China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 240 Re-Chapter Old Land

Chapter 240 Returning to the old place (thanks to Yuan Lai for the reward)

"Zhizhi, why are you ignoring me?" said Pan Zhilin, who was standing at the door of the bathroom while Shen Lang was washing his hands.

"Is it good?" Pan Zhilin's meaning was obvious, why bother with you, really naughty.

"There must be, just say what you want." Shen Lang would deliberately misinterpret other people's words.

"Don't be so cheeky, this trick is useless to me." Pan Zhilin had already prepared the belly draft.

"What you said, we are boyfriend and girlfriend after all." Shen Lang said.

"Don't mention this, you really treat me as my girlfriend, you can let go so easily, ha ha." Pan Zhilin expressed some inner thoughts.

"We broke up peacefully, there is no doubt about it, you drank too much." Shen Lang didn't want to settle the old score, he just wanted to go back to the cage for a simple sleep.

Shen Lang did not say the following words casually. Pan Zhilin was not normal at night and drank a lot. This is because he saw the other party come to the bathroom and deliberately made excuses. He was afraid that something would happen to her on the way. In fact, there is an assistant, but Shen Lang thinks more contact opportunities.

He really didn't care about himself at the banquet. As for whether he would be discovered by others, did he care about that?

"You didn't drink too much, don't think of bad things, if you don't chase me, I won't let you succeed." Pan Zhilin said.

"Okay, I don't want to do anything bad, hurry back, you smell like alcohol, I despise you too." Shen Lang said.

"You still despise me, and I'll make you despise me." Pan Zhilin thought about leaning over to breathe, how ambiguous it looked.

"Then don't dislike it, come on, give me a kiss, and prove it." After Shen Lang finished speaking, he kissed him directly, making Pan Zhilin unable to react, nor did he want to.

How should I put it, some guns are unforgettable after being bombed. You didn’t expect that these things were not in your consideration at the time when you broke up. You were angry and impulsive and broke up. Could it be because of, and his relationship? The quality of life is good, bear with it.

In fact, that's what she thought. The remaining ex-girlfriends were all the ones who were broken up, and the gun barrel ran away with long legs.

It's not like I didn't give Shen Lang a chance to drink this time. If I'm drunk, I can't blame me for not refusing. In short, I just lied to myself.

Among the few ex-girlfriends, she is the only one who can do this. Chen Xinxuan got it because of meeting for a long time, plus Shen Lang introduced the resources, and then got along with the crew for a period of time. After three years, she was directly awarded.

For the rest of the women, it's good that time will eliminate these grievances, if not, then you really have to question why Shen Lang ran away first.

Oh, maybe Tan Songyong can't, she's actually not a particularly gentle one, but judging from the later conversations, she's very gentle, as if she feels sorry for him.

The two of them had already arrived in the private room, and Pan Zhilin didn't think about whether to give Shen Lang a chance, he just made an excuse for himself, why you kissed here, not afraid of people seeing.

Shen Lang is not afraid, if you follow Pan Zhilin's routine, it will be boring, Shen Lang doesn't want to send her home step by step, and then make various excuses, the two of them pretend to be false, and successfully return to the old place, or he will be kicked out by revenge .

He wants to take the initiative, he is so wild, he is seen and seen, why, super handsome guys can't kiss beautiful women, someday it will be stipulated.

The two met at the door of the private room, and Pan Zhilin's heart beat faster. There were acquaintances inside and strangers outside, so it was not good to be seen by anyone.

Shen Lang didn't scare her too much, he let go when it was almost over, well, Pan Zhilin took a look at himself and then smiled.

Shen Lang knew what she was laughing at, and the lipstick that had just melted went directly to his own mouth.

"What are you laughing at, let's go in?" Shen Lang said.

"No, you just go in like this?" Pan Zhilin was dumbfounded.

"Yeah, what's the matter, you can't walk, then I'll carry you in." Shen Lang said.

