China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 409 "The Big Winner" Starts Filming

Chapter 409 "The Big Winner" Starts Filming

Nazha opened her eyes, saw Shen Lang who was hugging her sleeping soundly, and squeezed into his arms again, feeling a little relieved.

Although she knew that he was a scumbag, the relationship between her and Shen Lang was quite special. She had known some things from the very beginning, and after so many years, she had accepted it long ago. The friendship between the two of them was very strong.

Then, pinching Shen Lang's nose, there is another kind of friendship called bad friends.

"You're awake, don't be naughty." Nazha blocked one of her breathing channels, and it would be strange if Shen Lang didn't wake up, so she patted Nazha's buttocks naturally.

"Is it better? It's fine, no fever." Shen Lang touched Nazha's forehead, then tried his own, and the temperature was normal.

"I just have a small cold." Nazha said.

"Well, it's okay, anyway, you remember that I took care of you for one night." Shen Lang turned over directly, originally holding Nazha in his arms, and with a force, she lay face-on on Shen Lang.

"You're like this again, you can't pretend. If I wake up suddenly and you are resting by the bed with your clothes on, I will be so touched." Nazha didn't show any resistance, just crawling like this, using her hair from time to time , to prick Shen Lang's pores, mainly to kill boredom.

"It's too embarrassing, it's not as good as I am now, I'm not afraid of you being infected, I'm in trouble, and I'm not as good as a beast, I didn't do anything, think about your temptation to me, how sincere I am " Shen Lang touched Nazha's short hair and said.

"You are making unreasonable words." Nazha thought about it for a while, but she still refuted.

"No, I'm actually a little regretful." Shen Lang said.


"You didn't have a fever all night." Shen Lang said.

"Isn't it a good thing?" Nazha expressed puzzlement.

"I actually want to try it out. When a person has a fever, what is the difference between the internal temperature and the external temperature?" Shen Lang said, flirting.

"What are you thinking, why, you plan to officially become my boyfriend, are you ready?" Nazha expressed disbelief, have you tried my body temperature, and now compare it to me.

"Uh, I just want to know if the temperature inside your place is high?" Shen Lang said he didn't want to answer, and tapped the corner of Nazha's mouth with his finger.

"I don't know what you are thinking about all day long. If you have a good chat, you can always turn the topic around." Nazha said.

"This does not mean that I recognize your charm." Shen Lang said.

"Don't you know, your heart beat faster just now, it's too obvious to change the subject." Nazha said.

"Um, is it true or not?" Shen Lang said.

"What do you say." Of course it was fake, Nazha could feel Shen Lang's heartbeat, but she couldn't detect its speed, just to deceive him casually.

Shen Lang and Nazha just chatted like this, chatting about work, chatting about life, they didn't do such a thing, there is no need to do something every time they meet.

"Look, I cut this out yesterday?" Shen Lang was showing Nazha his results last night.

"What are you shooting, it's so messy." Nazha said.

"I think it's pretty good." Shen Lang looked at it.

"But what do you mean by matching this song for me?" Nazha said with a black face.

"I just searched for it. I'm lonely and worrying about it. How nice it sounds." Shen Lang said.

"Don't you think this video has a great influence on me? Who do other people think I have a crush on?" Nazha said.

"You keep it for yourself, but you still have to show it to others." Shen Lang said.

"Then maybe." Nazha said.

The two chatted, Nazha went back to work, Shen Lang was leaving, he was going back to Xishan, his vacation was over, he had to go to work tomorrow, he had to settle down today.


Longcheng, a certain restaurant, Shen Lang just got off the plane, so he came straight here. He didn't need to bring anything, and Xiaotao had already arranged everything for him at the hotel.

"We are the hometown of noodles. Although many people know that noodles are sliced ​​noodles, other noodles are also very good. During this time, you can try them." Shen Lang is entertaining everyone.

He came here to treat guests. He is a local and an investor, so he will do everything he needs to do.

This time the movie was filmed in Shen Lang's hometown. Anyway, the scene is simple, so it's better to support his hometown. There is also support for him to go back to his hometown to make movies.

"Zhizhi, how is the script?" Shen Lang asked Pan Zhilin on the left after sitting down.

"Of course I'm very interested. I finally got a movie invitation." Pan Zhilin joked. In fact, there are still movie invitations, but how should I put it, the configuration is touching.

In comparison, it is safest to cooperate with Shen Lang. If the box office is popular, there will be bonuses. The box office will attract Shen Lang to attract firepower.

Her movie invitation was recommended to her by Shen Lang, she had no doubts, she came here after learning a little about the script, she was still looking forward to cooperating with Shen Lang, she had never experienced it before.

The main reason is that Shen Lang has already disciplined himself, so it's a good thing not to come, he paid for it himself.

"That's good. If you don't understand anything, just ask me. I have time in the evening." Shen Lang said.

"Suddenly, I regretted it a bit. What kind of talk are you talking about." Pan Zhilin said, you can't keep a low profile.

"I've always been upright." Shen Lang spoke uprightly, but before he had a detailed chat with Pan Zhilin, someone else came over to toast. After all, he was the male lead. He had more power than the director in this crew. Not everyone knew that he invested, but everyone You know, this movie relies on him to earn box office.

"Hello, I'm your sister's actor, Guan Xiaotong. I'm sorry for the next filming." Shen Lang looked at the woman in front of him. Dao seal, although the last one has been half-opened now, you still have to be cautious.

"Hello, Xiaotong, don't bother, we help each other, you are an old drama player." Shen Lang said, not too confused about her being in his movie.

Being able to come in is also a skill. To be honest, I am not very old, and there are many people who are my younger sisters in the setting. Guan Xiaotong has the most advantage.

But every time Shen Lang called her by her name, he always felt something was wrong. His seventh girlfriend was also called Xiaotong.

Apart from Guan Xiaotong, there are also acquaintances, Jiang Yuchen doesn't say, she plays a pregnant woman, after all, "The Third Kind of Love" she paid for, Shen Lang swapped roles, that's all.

There is also Liu Yan, the heroine of the original version, but she is definitely not as good as Shen Lang and Pan Zhilin, she is the female leader, the one who is anxious to see the dentist.

Shen Lang invited her, and he also came. I always feel a bit embarrassed to steal the leading role from others, and it is absolutely not because she is tolerant.

There is also a female policewoman, Shen Lang didn't expect this, but after seeing the other party's information, he and Li Kelong made a decision.

Li Qin, who will also be a big star in later generations, now has a little fame, and has her own advantages, especially the other party's makeup photos, Shen Lang said that she likes it very much.

Shen Lang greeted everyone one by one, as well as Da Cong and Zhang Yiming, who were all members of the "Big Red Envelope", and Tian Yu, whom Shen Lang met from filming "Charlotte Annoyance".

(End of this chapter)

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