China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 137 What should they do if they write the song

Chapter 137 What should they do if they write the song (please subscribe)
"You said you sang so well, we gave it to you." Nazha said.

"Come on, it's an afterthought." Shen Lang didn't care about this.

"But having said that, you listen to this song really well, but you don't plan to complete it? Post two songs in a row, and you have the nerve to say that they are both choruses.

There is also that song, which is incomplete no matter what, but the title of the song is quite nice, "Dust in the Fireworks". " Nazha said.

"That's all the inspiration, take your time." Shen Lang said.

"There is no one like you. I haven't finished writing the lyrics, so I went straight to arrange the music. I am ashamed to post a Weibo. I have some income. Please appreciate the chorus of the two songs. The arrangement is under study. , sour or not." Nazha laughed.

"You just say it sounds good or not and it's over."

"You haven't released the whole song, how do I know?"

"Then it's over, I have no inspiration, I can only write the chorus." Shen Lang said.

"That's how many people want to beat you to death." "It's an exaggeration. I have thousands of fans, one hundred likes, and more than 20 comments. No one is so impulsive. They are all fans sent to me by the official."

"No way, your trendy brand is still popular."

"It can't be reflected on Weibo. I doubt it. They spend so much money, don't they wonder what the designers and managers look like?"

That's right, although Shen Lang is looking for students from the Design Academy to design clothes and dolls, but the clothes and dolls are all ideas in his own mind, and he just found specific people to practice them.

He is called a designer, it’s okay, and he can lead the trend with his own ideas in the future.

"Maybe it's because of the right eye. When people buy it, they still have to pay attention to you. You never said that you are a designer. If you only advertise and sell, people think you are selling and doing publicity."

"I found out that you really like to hit me." Shen Lang said.

"Of course, you've always been like this to me, haven't you?"


"You are full, you should go quickly," Nazha said.

"You don't need me to take you up?" Shen Lang joked.

"Come on, I'll just go upstairs." Nazha whispered.

"I can't take you home, oh, it's not your sister, I've already said it, don't be so guarded against me." Even though Shen Lang said so, he still planned to withdraw,
"Hmph." Although Nazha knew that Shen Lang was of high quality, she didn't want her sister to have any contact with her, anyway.

After watching Nazha enter the door, Shen Lang felt relieved to leave. After all, it's early in the morning, so it's not good if something happens.

I went out to eat a wonton, and then sent her home. Nazha lives outside and occasionally goes to school. Today is obviously not possible, it is too late.

On the other hand, I still have to go to Tan Songyong's side, even if it is very close to the school, there is no other way, I will be separated for a while soon, and I have to go back to be a father no matter how late.

That being said, after entering the door quietly, Tan Songyong was already asleep, and Shen Lang wouldn't wake her up. It's not an iron rule in TV dramas that women must wake up when a man comes home.

I didn't go to other places, just the living room. Shen Lang's computer and some other things are here. After being mentioned by Nazha, I won't be able to sleep for a while. I'll be fine tomorrow, let's play some music.

Seeing that there are a lot of comments on Weibo, most of them are, who are you fooling with this, and words like moving away.

Shen Lang didn't mind either, he didn't think about making money from this, he just posted it because he didn't want to waste it.

He remembered a lot of songs after his rebirth, but not many were complete from beginning to end. He remembered that when he just came back, he remembered no more than ten songs.

In the past two years, because I wanted to make songs, I became a star after all, so there is no need to waste it, I often recall it, but there are more, but it may not be very accurate, some are added by him, but the difference is not bad.

Of course, because he has been super busy in the past few years, he has a lot of rehearsals for the college entrance examination, and the two years of college.

As long as I can do something in my free time, I took out all the lyrics and music of the songs I remembered to apply for copyright.

Of course, to apply for copyright, there must be a dem, that is, the lyrics and music must be recorded. Because of this, he specially studied the score.

I was worried at first, I don’t know music theory, is it difficult to get the song out, but I found out later that it’s not that complicated.

Many professional musicians don't know music theory, and they don't delay writing songs. They suddenly think of a melody and hum along with the inspiration. If there is no repetition, this is composition.

Of course, to turn these melodies into musical notes, you have to be able to pick up notation, you can do it yourself, or you can ask someone else to do it.

Shen Lang came here by himself, mainly because he didn't know when he suddenly remembered the melody, and it was inconvenient for no one to be around, so let's learn some by himself.

First of all, try to pick up the existing songs, and then pick up the songs in memory after you are almost familiar with them.

As far as these steps are concerned, he is only fully familiar with them this year. When filming, he has more time than in school, and the copyright application only started this year.

Actually, what restricts Shen Lang from appropriating songs from his previous life is not composing, but writing lyrics. As long as there are lyrics, he can hum them naturally after hearing the song in his previous life. Of course, it has to be something he likes.

It's a pity that after returning, this brain is still his own, it hasn't changed at all, and it hasn't become a memory master who remembers everything from his previous life.

After composing lyrics and music, he can apply for copyright. Only then did he know that some people who only know the chorus can also apply for it. He always thought it was a complete song.

He has probably applied for seven or eight complete songs now, such as "Ordinary Road", "Actor", "Gentleman", "The Year in a Hurry", "Nan Shan Nan" and so on.

There are even more choruses, such as "Dust in Fireworks" and "See You Again" posted on Weibo.

There is also something like "Don't Make It Right", if he sees the complete lyrics, he will definitely be able to sing it, but unfortunately, he only remembers the chorus.

He has a plan to apply first, and then he can learn to write lyrics by himself when he has time, but he feels that he may not have the ability.

As for the arrangement, he has just started to learn. There are arrangement software on the Internet, so he is not in a hurry, just take his time.

Of course, he also missed some songs, such as his favorite song "Practice Love". Unfortunately, he didn't find out until this song came out.

This kind of thing is normal, his memory is still those of his previous life, he is destined to miss a lot of things, movies and TV shows are easy to say, this project can't be hidden, there is some news.

But songs are unavoidable, and there is no way to do this. How can all good things be in his hands. In fact, he is very satisfied with a system.

Posting those two choruses on Weibo has no other meaning, the only chorus of the mage's work he remembered in his previous life, except "I have a child", this is probably the one he knows the most.

As for the other song, he remembered it was "Little Times", and when he saw that it didn't appear, he released it directly.

He really wanted to know, the chorus was written, what should they do?
(End of this chapter)

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