
Chapter 265 Powerful doomsday weapon; embarrassing!

Chapter 265 Powerful doomsday weapon; embarrassing!

Historically, the phenomenon of nuclear fission was discovered by the Germans in the second half of this year. The famous Hahn and Strassmann discovered this epoch-making phenomenon when they bombarded uranium atoms with neutrons.

Zhou Changfeng has been paying attention to physics journals ever since he met Zhang Shilin, a bachelor (doctor) who is engaged in nuclear transmutation research, on the train last year.

Although it was discovered by the Germans in history, Ming Dynasty cannot be said to be backward in terms of cutting-edge physics. Maybe its own physicists won the crown?

But it doesn't matter who discovers the phenomenon first, it's just an honor, and the most important thing is to be the first to apply it.

Now Zhou Changfeng is waiting for this sensational news to break out in the physics world, and then he can justifiably and secretly propose to develop a "powerful doomsday weapon" based on the principle behind this phenomenon.

Americans have a wealthy family and unparalleled industrial capabilities. The Manhattan Project has grown from nothing to fruition in just three years. Obviously, Zhou does not think that his country can have similar efficiency, so the sooner it starts, the better.

At the same time, we must also prepare for the worst on the other hand, or the strategy of "one will fade away and the other will grow".

Namely, trying to conduct raids on manufacturing and processing bases to slow down the progress of the Manhattan Project.

This has advantages and disadvantages. If Ming can succeed four or five years ago, and the Americans are delayed by a few months to more than half a year due to the slowdown of the attack on the facilities, then during this period of time, Ming will have a lot of advantages in diplomacy. chips.

Conversely, if Daming still fails to succeed until four or five years later, the surprise attack can still buy a few more months to come out, which is considered an insurance policy.

Of course, Zhou Changfeng can only bury this matter in his heart for the time being, it is always a very strange thing to predict.

However, it is only a fleeting idea of ​​him to set up a company in Tennessee and New Mexico in advance, and it will take time to think about how to do it.

"...Okay, let's stop here. This is the contact information. If you need it in the future, please contact me by letter or telegram."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Changfeng waved his hand to call the waiter, and paid the bill before Philip in front of him could react.

Oh, this is a western restaurant, do you still have to tip?

He took out two more one-yuan coins, and the waitress was slightly taken aback, then said "Thank you sir" in Chinese, and left happily.

This "thank you, my lord" made Zhou Chang very upset.

Philip watched him get up and leave in a daze, and then thought about it.

Why is this Ming army officer so strange?Behavior and things are completely unreasonable. It seems that my father's saying that "you may meet a few people with weird tempers anywhere" is completely correct.

"We still have to solve the problem of availability first. The principle of the gun type is simple and rude, but the utilization rate is too low, but you can add a deuterium chamber to increase the utilization rate..."

On the way back to the station by car, Zhou Changfeng began to think about the gorgeous night scene flashing outside.

The most well-known "little boy" is the gun-type principle. It is very simple. Two groups of U-64 with a total of 235 kg are installed at both ends, and then collide with each other at high speed to exceed the critical mass. Under the action of the neutron source, the uncontrollable chain reaction.

However, after the middle part releases energy, the outer nuclear material has been blown away, so the utilization rate is very low. Only about 64% of the 235kg U-1.7 participated in the reaction, and a total of about [-] U-[-] was released. tons of TNT explosion energy.

In contrast, the utilization rate of the implosion-type "fat man" is much higher. Only 6kg of Pu-239 released 20 tons of TNT energy, and the utilization rate reached as much as [-]%.

Of course, its design, manufacturing, and processing principles are also more complex and difficult—it is necessary to allow dozens of explosive blocks to detonate as simultaneously as possible within a very short time error.

In addition, Zhou Changfeng also knows an effective way to increase the power of fission bombs—injecting a small amount of solid or gaseous deuterium and tritium inside.

When the fission reaction occurs, these deuterium and tritium will fuse, but the energy released by them is negligible in the whole process, and their main role is to release a large number of neutrons, which will further react more fissile materials, Thereby increasing the power of the whole.

So this is called a fusion-enhanced fission bomb, which is essentially a fission bomb.