"Why are you still like this? I'm not your girlfriend anymore, and you still treat me like this." Pan Zhilin tried again.

"I want to have a girlfriend, but I won't give you a chance. It's not like you don't know how loyal I am to my girlfriend." Shen Lang didn't fall into her trap.

"Wang Po sells melons." Pan Zhilin said, took out a wet tissue, saw that Shen Lang didn't pick it up, understood, just take it and wipe it for him.

"You've really grown taller and more beautiful now."

"I just said that beauty is in the eyes of your beholder, and it's still the same." Shen Lang said, watching her wipe her mouth, feeling greedy again.

"Don't make trouble, go in quickly." Pan Zhilin said.

"What's the hurry, kiss again."

"You are not afraid that the people inside will suddenly come out." Pan Zhilin said.

"They're not stupid, they still can't guess." Shen Lang said.

"Can you stop doing this in the future, I'm not."

"Understood, isn't it my girlfriend, that friend, come and kiss me."

"It's really annoying to be like this again."



"Brother, yes, you and Zhilin?" After several people came out, Zheng Kai secretly asked Shen Lang.

As for the other leading actor and the director, Shen Lang expressed that he was not familiar with him. He chatted with Zheng Kai after eating, and the others were not familiar either, so he didn't say anything.

"Well, how should I put it, it's a bit complicated, I can't explain half of it, I have a chance to tell you, it's not the relationship you imagined," Shen Lang fooled.

"Playing with mystery." Zheng Kai said.

The two of them are actually not very close, but they have just filmed together and their friendship is enough to be called brothers in the entertainment industry.

"Niuuuuuuuuuu." Zheng Kai didn't get to the bottom of it, but gave Shen Lang a thumbs-up, and now he has the idea to make friends with Shen Lang, and the situation is different.

Shen Lang is not afraid of him thinking too much, thinking about it, he will not lose a piece of meat.

"Master, I'm sorry to trouble you, just park the car here, by the way, there is a pack of cigarettes here, you can smoke on the way." Shen Lang asked for a substitute driver, as for Zhizhi, she was pretending to be asleep.

Her assistant has been sent away, so don't worry about the leader's affairs, although the little assistant is a bit reluctant, Shen Lang is so handsome, she said that she can be a maid.

But Shen Lang doesn't eat everything, at least he has to act like a rabbit and open the back door. Just as Pan Zhilin was about to come out, Shen Lang pushed him in.

"What are you doing?" Pan Zhilin said.

"Sister Zhizhi, I thought this way before. I never had a chance, and you didn't give it a chance." Shen Lang said.

"I said you have to show some face. I used to be asked to do this in the car arranged by the company. What did you think?" Pan Zhilin was speechless.

"Ah, can you say hello." After speaking, he was already attacked.

Shen Lang has always been straightforward. In fact, he didn't use too much strength just now. It's still the same sentence, don't force it. If Pan Zhilin really wants to go, he won't stop him.

His style of play today was not what Pan Zhilin expected. He thought he was angry, so he sent him home, and then he began to complain. Whether he sleeps with him or drives him away, he is in control.

But he couldn't bear it, he didn't make routines, kissed directly at the door of the private room, and kissed directly at the door of the private room, and kissed directly when you came back here, you won't delay at all.

But don't say it, it's still such a comfortable feeling. When Pan Zhilin didn't know it, he called it very pleasantly, and the sound insulation of the car was okay.

"Don't break it, I'm aggrieved in the car, okay, okay, I'll listen to you, let's go back to my place, there's a gift, okay..." Now that this is the case, there is no need to pretend.

"Is this the gift you're talking about?" Looking at the set of things Shen Lang took out from the box, Pan Zhilin looked at Shen Lang like he was a pervert.

"That's right, sister Zhizhi, you don't like it."

"I definitely don't like it, it hurts too much."


Nights are short for some, long for others.

 Thanks to Yuan Lai, Liu Shishi’s reward of 500 points, book friend 20220903064328301’s reward of 100 points
(End of this chapter)

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