China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 235 Supporting the scene, are you moved?

Chapter 235 Supporting the scene, are you moved? (monthly ticket plus update)
"Let's not talk about this, your girlfriend means you are from the university, classmate?" Xiaotao talked about the business.

"Um, mostly."

"It means you have been in school for three years and have a girlfriend for half a year? Is it official?" Xiaotao said.

"Indeed." Shen Lang didn't have the nerve to say, half a year is rare, and there is a lot of free time.

"Most of them are star reserves, so it's easy to deal with. In our circle, some things can be exposed, but some things have rules." Xiaotao felt relieved.

Shen Lang understands, no one wants their affairs to be exposed, if you are in the entertainment industry, if you don't want to have a job, you can naturally expose it casually, other people have nothing to do with it.

But you want to earn this money, you want to continue messing around, even if you almost miss it, you still have to abide by the rules. If you talk too fast, how can the rest of you dare to invite you? What should you do if you expose them? is this rule.

"But it's hard to say. You are in love. Have you ever told anyone else?"

"Sister Xiaotao, don't worry about this, everyone in our school basically knows about it." Shen Lang said.

"It's a bit of a headache. You can ask if you can suppress it. I'm afraid that some teams will take advantage of this to gain popularity. Forget it, I'm worrying too much." Xiao Tao remembered that Shen Lang's movie had a high box office, but in the ordinary In human eyes, it is just average.

It's only tens of millions, not as good as animated movies, although there are bonuses, but in the eyes of the audience, Xin Yukun is still a cow, Shen Lang also admits this, now the box office has broken 4000 million, scary, I only invested 600 million integral.

Well, at least I can guarantee to receive 400 million points in this movie. Shen Lang, you are really the best, but I don’t know how many women can try this awesomeness.

Besides, ordinary people would not go out of their way to understand that San Jin contributed half of the box office, only people in the circle would know about it.

But she also knows that Shen Lang is a troublesome person, and she can't control the other party. They are not brought out by the newcomers in the conventional sense. It is Shen Lang who has come to this point step by step. To a certain extent, It was still his income that paid her wages, and she was about to join Liu Shishi's studio.

Forget it, he should pay attention to this when he becomes famous. The entertainment industry is full of food, that is, she doesn't have the qualifications, or else she can get in.

"It should be fine, then slow down." Shen Lang didn't ask, trouble, what should I do if Tie Zi slaps me, I didn't notice it when we were together, with such a hot temper, it seems that it will take time for her to relax.

For the rest, although Shen Lang left very quickly, he also knew that what he was doing was not human affairs, so he still didn't want to communicate with everyone.

Chen Xinxuan can't help it, that's a classmate, thinking of this, Shen Lang really wants to give Wanzi a call, Dad's movie box office broke 4000 million, don't you know congratulations, you can do whatever you want during the filming, and run away as soon as the filming is over.

Xiaotao withdrew, and Shen Lang signed the contract directly. The shooting around No. 20 was quite concentrated. I heard that the BJ's were shot first, and then they had to go abroad to shoot.

But it doesn't matter if it's very Shen Lang, his role can be fulfilled in BJ, if he goes abroad with him, then it's not a cameo.

In fact, it is said that it is a cameo, and there are quite a few scenes, but Shen Lang doesn't care, his role is a master of ceremonies, an affectionate man, letting go of his beloved woman, let me go, the character design is the same as his reality, and he acted.

I don't know who the partner actor is. He hasn't seen this movie in his previous life, but he knows that there must be a big dollar. If there is no carambola, he can just change his name.

She is already married, and I heard that the wedding will be held soon, but the certificate has already been obtained from BJ. For the hatred of taking his wife, Shen Lang actually knows some dirty things about her, but she is beautiful.


The next day, I looked at the box office of "Heart Labyrinth", which barely broke 240 million yesterday, and reached more than 170 million box office. There is not much potential. 500 million is no problem, and 5000 million is not known.

Shen Lang also plans to take a break during this time, to see where there are crews running around, and while checking the news, he saw a trending search.

What else is there to say, log in to Weibo, find a Weibo that looks like Liu Shishi, and like it, let him talk like Zhang Xinyi, it is indeed a bit too unmanly.

It's good to express your attitude towards some things, whether you are adding fuel to the fire, Liu Shishi definitely knows, boss, I am working hard to support you.

The matter is very simple. Two days ago, Zhang Xinyi sent a Weibo to promote "Xiu Chun Knife". All the leading actors were promoted, only Liu Shishi did not write.

It doesn't matter if it's just like this, after all, it's normal for people to do anything, and they don't know you well, but Liu Shishi's fans went to ask.

Then he became pissed off, thinking that fans have a lot of things, in fact, it doesn't matter if you just look at it that way, but Shen Lang knows one thing, later she married Yuan Hong, and there was a photo of Mr. Zhang and Liu Shishi, so she cut him off.

Shen Lang is not a novice in this life. He knows that this is also a way for people to maintain their popularity. It is true that they can ignore you, but you are sending them to your door. This is not a white popularity. I am justified.

As for why she ignored Liu Shishi alone, I don't know why. She did the right thing, but I don't understand what to say about this behavior.

Shen Lang felt that Liu Shishi was wronged too, and it wasn't she who asked the fans to question her, and now she is being questioned.

But no matter what the situation is, he just needs to support the boss, and he doesn't want to sleep with Zhang Xinyi, so he still needs to know the right and wrong.

Speaking of which, whether I counted or not, I also helped Yang Mi to vent my anger. The reason why I thought Zhang Xinyi was involved in the hype was mainly because she posted a Weibo seven or eight days before this incident, and was commented that she looked like Yang Mi.

Then a few days ago, she sent a photo in response, as big as the heart is, the smell is as good as it is. This is the copywriting, and the picture is to smell the feet.

Whether this counts as connotation, absolutely forget it, the stalk of Miss Mi will never be outdated, of course, there may be situations that Shen Lang doesn't know about.

After all, in "The Breakup Master", Deng Chao directly used this stalk to make a movie, and Yang Mi cooperated quite well, maybe people don't care.

Shen Lang also has fans, and he liked one, the copywriting is just to catch the heat, the Weibo that has been disbanded, it looks normal, but clicked in, this is a Weibo account that often helps Liu Shishi do publicity, this article It's Zhang Xinyi inside, but you can't see anything if you take it out.

Shen Lang is also very cunning, if I directly like and scold you, I am really a bit of a shrew, but if you order this, you can still eat me.

As for Yuan Hong, Shen Lang didn't care at all, even if it was "The Ordinary World" he recommended, but Liu Shishi's favor was with Liu Shishi, and Shen Lang knew the right and wrong.

Besides, you haven't made an official announcement yet. Although I know that the relationship between the two of you is complicated and you are still together, I just pretend not to know.

Then, he watched the popularity rise, and more than an hour later, his latest Weibo had more than [-] comments.

Then, Master Liu called.

(This chapter is 300 monthly tickets plus updates)

(End of this chapter)

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