In view of the fact that the development of science and technology cannot be achieved overnight, and other down-to-earth methods cannot be realized, this "crooked trick" is a feasible method.

In fact, what makes Zhou Changfeng quite satisfied is that his titular boss Zhu Lingjing has certain attainments in physics...

Well, that's a compliment. Objectively speaking, she has a certain understanding, but it's enough, at least not a layman.

In any case, this "powerful doomsday weapon" is an indispensable thing, and it can break the final deadlock.

When Ming and the United States are exhausted from the brutal tug-of-war in the vast Pacific Ocean, the epoch-making nuclear weapons will add an important weight to the balance of victory.

A few days later, the last day of March.

The sea of ​​red sun rises up, and the warm sunshine in the spring morning gives people a sense of vitality, which is extraordinarily pleasant.

The citizens of Tokyo have gradually gotten used to the "new life". Compared with the past, those Westerners who are arrogant and high-spirited are much restrained.

Especially a few days ago, when a few drunken soldiers of the Ming army were riding a tram, two bluffing Americans wanted to grab their seats. As a result, they got into an argument with the soldiers and were hit by the butts of their guns. Blood flowed, and the hamstring of one foot was broken with a bayonet.

This story quickly spread, and some Tokyo citizens who had been oppressed by Western powers all year round applauded, but there were also some guys who cared about their foreign masters in private to fight for the two Americans.

But there are also a considerable number of Japanese who don't care about this-the discipline of this "king teacher" is no better than that of the garrisons of the great powers.

In the past three weeks, things like rape and looting of women and property have happened from time to time. After the jackals have left, tigers and leopards have come again. What is there to be happy about?When your wife, daughter and sister come home crying, can you still laugh?
The sky is clear and the sun is shining.

For most it's the beginning of a new day, but for Komatsu it's the end of a hard night's work.

As the neon lights went out, the last few young men and women who enjoyed the nightlife all night long left the "Robien" ballroom. After cleaning up all kinds of garbage left by the guests and placing the empty wine bottles neatly, Jasmine Komatsu went to The front desk signed his name and officially left work.

Tired, she walked on the road in the concession and left the concession through the checkpoint.

The scene in the International Settlement is like a paradise, the spring breeze is accompanied by European music intertwined with violin and piano, and occasionally there are short and powerful drumbeats; the early morning mist is a bit like sublimated dry ice, lingering in the streets and alleys; From time to time, the raised "braids" of the tram and the cables burst into sparks, making a "squeak" sound; there were many people rushing to work in the cafe waiting, raising their hands from time to time to look at their watches and urging them.

As soon as you enter the rental market, you seem to be in another world—the tidy streets have become disorganized, sewage puddles and garbage dumps can be seen everywhere on the roadside, the women who have stood all night are moving wearily, and the homeless beggars are covered with dilapidated clothes. Blankets are lying on old cardboard to sleep, and vendors are selling them.

This kind of experience of going back and forth from the world to heaven is commonplace for her, and she has to go through it twice a day.

But when passing by a middle-aged woman begging with two young daughters, Xiaosong Molizi couldn't help but stop.

She looked around to make sure there were no other beggars before putting three five-cent coins in it—otherwise, other beggars would rush after them and beg for alms.

Although inflation has been more obvious in recent years, fifteen yen is still not considered a mosquito leg, which is enough for two full meals.

Komatsu Jasmine was lucky that there were no other beggars nearby, otherwise she would be in a dilemma.

However, she didn't go very far when she came across a few soldiers of the fourth division who were wandering around.

Several eyes quickly locked on this thin girl. The blue and black waiter uniform and skirt highlighted the young girl's demeanor and charm very clearly.

"How old is the little girl?"

"What are you afraid of? What is there to be afraid of? Don't rush away."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing the girl in front of her trembling with fear, the two regular soldiers and one pacesetter laughed at the same time.

The bullying of the citizens by the occupying army can often be seen, and the Japanese passing by nearby did not dare to look directly at it, so they could only leave quickly and pray for the poor and unlucky girl.

No one dared to touch the bad luck of the military masters of the Chinese dynasty. Only one brave person happened to find a sidecar motorcycle, which was a military police on patrol.

