
Chapter 490 The 1st Landing Expeditionary Force; British Special Forces

Chapter 490: The First Landing Expeditionary Force; British Special Forces

Zhou Changfeng has never stopped thinking about the formation model and has been exploring how to configure the best amphibious combat unit under the existing conditions.

There is no need to give up the advantages of easy delivery and deployment that the current Marine Brigade establishment has. Soldiers are expensive and fast, and a force that can move at a moment's notice is still quite valuable.

The improvement focuses on how to overcome the shortcomings of weakness.

Therefore, Zhou Changfeng considered the establishment of a Marine Division as an alternative. He summarized the experience and lessons from many battles over the past year and planned to try a more advanced and flexible formation model.

First, an independent landing combat command is established. The first echelon is a certain marine brigade, and the second echelon is powerful and heavy ground forces, including medium tank battalions, heavy howitzer battalions, infantry regiments or infantry divisions.

In addition, the command must be assigned a landing fleet including fire support ships, tank landing ships, amphibious assault ships, and light aircraft carriers. The commander of the command should have the authority to order the fleet to act, rather than leaving it to the navy to make its own decisions.

To this end, he also wrote a report to clarify its necessity.

"... When attacking, in addition to being blocked by enemy firepower, the landing force also has to face various complex situations such as landing on shoals and overcoming obstacles. The formation of the force must have the strongest possible firepower and complete support forces... A single marine brigade can only carry out shallow, close and deep attack missions, and is incapable of independently seizing large islands..."

The Ming Navy was very dissatisfied with this plan - the landing command actually still had full command? Is there any reason to tie the fleet near the island?

Many naval generals felt that Zhou had some evil intentions, perhaps because he wanted to gradually separate from the navy and eventually form an independent army!

That is the fourth military branch besides the army, navy and air force. It is unbelievable and absolutely unacceptable!

Zhou Changfeng: "..."

However, this also ignored Zhu Lingjing's own feelings. Naturally, she felt uncomfortable in her heart. She felt sad and lonely at being treated as a tool. She couldn't help but lament that she was born into a royal family and could not help herself.

"Some guys in the navy take their hats and money too seriously. They don't have any sense of the overall situation. They are so damn useless!"

Being accused of "forming an independent army and fighting for power and profit" is very sensitive in nature and is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Considering the overall situation, such a move does make sense.

This was an unexpected situation, and Zhou Changfeng was speechless.

"But if we just expand the scale without changing the command system, the effect will definitely not be that good." Zhou Changfeng added reluctantly.

Zhou Changfeng has always been a little slow about the political changes in the Ming Dynasty, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand.

"It doesn't matter, it's enough." Zhu Lingjing reminded again, "Don't turn a deaf ear to my words. This matter... keep a low profile."

After returning to China and Beijing, as soon as he entered the palace, he complained to Zhu Lingjing that some people in the navy did not know good and evil.

He met Zhu Lingjing's eyes and stared at each other in silence for six or seven seconds.

There was a strange look in the latter's eyes. After getting along with her for so many years, Zhou Changfeng thought he could understand her look.

The wily and scheming Zhu Shiyan did make the worst plan when he encountered an unexpected incident, that is, he chose Zhu Lingjing, who already had his own team, to succeed him and began to hand over power.

On the other hand, if you want to change your family, it's still too late.

But as the situation stabilized, Zhu Shiyan soon stopped transferring power and formed a team for King Jiang, Zhu Lingjing's younger brother. He suspended his unfinished studies and began to provide him with basic education as a politician.

The shift in the center of power will definitely be detrimental to his future ambitions. The risk of political competition is too high. If the Supreme Emperor can live a few more years, the actual power may gradually be transferred to King Jiang.

A difficult decision before Zhou was whether to continue to follow Zhu Lingjing?

If you continue to follow her, you must be prepared for the worst-case scenario in which Zhu Lingjing gives in sadly, and you will most likely be marginalized and given a sinecure with a high status but no real power.

Su Yiyi next to her smiled, and then calmly stated: "Zhou Daizhao, you have said nearly ten dirty words in front of the emperor so far, and you do not need to use honorifics more than twenty times."

Under such a background, Zhou Changfeng, who is a popular person under her, wants to do something sensitive? This is inappropriate.

"Isn't it normal for people to have concerns?" Zhu Lingjing said lightly: "You'd better be calm, otherwise you won't be decent."

Zhu Lingjing, who was wearing a blue and white dress, just glanced at him without saying a word.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I am sensible." He replied, and then added, "Since so many people are opposed, let's not touch the matter of fleet jurisdiction and expand it first."

