Chapter 552 "Girl"

Shen Lang didn't come empty-handed, he brought a Hermès, the price is not expensive, more than 6, and he bought it from a boutique, not a specialty store.

Specialty stores are relatively cold and deceitful. If there is a baby, they will not buy it directly for you. They will recommend other things to you. After the distribution reaches a certain level, they will take out the bag and sell it to you. The bag may not be expensive, but In total, the price is not low.

Of course, it is impossible for them to tell you that they will sell you as much as you directly order, but they will always be out of stock.

So, why do many rich people feel that the trash cans and the like are Hermès at home? They don’t really like this, it’s all because of the delivery, including plates and the like.

Therefore, various buyer shops have come out. The price of bags here may be the original price or expensive, but it is definitely cheaper than distribution.

In fact, Shen Lang didn't think it was a fool to buy luxury goods. After all, if there is demand, there is consumption, and he doesn't mind Lin Fengxia getting into this trap.

However, Lin Fengxia has no such thoughts for the time being. She feels that tens of thousands of 10,000+ bags are too expensive, and some things need to be cultivated slowly.

For example, when buying vegetables now, I used to think that supermarkets are deceptive and too expensive. The consumption level in small counties and BJ is a bit different. Now I am used to it, and I have no choice after all.

Naturally, it is impossible for Shen Lang to buy a bunch of distribution products because of Liu Xiaoli. In fact, many celebrities are also frequent customers of buyer stores. Everyone has money, but they have not reached the point of random distribution.

"This is too precious." Liu Xiaoli is naturally not someone who has never seen the world, Hermes is also a more valuable gift for her.

She was just a little upset with Shen Lang, not to the point of not forgiving him, in the end it was a trick, you can even call him a policeman if he releases other products.

But in the final analysis, no matter how concentrated the coffee is, it is still coffee, but it is a bit bitter. What else can you do to him?

"It should, Auntie, if you don't accept me, you won't forgive me." Shen Lang said.

It's all said and done, okay, it's inappropriate if Liu Xiaoli doesn't accept her.

"Auntie, I'm really sorry. The main reason for this is because I'm in a bad mood. Auntie, do you know that I'm with Sister Fei?" Shen Lang said, even if I was talking to an elder, I was sincere. of.

"Well, I know, didn't we discuss it?" Liu Xiaoli really didn't expect that this child would be so impulsive, how could she have the nerve to say this to me, pretending to be stupid.

"Auntie, what I said is not what we discussed, it's true. Sister Fei and I are really in love." Shen Lang did it on purpose to let you torment me.

"Really, no way, Qianqian didn't tell me?" Liu Xiaoli couldn't pretend anymore, but it was also impossible to say that you are not worthy of my daughter, so she can only make excuses like this.

"Auntie, maybe Miss Fei hasn't thought it through yet, of course, don't bother her to say it now." Shen Lang said.

"Shen Lang, Auntie told you that you may have misunderstood something. Qianqian and I depend on each other for life, and will never hide anything from me." Liu Xiaoli stopped it from a certain level. If she didn't tell me, it was a lie. of.

"Auntie, I don't know much about this. What you said makes sense, but it's nothing. Sister Fei and I have already broken up." Shen Lang still made it clear, saving me from not cooperating with the publicity, you came to me again .

That's right, we broke up. Your movie has something to do with me. At most, it's enough to publicize it on Weibo.

I, Shen Lang, am serious and responsible for fans, but I will not cooperate with you in deceiving fans. Shen Lang loves fans so much, not because Liu Xiaoli has the idea of ​​preventing him from dating Liu Tianxian.

In fact, he knew that even if he didn't promote it, the movie's box office would be better than in his previous life. After all, the official announcement of the relationship had already been promoted.

Even if I don't cooperate with the publicity, it will make the public curious about the relationship between him and Liu Tianxian. This is not more publicity.

The more Shen Lang thought about it, the more he felt that it was right, breaking up with him was also a help, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Break up?" Liu Xiaoli really didn't know this.

"Yes, it's hard for me to say anything about it. You can communicate with Sister Fei, Auntie, it's getting late, and I should go back. This time, I mainly come here to apologize." Shen Lang expressed that he wanted to be a riddle .

"Okay, then slow down." Liu Xiaoli couldn't stop Shen Lang from leaving.

But she didn't expect Shen Lang not to cooperate with the publicity for the time being. After all, this is a bit childish, but who let her meet Shen Lang.

I don't even care about fans, you think I care about this, besides, I don't promote it is the biggest movie promotion.

Shen Lang went home, and Liu Xiaoli hurried to find Liu Tianxian when she got home.

"Mom, you're back, what is this?" Liu Tianxian said.

"Shen Lang gave me an apology gift." Liu Xiaoli said.

"Did you see Shen Lang?" Liu Xiaoli realized that when she said Shen Lang, Liu Tianxian was a little abnormal.


"What did he say?" Liu Tianxian said.

"It's nothing, just say you two are in a relationship, Qianqian, why didn't you tell mom earlier." Liu Xiaoli said.

"He told you this, Mom, didn't I think about it, do you agree?" Liu Tianxian said.

"Hey, you have to say whether you agree or not. It's too late to say anything now. Didn't you break up?" Liu Xiaoli definitely wouldn't say agree, because she was afraid that this was a trap and would solidify the concept of breaking up.

"He said that too?" Liu Tianxian said.

"Well, you guys are so quiet, how many things have you done without telling me, if such a thing didn't happen today, I wouldn't know it." Liu Xiaoli said, pretending anyway.

"Mom." Liu Tianxian said, really wanting to complain, if it weren't for you, how could we break up, how could your girl be dumped for the second time, Shen Lang is a bastard.

"Okay, let's break up, let's break up. I won't say anything about hiding things from me. Let's rest early. Shen Lang is quite polite, and this gift is quite generous."

It's true that a celebrity's income is high and not bad for money, but suddenly someone gives you tens of thousands of things, which is not a small amount, after all, it's a windfall.

Liu Tianxian was a little aggrieved, why did he feel that he broke up because of Liu Xiaoli, she was fine, and he felt so uncomfortable.

Going back to the bedroom, I took out the breakup letter written by Shen Lang and read it carefully, as well as the last one, yes, this is a shame, she saved it, and if I have a chance in the future, you scumbag will wait.

After reading the letter, she checked her phone again. She and Shen Lang took quite a few photos together. After all, they are also couples.

Finally, I turned to a video, which was Shen Lang's new song, the new song that promised fans that "Big Winner" would break one billion.

She is still the heroine in it, the beginning of the MV is a scene of Shen Lang drinking in a bar, the content of the MV is the plot where the prodigal son sees a cameo dj, and then becomes devoted to love.

This mv was directed by Yao Tingting, and the crew and actors co-produced it. Not to mention the money, the popularity of Shen Lang's new song can be used as much as you can.

Liu Tianxian saw the picture of himself being a DJ, it was so beautiful, and Shen Lang was also a real scumbag.

(End of this chapter)

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