give everything to repay such a great favor!

Because the lives of his family are even more important than his own life.

Ding Hui was a little surprised by Song Zhenrong's reaction, but on the way here, she had more or less figured out this man's temperament, so she retained 50% to 60% trust in his words.

The discussions of the doctors at the back became louder, and some even raised their voices suddenly.

"Heretics! Using unorthodox methods to save people is just a misguided move! Look at the patient's current state. What's the difference between her being alive now and being dead?"

The man's face flushed and his voice became excited!
But anyone could see that he could not bear the gap and his mentality was unbalanced, so he used slanderous means to protect his fragile self-esteem.

"Young, too young!"

"This guy, doesn't he know Lord Ding Hui? He hasn't experienced the era when Lord Ding Hui was famous in the medical field of Thunder City, right?"


No one fits him.

The truly skilled doctors all admire and study Ding Hui's methods.

Even second-rate ordinary doctors were amazed at Ding Hui's miraculous healing skills, which seemed like magic.

As for this kind of clown, everyone just thinks he is ridiculous.

I have to say that the medical circle is relatively clean. At least in the circle of top doctors, the pursuit of academics is far greater than the pursuit of fame.

What this person's words really attracted was Song Zhenrong's extremely cold eyes.

His sister's savior was insulted right in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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