China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 263 Waves and Distortion

Chapter 263 Waves and Distortion (Thanks to the person in the pot for the reward)
"Sister Xiaotao, was that my fan just now?" In the waiting room, Shen Lang was chatting with Xiaotao.

When they were in Shanghai, it was Madame Tussauds. They recorded there this time, and when they came out, they saw fans holding signs.

It's just a big wave character, compared to other people's fans, the number is not too many, but it means that I have fans, and people shouted, Langhua will always love you.

Shen Lang had only seen other people have fan clubs before, but this was the first time he saw his own fans. Although he was famous at the beginning, the people involved in movies and TV dramas were too far apart.

Deng Chao, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, has a large number of fans, Baoqiang, the national favorability should be the highest, Chen Chichi, "Love Apartment" is enough, baby, four little Huadan, Li Chen, just like Deng Chao, I've been in the circle for too long, and fans are okay. Zheng Kai, "To Youth", "Predecessor Raiders" and "Private Order" have made their faces.

In the TV drama circle, he has also played the leading role many times. Only Shen Lang watched "Heart Labyrinth" well, but this movie has a good reputation, but the box office means it can't radiate far.

Others may know this work, and pretend to say it's good-looking, but who knows if you haven't seen it, the image in Shen Lang is also different from now.

Perhaps in many people's minds, Shen Lang is still the little native in the movie, but the circle values ​​him a little more.

Of course, if he was happy to take selfies, he might attract a group of good-looking fans, who might also be the most loyal, but he didn't want to do that. Instead of waiting for them to be disappointed and scolded before leaving, he might as well not come.

Fans chasing you because of your appearance, may be very loyal and willing to spend money, but this kind of loyalty has a bit of a desire to control. You can not be with me, but you can’t be with other people, which is why most people in love Stars are not exposed.

Unless you are willing to give benefits to fans and let them have the opportunity to contact you to create fantasies, such as sleeping fans, this will filter out some fans, and the rest will be more willing to spend money.

But Shen Lang can't do it, the system has the ability to make him not wronged himself, so there is no need to be wronged, even in a relationship, he can't do whatever he wants, why should he be a star.

Therefore, his ability to attract fans is not strong, Xiaotao wants to send him more photos to promote, but he doesn't want to, and Xiaotao is not the kind of agent who brings him in, so naturally there is nothing he can do about it.

With fewer fans and no deliberate management, they all become fans of passers-by. Of course, there are also such things as professional fans, such as helping you post posts, creating popularity, and raising funds to buy things, and earn money from them.

Sea view rooms and the like are not a joke, it is common to run away with money, this is a professional fan, no matter how small your reputation is, there are people who do it, and if you become a big fan, you can have a way to cash it out.

There is also the business of celebrity pick-ups. There are groups of people at the airport, just pay. Whoever comes is his fan. How much money they cry, each of them may be better than an actor.

Shen Lang wanted to know whether he was a professional fan or a natural person fan.

"That's right, the studio posted your itinerary, and some people formed a team to cheer you on. Although there are not many people, they are all very caring," Xiaotao said.

"Okay, but I'll persuade them not to come here in the future. What kind of stars are you chasing at a young age? It costs money and energy." Shen Lang said.

"If someone has this need, you don't let them chase after you. If you change someone, they all come from this age. The most important thing is to guide them well." Xiaotao actually knows Shen Lang's thoughts.

I said before that I need to do marketing, Shen Lang felt embarrassed, don't do it, the main reason is that I am a non-mainstream artist, and I don't want to participate in these things that everyone does.

Forget it, don't worry about it, although it doesn't sound very good, it may be better to chase me, I won't let them be puaed like that, it's decided, in the future, the support team will directly take over the studio, or they will be banned.

By the way, the name of Shen Lang's fans is Lang Hua, and he took the word Lang. Shen Lang thinks prodigal son sounds better, but seeing the basic women who came today, he knows that this prodigal son is unlikely.

Things about fans are trivial matters, let’s talk about it later when we know our true colors, now it should be all about appearance, this is free to watch, if you want to eat it, you won’t be able to do it.


Back in Hengdian, Shen Lang devoted himself to his unbusy work and continued to accumulate points. It has been 500 days since he joined the group, and he has accumulated more than [-] million points.

In this group, he has obtained more than 7000 million points, which is much more than his original points.

He is happiest when these points are used. His current cash withdrawal amount of more than 5000 million will skyrocket immediately, and his net income is steadily over [-] million. Except for some special residences, normal mansions cannot be bought anywhere. This is cash.

A "Heart Labyrinth" took off, it is indeed the entertainment industry.

Another happy thing is that "Heart Blossoms" was released, and he got a bonus again. The box office directly broke through 2000 million on the first day, and broke [-] million on the day of the National Day. At least he can get more than [-] million points. Good thing, It will rise later.

He didn't care about that anymore, he went out to eat, and his boss went to Hengdian.

"It's also quite strange. I often film in Hengdian, and we often don't meet each other. As soon as I leave, you come here." Liu Shishi was eating iron pot stew with Shen Lang.

This was brought over by Shen Lang for dinner with his virtuous wife Tao and some actors. He has become obsessed with this in the past two days, and he will come here once if he has nothing to do.

"This can only show that boss, you are too unprofessional. If you are like this, when will our studio develop." Shen Lang said casually.

"You are small." Liu Shishi is about to personally insult Shen Lang, although she personally does not feel it, but no matter what she says, the word small is an insult.

"Stop, I'm not young." Shen Lang quickly persuaded him.

"Don't learn from those messy people." Liu Shishi is not stupid, but she doesn't mean to be a woman who is pretending.

"Okay." Shen Lang also felt that he had learned badly, who taught him, forgot, there should be someone, definitely not self-taught, how pure he is.

"I won't tell you this anymore. I came here specially to find you today. How should I say it? What do you think of the studio?" Liu Shishi said.

"It's pretty good, Senior Sister, how do you say this?" Shen Lang said.

"Then let's be honest, I didn't expect you to come so fast. At that time, neither of us had any experience, and the contract was relatively sloppy.

Of course, I'm not talking about re-signing with you, your current salary can basically keep you out of the studio, and there is still room left.

The studio doesn't help you much, I know you've come here on your own, what do you think, do you want to be the boss? "Liu Shishi still made up his mind.

After "Heart Blossoms on the Road" exceeded [-] million for two consecutive days, Shen Lang's actual performance did not increase, but his resume was thicker. This project was not found by the studio, which is embarrassing.

Although only Shen Lang knew how much Liu Shishi had helped him, he had to rely on her to get started, otherwise it would be very difficult to get to where he is now.

But from Liu Shishi's point of view, the role she helped to find had no effect on Shen Lang's work at all, but Shen Lang was originally there for points.

"Senior sister, you agree to be with me, of course I agree, I signed a lifetime contract with the studio, and I will always be yours." Shen Lang pretended to be surprised and said.

(There is a reminder in the comment area that it is Liu Shishi’s birthday, write about her)

 Thank you for the reward of 500 coins from the people in the pot
(End of this chapter)

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