China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 566 Unfamiliar boyfriend and girlfriend

Chapter 566 Unfamiliar boyfriend and girlfriend

"Eldest sister, I'm really sorry." Shen Lang was chatting with the eldest sister, even if it was filming, he still had to explain something.

After the filming, Shen Lang communicated with the eldest sister, not pretending to be aggressive, but because his three views are too upright, he can't just pretend that this didn't happen.

"It's okay." The eldest sister said that this is what should be done. Seeing this, Shen Lang also withdrew. Anyway, Xiao Tao will follow up.

"Eldest sister, this is Shen Lang's kindness, you can take it home to make up for it." Shen Lang left, Xiao Tao did not leave, and paid the eldest sister some money, which was paid out of Shen Lang's own pocket.

"It's so embarrassing." With that said, everyone's hands are not slow, and I didn't expect it to be beneficial.

When Xiaotao left and took a look, Huo, it was more than 2000, earning, earning, this star is not bad, he is so simple, he is a good person if he gives money.

The eldest sister's son was a little dissatisfied at first, after all, he was beaten anyway, even if it was a job, but seeing so much money, he suddenly felt that it was okay, after all what had happened, it's no joke that money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat.

After all, if you don't do this job, some people will do it, and they will apologize and give you money. This star can handle it.

In fact, if they know that this money is Shen Lang's food expenses for a day, I don't know if they will have the idea that you are so rich, which is nothing.

Shen Lang is able to empathize with ordinary people, he was originally a bottom of society in his previous life.

This incident is an episode. Shen Lang will start to work overtime for the next two days. If you leave for two days, you can't delay your work too much.


BJ, in a shopping mall, there is a temporary stage set up with trusses, the host is interacting with Deng Chao, yes, Deng Chao.

The premiere of "The Third Kind of Love" is also in the movie theater. In fact, except for those big directors who have a sense of ceremony and find a big venue and spend a lot of money, most of the premieres are like "The Third Kind of Love". Just watch the movie and give a speech.

Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian met at the gate. Liu Tianxian looked at Shen Lang who hadn't changed at all, and his heart was unusually calm. In fact, he had thought about what he would do when he met again. In fact, when he actually met, no amount of thinking would be in vain.

"Sister Fei, how are you doing recently?" Shen Lang said simply, focusing on being polite, and not talking about anything else, breaking up should look like breaking up.

"It's okay." Liu Tianxian is the same, she still blames Shen Lang in her heart, being dumped twice is also a blow to her.

The two of them didn't chat much, so let's go directly to the stage. Deng Chao has already been waiting, and he is the guest host. He is also a mutual friend of Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian. Shen Lang doesn't know who invited him, anyway, it wasn't him.

He invited the other party to attend the premiere of "My Girlhood", and of course, in return, he wanted to attend the premiere of the other party's "Villain Angel".

Even if it is a friend, it is impossible to ask someone to come to the stage for the first movie. It is inappropriate, mainly because Shen Lang is prolific. This year, even "The Third Love" has four movies to be released in just a few months, which is a bit too much.

For example, Shen Lang can be called to run the men's team, but this kind of thing has to be paid back. What, it's a bit too fussy. After all, Shen Lang's relationship with everyone in private is just average, a little closer than his colleagues, and that's it.

"The protagonist is here, welcome to my good friend Liu Yifei, and of course, my good brother Shen Lang." Deng Chao knows how to play tricks.

It is actually a coincidence that Deng Chao can come. These days he has been at the Bazaar charity night attended by BJ, Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian tomorrow. This time he and Yu Baimei are the directors.

"Lang, am I standing here with a light bulb, let me flash it." After taking the stage, Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian stood on both sides of Deng Chao tacitly.

When the onlookers saw what he said, they also booed. As we all know, Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian are boyfriend and girlfriend, although they seem a little unfamiliar now.

In fact, many colleagues are also very gossip about the inside story between Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian, but it's not good to ask them directly. Shen Lang doesn't know if Liu Tianxian has told others. Anyway, he just had a good time. Breaking up is not an honorable thing, and he has to publicize it loudly.

"Bless the "Third Way of Love" as a big hit." Shaubao belongs to Shabao, and it's not suitable to stay here all the time. The movie in it is about to be played, and Deng Chao withdrew after blessing.

Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian didn't say much, just thank you for coming, it's very simple, just go in.

The two of them are very understanding and have nothing to chat with. Liu Tianxian is still angry, and Shen Lang doesn't want to be misunderstood, which is fine.

In addition to Deng Chao, the guests who came were also Li Zhengzai and Su Zhichao from Bangzi. The latter was very popular before.

Nowadays, it is really an individual who wants to come to the mainland to get a piece of the pie. Domestic entertainment is indeed very attractive, and they come for the director.

Shen Lang didn't care about other things, he concentrated on watching the movie, but the more he watched it, the more boring he became. This was the first time he watched a finished product, and the plot was flawed, a bit too pretentious, not like a commercial movie at all.

However, he was sure that it would be difficult for this movie to lose money, and the hype he and Liu Tianxian had added to the movie was a bit too big.

He is not the Song Chengxian from his previous life. He looks very popular, but in fact, fans have long since given up money. He is just now popular. Coupled with Liu Tianxian's terrifying popularity, the hype between the two is not one plus one.

It can even be said that this is the first time in domestic entertainment that a well-known little fresh meat directly exposes a love affair, and the advertising effect is too strong.

Even if the fans don't want to watch it, there are more than one or two people who join in the fun. Shen Lang doesn't know how much this movie can have. After all, it doesn't use points, but it is sure to be more than the previous life.

Just as he was thinking about something, his phone vibrated, but he didn't reply after looking at it. Jiang Yuchen, who was seated three seats to Shen Lang's left, felt a little helpless. Shen Lang had changed his ways.

Naturally, she also came. After all, she is the second female lead in this movie. If this movie is successful, it will benefit her more than "The Big Winner".

After "Big Winner" became a hit, she naturally got some bonuses, although it was definitely not as good as Pan Zhilin and Liu Yan.

The circle still respects the box office. At the very least, Pan Zhilin is now in contact with "Passing Through the World of You", which seems to be played by Deng Chao. By the way, Shen Lang remembers that Liu Yan is also there, is that the swallow?

Pan Zhilin's company is Hualu Baina. After "Big Winner" became popular, she is now promoting her. From what she said, it seems that he is going to cooperate with Yanzu.

Shen Lang didn't care too much, he had already helped as much as he could, and it was his creed not to be a babysitter, and this time, it was also because he promised to sleep with others.

Jiang Yuchen also has a bonus, and initially has her own name, but it can be imagined that if she doesn't have internal entertainment capital to push her, she will only be a little popular.

She just sent wechat with Shen Lang, mainly to miss the feeling of being punched vigorously, but how should I put it, Shen Lang already knows that she has a partner.

Jiang Yuchen didn't realize this, so there is someone who doesn't affect it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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