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Chapter 605 She's Very Good

Chapter 605 She's Very Good

Yang Mi, one of Shen Lang's feelings, Shen Lang also has a good impression of her, but there is no way, the acquaintance is too late.

Even if there is a system, Shen Lang doesn't think that he can do whatever he wants in this world, he just allows himself to be free to a certain extent.

She met Yang Mi in the night scene of "The Breakup Master". When she first met, she directly poached the wall, and even used this trick to have a good impression of herself.

It's quite interesting to think about it, Shen Lang still keeps the wechat she sent to herself, saying that getting married is a last resort, of course, it's not directly saying or implying.

Shen Lang didn't take a penny of credit, she just wanted to poach Liu Shishi's corner, what, they have a good relationship, and after a few years they will be in various businesses.

That doesn't mean anything. At that time, although there was competition between the two, it wasn't that much anymore. Unlike the previous two years, the so-called Four Little Stars were the two of them competing. The baby track was different and there was no fire. Ni Ni even That's the case, if you have to find an opponent, Tang Yan is too.

In that case, it would be nice to be able to maintain the peace on the surface. Liu Shishi's Golden Eagle Goddess was able to beat Yang Mi and Tang Yan one by one.

At that time, Yang Mi and Tang Yan had all kinds of sisterhood. If you want to say that she and Liu Shishi had a good relationship at that time, what were you thinking? The latter things are nothing, and only Shi Mi got back together.

Of course, this is from Shen Lang's point of view. Maybe he really has a good relationship all the time, even if resources are being robbed, but it might not affect his personal feelings. After all, he can't directly ask the boss what's going on.

Therefore, when he heard Lin Fengxia say that Yang Mi was back, he didn't think about chatting. In fact, whenever the other party was single, he would definitely chat. He knew himself very well.

Lin Fengxia is still more gossip, she should be more concerned about her son if she is wrong, since his colleague is back, she must have something to say.

It's not that Shen Lang and Yang Mi have no connection, at least they have promoted each other's works before, but it doesn't matter how good the relationship is. After all, the two people's WeChat now adds work WeChat.

When they met before, both of them kept a hand, and there was no chance to change it later. Of course, Shen Lang personally didn't care much.

By the way, Yang Mi contacted himself today and invited him to attend today's "Medal" press conference, which is also the "I am a Witness" theme song conference. This publicity campaign was quite big.

The hero is Lu Han, and I don't know if the capital has made a big bet. Because of a gossip, Shen Lang and Liu Tianxian pushed the movie to a height that shouldn't exist, and I don't know how the capital of "I Am a Witness" will Don't think too much about it.

In terms of lineup, this movie is really similar to "The Third Way of Love". It has the same great director, the same top-notch male lead, and the same first-line female lead. It is normal to have expectations.

But now only Shen Lang knows it well, and he still guesses that "The Third Kind of Love" has a high probability relationship with the system, maybe it really serves as the prelude to "My Girlhood".

Yang Mi contacted himself to attend the theme song press conference before, Shen Lang must have found an excuse not to go, it is a normal thing, the double top flow in the same frame is indeed popular, but why does Shen Lang contribute this popularity, can Weibo It will be a great help to post it when the time comes.

He is not Yang Mi's licking dog. After all, his bottom line is a little lower now, but he is still there. He has feelings, but Wei Wu's character has not yet awakened.

To be honest, everyone tries to avoid such things as top-ranking in the same frame, and Shen Lang doesn't care. After all, he is confident, and Yanzu is not joking.

But because of Yang Mi's invitation, he took a look at her itinerary, this woman is really ruthless, she runs faster than Liu Tianxian's promotion of "The Third Kind of Love", basically non-stop.

Talking about today's itinerary, she is still recording "Kangxi Is Coming" in the afternoon, and she will participate in BJ's theme song conference this evening, and there will be a conference for the theme song. She is really trying her best to promote it.

That is to say, Yang Mi is married and has children, otherwise there is a high probability that there will be a love affair. Besides, Oh, even if she is willing, Lu Han can't do it. It is impossible for others to do this kind of thing like Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's fans are really lost, but he is a little more male fans, Lu Han does not have this condition, 90.00% of his fans are female fans, because of the sacrifice of a starring movie, how much will you pay me? ah.

Otherwise, according to Shen Lang's impression of Sister Mi in her previous life, there is a high probability that she can be sacrificed. It's not like she hasn't had any scandals, and she has been walking the black and red route.

Shen Lang looked at it and continued to read the novel. Lin Fengxia just chatted casually and didn't expect her son to respond. This is family.

Shen Lang is going to join the group tomorrow, so it's important to rest more.


Shen Lang's family is happy and harmonious, and Yang Mi also mentioned him here. Just after returning home, she was welcomed by the little pets at home. She also has cats, and there are more than one of them. Of course they are not together, and some are in the company. , some at home, and parents here.

"Mi Mi, are you back?" Yang Mi was welcomed when he returned home.

"Comrade Yang, you are being too polite."

"This child is not serious at all." Yang's mother smiled, the whole family is named Yang, Sanyang Kaitai.

"How about it? Are you tired? You ran so far in one go." Lao Yang felt sorry for the girl.

"There's nothing I can do if I'm tired, just work." Although she is a desperate Sanniang, she can be vulnerable in front of her parents.

"Our girl is just too tired. It would be great if she was like Xiaolang of Fengxia's family upstairs. His so-called "Shouting Mountain" will be in next month. It doesn't look as tired as my daughter. I still watch him today. Walking the dog." Yang Chunlin said, Shen Lang is not always free at home.

Walking the dog and the like, although my own rhubarb is a bit unhappy, after all, Shen Chun walks it every day, it's good that the little master is not around, and I have to walk it when I am, tired, rhubarb is just lazy.

Everything is afraid of comparison, Yang Mi is so tired, but Shen Lang doesn't even participate in a publicity, the comparison is too tragic.

"That's incomparable. Old Shen's child is special. Their film investment is low and they don't have money for road shows. Our daughter is normal." Lao Yang said.

"Dad, don't talk about it, the movies with low investment are all sold well." Yang Mi said.

"I believe that my girl's new movie will also be a hit."

"I hope, by the way, you are so familiar with his parents, do you know about him and Liu Yifei?" Yang Mi also began to gossip.

"It's embarrassing to ask, but they know more about playing mahjong once in a while. It's not impossible to talk to your parents when you're in a relationship," Yang Chunlin said.

"Okay, does that mean he's been at home all day?" Yang Mi asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, just ask."

Yang Mi made a contribution to Shen Lang, knowing that you just made excuses casually, so you can't go too far, the reason why Shen Lang didn't go a few days ago is very simple, that is, he has something to do at work, and cooperating with your business is to lie down at home. ah.

Of course, she also knew that she had no reason to say anything, but it was good to use this opportunity to get in touch with Shen Lang.

Girls' specialties, just take this opportunity to act coquettishly and make jokes, isn't this just to get in a relationship, she is very good at this.

(End of this chapter)

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