China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 182 Filming of "The Year in a Hurry"

Chapter 182 Filming of "The Year in a Hurry"

Shen Lang was quite contradictory. He originally planned to upload "The Ordinary Road" on the music website, but he felt that it would be too easy for the public to doubt it.

How should I put this song? After experiencing prosperity, it returns to a plain feeling. Is it easy to be misunderstood when I write it at my age?

So he still thought that if he had the chance to meet Young Master Han, he would contribute to Young Master Han. If he had no chance now, he would post it by himself.

As for being suspected, if there is any doubt, "Xiaochou" should not be a word written by young people, it doesn't matter.

It just so happens that I still have some degree of discussion, besides, Shen Lang has a system, so I am not afraid of misunderstanding, I just rely on the system.

Shen Lang also thought about it, this song does not have the bonus of the movie, so there is a high probability that it will not be popular, unless he makes an album for himself, so that he can use the points.

But it's not necessary, if you don't get popular, you won't be popular. It's also quite interesting to be dug out after you become popular in the future.

There is also the most important reason, there are not many songs that Shen Lang can fully remember, "Ordinary Road" is one song, and I feel distressed for others.


"Then I'm going to the set. If I get off work early, come pick you up?" Shen Lang kissed Tie Zi, the co-pilot, and bid farewell.

It's normal for him to send Tiezi to work. The so-called passionate love is not just talking about it. You can't deceive people without paying anything.

It's normal to have a car and send it to and from get off work, but you don't have to think about whether it's licking or not, and you don't want to give.

This is what Shen Lang got. If you pay a little bit, you have to think about getting a car, so it's boring.

Speaking of which, he is still living with Tiezi now. He goes to work early, and some of them rent their own houses.

Shen Lang felt that staying with her was more convenient than going to a hotel, so he stayed at her place, and it was quite fast.

"Well, bye, drive slowly." Tie Zi kissed Shen Lang goodbye and left.

Shen Lang drove away, and Tie Zi had already chatted with his colleagues here, and they were all making fun of her. This boyfriend had already been sent to the door, and it would be too fake to say that he didn't know each other.

Tie Zi didn't want to hide it either, the main reason was that Shen Lang was too aboveboard and took her directly to the crew to reveal his relationship, so it wasn't appropriate for her to hide it.

Of course, it's also because Shen Lang has met her requirements, and she can't raise fish. If she hesitated, Shen Lang would have bowed to her a long time ago. How could it be possible to give her the ninth Wukong doll? It's still useless.

The ninth Wukong was also sent out, and I have saved six sticks, but I don't know when the other three sticks will come back.

I drove to Shoujingmao, which was their shooting location during this period, which was okay, because the crew had a place to park because of the filming.

"Shen Lang, it's late." Shen Lang went all the way in, greeted everyone with a smile and entered the dressing room. The person who greeted him was a girl, Lin Jiamo's actor, Zhang Zixuan.

Does Shen Lang know her, Chen Chichi's future daughter-in-law? Speaking of which, his current role seems to belong to the other party too.

He thought at first that he wouldn't destroy these two people, but later he realized that he was thinking too much. He had been filming for five or six days and knew something about it.

This girl is about to collaborate with Chen Chichi on "The Story of the Doctor's Laughter". Those who should be together will be together sooner or later, and it has nothing to do with her.

These are their own resources, not recommended by Chen Chichi after they met. Before that, their hospitals had always been available.

She has a good relationship with the other party, after all, is she the one playing the opposite role? By the way, there is also Zheng Kai, the little cheetah who plays Zhao Ye.

"It's okay, it's because you are too early." Shen Lang said, chatted casually, and hurriedly put on makeup, saying it was makeup, but changing clothes is enough.

Zhang Yibai is actually very satisfied with Shen Lang. Is this the school girl in the novel? He is really a school girl, and he also has basketball skills, which fits the character so well.

"Shen Lang, what's the matter, let's go play together tonight." Zheng Kai also came, chatting with Shen Lang.

"Next time, I have to pick up my girlfriend." Shen Lang's reason was very strong.

He mainly didn't want to go. A normal man would go there because he wanted to hunt for beauty, but for him, if there were no female stars, what would he do?

He has no shortage of women, he has several girlfriends a year, and his brothers are not uncomfortable, so why go to nightclubs to find excitement.

Going ahead, either with classmates, or to pick up girls, such as Meng Ziyi, going to nightclubs for no purpose, he really finds it noisy.

"Don't hook up with Xiao Shen, who is pure and innocent. He is a good boyfriend of 24 filial piety." Zhang Zixuan said from the side.

Everyone doesn't know Shen Lang's record. You may know him a little bit, but it doesn't say that there are many ex-girlfriends in the information.

If it is very popular, it may be picked out. For now, forget it, but maybe there should be some real fans in the future.

"Strange Love Every Step" was released tonight, Shen Lang didn't participate in the promotion, he couldn't get away here, and people don't need it, his role in the first few episodes is still a bit.

Zhang Zixuan was just joking. Shen Lang found out that after his appearance improved, the girls did take the initiative a lot.

It's not enough to throw yourself into the arms directly, you at least have to hint, but there are a lot more things like joking.

Shen Lang didn't think it was bad, it would be nice to have smiling faces everywhere, he wouldn't seek abuse by himself.

"What hook-up, I'm not trying to flatter you, what should I do if I hit me while playing basketball?" Zheng Kai said.

Shen Lang himself didn't expect that in this group, Zheng Kai was the one he talked to the most. To be honest, he had an average impression of him in his previous life.

In fact, it is the same in this life, but we cooperate more and become familiar passively.

"It's okay, I'll take it easy in a while." Shen Lang said, talking and laughing, what should I do, this does not mean that the relationship is good, this only means that they are colleagues, if there is cooperation, you can't just say a word, and there is no enmity.

There are scenes of playing basketball in the movie, and there are quite a few more. Shen Lang is the basketball captain, so he must be more or less good at it.

Shen Lang didn't just know how to do it. On the first day he came in, he made two double dunks, which proved his skills. After his body was upgraded, this was no longer a difficult task for him.

In reality, there are really not many players who can make dunks. There are many on the Internet.

Shen Lang doesn't want to keep a low profile, I have to use this ability, that is, I have a girlfriend, and I don't have a girlfriend, so I will show you how to chase girls.

Shen Lang sat in his seat, waiting to go on stage. Beside him were several young people who wore the same clothes as him. These were all small special appointments, without lines, but they were his team members.


"Ah." Zheng Kai dribbled the ball, was defended by Shen Lang, the camera followed, moving shots.

I bumped into Shen Lang a few times in a row, but failed to make a breakthrough. The main reason is that the director let everyone play freely. He picked the camera, so what else is there to say.

Until Zheng Kai jumped up to steal blue, Shen Lang jumped up and directly blocked the basketball in his hand. Zheng Kai let out an oops and fell to the ground. This is acting, as long as the purpose is achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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