China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 197 Apology and Movie Boot

Chapter 197 Apology and Movie Startup (two chapters in one)

"Let's have something to eat." Shen Lang and Chen Xinxuan arrived at the Binzhou East service area, and the time was almost up, so there was no need to rush there, just arrive today.

"Okay." Chen Xinxuan said, the sense of familiarity with Shen Lang came back again, when they were together before, when they were alone, it was difficult to choose by themselves, that's what he decided to do.

Before I knew it, it had been three years. Chen Xinxuan looked at Shen Lang in front of her. For three years, she hadn't found a man who was better than Shen Lang. Now it seemed that it was even more difficult.

I used to think about finding a boyfriend to piss him off, but he didn't care about whether it was good or not. She was still picking, and he changed several.

Kai Kai thought he broke up because of jealousy, deliberately.I found out later that this guy was too real.

"You don't like to eat beef soup? It's different from before, oh, be afraid of eating the soup, just be careful." Shen Lang looked at Chen Xinxuan who was opposite and asked curiously, but he immediately understood.

"Hurry up and eat, don't be too conspicuous, I've never seen what you look like." Women are too pretentious, but it's normal to have an image, the problem is that there is no need for the two of us.

Shen Lang wouldn't say that to a woman he just met, too familiar would be greasy, but it was unnecessary to Chen Xinxuan.

In the car, the two chatted a lot, and the relationship eased a lot. Besides, he didn't intend to chase each other, and he didn't want to turn back for the time being.

When Chen Xinxuan heard him say this, he was not a man after all, so he was still embarrassed, and the last sentence was too easy to think wrong.

He has indeed seen all kinds of appearances, he has also been a father, and he has no secrets from him, and suddenly he is a little hot, so he can't think about it.

She still has nostalgia for Shen Lang, such as emotions, after all, the reason for the breakup is too funny, she is not reconciled, and the other is his super strong body, every time I think of it, I feel a little blush, Shen Lang's last period , really put her into eighteen postures, to be honest, she was conquered.

"By the way, is Nazha already here?" Chen Xinxuan changed the subject.

"She doesn't go until midnight, as long as it arrives tomorrow, she has a lot of work." Unlike them, Nazha is bored.

Next, we continued on the road, which took nearly eight hours. Shen Lang said that he was quite tired, his body was not tired, he had been optimized, and his spirit was a little tired.

"Director, you are too polite." After Shen Lang and Chen Xinxuan settled down, Li Kelong invited them to eat, how could you refuse?

"It should be, I have been here for a long time, and I am quite familiar with this place, so I have to catch the wind anyway." Li Kelong laughed.

"Okay, then you arrange it, and I'll come next time." Shen Lang was polite.

"Okay, I know you don't like drinking, so I made some beer." Li Kelong still has a good impression of Shen Lang.This is a serious investor, the kind who takes out 500 million at once.

"Miss Chen, it's a pleasant cooperation." Li Kelong said, they have met before, the director and the actor, although they have already made an appointment, but they still need to see if it is suitable.

By the way, there was also Liao Weiwei present, so this relationship can be regarded as a clear sign, she is one of the company's colleagues in this drama, and she probably showed her face a lot.

Speaking of which, Shen Lang thought about asking Tie Zi to play a guest role, but now it's all right, there is no need to look for it.

"I plan to plan the wedding scene well, and it will be the only big scene in our drama." Shen Lang chatted with Li Kelong a lot.

After eating, go back to the hotel and sleep on your own. There are no accidents, no hook-ups, and you have to be thick-skinned to deliver the goods to your door, especially if there has been such a period of time.


Shen Lang looked at the environment, the hotel was okay, speaking of it, the daily expenses of a movie were also a large part.

However, this hotel is considered semi-sponsored, and the wedding was also held in this hotel, which is a little cheaper. Otherwise, according to Li Kelong, this hotel is also the most high-end in LYG, and they can't afford it.

He was finally alone. From yesterday to today, a lot of things happened, and he finally had time to deal with them.

I broke up with Tiezi, but the matter has not been resolved yet. For example, those few messages, on the surface, seem to be believed by others, but who knows what they think in private.

Could it be that he was chatting and making people misunderstand what to do? Shen Lang looked at the dialog box of several people, feeling a little helpless.

Also don't send WeChat. If you want to make it clear in a few sentences, don't use WeChat to make people think about it. First, contact Wang Luyun with a clear conscience.

"Hey, sister Yun, what are you doing?" The connection was quickly made.

"Watching TV, what's wrong?" Wang Luyun was a little surprised.

