China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 414 Xiaotong's Anger

Chapter 414 Xiaotong's Anger (Thanks to book friend 20210714160241725)

"Ha." Li Qin knocked out the toy shotgun in Shen Lang's hand at once. Shen Lang must cooperate. In fact, Li Qin is a woman after all, so she doesn't have much strength, but the current situation is , Shen Lang was repelled.

Then, Li Qin bumped into someone with his shoulder, and Shen Lang cooperated and retreated directly to the door. Shen Lang and Li Qin had already done these actions for two days.

I have to say that the action scenes are too easy to touch, but there is no fantasy. Although there is touch, it is not very beautiful.

Shen Lang doesn't know martial arts. When he was in college, he learned Changquan in the body class. Who doesn't have a martial arts dream?

However, Changquan is an ordinary Changquan. Because of his body optimization, his force is quite strong, but it is brought about by his strong physical fitness, and it has nothing to do with any kind of fist.

But he does know that it shouldn't be a big problem for him to shoot action movies, the serious ones. He can jump higher than others, and his strength is stronger than others. He has never challenged the limit, so it is enough.

But now the action movies are lonely, should I support this project, there is a system, forget it, let’s finish my fairy dream first and then talk about action movies, he likes force, but he really doesn’t like action movies look.

Shen Lang looked at Li Qin, and started circling with her, the way they looked at each other had the atmosphere of a martial arts master. Then, Shen Lang began to take off his clothes, no, torture felt so wrong.

Shen Lang threw his clothes onto the chair, and at the same time, Li Qin threw off his high-heeled shoes while walking, okay, some things are still necessary for what some viewers want to see.

As soon as he saw the camera, he shot at his feet, shamelessly, and then, there was another fight, which was actually Shen Lang's resistance.

In this scene, he belongs to the kind of man who resists but only fights back twice, isn't he a bit too respectful of the opposite sex.

Then, Li Qin kicked Shen Lang directly on the stomach. Of course, the strength was not very strong, and Shen Lang's defensive measures were also in place.

It's not without conditions, there is no need to show dedication through this kind of thing, Shen Lang was kicked down on the chair first, this is the first time.

Then the second time, when he went directly to the stools of several bank employees, Shen Lang raised his head, Liu Yan and Pan Zhilin raised their legs, and Jiang Yuchen did the same. From this angle, Shen Lang couldn't see anything but his calves.

This is actually the purpose of shooting, to let the audience have fantasy, some things are necessary, next.

After wrestling with Li Qin, Shen Lang's arm was pinched by Li Qin's legs, and at the same time, he was also kicked by Li Qin with scissors.

It was also the first time Shen Lang had such contact with the other party, his calf was still smelling fragrant, just now he rubbed it on his face in various ways, it was obvious that he had definitely cleaned it on purpose.

For the filming, Shen Lang said that he sacrificed a lot, and he was attacked a lot. Looking at Li Qin, he wanted to take revenge. Forget it, there will be opportunities in the future.

There are already Jiang Yuchen and Zhizhi in the crew, they are enough, so don't play Iron Lock Hengjiang, this is definitely not the reason why Li Qin just stays for a few days and then leaves.


"Brother Lang, I'm going back." Two days later, Guan Xiaotong was about to leave.

She had finished filming and said goodbye to Shen Lang before leaving. Now she stopped gossiping, mainly because he and Pan Zhilin were a little obvious.

"Okay, go back and study hard." Shen Lang said.

"Yeah." Guan Xiaotong also intends to maintain Shen Lang's network, not only her parents told her, she also thinks so, and she doesn't suffer from having many handsome friends.

"Also, I don't know if I should tell you something." Shen Lang said.

"Huh?" Guan Xiaotong didn't expect such a move, what's the matter, seeing Shen Lang's embarrassed eyes, she felt a little bit, Shen Lang was really shameless, his eye skills were used.

"Well, although we haven't known each other for a long time, we are familiar with each other. There is something I have always wanted to tell you." Shen Lang said, don't mention it, Guan Xiaotong really can't tell that he is an adult, and the collagen on his face proves it something.

"Brother Xiaolang, what do you want to say?" Guan Xiaotong was a little confused. I didn't think about it, and you didn't show it. That's right, she thought too much, thinking that Shen Lang was going to confess.

But thinking about it carefully, Shen Lang was in [-] and he was in [-]. The difference of five years is not very big, but isn't it inappropriate.

"Then let me just say it straight. Didn't you make a movie called "Left Ear" and greet Chen Duling later, saying that I admire her very much and I have a chance to get to know her?" Shen Lang said.

"Uh." Guan Xiaotong was a little stunned. Are you a human being? You are creating an atmosphere of confession for me. I am still hesitating whether to agree to you. How can I reject you, an old man? You want to meet another woman through me , are you still something?

Shen Lang deliberately let you gossip, you little brat, you know that because of you, Zhizhi should have been with me every day, but you made it to fourteen days in half a month, a heavy loss.

In fact, it was just a joke, Shen Lang wouldn't do anything if the seal hadn't been lifted, but he is single now, so he can forgive himself for being a little promiscuous.

"Okay, it's time to go, Sister Li, goodbye." Shen Lang also greeted the middle-aged woman who came behind, this is Guan Xiaotong's mother, she came out to take her mother with her,

"It's time to go back to BJ and get together." Li Jundao.

"it is good."

Watching them leave, Shen Lang continued his intense and busy work, and leaving with Guan Xiaotong, there were also the finished filming of Tengger and Xu Di, who played the role of parents.

Shen Lang is quite familiar with "Big Winner". He likes to watch this kind of skirmish comedy, which is very relaxing. He also likes a movie "The King of BBQ". His parents are short, but the plot of this movie is too weak. I feel that there is not much need to shoot, if it is really filmed, "Big BBQ"?
Forget it, let's make some mainstream movies that can sell at the box office. I can't rely on the system to mess around. The main reason is that I have limited liking.


"Brother Kai, long time no see." Shen Lang got off work a little earlier this day, and a friend came, and he received the promotional team of "Let's Get Married".

Although it is not Dameiyuan, the virtuous wife Tao, and even Guo Biting, the cp of "Shen Dog Xiaoqi", came Zheng Kai and Chen Yihan.

They are movie cps, Shen Lang doesn't know her, but Shen Lang understands that it's normal for them to come, this is to activate the popularity of running men, Shen Lang and Zheng Kai, that is, the big black bull Li Chen is not here, otherwise running men Half of the members showed up.

Of course, the promotion of "Let's Get Married" this time also used this banner. When the movie was being made, who would have thought that a variety show would become a national variety show.

"Haha, long time no see, Zhiling." Zheng Kaidao, he and Pan Zhilin had filmed "Jianghu Lunjian Shilu" together, so he was familiar with it.

Pan Zhilin also nodded, Shen Lang treats guests, half a landlord.

 Thanks to the book friend 20210714160241725 for the reward of 5000 points
(End of this chapter)

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