China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 221 Box Office on the First Day and I Want to Get Beaten

Chapter 221 Box Office on the First Day and I Want to Get Beaten (Thanks to the people in the pot for the reward)
"More than 700 days and nights of production, 26 days of shooting, one coffin was replaced by three families in a row, and finally no one claimed it. "Throwing the coffin on the street" is a bit absurd and mixed with black humor.

Director @欣玉坤 uses stories and narrative structures to attract you, and the audience overlooks all beings from the perspective of God, bringing infinite surprises.

Today, it has been registered in major theaters across the country. I guarantee that after watching it, my partners will become "macaroni". "

"Wu Tianbao's movie, support."


"The only artist in Liu Shishi's studio, support."

"You post more photos, so that one can attract fans."

Looking at the comments in twos and threes, there are basically a hundred of them, thousands of which are difficult, and only Liu Shishi attracted waves that day.

Normally, there are only a few dozen. He is indeed handsome, but he has not brainwashed the audience, has no large-scale marketing, and is not very useful. If there are many handsome people, he can become popular everywhere.

What's more, he didn't post photos yet, Shen Lang always thought that was boring, he knew that it was too easy for him to overturn, so he didn't do these things.

Looking at the current box office, 56, more than [-]% of the film lineup, won this box office, how should I put it, word-of-mouth is just word-of-mouth.

Now, "Girlfriend", "The Legend of the White-haired Witch: Moon Heaven", and "Violent Street" have just been released.

The box office of "The Future" and "Beijing No. 41" are also good. These films accounted for 80.00% of the film schedule.

There are also a bunch of small budgets that are also being scheduled, such as "No More Talking About Breaking Up" and "Where were you when I wanted to get married". When the two films are combined, there are also [-]% of the filming schedule.

"Heart Labyrinth" is also thanks to the award-winning hot spot, and this movie has almost zero negative reviews, with a 3.3 film schedule.

But for this box office, the 3.3 film lineup accounts for only 0.9% of the box office, and the day is not over yet.

However, if the ratio of film schedule to box office is such a day, the film schedule will definitely be cut tomorrow, and theaters also have to make money.

Shen Lang looked at his points, so what are you talking about, cast it, he didn't inject it after midnight, he just wanted to see the original potential of this movie.

Looking at it this way, if the schedule is maintained, his cost can be recovered, but he doesn't want to just recover the cost.

He wants to use this project to achieve the goal of cooperating with Hai Lan's House, and even directly robbing the male lead of "The Third Way of Love".

【Point injection...】

Shen Lang thought for a while, and called Xin Yukun. He was running around in various movie theaters to see the situation.

"Shen Lang, it's okay, it shouldn't be a problem to break 100 million today." Xin Yukun was very happy, the box office is usually three times the cost, and it will pay back.

Their movie, with an investment of more than 170 million yuan, has a box office of more than 500 million yuan, and it has basically returned its capital.

Even if they can't make it, there are still various video sites and the like, which can also be recovered, can not lose money, and can win awards, Xin Yukun feels that his next movie will have a score.

"I don't think so." Shen Lang said.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the points that had become zero, and was also curious in his heart. The last time he passed the reservation.

What is the method this time? This movie does not have the option to book the show, but he guessed something, this kind of good movie should be fermented by word of mouth.

Some movies have a good reputation, but because there is no publicity, it is difficult to get to the box office. Shen Lang just wanted to see how the system used the 600 million points.


"Xiao Zhang, this movie is really good. It can be seen that there are multiple narrative lines, but why is the white tiger still offering incense at the end? Didn't he leave?" Outside the cinema, two men were chatting.

Don't ask why two men watch a movie together, it's a normal thing.

"I didn't understand that either, go back and look at the analysis." Xiao Zhang said casually.

"Why don't we go back and watch it again."

"Forget it, it's getting late." Xiao Zhang said.

"That's right, oh, what do you think of this analysis? This plot is actually about Huang Huan pretending to be pregnant, and it all started." The two walked out of the movie theater, and the man came across a post.

"Forget it, I still want to figure it out, let's go, you are alone when you go home, what are you doing idle?"

the same time period.

"This movie is really good, please post it and promote it." A girl was also talking to herself.

"What good movie?"

""Heart Labyrinth" is quite deep."

"Ah, I don't want to watch it once it has depth. Life is so tiring, why not watch "The Legend of the White-haired Witch"."

"It's actually really good."

"Oh, it's not bad. If you enlarge the picture, this guy looks good. Let me take a look. I really want to see it."

Likewise, another place.

"I was really fooled. This is a bad movie with a bad plot. It's really disgusting." The two people who were watching the white-haired witch chatted and said.

"Who said it wasn't."

"Hey, look, is this "Heart Labyrinth" with a particularly good reputation at 8, why don't you go in and wash your eyes."

"It's fine, I'm just afraid of being fooled."

"What are you afraid of? It costs around tens of dollars. "The White-haired Witch" has a lot of fans. I scolded and no one watched it. I scolded such a low-cost work, and it affected him a lot."

"Okay, let's go in and observe."

"Daughter-in-law, let's go see it too, this movie is really bad." A man said to a woman.

"Okay." The girl didn't care.

The movie theater in Shen Lang's hometown.

"Hey, this is an actor from our hometown, please support me."

"Yeah, what's his name?"

"Shen Zhan, forget it, there seems to be a TV series, not famous."

in the cinema.

"The picture of this movie is really terrible."

"But the plot is really good, multi-line narrative, a bit like Ning Hao's "Crazy Stone"."

"This guy's acting is okay."

"He's quite handsome, but with this simple look, you can see that he has a good foundation."

"Looking at the plot is not watching the people."

Shen Lang watched helplessly as the box office of "Heart Labyrinth" began to explode. Before four o'clock in the afternoon, the box office was more than 70.

The points he used more than four o'clock, but in just one hour, it has increased by more than 40, and now it is more than 110 million.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there can be 40 per hour. In that case, no movie will lose money, and the box office will definitely decline gradually.

By around seven o'clock, the cumulative box office had reached more than 150 million, and the current box office accounted for about [-]%.

Most of the box office is contributed by a few blockbuster films, especially "The White-haired Witch", despite the many people criticizing it.

30.00% of the film schedule contributes more than 40.00% of the box office, and the film schedule should be increased wherever it is placed.

Shen Lang's goal is not that strong, but he knows that if he wants to reach the box office with points injected, the proportion of the box office on the first day must exceed that of the filming, forcing the theaters to arrange the filming.

The theater has no grudges with you, and if you can make money, you may want to release some, so I don’t know whose family will cut it off. Forget it, whoever’s family has nothing to do with me.

Anyway, the points are used up, no one can know how the system works, just enjoy the results, alas, speaking of it, Wanzi didn't post a promotional Weibo for herself, so she wanted to be beaten.

 Thank you for the reward of 500 coins from the people in the pot
(End of this chapter)

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