Zhu Lingjing said "Hmm", nodded and said, "Have a good rest these days and wait until you get promoted."

"Your Majesty, can you be directly promoted to lieutenant general this time?" Zhou Changfeng couldn't help but smile.

"What a beautiful idea." Zhu Lingjing, who was speechless, picked up the seal and shook it slightly, then said angrily: "Is it a good thing to reach the sky in one step?"

"Ahem, Your Majesty, I was just joking."

"Just know what's interesting."

Interestingly, the elected members of the Consultative Yuan are very interested. Many people agree to separate the special powers and responsibilities and make them independent. This can effectively divide the huge Ming Navy.

Maybe these congressmen can be a good help?

In any case, the amphibious expeditionary force must have a separate fleet that can be directly commanded to maximize its effectiveness.

The places suitable for landing on an island are limited, and the enemy can completely wait and see. Large-scale landing operations have problems such as route planning and fleet dispatching.

At the same time, the minefields and obstacles placed by the enemy will affect the smooth deployment of the landing force. The already calibrated shooting elements can allow the defenders' artillery to quickly suppress the beachhead.

Zhou Changfeng is committed to enhancing the protective capabilities and communication coordination capabilities of the first echelon as much as possible while ensuring the rapid deployment of landing troops, and pursuing the rapid establishment of a stable beachhead.

According to his plan, the Military Production Bureau of the Ministry of War drafted a charter for the establishment of the landing group, but with slight adjustments in details.

The General Force Office of the First Landing Expeditionary Force is the center, mainly under the jurisdiction of the 1st Marine Corps Brigade, and is also equipped with two Army ocean-going mixed regiments, an Army field heavy artillery brigade, an Army assault tank battalion, and a vehicle transport regiment.

The Army's ocean-going mixed regiment is based on an ordinary infantry regiment with an additional infantry battalion and a medium-sized combat vehicle convoy.

At the same time, it is very important that all regiment-affiliated infantry and artillery units of the landing expedition force are mechanized, and the reconnaissance units are also semi-mechanized.

The regiment's infantry artillery team's four Type 4 112mm infantry guns were upgraded to eight Type 8 wheeled assault guns.

The scout platoon of the regiment's direct team also received six Type 6 wheeled reconnaissance vehicles, which were upgraded from semi-motorized to mechanized.

突击炮和侦察车实际上是同一车辆的两种型号——去年周某人视察武汉扬越公司时的图纸如今已经投产。    突击炮型号安装一门一八式80㎜山炮作为主武器,车内备弹22发;侦察车型号则使用一门老旧的厄利孔型20㎜高射炮,备弹240发。

There are too many old-fashioned Oerlikon cannons that have been phased out in the Ming Dynasty. There were thousands of imported and self-produced cannons in the Ming Dynasty. Although they are now replaced by Type 20.8 and Type mm anti-aircraft guns, their performance is still very good.

When used for ground shooting, its slightly outdated anti-air performance suddenly became insignificant. In fact, the US military currently has nothing except the M2A1 medium tank that can withstand the firing of the old Oerlikon cannon.

A Type 112 or 2.3 2.64mm howitzer costs yuan. The purchase price of such a cheap and useful assault gun or reconnaissance vehicle is only yuan, which is really a bargain.

In addition, technical equipment that is inconspicuous but more important than weapons has also made great progress.

The number of radios will be further increased from three to five per infantry battalion.

This will further enhance the coordination capabilities of various arms and significantly increase combat efficiency, which is even more effective than replacing front-line units with cutting-edge automatic rifles.

Convenient and easy-to-use walkie-talkies have always been very popular among grassroots soldiers. Unfortunately, the number is limited and has the disadvantages of poor signal, heavy weight, and fast power consumption.

Shanghai Yongchang Electric Co., Ltd. is well aware of the huge profit returns and strongly supports the development of this equipment with extraordinary potential.

The next-generation product of the Type 36 radio phone has now been handed over to the Ordnance Bureau for testing. The trial-produced Type 40 radio phone has increased the communication distance, improved stability, and extended the life while maintaining the same weight.

Its working frequency is 36MHz and its total weight is 16kg. Under normal circumstances, the voice communication distance is 4km and the telegraph transmission distance can reach 15km.

Taken together, the paper data of the First Landing Expeditionary Force are quite astonishing. Looking at the world, it is the only amphibious invasion force, which is daunting.

