Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 104 Me: The Empress Dowager of Qin

Chapter 104 Me: The Empress Dowager of Qin (At the beginning of the month, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass)
throw in the towel?How could Yang Ming admit defeat? Did he practice martial arts for so many years just to make himself admit defeat?

Amidst Wei He's worry and Queen Mother Zhao's curiosity, facing the enemy's impenetrable sword energy, Yang Ming fought with the style of Fengshen's legs, rain and wind.

The opponent's sword energy is impenetrable, but what about a gust of wind?
Under Yang Ming's offensive, the swordsman who shot also felt a heavy pressure. She came from Luowang. Although she is no longer in the peak state because of old age, she was for Luowang Tianzi's first-class killer when she was at the peak. Even if the peak is no longer there, it is enough to deal with any opponent whose strength is not at the top.

But now?

When she once again used the sword energy to disperse a leg strength, she felt a sense of powerlessness. Although the sword energy was sharp, the consumption was also not small, especially when Yang Ming pulled away from her with his almost ghostly speed. , when confronting her with a long-range attack that doesn't count consumption, it made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Because she found that Yang Ming's internal strength is unbelievable. Even under such a fierce attack, she gradually felt powerless, but Yang Ming did not see the slightest fatigue from the beginning to the end. .

You know, her strength is higher than Yang Ming's.

Thinking of this, she decided to use offense as defense. She had already realized that the current fighting style was exactly what Yang Ming wanted to see. In this case, she had to close the distance so that Yang Ming's kicking skills could not be used. However, she was able to defeat Yang Ming with her richer experience and more subtle sword moves.

The next moment, her sword's posture changed suddenly, she drew a dagger from the hilt, and used the dagger to break Yang Ming's attack. The long sword attacked like Yang Ming, and while Yang Ming resisted the attack, she bullied In an instant, he rushed to Yang Ming's face, and the dagger stabbed sharply at Yang Ming's chest.

Her almost-killing sword seemed to have stabbed the target, but it just seemed that, the next moment, a look of shock appeared on her face. Her sword did stab, but only a cloak was hit, and the cloak fell to the ground. , a huge shadow enveloped her.

in the sky.She subconsciously looked towards the sky. At this time, the originally clear sky above her head was shrouded in black clouds.

It was a trick, he has been waiting for me to get close.She didn't care about being shocked at this moment, crossed the long and short swords in front of her body, summoned up all her internal strength and sent out a Yi-shaped sword energy to meet the cloud waterfall falling from the sky.

Who the hell is this kid from that family? Even though he is already so good at martial arts, he always likes to play dirty tricks.In the next moment, even though she had been an assassin for 40 years, she had countless dead souls under her command, and her state of mind, which had gone through countless life and death battles, also had a tendency to break her defenses.

She struck between the clouds with almost all her strength, as if hitting the invisible void, the sword energy disappeared into the sky, but the cloud energy did not abate a bit.

Of course she didn't know that this is the method of Paiyun Zhang's change of virtuality and reality, using fiction to lure reality, and then using reality to attack the enemy's fiction.

However, now that she knows, in her sight, the clouds all over the sky turned into black cloud dragons rushing toward her with fangs and claws, and she could only watch helplessly as she was hit by the clouds with her old strength gone. In the meantime, her whole body has been shrouded in the black cloud world.

What's this?Looking at the black cloud covering her body, she only felt that there seemed to be a problem with her five senses. She couldn't hear the figure outside, couldn't see anything other than the cloud, and, deep in the cloud, there seemed to be something surge.

"Xiao Yuan, why did you kill me?" Suddenly, an illusory figure rushed out from the depths of the cloud.

"He?" Seeing that illusory figure, she couldn't help but look aside. She knew the person in front of her. It was the assassination target when she was 40 years old, when she was on her first mission 11 years ago.

At that time, this person's martial arts were far superior to hers, but she used her advantage of being young to pretend to be pitiful, and successfully approached the opponent. When the opponent was not wary of her, she suddenly attacked the killer and killed her with one blow. .

It was precisely because of this mission that she came into the eyes of Luo Wang's senior management. In the following years, she grew step by step into Luo Wang's first-class Tianzi killer. Four years ago, she was favored by the Queen Mother Zhao and became one of the few. A killer who can get out of a snare while alive.

That was the first time she killed someone, and the only time she took advantage of someone else's kindness to kill someone.

But the person now has reappeared, is he alive, or am I dead?For a while, the scene that she deeply hid in the depths of her memory and didn't want to recall appeared in front of her.

Facing the roar of the illusory figure, she actually forgot to resist, and just stood there in a daze.

This is the No.11 form of Paiyunzhang: Yunlai Fairyland.

Putting the enemy in the cloud, confusing their senses, the cloud can also make the opponent hallucinate, see the most feared scene, this is a murderous move.

Yang Ming, who landed on the ground, was about to make up for the killing blow, but his raised palm stopped in mid-air.

"Brother, can you be merciful, the Ai family is just such a decent guard." At the end of Yang Ming's line of sight, the woman in the bright red palace dress said in a lazy but inexplicable tone.

"Yang Ming, don't hurry to see the Queen Mother."

