Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 106 Orchid is 4 years old

Chapter 106 Orchid is 14 years old

Yingge's martial arts are good, and Hu Ji used to be someone who dared to fight Yang Ming head-on. Although she was only killed by a single move, she still has martial arts. It's something women can't do.

Such as carrying things such as work.

Although the house can be rented, things like desks, cabinets, and mats are also given away by the former landlord, but things like beds can only be chosen by Yingge and Orchid.

And the bed of this era is a very complicated piece of furniture, and it is by no means something that can be solved by putting together a few boards and adding four legs.

In the master bedroom, Ying Ge and Hu Ji carefully squatted aside, waiting for Yang Ming's orders at any time, while Yang Ming was sweating profusely at this time, using pieces of wood to assemble the bed that could barely see the outline .

This bed seems to be a bit complicated, at least the degree of complexity is beyond Yang Ming's expectation, but his hand that can crack a monument can't help trembling at this moment.

Who would have known that people in this era have already started selling this kind of combination bed, but when one thinks of the black-tech mechanism techniques of the Mohists and Gongloists, the appearance of such a complicated combination bed seems to be a matter of course .

However, this is difficult for Yang Ming. In his previous life, his hands-on ability was not very good. Although his hands-on ability has been greatly improved in this life, his improvement is limited to fighting or killing people. , but there is no improvement at all.

Yang Ming, who had misplaced a piece of wood again, couldn't help complaining: "Yingge, what kind of bed did you buy?"

"Master, I don't know either." Parrot Song, who was squatting on the ground, raised her head and said with big innocent eyes.

"I don't know if you still buy it?" Yang Ming, who was tortured and almost lost his patience, said angrily.

"But I know this bed is the best." Parrot Song said innocently.

"How do you know if it's good or not?" Yang Ming asked after taking a bed board from Hu Ji again.

"Because it's expensive. Expensive ones are definitely better." Yingge seems to be just a naive maid now, and the night female killer who designed to surround and kill Yang Ming has disappeared.

"Expensive? This is your reason? Don't pretend, do it yourself." Frustrated again, Yang Ming simply gave up struggling and walked away from the bed where he had time to get his four legs together.

"Yingge is willing to relieve the master's worries." Yingge said, stood up, and squeezed from Yang Ming's side to the side of the bed.

Yingge didn't pick up the bed board at the first time, but slowly stretched his hand into his arms. Under Yang Ming's astonished gaze, he took out a piece of silk from the staggered front of his chest, and immediately Bending down, slowly spread the silk on the bed.

Yang Ming looked intently, and saw that there were pictures of deconstruction of the bed on it. Thinking of his embarrassment just now, Yang Ming opened his mouth subconsciously, and a fact was clearly laid out in front of him. The maid of 'Zhongliang' was cheated.

"You..." Yang Ming pointed at the piece of silk, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Master, after coming to Xianyang, your vigilance has dropped a lot." Yingge, who was constantly testing Yang Ming's bottom line, preempted it.

"You're right, it's my problem. Recently, I've lived too comfortably." Yang Ming sighed.

Have you been too indulgent with yourself after staying out of danger?Yang Ming thought in his heart, and began to recall his experiences during the period after he and Zi Nu separated.

Bend down, and follow the steps in the map to assemble the parrot song on the bed. I haven't heard Yang Ming's voice for a long time. I turned my head subconsciously, but I saw Yang Ming staring straight ahead in a daze. I don't know what he was thinking. .

Yingge's head followed Yang Ming's line of sight, and was seeing the curve of her back. In the almost perfect curve of her back, the point where Yang Ming's line of sight fell seemed to be...

Yingge, who suddenly realized something, hastily turned his gaze, and the two legs that were slightly bowed because of bending down were subconsciously brought together. It seemed that he had been hit by an arrow there, and his heart was beating uncontrollably. up.

Yang Ming, when this name appeared in front of Yingge for the first time, it didn't cause much trouble. It was just a fish that slipped through the net during the night mission. If it wasn't for the reason of Xuenv, a top night killer like her wouldn't have Going to Yanmen County, waiting for Yang Ming and Xuenv to fall into the trap.

Before that, she just regarded Yang Ming as an ordinary mission target among her countless missions, but it became a little troublesome due to some unexpected factors.

But when she waited for the two "rabbits" at Sima's house with the night killer, she was shocked to find that they were not the "rabbits" she was waiting for at all, but tigers grinding their teeth and sucking blood.

A team of killers was nearly wiped out, and only one escaped with serious injuries. Even she herself was seriously injured and thrown into the death row in Yanmen.

In the darkened death row, she held her longing for life, endured severe pain and desperate circumstances, and struggled bitterly. In despair, just when she was about to give up her life, Yang Ming appeared in front of her again. In the darkness, he stretched out his palm to her and pulled her into the light.

No one knows how meaningful it is for Yingge to feel the temperature when he holds Yang Ming's palm when Yingge is about to meet his death.

Yingge didn't have much resistance to becoming Yang Ming's maid. She was a killer and she had never seen anything before, especially after seeing the relationship between Yang Ming and Zi Nu. envy.

After arriving in Xianyang, less than half a month has passed, but during this half month, Yingge has experienced a brand new life, a life that she had longed for when she was a child .

