Chapter 172 The Ninth Wukong

It's normal for Liu Tianxian to be wary of men, but it's common for women, one is the comparison of physical fitness, and the other is this situation, the suitors are very annoying.

Maybe she doesn't hate you, but her style of doing things has become like this. According to the normal situation, after leaving the film crew, she basically has no contact with her. This is a colleague.

But Shen Lang has to find a way, this kind of high-ranking girl who is temporarily out of reach, there is only one way, similar to Nazha and Liu Shishi, either to be friends or to be the boss.

Forget about the boss, Liu Shishi himself is okay with him, he should still be a friend, at least there is a reason to contact him in the future, boil a frog in warm water, if you expect to take her down, it is unrealistic.

What could be better than telling her that she has a girlfriend to make her let go of her guard. Although telling her that she has a girlfriend will hinder her from chasing her in the future, but this price must be paid.

He is not popular now, and there are not many people in his love history. If he is a bit famous and he is in love without hiding it, Liu Tianxian will know it sooner or later.

Instead of doing this, it's better to say to yourself, be a good friend first, and then we can play together in an open and honest manner.

Of course, it's not that Shen Lang doesn't treat Song Tie as a person.Taking advantage of her like this, he really wanted to fall in love with her.

It's just that he himself knows that the period of passionate love, which must pass sooner or later, will one day fall on two people, and his character will definitely run away.

He has overcorrected in this life, which is actually a bit wrong, but this is really comfortable, he doesn't want to change, or in other words, the person who changed him hasn't appeared yet.

He had thought about it, if Liu Tianxian was his girlfriend, would he break up after the passionate love period, and he had the same idea for himself, that he would break up.

Of course, it's all hypothetical, let's talk about it after a good day.

"This is the senior sister of the Chinese Opera, and also the one from my family." Shen Lang used Song Tie to make Liu Tianxian let go of his guard and become friends with him.

But she also used Liu Tianxian in the opposite direction to deliberately tease out the relationship between Shen Lang and her, how could she refuse.

Song Tie was very curious, whether Shen Lang's WeChat name was a joke or real, but now that he introduced her like this in front of a real person, it's obvious.

Song Tie himself came here with the idea of ​​being together, Shen Lang went to her so many times before, it is normal for her to come to Shen Lang.

If she doesn't come, just let Shen Lang pay unilaterally, get out of here, he is not really hungry and thirsty for women.

"Then you go back to the rest meeting. I'll tell you to eat when I go back." Song Tie went back to the hotel after a while.

The room is quite expensive. After all, this is most likely the first in-depth contact between the two, so let's show some respect.


"Okay, do you have a girlfriend?" Liu Tianxian really gossiped.

"What do you mean, is it rare to have a girlfriend?" Shen Lang said.


Sure enough, under the gossip, although her defensiveness still exists, it has gradually become less. It is normal, everyone has an idea, you have a partner, and let me know, you must have no idea about me.

Of course, there is only one loss. Many scumbags understand this idea and deliberately fish.


"You're quite generous. You brought your girlfriend directly to the set, so you're not afraid of people talking too much?" Liu Tianxian said.

"It doesn't matter. This is how I fall in love. Don't hide it from anyone. What's the point?"

"Well, that makes sense."

Because of the gossip, the two obviously had more topics to talk about, but they still didn’t add WeChat, okay, there’s also a scene where she pushes back, if you shoot that and then upgrade your system, you can’t get confused.

Shen Lang is also a bit of a dog, he has really tried all kinds of ways to pick up girls, he doesn't want to pick up a fairy now, after all, Song Tie has already made up his mind.

But the preparations have to be done well, Tianxian really needs a long-term battle, the reality is not a novel, it doesn't mean that if you are filming and filming with others, interacting with other women in front of her, she will be upset.

The premise of being unhappy is that she has a good impression of you. Shen Lang has not felt this for the time being, so let's take it slowly.

Of course, it's not normal if you say that she has no thoughts at all, she has feelings for some of Shen Lang's performances.


"Cheers." Shen Lang raised his glass and had a drink with Song Tie, red wine.

It must be another dragon, exquisite western food, although I don't like to eat it, but the sense of ceremony is full.

Song Tie was also very satisfied, he couldn't really eat Mala Tang thirteen times a night.

She was actually ready. This was the girl Shen Lang got in the first video. Of course, this had Shen Lang supporting her drama for several days in a row. After all, it was easier for him to chase girls now.

He has a feeling that the more famous and rich he is in the future, the girlfriend will be reluctant to break up, which is a bit delayed.

"How's the night scene?" After eating something, Shen Lang took Song Tie to look at the Bund, and after returning to the hotel, Shen Lang asked him.

"It's pretty good, should you go back?" Song Tie said intentionally, and Shen Lang had already reached the door.

In fact, she was well prepared, but when things came to an end, she felt that she couldn't fall so easily.

If Meng Ziyi and Zhang Yuxi were here, they would definitely say, sister, I support you, run away.

It's not too exaggerated, Shen Lang didn't intend to play with these two, one is that he has broken with his ex-boyfriend, and the other is that he found out that his friend who became a celebrity assistant suddenly gave up.

In fact, if he didn't see it, even if he knew, he wouldn't care, but if there was no such thing, he was a little upset at the time, so let's leave.

"It's ok, I'll put things in for you." Shen Lang definitely wouldn't say it straight, it's a detour, women are shy, they always feel that getting things too quickly is worthless, in fact, they also have this idea.

There is something, that is, a bunch of snacks that Shen Lang bought for her. I went shopping downstairs in the supermarket just now, and Song Tie knows that Shen Lang has good intentions.

Of course she could see it, but she didn't hinder too much.

After entering the door, the development of things became uncontrollable. The main reason was that she was well prepared this time, so she should grab one end first.

Shen Lang is not an ordinary person now, and the resources he will follow up are quite scary to say, at least she can't reach them.

"It's true that you can't drink too much red wine. There was nothing wrong just now, why did you suddenly have a headache, Tiezi, help me down, I'm sorry, I'm a little impulsive, you are too beautiful." Shen Lang's voice sounded.

It was originally a matter of your love and my wish, but with Shen Lang's step-by-step advancement and her own willingness, everything that should have happened has happened.

After Song Tie fell asleep, Shen Lang thought wildly to himself that the ninth Wukong doll had a owner, and it still had no stick.

Why is the ninth one? Even with Tie Zi, there are only six girlfriends, because the second one is in the hands of Nazha, the sixth one is in the hands of Liu Shishi, and the eighth one must belong to Liu Tianxian, although it has not been given to her yet.

(End of this chapter)

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