After three years of his hard work, the 1st Marine Regiment and now the 1st Marine Brigade have rich practical experience, and the internal atmosphere is far more positive than other units.

At that time, inspired by the historical practices of Major Carlson, he tried out some military democratic methods in the 1st Marine Regiment - including a beggars version of "officers and soldiers integrated" and "soldier committees".

Moreover, the 1st Marine Regiment and now the 1st Marine Brigade have implemented the doctrine of "making every soldier as clear as possible about the purpose of the war", which has significantly improved morale and subjective initiative.

In addition, the Marine Corps of the Ming Dynasty is the biological son of the navy, and their salaries and benefits are good. Both the material and spiritual levels can meet the needs of ordinary soldiers. It is not surprising that the morale and atmosphere are high.

Interestingly, generals from other armies also learned from others, but few of them persisted to the end.

Such internal reforms are stressful - they will make officers lose face and lose their status, so most generals who try to imitate have to give up their attempts in the end. After all, not everyone has the backing and perseverance like Zhou.

The ones who have been more successful in imitating mainly include the 1st Parachute Regiment of the Air Force, the Yiluan Division, and the 2nd Marine Brigade. Yan Chenwu is not ashamed to learn, and his background is strong enough, and he wholeheartedly wants to make his subordinates stronger.

Yiluan Division is a bit special. On the one hand, Cai Zhichen himself is very far-sighted. On the other hand, the combat model of the special forces can easily erase the difference between "officers" and "soldiers."

As for his promotion, Zhou Changfeng didn't care much - he had already gone through so many battles, so promotion was a matter of course.

He is just a major general, how can he run away?

"That's great. Zhou Kexing, all your previous achievements will be wiped out. The next higher level will be a major general. In terms of rank... the second rank, this was a high official in the imperial court in ancient times."

Upon learning that the emperor had promised a promotion, Xia Xiaoshi was even more delighted than Zhou Changfeng.

Zhou Changfeng, who couldn't laugh or cry, reached out and pinched her cheek, and said with a smile: "Xiao Shi, you must have used this idiom inappropriately. This is not a debt owed."

"Oh, why isn't it a debt? Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find. If someone else were to lead the army, the court would have lost many more soldiers, horses, chariots, and cannons, right?"

Zhou Changfeng couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Sharp-tongued Xiao Shi, you've learned badly from those ladies."

"Humph, I should say eloquent!" Xia Xiaoshi said proudly: "When I spoke at the banquet, they all listened obediently!"

"This shows that my poems are excellent, right?" Zhou Changfeng complimented her casually, and then reminded: "Recently, some guys have demonized and interpreted my proposal. You should pay attention."

"Huh? What's wrong with them?"

So Zhou Changfeng explained to his wife the ins and outs of the landing group's fight for unified command of the fleet.

The latter didn't take it seriously and said contemptuously: "They are ignorant and full of malice. They will definitely regret it in the future!"

"It turns out that those who hold us back are often more annoying than our enemies." Zhou Changfeng shrugged helplessly.

On this day, when the imperial capital Yingtian Mansion was submerged in the night, the Malayan Peninsula...

Penang, which is further to the west, has not yet seen the sunset, and the setting sun is still nearly two fists high from the sea level in the west.

A black shadow gradually emerged, and soon a submarine suddenly emerged from the sea.

The hatch cover immediately opened, and figures emerged from it, and then jumped onto the front deck of the boat.

Several boats tied outside were also untied. They boarded the boats one after another and soon headed towards the southeastern shore. The submarine also dived and disappeared on the sea a few minutes later.

The informant who was under strong protection was unexpectedly attacked in Batavia. Glenda, the director of MI6's Batavia site, was ridiculed.

However, he was not inspired by this and decided to create an infiltration team with similar functions.

After several years of hard work, although he encountered obstacles everywhere, he still met a like-minded Army Captain Girod, and then successfully formed a special operations team.

After the war broke out, the British army was retreating steadily, and it was temporarily impossible to launch a counterattack through regular forces. In this case, a surprise attack by unconventional forces became a good method worth trying.

After all, war is about weakening the enemy by any means necessary.

This unit is temporarily called the Long Range Jungle Detachment. Its members come from the British Indian Army, the British Gurkha Battalion, and British local volunteers, with a total number of 47 people.

This time, they dispatched 22 people and set off from the Colombo Naval Base in Sri Lanka on the Trident submarine and went to Penang under the control of the Ming army to carry out the first surprise attack.

"Boss, two miles!"

"Check your weapons and get ready to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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