Especially in the story told by Yang Ming that night, she was immersed in it unconsciously. In her mind, the once terrifying memory was undergoing transformation.

This kind of transformation makes her look forward to, but also makes her afraid.

And just now, it was her trial of Yang Ming.

Fortunately... Thinking of this, Yingge's cheeks couldn't help showing a faint blush.

I'm just powerless to resist, anyway, the maid is going to go that way anyway.Yingge was thinking, but the wooden plank in his hand accidentally fell down and hit his foot.

In a cry of pain, there was a malicious laughter.

As the evening approached, the courtyard belonging to Yang Ming was almost furnished. Yang Ming was sitting in the courtyard sipping hot tea, Orchid was stewing mutton in the kitchen, and Yingge was standing under the eaves, holding a cup of tea in his hand. With a string of bells to hang on the eaves.

Looking at Yingge who was struggling on tiptoe but always out of reach, Yang Ming also smiled. Yingge said that he had relaxed his vigilance after coming to Xianyang, so it is possible that this female killer has forgotten her past.

What used to be solved with light work, but now Yingge is so laborious to grab the hook under the eaves. Is this kind of life good or bad?
Born in sorrow, die in peace?Yang Ming didn't want to think about it anymore, he simply put down the teacup in his hand and walked towards Yingge.

In Yingge's exclamation, Yang Ming directly hugged her legs and lifted her up: "Now you can hang it up."

"Ah?" A weightless parrot song shook his arms, causing the bell in his hand to ring chaotically and melodiously, just like the current parrot song.

Looking down at Yang Ming, Yingge hastily hung the bell in his hand under the eaves, then tore off the ribbon in his hair and tied a slipknot on the hook.

"Master, you can let me down now." Yingge said calmly, only feeling that the thigh was extremely hot on the place covered by Yang Ming's palm.

"Then you have to be steady, don't fall." Yang Ming said, and slowly put the parrot down.

The moment Yingge's feet touched the ground, she staggered a little. Nervously, she quickly grabbed Yang Ming's arm, and the pearls in her hair shook, just like her mood at this time.

"You look more and more like a maid now." Yang Ming looked at the panicked Yingge and said in an inexplicable tone.

"The parrot song was originally a maid." Parrot song said.

While the two were talking, Orchid had already walked out of the kitchen carrying the food.

This Hu girl's cooking skills are not bad, but this is only based on her identity as a Hu. She is good, but in fact it is just a plate of barbecue, a pot of stewed mutton and a few bowls of corn rice.

"Today is a good day, come and have a drink." Yang Ming, who was sitting around the stone table in the courtyard, offered three glasses of wine.

"The first glass is for moving into a new home." Yingge took the wine glass with both hands and said.

The Orchid next to her took the wine glass after a little reaction. This is a Hu girl who is not very good at 'foreign language'.

As the first glass of wine was exhausted, Yingge had already picked up the glass and refilled the wine for the three of them.

Now it was Yang Ming's turn to raise his glass: "This second glass of wine is to celebrate your master, I got a small official position."

"The master has become an official? What official position?" Yingge said in surprise. She has completely brought herself into the maiden's place, and she can't hide her surprise when facing a small official position, even the Korean bureaucrat who died in her hands. Not much.

"Lieutenant of Ganquan Palace." Yang Ming said.

"That's a good celebration." Parrot Song nodded.

Hu Ji on the side has learned to be smart this time. Although she can't understand the words, her eyes can follow.

"This third glass of wine?" Yang Ming, who was aroused by alcohol, poured out the third glass of wine for the three of them.

"What's the name of the third glass of wine?" Yingge asked eagerly.

"This third glass of wine..." Yang Ming pondered, his eyes flicked across the faces of Ying Ge and Hu Ji.

Amid Yingge's expectation and Orchid's confusion, Yang Ming said, "For our Orchid."

"For our orchid." Parrot Song was a little disappointed, but still raised his glass.

Hu Ji also followed Yang Ming and Yingge's example and raised the wine glass, bringing it to her lips. Just as she was about to drink the wine, two lights suddenly flashed in Hu Ji's bewildered eyes, a little blunt In the accent: "How does the master know my birthday?"

Both eyes looked at Hu Ji in unison.

"Hu Ji, is your birthday? How old is this year?" Yingge asked.

Hu Ji was thinking, as if she was translating Yingge's question into Hu language, and then translated Hu language into a language that Yang Ming and Yingge could understand. After a while, Hu Ji said: "14 years old."

"14 years old?" Hearing this number, Yang Ming looked at Hu Ji subconsciously. Even though she had replaced the narrow-shouldered and low-cut Hu Ji she used to wear, her tall and proud figure was still not enough for a wide skirt. Obscuring.

Is it possible that such a bearded woman who can almost make adult women feel ashamed said that she is only 14 years old now?
This is 14 years old?Is it too much to say Chengdu?

Yang Ming looked at Hu Ji, and many pictures appeared in his mind for a while.

Under Yang Ming's gaze, Hu Ji couldn't help lowering her head. With her movements, she showed the height of a certain place in front of her more domineeringly. The faces are intertwined in one place, such a difficult movement, and how many women can do it.

Could it be that Hu Nu was really so domineering when she drank milk and ate meat since she was a child?Yang Ming thought strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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