Queen Mother?Hearing this title and looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Yang Ming could only think of one person. Although there were three empress dowagers in Xianyang, there was only one person with such a graceful figure at his age. Qin Wangzheng's birth mother, Zhao Ji Zhao Queen Mother.

Thinking of the identity of the person in front of him, another piece of information about Zhao Ji from memory appeared in Yang Ming's mind. Such a person...
For a time, countless pictures came one after another.

Yang Ming's reaction fell into Wei Tie's eyes, and the old man who thought he had seen the world couldn't help but panic, and was about to continue to remind Yang Ming, but Zhao Ji had already laughed out loud.

Her laughter is also very pleasant, especially in the quiet courtyard, in Jingyi, the charm of her laughter is displayed to the limit.

It was impolite for Yang Ming's reaction to fall on Wei He's eyes, but in Zhao Ji's view, it had a different meaning. She is a very boring person, so she always wants to meet some interesting people and interesting things.

"Yang Ming has seen the Queen Mother." Yang Ming said with a military salute.

"Maybe he's going to be released now?" Zhao Ji looked at Yang Ming, who had regained his composure for a moment, with a different meaning in his eyes.

"Yes." In Yang Ming's thought, the world of cloud and gas had disappeared, revealing the 'guard' with a pale face of death.

"Your martial arts are very good. You can defeat me, a carefully selected guard at such a young age." Zhao Ji looked Yang Ming up and down, as if she had discovered some novel toy.

Yang Ming didn't like Zhao Ji's eyes very much, especially when he thought of some of Zhao Ji's wind comments recorded in history, Yang Ming's dislike was even deeper.

Although Zhao Ji is indeed very beautiful, even if the current Zi Nu and Concubine Yan are compared with her, although they may not lose much in beauty, but because they lack six points of charm, they are still not as beautiful as Zhao Ji.

But what does it matter to Yang Ming whether the queen mother of a country is beautiful or not?
"Interesting, what did I do to make others hate me?" Zhao Ji, who had been paying attention to Yang Ming from the beginning to the end, was very keen to catch the flash in Yang Ming's eyes. dislike.

Zhao Ji, who was used to a man's other gaze, couldn't help feeling a strange emotion.

Some people do have reasons to hate me, but why do you hate me?Don't you know that I am the majestic Queen Mother of Qin?Don't you know that I can decide your life and death with one word?

At this time, Zhao Ji thought a lot, but she didn't feel angry.

However, this seems to be quite interesting, and I was inexplicably hated.In recent years, the Queen Mother of Qin, who has become more and more unscrupulous under the shroud of power, can't help giving birth to the rebellious thoughts that only a girl can have.

"It was the empress dowager's guards who were merciful, so I managed to get a little bit of a bargain." Yang Ming, who didn't know why Zhao Ji appeared in such a sudden way, could only answer honestly.

"Brother, what about your arrogance just now? How can you be arrogant and respectful now?" Facing Yang Ming's sense of humor, Zhao Ji didn't intend to let Yang Ming go so simply, but used her queen mother's airs .

"Arrogance is due to ignorance. Now that I know the Queen Mother is here, I dare not." Yang Ming replied.

"Don't you dare? I think you are quite courageous." Zhao Ji said.

Immediately, I didn't know what I thought of, and a smile appeared on the delicate face: "But you are a young man, it's normal to be bolder, I think you have good martial arts, do you want to be a guard by Ai's house? Don't think about refusing, coming to Aijia's side is only good for you, what you are after is just raising your hand and moving your mouth for Aijia."

"I am now the imperial guard of Ganquan Palace." Faced with Zhao Ji's temptation, Yang Ming did not want to have too much involvement with the Queen Mother.

"Are you reminding me to ask your Shangguan what you mean?" Facing Yang Ming's suspected refusal, Zhao Ji looked at Wei Wei: "You are the captain of Ganquan Palace, right? The Ai family wants to take him away , do you have any opinion?"

"Reporting to the Empress Dowager, Yang Ming is young and ignorant, and his temperament is not calm. He may not be competent to follow the Empress Dowager." Wei He's answer was beyond Zhao Ji's expectations.

"This is interesting. In a short period of time, Ai's family was rejected twice." Zhao Ji pondered, with a little annoyance already appearing on her expression.

Although she found Yang Ming interesting and didn't mind putting more thought on him, but that was all. Being disobedient twice in a row already made her angry.

"You, a Shangguan, are not very knowledgeable, so it's better to find someone else. Your name is Yang Ming, isn't it? The contest between you and the guard of the Ai family just now made the Ai family very satisfied. Since you don't want to go back with the Ai family, the Ai family will also There is only another way to reward you."

As Zhao Ji spoke, she showed a malicious smile, looked at Wei He and said, "Now, Yang Ming, you are the school captain of Ganquan Palace, you don't want to go against Ai's wishes, do you?"

"I don't dare to be in a humble position." Wei He replied hastily.

"Then you haven't seen your superior yet." Zhao Ji said, holding the Queen Mother's majesty.

"I'll pay my respects to Captain Captain." Wei Wei could only kneel down on one knee to Yang Ming honestly at this time, and use the big ceremony in the army. Of course, he can also use the small ceremony in the army, but he has already seen that Zhao Ji is deliberately making things difficult for him and himself. As Yang Ming and him, he naturally knew what he should do to satisfy Zhao Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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