To be honest, last night Shen Lang sent a WeChat message saying, I miss you, it would be strange if I didn't think about it, but later he said it was a big adventure, so let's take it like that.

But there is another thought in his mind, whether he is chatting in the name of a big adventure, this kind of thing is very common.

"It's about yesterday's wechat incident. That's it. Let me apologize to you first. I wasn't the person who chatted with you on wechat yesterday, but I know about the matter. I apologize to you.

Don't get me wrong, this WeChat is not just for you, sister Yiyi and sister Yaya also received it, I'm really sorry. "That's all Shen Lang could say.

He can't blame Tie Zi, after all, she is also an ex-girlfriend, so it's not good for others.

"That's it, it's okay, let me tell you, why did you post that for no reason?" Wang Luyun was a little disappointed, but Shen Lang told her directly that he sent it to other people. This kind of thing must be justified after argumentation.

In fact, she is very optimistic about Shen Lang, handsome and promising, but there are some things that require boys to take the initiative. He has a girlfriend, so it's normal not to take the initiative.

But she did have a guess, so late, using Shen Lang's mobile phone to send a message to her, no matter how you look at it, it looks like what your girlfriend did.

This is not difficult to guess, who can use other people's mobile phones to chat with the opposite sex without authorization, either himself or someone close to him.

Judging from Shen Lang's performance, if it's not him, he doesn't have many choices. Can't he really let his friends send it? Such friends should hurry up and break up.

Today when Shen Lang called her, she didn't feel it. This is Shen Lang. When he was on the set, he joked, but it was very funny. He didn't do things like chatting on the set, and he did when he was far away. up?
"Then there is a chance to treat guests and make an apology next time." Shen Lang finished with a sentence.

Then call Tong Liya, these two people are not serious, unlike Lu Yi, Shen Lang watched, if she works hard, if she doesn't explain, WeChat will be able to take it down, the main reason is that her chat is too ambiguous, What enlightened my brother.

"I said, can your mobile phone be used by messy people? It can't be that your girlfriend is worried, it's a test." It's still a woman who understands a woman, Tong Liya guessed directly.

"No, it's just friends. It's really a big adventure, but it's really not me who said I miss you."

"Okay, I said you were crazy, and you suddenly posted that." Tong Liya said.

"It's good to know. I will treat you to dinner when I have time later. Let me tell sister Yiyi about it. It's a bit embarrassing."

"No problem." Tong Liya said.

She didn't worry about it at all, it was normal to tease Shen Lang in the film crew, she was good-looking, but she wanted to say something, what did she think as a married person.

"What, you didn't post it, I said why did you talk to me inexplicably, who is it?"

"a friend?"

"Is that friend of yours so boring? Did you break up with him? Okay, just kidding, it's okay, don't let other people use your mobile phone indiscriminately in the future, what if you really said something that was misunderstood?" Pretty casual.

"Understood, then you are busy, I'm really sorry." Then call Tianxian, and the other party answered.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Reading the script." Liu Tianxian's voice was cold.

"Uh, I sent you a WeChat message last night, did you receive it?"

"Got it, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I want to explain to you, that was sent by a friend with my mobile phone." There were too few words for Tianxian, and Shen Lang replied a little embarrassed.

"I see." Are you not emotionally fluctuating?Shen Lang was very curious.

"But it's really from my heart, I miss you." Shen Lang said directly, and he realized that he was empty now, and it was different from when he knew her.

When I met her, I was chasing Tiezi, it was impossible to pick up two at once, there was no need, now that they are all divided, I must make a move.

"Don't be kidding me." Liu Tianxian couldn't hold back for a moment. He didn't worry about it at first, but there is an essential difference between writing and fairy tales. Now he is making a phone call.

"What a joke, you don't want to be so good when shooting, you can often get your snacks." Shen Lang said deliberately.

"Uh, you said this." Liu Tianxian knew that Shen Lang did it on purpose.

"What do you think, ah, what are you thinking, I hang up, I'm so sorry, don't think about it in the future." Shen Lang hung up after finishing speaking.

Liu Tianxian feels like a dead dog here, you should say this, Shen Lang has no choice, if he wants to chase someone, he has to let her change her mentality first.

In her heart, she still has a girlfriend now. The advantage is that she doesn't take precautions against herself. The main reason is that Shen Lang pretends to be okay in front of her. She doesn't hide her girlfriend, and she respects her very much. It's about showing respect to your girlfriend.

The downside is that it is too difficult for this kind of relationship to turn into a boyfriend and girlfriend, which is much more difficult than just chasing each other when we first met.

