Chapter 580 Coming

The warm sunlight came in through the window, shining on the seat next to Song Qianlong.

The man who took off the mask stared at that place for a while, swallowed, and then spoke nervously.

"I don't dare, little one."

Song Qianlong didn't seem to force it.

"Boring, boring. How can you accomplish anything great if you are like this?"

Song Qianlong moved his eyes and raised his glass to taste the wine while looking down at the crowded bridge below.

"See them? They are mediocre and ridiculous. They spend their whole lives just to make a few pieces of silver. This kind of life is not what people like you and me are ultimately pursuing."


The man took off the mask, remained silent, lowered his head, and said nothing.

At the same time, a commotion suddenly broke out at the bridgehead below.

The crowd was surging, people were pushing and running forward, as if something was happening behind them, and they were crowding forward as if fleeing.

The chaos spread quickly, with corpses being trampled, people fleeing in panic, and falling into the lake...

Cries for help, cries for life, these sounds could be heard clearly even by those who were drinking wine in the high building.

“It’s started.”

Song Qianlong suddenly spoke again. The man who took off the mask widened his eyes instantly. A guess flashed through his mind, but he dared not look up, or even move.

At the same time, the chaos below was quickly brought under control due to the intervention of the nearby Yudifu.

"It's the blood-septic clone monster!"

"There it is again!"

"How many clones does this guy have?!"

"Chase! The higher-ups have issued a death order. If you see a blood-destroying clone demon, kill it without mercy!"

The chaos faded away, and Song Qianlong gradually withdrew his gaze.

He had no interest in appreciating the endgame of the ants below.

Standing up, he glanced at the 'young man' who was keeping his head down and saying nothing, and Song Qianlong smiled.

"You are very lucky. I just got the news that Madam Shang has passed away. The Black Rain Chamber of Commerce now needs someone to speak for the outside world. Are you willing to take on this position?"

The man who took off the mask suddenly widened his eyes and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"I, I do! Sir Song, I do!"

"Okay, I'll send someone to arrange the handover tomorrow. From now on, you will be the president of the Black Rain Chamber of Commerce."

Patting the man on the shoulder, Song Qianlong left.

Only the man who put on the sheep mask again was left in the room.



Climbed up!

Finally, I climbed up!!

The sheep-faced man was shaking with excitement, but he tried hard to restrain himself from making a sound.

at last……

With endurance step by step, day by day operation, and the dual operation of the Forest Snake Gang and the Honey Casino, he finally climbed to the current height! He finally... touched the lowest threshold to contact these big shots!
The position of the president of the Black Rain Chamber of Commerce means that one has reached a higher level and can truly come into contact with the high-end circles in Thunder City.

Even if this position is specifically about doing dirty and tiring work for big shots, and doing things that are not allowed to be seen in the light, it has truly entered the circle of big shots.

It can be predicted that from today on, life will be very different!
The sheep-faced man clenched his fists and slowly calmed down his excitement.

This is just the beginning, entering the lowest level of this circle.

Not to mention continuing to climb up, even just to maintain this position requires a lot of effort.

Getting busy...

The former leader of the Black Rain Chamber of Commerce, in order to conceal his identity, he would take on missions from both large and small forces.

But he didn't need to do so. After officially taking over the Black Rain Chamber of Commerce, he would directly terminate the cooperation with some small and medium-sized forces and concentrate on serving the high-end market.

Using the Black Rain Chamber of Commerce as a stepping stone, just like secretly manipulating the Forest Snake Gang, he wants to turn all of these into nutrients to help him climb the stairs step by step, and go higher and further!

He lifted the lid of the teapot that Song Qianlong had not finished drinking, poured the tea into his mouth and drank it all in one gulp. The sheep-faced man smacked his lips and chewed the tea leaves together with his stomach. His eyes were vicious, as if he was chewing not the tea leaves but Song Qianlong's "huge" body.

Looking down through the window, the commotion below had subsided thanks to the intervention of the Yudi Mansion.

But the man with the sheep face seemed to be thinking about something.

Song Qianlong... seemed to have known what was going to happen below before the chaos happened.

Is it...

The man with the sheep face had some vague guesses, but did not dare to think too deeply about it.

He is still too weak now. There are some things that he cannot think about, even if it is just a thought. Otherwise, everything he has accumulated with great effort may turn into dust in an instant, just like... Mrs. Shang who died suddenly.