Although the gendarmes may not care about it, there is always a little more hope.

He stopped it hastily, then pointed in the direction of the way, racking his brains to squeeze out a few blunt Chinese words.

So two gendarmes drove over, and before they got close, they heard laughter and mournful cries for help.Getting closer, I saw that the three soldiers were continuing to flirt with no one else.

"It's quite beautiful..."

"What are you shouting for? We don't eat people."

According to the instructions of the Second Army Headquarters, the management in the first few days was indeed very loose, as long as they did not kill people and set fires, they would be punished lightly.But as time goes by, the punishment standard is gradually returning to the normal level.

The logical pattern of this operation is similar to the ancient "Three Days of Dasuo", but it still requires a lot of "civilization".The first few days are more indulgent, but after that you have to return to normal order.

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Is it allowed to come out? Don't let me find out who left the camp without authorization."

Although the arrival of the two gendarmes made the three soldiers a little timid, they still felt that it was no big deal.

The lanky pacesetter replied indifferently: "They are all ready to go, how dare you run around."

The military police pacesetter who got off the sidecar of the motorcycle waved his hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I caught two of them yesterday, let's take a look at the note."

He took a few permission slips to leave the camp, glanced at them a few times, then glanced at Xiaosong Molizi who was still in shock, and said, "Don't do such things, if you really want to play with women, go find a place."

"Just... just teasing."

"I said 'make a joke', and it probably came true in the end."

"Hey, it's not a big deal for us. Even if the masters play, it's not a big deal. If you have the time, you should take care of others."

Several soldiers were quite dissatisfied, thinking that they had done nothing outrageous, so why not just molested the female subordinates?

Besides, so what if you really played it?Don't we even have this privilege in the Heavenly Soldiers of the King's Division?You must know that many women in Nagasaki tried their best to hook up with the officers and soldiers of the Ming army.

The soldiers didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that the gendarmes were treating them differently. For more than half a month, similar things had spread in the barracks, and very few people were punished.

The two gendarmes felt that their authority was being disrespected. They were clearly acting impartially, and now the instructions from the Headquarters are getting stricter and have nothing to do with "discriminatory treatment".

I don't know who scolded the dirty words first, and the usual backlog of emotions between the two sides broke out.

"Fuck your grandma! What the hell..."

"Your mother's running dogs, don't care about this, I've seen you guys unhappy a long time ago."

The vast majority of people hate being disciplined. Ordinary soldiers have always hated the gendarmes, and the gendarmes are often angry because they are busy cleaning up the mess caused by the soldiers every day because of their heavy workload.

So the two sides fought and fought on the street.

"Grass! Do you still have to laugh?"

"Damn it, how many of you want to have a gun?!"

Shouting and cursing while punching and kicking, the scene was quite intense.

Seeing this, Xiaosong Molizi planned to take advantage of the chaos and run away.

As a result, because she was too panicked and her steps were messy, she tripped over the uneven masonry road without paying attention.

The rough bricks scratched the palms of her hands and the knees of her legs, and the bright red blood oozed out all at once, and the pain that followed made her shed tears.

At this time, a blue-green figure appeared in front of her eyes, reaching out to grab her arm and pulling her up.

Jiang Ning originally planned to go to the Zachary General Hospital in the concession, where more than a dozen seriously ill officers and soldiers from the [-]st Marine Regiment were receiving treatment, but on the way, he ran into such a mess.

"Aren't you going to stop? Stop!"

He yelled a few times but it didn't work. The five people were still wrestling together, inseparable.

Frowning, he directly took out his own gun from the holster, and fired two shots into the sky.

The loud "bang bang" sound finally calmed down the soldiers. They each took two steps back slowly, and when they identified Jiang Ning's rank badge, they clasped their fists and saluted.

"Lawless! What a shame!" Jiang Ning put the pistol back into the holster with anger in his eyes, and asked in a cold voice, "What's going on?"

As the effect of adrenaline faded, the soldiers who had just fought each other grinned in pain, and the military police pacesetter clasped his fists in a polite manner: "Return to sir, these three people flirted with women in the street. quarrel..."

(End of this chapter)

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