Liu Shishi has the same difficulty as her. This is a woman with her own ideas. Liu Shishi has never regarded herself as a peer. In the past, in order to destroy her and Wu Qilong, she pretended too much and felt like a younger brother.

It's all for the future, so don't think about it now. Shen Lang collected another wave of information. Tianxian has to find a way to destroy this "The Third Love". If he is not the leading role, unless the other party changes the leading role, otherwise This project is waiting to fail.

Shen Lang is sure to sabotage this project, and it will be over after spending money. Besides, there is no need to sabotage it now, delay it for a few months, and when his movie is released, he will have the ability to compete.


"Morning." Shen Lang was eating in the restaurant when a girl in tight sweatpants sat down and said directly.

"Morning, wake up so early, don't sleep much?" Shen Lang looked at Nazha and said, this woman's face is indeed flawless, is it just her figure, it can only be said to be well-proportioned.

"What do you sleep on? Life lies in exercise. Today is the first day of filming, so I can leave a good impression on everyone." Nazha said.

"It makes sense, but for you, life is not about sports, it's about taking pictures." Shen Lang said.

"It's all the same, where's your girlfriend?" Nazha expressed that she was used to Shen Langshang, so she went back directly.

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, that's my ex-girlfriend."

"I said something wrong, where is your ex-girlfriend?" Nazha said.

"How do I know? It's enough for people to be there on time. I don't care about that much. Besides, let's not talk about ex-girlfriends and ex-girlfriends. It's in the past tense. She is still a classmate with us."

"Understood, I don't forget to take care of my ex-girlfriend when I'm filming, I'm wrong, I take care of my old classmates, you deserve it." Nazha said.

"Okay, if you talk about me, I can only bear it, who will let us have a good relationship." Shen Lang said.

"Don't bear it, I want to see what you can do?" Nazha said.

"I really can't do anything, that's enough, go back quickly, you will come to the restaurant wearing this, it's all up to you." Shen Lang said.

"It's normal, isn't everyone like this?" Nazha felt that there was nothing wrong, and it wasn't exposed.

"The question is, this face is different, go back quickly, the waiter has looked at you several times." Shen Lang threatened.

"Just scare me. Besides, just watch it, I'm a star." Nazha said.

"Understood, big star, if you really don't care about this, send me some private photos later." Shen Lang said, he thought of the swimming photo Nazha sent him last time, that was quite private.

"What are you thinking?" Nazha felt a little embarrassed, there were some things she could do but couldn't say.


"Nozha, you are here." "Wanzi, you are beautiful again." "Why, you are beautiful."

When the crew assembled, Chen Xinxuan met Nazha, it was okay, they were old classmates after all, but Shen Lang felt quite fake.

In school, the relationship between the two of them is just like that. It's not that they have to go to the bathroom together, but they know each other and can talk when they meet.

The relationship between the two of them has nothing to do with Shen Lang. It doesn't mean that Shen Lang has a good relationship with Nazha and is a boyfriend with Chen Xinxuan, which made him a person who affects their relationship.

College students are like this. The ones with the best relationship are basically in the same dormitory, and Nazha and her are not in the same dormitory.

Chen Xinxuan has a good relationship with Xu Xiaolu, and Nazha has a good relationship with Jin Fouhan, and has little relationship with Shen Lang.

As for Shen Lang, he went to get to know other people. This was the first meeting, and everyone who could come came.

"Mr. Jia, I have read your sketches." This is Jia Bing.

"Brother Cong." Xu Juncong looked the same as the later generations.

"Mr. Zhang, the guy in the laughing conference room is so handsome. He has always been my favorite show." This is Zhang Yiming, playing the role of Shen Lang's best friend.

It's okay, I didn't become fat like a future generation, otherwise it would be really difficult, don't look at the funny behind, people used to take the route of appearance.

Everyone is the same as Shen Lang, they are all very humble, it is impossible to be humble, everyone is a little Karami, and they haven't succeeded yet.

Some of them came, but some people didn't come, such as Du Yuan, who only came when the filming took place. Shen Lang had seen Li Kelong's filming plan.

This movie can basically be shot in a month. After all, the funds are limited, and people eat horses and chew money.

For a big investment and a big production, the cost of food and accommodation for the crew is nothing, but for Shen Lang and his crew, this is difficult.

There is no worship ceremony, and it costs money. This is probably the appearance of Li Kelong's previous filming, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

As long as the money is in place, everything else has little to do with them.

(End of this chapter)

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