The man with the sheep face left.

Since we have embarked on a pioneering journey, we have already made some achievements.

It's time to start cleaning up the back garden.

Otherwise, if the fire in the backyard were to reach the ears of Lord Song or other distinguished guests, it would be a huge blow to his reputation.

"Fa Hongbao, I treated you well in the beginning. But you are greedy and want more. If I don't teach you a lesson, won't everyone be able to bully me?"

With the power he now possesses, the Sheep-Faced Man controls the Black Rain Chamber of Commerce and the Honey Casino. If he wants to defeat a substitute, that's... a piece of cake!
The sheep-faced man did not notice that when he left the tavern, a young man was also walking towards him from the bridgehead of Jiangxin Bridge.


"What's happening here?"

Fang Yu looked at the people on the bridge, some of them were injured and some were wet lying on both sides of the bridge, and his expression became a little strange.

After leaving the Senshe Gang, he began to consciously move towards crowded places.

He was carrying a murderous aura like a walking bag, but after a few streets, a few little demons followed him.


The quality of just over 10,000 HP, or even less than 10,000 HP, really made Fang Yu feel that it was not even enough to fill the gaps between his teeth.

It's like catching small fish fry when fishing, which makes people lose interest.

But this is just the beginning. His plan today is to step on every piece of land in Thunder City with his own feet and lure as many demons as possible into the trap.

If we regard this as a project, it has just started and we have made some achievements, which can be considered a good start.

The most important thing is whether you can catch big fish later.

After crossing the bridge in the middle of the river where the wounded were gathered, Fang Yu saw the personnel from Yudifu who were responsible for maintaining order and taking care of the wounded. He lowered his head slightly and walked past the place quickly.

Fortunately, he was lucky. There were many people on the bridge, and the people from Yudifu didn't seem to notice Fang Yu's existence, and didn't come to question him.

After crossing the bridge, Fang Yu noticed that there was a very tall and luxurious tavern next to it. People coming in and out were all dressed elegantly. It was probably a place for rich people to eat and drink.

Fang Yu was about to look away when he suddenly noticed a pair of burning gazes staring at him from a private seat on the second floor of the tavern.

Look up and look at each other.

【Shan Shun Mei: 41421/41421. 】

Got it, got it, got it!

Isn't this a big fish being caught?
Fang Yu lowered his head and pretended that he noticed nothing. He slowly walked past the tavern and went along the street.

Fang Yu could feel that greedy gaze was staring straight at him.

It is really hard to attack demons in broad daylight.

But Fang Yu is still in the stage of gathering heads. He will first lure more monsters. When the number is about the same, he will go to the deserted alleys. There will always be monsters that will be unable to resist and attack.

When the time comes, harvest a wave and then continue to implement the monster hunting plan.

Fang Yu's calculations were very good. But what was puzzling was that the greedy gazes that he had just felt very strong were suddenly no longer focused on him.

What's going on? Why don't you follow me? How can you be so patient?
I am a walking delicacy, a great tonic for the evil spirits and flesh!

Fang Yu seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned around, pushing away the two ten thousand blood little demons who had been following him for two streets, seeing the other party's surprised expressions.

Fang Yu trotted back to the vendor opposite the restaurant and bought a string of candied haws, then left satisfied.

The greedy gazes in the restaurant immediately locked onto him again.

But after leaving the restaurant for a certain distance, the sight disappeared again.

What is the warning range?

Fixed monster, right?
You're just guarding that shabby restaurant of yours and won't move, right?

Fang Yu gritted his teeth secretly.

A monster with 40,000 HP is indeed tempting, but he doesn't want to give up an entire forest for a tree.

Thunder City is very large and there are many potential monsters.

In the case of information asymmetry, he was confident enough to lure out more powerful monsters, eat as much as he could, and replenish himself!

The monster with 40,000 blood points is very restrained and determined.

But those little demons with ten thousand blood were very impatient and followed Fang Yu very closely.

They had clearly been followed for several streets, and anyone with a little anti-reconnaissance capability would have been able to notice that there was something wrong with these people, but they were still unaware.

"Otherwise, why is it a little demon..."

Fang Yu sighed inwardly.

He could vaguely feel that these little demons had very little patience. After just taking them for a stroll through a few streets, they all seemed to be almost unable to hold back.

"Sir! Sir, please stay!"

