Chapter 287

"Why not?" To Xiong Dailin's question, Shen Lang spoke confidently, of course he had thought about these things, but what's the matter, the fans are still there when they play casually in the mainland, but now that they come out, they don't dare to make any noise. How can it be.

As long as he is not a fan for a day, he doesn't need to pay too much attention to these things. It's not a joke to do whatever he wants, maybe Xiaotao is going to jump again, but she is probably used to it.

"You're really different from other colleagues, you don't care about that." Xiong Dailin didn't care about being normal, this was her starting point, Shen Lang was not, he was popular because of his works.

For example, "Heart Labyrinth", a variety show is also a work, and Running Man, as well as his quotations, did not rely on hype and gossip.

"Of course I care, but for Sister Dailin, I can accept some things." Shen Lang said.

"Not necessarily, little brother." And so it began again.

"Say it again, is it really young?" Shen Lang interrupted, he didn't want to hear this, Xiong Dailin was really too embarrassed to say it, she couldn't talk nonsense.

"Big brother, aren't you afraid of affecting your fans like this?"

"So I believe that I can't pay these prices in vain." Shen Lang stared at Xiong Dailin.

"What if it was paid for nothing?"

"No, you helped me solve some things last time, just treat it as a reward." Shen Lang said indifferently.

"My sister is a little moved."

Xiong Dailin was really touched this time, it doesn't matter if she got in touch with the filming show, and under the circumstances, Shen Lang still met her, which would be of great help to her career.

Shen Lang is not as high as the king of heaven, but he is too popular in the mainland now, and news about him can easily be searched, especially this kind of lace news.

Nowadays, many colleagues in the Hong Kong circle are moving to the mainland. You can see where you can make money with long eyes. Although she is not lacking in popularity because of the king of heaven, who dislikes high popularity?

Let's put it this way, many young models would like to have a meal with Shen Lang here in their dreams, and they just made a lot of faces in the mainland. Even if they didn't seize the opportunity, it's still possible to make some commercial performances to earn some money while the heat is on. of.

When the leader came to Xiangjiang, he was caught by the baby. There are too many women who use babies as their idols. From the four little Huadan to the current variety show goddess, the class leap is too powerful. Shen Lang is definitely not as good as the leader, but the leader is only a few years old. indivual?

For example, she and the baby's manager, Miss Kim, at that time she was able to get up, and Kim played a key role in pushing her.

Many people are born like this, but it is impossible for Shen Lang to give young models a chance. You may be a little famous in the local area. I was stationed in the mainland in my previous life and I am not familiar with you, so don't think about it.

Fame is very common in Xiangjiang, but not in Xiong Dailin, she is pure hype.

Shen Lang saw that Xiong Dailin was sitting next to him, I'll go, you can't, he didn't dare to think that he could talk to Nazha like this, never thought of being taken the initiative by a woman.

But thinking about it, she treated herself as a novice last time, probably because of the age gap, which gave her this idea.

"In order to reward you, um, what should I do, how about this, I will help you again." After finishing speaking, he began to put one arm on the back of Shen Lang's head, and the other hand went to search for the moon in the sea.

"Isn't it good here?" Shen Lang said.

"Don't worry, although there are many paparazzi outside, everything is fine inside, be good, open your mouth and let my sister see." Xiong Dailin said.

"Um, can you say goodbye, I'll go." Needless to say, the moon fishing was successful, you look like this, it always makes me feel like a child.

He was directly hugged by the other party on her lap, um, why can't I see her face, there are two piles of things blocking it, I want to move them away, why can't I move it, I will move it again, okay, move it I'm tired, why do you keep touching my head, it's too much, it's okay, knowing that I'm tired, you take the initiative to give me steamed buns.

The question is, I want to start actual combat. Why do you seem to enjoy the feeling of being able to handle me.

Xiong Dailin found out that after she met Shen Lang, she also became very fond of it. It seemed to be the feeling of being in control. A top-notch handsome guy was at her disposal. Well, spiritual satisfaction is too important.

"Little brother, the two of us are now being reported and everyone thinks it's hype. If you really go to my place, it will be too fake.

But I seem to enjoy this state a little bit, little brother, be obedient, keep a little secret, you will look forward to it more next time, alas, what a bad guy, I have to do it myself. "Shen Lang was speechless, and it was obvious that today was over again.

But forget it, if she wants to control it, she can control it. This feeling is quite special, anyway, the little brother is not short of meat.

Then, after a while, he discovered that the big sister is the big sister, so good at it

But I was surprised immediately, she didn't clean up, this situation is too much, I will go, you are too good.

"Well, the smell is very special, it doesn't have heather... the smell of flowers, it's so strange, don't be naughty, I'm also very tired." Xiong Dailin looked at Shen Lang and planned to raise her chest to show herself, and hurriedly said.

Shen Lang really has never tried this, nor thought about it, this is too tempting, no, it's too scary, it's good that his ex-girlfriends can accept this, no one has ever thought of doing this.

Seeing Shen Lang's astonishment, Xiong Dailin was a little complacent, her sister has a lot of tricks, so that's where she is, but don't say, the wrist and the guy who eats are too sore, this is not human.

To be honest, I know that there is a big age gap between you and your sister, and that you are a scumbag, otherwise I really want to really hold you.

She knew about Shen Langzha. It was a bit exaggerated to see one teasing the other on the show, but it was always possible to tease one third.

That's it now, next time you should want to see me more, Xiong Dailin said, my sister has seen the world.

If you don't have some means, do you think Tianwang rarely sees women? I'm overthinking it.

She didn't think about what to do with Shen Lang, today's heat is enough, but it's too tempting to pick a top handsome guy, she left expectations for Shen Lang, but also for herself.


"Xiong Xiong, can I ask, is this your new boyfriend?" When the two of them went out together, they were visited by the paparazzi. Was it so aboveboard? Xiong Xiong was her nickname.

"What are you talking about? We are friends. We met on a show together. This time I knew he was coming to Xiangjiang. I promised him on the show that I would treat him to food." Xiong Dailin pretended to be surprised.

Running Man really said that if the editing team is not stupid, this will definitely be edited.

"Ah, what are you asking?" Their interview was in Cantonese, and Shen Lang could understand it when he stumbled, but he said that I didn't want to understand.

Then, each went back to each house, not to mention, the eldest sister was very good at it, and she was quite gentle, and sent herself a photo benefit, on purpose, to sleep.

 Thank you Wuhen for the 200 points reward
(End of this chapter)

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