China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 597 The Occasionally Breakthrough Psychological Defense Line

Chapter 597 The Occasionally Breakthrough Psychological Defense Line
"Have you come yet?" Shen Lang went downstairs and entered the room smoothly. He already had the room card in his hand, which was given by Nazha himself.

But he waited until three o'clock, why Nazha hasn't arrived yet, it's been 15 minutes, do you know how much can be done in 15 minutes, if all goes well, her first wave of white troubles has been handed over.

In the past 15 minutes, Shen Lang had already communicated with Youyouru, Ao, and Zhang Hanyun. If he had the opportunity to karaoke together, he had already exchanged more than a dozen sentences on the initiative of Little Green Tea.

The little green tea is Nabi, Shen Lang has no idea about her, the main reason is that she has a seal on her body, Shen Lang said he doesn't care about it.

But this girl is young, so she is really willing to communicate with her. They added WeChat, and it was Nabi who took the initiative. Now they have called Brother Shen Lang.

Shen Lang and Zhao Xiaogu didn't have much communication, just let nature take its course, don't be misunderstood as what you want to do now.

Speaking of which, there are quite a lot of female guests in this variety show, but excluding those who are married and those with a difference in age, there are not many choices left to flirt with.

Of course, the main reason is that there are many married people. Five out of ten women are married. As for the simple age, Shen Lang and Xu Qing are the ones who have had in-depth exchanges and are convincing. ,he can.

The remaining five women are not suitable for the queen of sweet songs. Xu Qing only got to know them deeply because they participated in the variety show together overnight. It will be withdrawn tomorrow after only a few hours.

Zhao Xiaogu can't talk too much, otherwise he will be regarded as a dog licker, maybe Zhao Xiaogu will be happy, but it will not be good for Shen Lang's future plans.

There are not many choices left, Nazha and himself want to be together, and the remaining two people are Yoyogurt and Nabi.

"Who said I went, you can sleep with you." After receiving the call, Nazha's face was darkened, and she took everything for granted.

"Okay, then I'll go find you." Shen Lang would handle Nazha well.

"Don't wait any longer." Nazha hurriedly tidied up, she actually didn't hate Shen Lang being so strong, she stopped pretending, Shen Lang knew that she was a small woman in private.

Besides, she is stubborn, and she is quite happy to communicate with Shen Lang. Seeing such a handsome man serve her, she feels very satisfied.

In fact, there is a group of them, and they just chatted with Shen Lang in private, it's all about how handsome this guy is, and he hasn't even put on makeup.

"Brother Shen Lang, can you recommend me some more interesting attractions in BJ in the future?" Shen Lang looked at the words sent by Nabi, and his heart sank.

He knows what Nabi wants to say, and many people can even guess it, but he is willing to say it, for example, talk about some attractions, and then contact me when you come, and I will take you to these words.

But Shen Lang is different from ordinary people. He doesn't take the usual path. The main reason is that he is not willing to spend his time playing with Nabi now. You still have a few years to play with him.

Of course, the most important thing is that he heard the door rang, and Naza came, who is playing with your brain as a child.

"Shen Lang." Nazha yelled as soon as she entered the door, she hid to the side first, and then looked around.

"You belong to the monkey, jump first when you come in, I forgot, you really belong to the monkey, what's the situation, are you guarding against me?" Shen Lang stood at the entrance of the corridor, looking at Nazha's The performance laughed.

"You did it on purpose and didn't want to communicate with you." Na Zha complained in his heart. You must have been impulsive this time, and there was a high probability that you would get wall-dong the moment you opened your mouth before.

"Uh, okay, you blamed me again, obviously I didn't do anything, I want to make up for it." Shen Lang said.

"You're dreaming." Even if you know what's going to happen, you still have to have the fun you need, otherwise it's no fun to complete the task.

"Okay, that's right, let's eat something first." Shen Lang motioned, ordering food specially.

"You didn't eat?"

"Isn't this waiting for you? A good brother for a lifetime, you say I won't wait for you if I eat first, am I still a human being?" Shen Lang said.

"Your mouth." Nazha said.

"It's very sweet, yes, you have tasted it too." Shen Lang said, starting to speak too much.

"You're so boring." Sitting at the table, she didn't care about Shen Lang's trifles. There should be one chair on each side, but now the two chairs are close together.

"Well, I think it's a bit of a routine, or else come directly." Shen Lang said.

"Don't, don't." Nazha was scratched by Shen Lang, and hurriedly begged for mercy, but Shen Lang wasn't too anxious, her flesh was on the verge of her mouth, and she definitely wouldn't be able to run away anyway.

"Can I interview you for something?" The two sat down close to each other, and Nazha suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Okay?" Shen Lang didn't care either.

"What do you think about the matter between you and Liu Tianxian?" Nazha wanted to see Shen Lang embarrassing. In fact, it was not that she had never asked Shen Lang before, but usually she would not ask at such a time, after all, it would be embarrassing for herself.

But how should I put it, although she is not one of Shen Lang's predecessors, she also has a sense of crisis for Liu Tianxian.

Shen Lang also told her that Liu Tianxian's idol belongs to her, otherwise she wouldn't be asking about the situation for the first time after learning about their affair.

In fact, she did this to embarrass Shen Lang, Shen Lang really did not disappoint her, this love just won't last long.

But to be honest, it also made her a little speechless towards Shen Lang, your idol can't last half a year with you, if we really talk, what will happen in the future, can you stick to it.

"Well, my idea is not as good as Nazha." How could Shen Lang be stopped by this kind of question, so he just opened his mouth.

"You can live, you can't die, you should eat, there is no nutrition at all, this person." That duplicity said.

Shen Lang looked at her face that couldn't hide the smile and knew that women were too easy to be satisfied.

Nazha must be happy, after all, being able to be commented by Shen Lang that an idol is not as good as her is rare, even if it is a lie, isn't that what he said.

Nazha, you have to be determined, Shen Lang is a scumbag, don't be tempted, Nazha is refreshing himself.

She thought of Shen Lang's words, she is a love brain, although she doesn't want to admit it every time, she feels that there is a little chance, is this the upper hand, it is too easy to be satisfied.

"Oh, let me say." Just as I was about to say something, I realized that it was already a bit cold.

Shen Lang said that after so many trainings from my predecessors, I can already practice smoothly, the enemy general's clothing removal technique, not to mention, Nazha's sense of distance from Shen Lang is not very strong.

"Tell me, I'll listen." Nazha felt her skin had been touched by a braised gang, yet Shen Lang said this shamelessly, expressing that she was speechless.

"I didn't say anything. I'll show you if you're thirsty."

"Go away." Even at this point, Nazha will not easily stick to Shen Lang. This is equivalent to a psychological defense line, although it has been broken through.

(End of this chapter)

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