Suddenly, when Fang Yu was opening up a new street, a woman approached quickly from behind.

【Feng Lexin: 16608/16608. 】

Behind the woman, at a certain distance, stood a few guys pretending to browse the stalls.

[That Jiang Xue: 9751/9751. ]

【Suzhixing: 11520/11520. 】

【Ben Bichun: 21232/21232. 】

【Yang Lurong: 22061/22061. 】

【Village Hammer: 30852/30852.】

Except for the ones that were of a little quality, Fang Yu didn't take the others seriously at all.


Good man...are you all so eager to die?
While confirming the situation, Fang Yu greeted everyone with a smile.

"Girl, are you calling me?"

"It's you, of course it's you, sir, you dropped something."

Fang Yu was taken aback.


"This! I just saw it fall out of your sleeve, so I picked it up and gave it back to you."

Looking at the jade pendant handed over by Feng Lexin, Fang Yu was a little puzzled.

He instinctively wanted to shake his head, but suddenly stopped, revealing a bit of greed, and nodded.

"I dropped it. The girl is thoughtful."

He reached out to take it, but Feng Lexin took the jade pendant.

"Sir, you only care about the jade pendant. Haven't you ever thought about how to thank me?"

Fang Yu took over the conversation on the spot.

"Then I don't know how to thank the girl?"

Feng Lexin smiled, revealing a little canine tooth, which was quite cute.

But the cuter Feng Lexin was, the more Fang Yu wanted to kill her.

"My last name is Feng, you can call me Xin'er."

Feng Lexin winked playfully and reached out to hold Fang Yu's hand: "As for how to repay me... Sir, there are too many people here, let's go over there and talk in detail, okay?"

The tone was a bit coquettish, which made people feel numb.

If someone is fooled by this and loses his temper, he may lose his life.

Fang Yu did it knowingly, as if he was attracted by her beauty, and obediently followed her into a remote alley.


It is better to block than to open up.

These little demons can't bear it anymore.

If Fang Yu doesn't deal with it, they might start fighting in the street.

The commotion would disrupt Fang Yu's plan.

So it is better to be obedient and help these ignorant little demons to be buried early.

Fang Yu was led away by Feng Lexin, and the demons that had been following behind him were obviously getting anxious.

This is the target they have been eyeing. That rich and evil fragrance has lured them all the way, so how can they let others get away with it!

Immediately, several people followed Fang Yu and the other two into the alley.

Those who were a little more patient also took their time and quickly entered the alley after a while, for fear that they would be too late and would not even be able to eat the meat scraps!


Jiang Xue was the fastest and most impatient one in the following group.

She was the weakest, and although she vaguely felt that there were other demons nearby who were also eyeing the piece of meat, she couldn't find out who they were.

But there was no doubt that the woman who suddenly appeared was definitely from the same tribe as her!

How could that piece of flesh and blood that contained such strong murderous aura be given to that woman alone!
She heard that a few months ago, when the blue blood disease first started to spread in Thunder City, some demons of the same race received flesh and blood stained with evil spirits, and their strength was qualitatively improved!
Later, the Yudi Mansion in Thunder City hunted down people with blue blood disease everywhere. People with blue blood disease began to disappear, and the plump and evil meat became hard to find.

Now another one has finally appeared, how could Jiang Xue be willing to miss it!

She followed the remaining breath and ran quickly.

But it’s still a bit slow, still a bit slow!

When she rushed to a corner at the end of the alley, what came into her eyes were two bodies almost sticking together.

The lips of that fellow tribesman were getting closer and closer to that piece of fat, almost touching it!

Bang! ! !
Blood mist exploded.

Roar! ! !
The moment Jiang Xue saw the blood mist explode, she could no longer bear it.

Since you refuse to share the meat, then we'll use the demon's rules and just rob it!
She also exploded with blood mist, and before the blood mist in front of her dissipated, she had already pounced forward.

Meat meat meat! Meat!!

She pounced fiercely at the blurry figure in the blood mist, but fell down silently in the sudden flash of sword lights.

Her body was cut into several large pieces, and she was dead with her round eyes wide open.

Coincidentally, Feng Lexin's head after he turned into a demon was right next to its corpse, making a pair.

The guys who followed closely behind just happened to witness the scene where Jiang Xue's demonic true body was beheaded.

They originally wanted to come over to grab the food, but now they all stood there stiffly, not daring to get close.


(End of this chapter)

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