Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 109 The Tormenting Night

Chapter 109 The Tormenting Night (Subscribe)
Before the curfew, Yang Ming drunkenly walked out of the back door of Jinghua Garden with the support of Li Wu and Yu'er. Yang Ming, who was already staggering, could only walk unsteadily towards Li Wu with the support of two girls. Good carriage.

Li Wu didn't know why, but she always found various reasons to pour Yang Ming's wine tonight, and even let the fish fight in the end.

On the other side, there was Wei Wei who was yelling with ulterior motives, so Yang Ming was drunk, at least now it seemed that Yang Ming was indeed drunk, and he was not lightly drunk.

And will Yang Ming get drunk?Of course not, he has already practiced Cloud Pai Zhang to the No.11 style, and his internal strength is hardly inferior to that of a first-class master. What's more, the special ability of Cloud Pai Palm in water makes Yang Ming If he doesn't want to get drunk, no one can make him drunk.

It's just that the Huakui girl wanted to get Yang Ming drunk, and Yang Ming, who didn't know her purpose, simply followed her plan. He wanted to see what this female killer was planning on him.

Under the moonlight, Li Wu boarded the carriage first, then bent down and stretched out her hands to hold Yang Ming. Beside Yang Ming, there was a fish holding Yang Ming's arm to support Yang Ming, preventing him from falling.

The two girls were both proficient in martial arts, but at this moment, facing a drunk man, they were exhausted and out of breath. After letting the two girls toss for a long time, Yang Ming, whose body was limp, could not get on the carriage.

Yu'er, who seemed to be supporting Yang Ming, but was actually almost half-embraced by Yang Ming, gradually became impatient. After carefully observing the surroundings, he saw that there was no extra line of sight lingering here. Afterwards, Yu'er directly lifted Yang Ming's belt, secretly channeled his internal energy, and threw Yang Ming's body weighing more than 100 kilograms into the carriage.

Li Wu looked at Yu'er who boarded the carriage in astonishment, but she couldn't react for a while. When she turned her eyes to Yang Ming who was lying in the carriage and didn't know why, she realized clearly that she What I saw just now was not an illusion.

She really used martial arts to throw Yang Ming up, but, how could this be something she did?

For her senior Luo Wang, Li Wu is very afraid, but apart from being afraid, she also has admiration. After all, the two are about the same age, but the other party is already a first-class killer in Tianzi, while she is only a killer.

In addition, what Li Wu admires even more is the professionalism of the other party. In order to carry out the next assassination mission, she does not hesitate to commit herself to the brothel to observe the life of the brothel women, even if they are bullied by the brothel women or customers. She can bear all the difficulties, you know, she is not without the strength to resist.

This is an extremely dedicated killer, but it is such a killer that even Li Wu admires. Just now, when he failed to control himself, he directly used martial arts.

What exactly is going on?Li Wu thought about it, and the carriage was already driven by Yu'er to a distant place. Before, they had already asked about the location of Yang Ming's residence when Yang Ming was barely conscious.

In the carriage, Li Wu hugged Yang Ming intimately, let his neck rest on her lap, and even helped Yang Ming comb his long hair at the temples with his fingers.

I don't know if it's because of the mission, but after accepting the fact that she might belong to Yang Ming in the future, Li Wu likes Yang Ming more and more at this time.

"Perhaps, my future life is really going to be in your hands. You must be brave. I don't want to be a female killer anymore. It's really too difficult." Li Wu looked drunk but delirious The unclear Yang Ming said in a soft voice.

Under the night, the carriage quickly shuttled through the streets of Xianyang City, and finally arrived in front of a small courtyard before the curfew.

As the fish gently knocked on the courtyard door, there was a rush of footsteps from inside, and soon, the tightly closed courtyard door opened, revealing two pretty sleepy faces from inside.

"Is this Yang Ming's home?" Li Wu poked her head out of the carriage and asked the two people who appeared behind the door.

"It's the master's house, you are..., Miss Li Wu?" Ying Ge looked at Li Wu, and suddenly remembered that she had walked with this person before.

"It turned out to be Miss Yingge. It was too dark just now, so I couldn't recognize him at a glance. Yang Ming was drunk. I will send him back. Miss Yingge also came to help. The drunk person is too heavy. We Two people can't move it." Li Wu opened the car door, allowing Ying Ge to see Yang Ming in the car.

"Master, is he drunk?" Yingge asked unexpectedly, but the situation at this time did not allow her to have too many surprises, and hurried forward, "Please trouble Miss Liwu and this sister to help the master to my back Come up."

Parrot Song said and bent down in front of the carriage.

"Miss Parrot Song, can you do it alone?" Li Wu pretended to be concerned.

Of course Li Wu knew who Yingge was. According to Luo Wang's information, it was recorded that she was a female assassin who came from the night scene.

"No problem, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I still have a lot of strength." Yingge said.

"Okay then." With the help of two fake weak girls, Yingge carried Yang Ming on his back and walked towards the yard. At this time, a watchman walked by, and it turned out that it was already curfew time.

"This is troublesome. After the curfew, no one is allowed to walk outside except the soldiers patrolling the city. How can we go back here?" Li Wu asked anxiously.

"If Miss Liwu doesn't dislike this place, she can stay here and leave tomorrow." Yingge turned her head back.

"Is this appropriate?" Li Wu hesitated.

"It's nothing, Hu Ji and I squeezed into the master's room, leaving our own room for the two of you, Miss Li Wu. It just so happens that the master can't live without people tonight." Yingge said.

"That's going to be troublesome." Li Wu jumped off the carriageway, the hesitation in her expression was just a fake moment, and now is her real goal.

After a lot of tossing, when Ying Ge and Hu Ji settled Li Wu's master and servant, and helped Yang Ming wipe his face, wash his feet, and put him under the bed, they were both tired because of their physiques. Unclear, the two panted slightly and looked at Yang Ming who was sleeping soundly on the bed, but for a while they felt troubled.

The top private rooms of different inns here also have something like a soft couch. In this room, there is only one couch. Although the couch is big enough, but...

For a moment, Yingge and Orchid looked at each other, and both faced difficulties.

Just when Yingge was hesitating, Orchid turned ruthless, and walked directly towards the bed. In Yingge's shocked sight, Orchid had already taken off her thick coat, and with a thump, she had already jumped from the end of the bed. Chu turned into the bed, and after a while of grunting, got his head out from the head of the bed.

"What are you going to do?" Parrot Song said in shock.

"Do nothing, sleep." Hu Ji muttered, turned over, and went to sleep without any burden.

Listening to Orchid's soft breathing, Yingge was even more embarrassed.

What should I do?Why can't we also imitate Hu Ji?No, no, Hu Ji is a barbarian, barbarians may not pay attention to these things after all, but I am not a barbarian, I can't be so, so...

What the hell is going on?Ying Ge, who was thinking of sitting with Orchid all night, didn't know what to do.

Forget it, Hu Ji was meant to be a bed-warming maid, so I can't follow her example. It's not like I haven't experienced sleeping in the open, at least I still have a house now?
After thinking about it, Yingge came to the table by the window, knelt down and put her arms on the table.

So be it.Parrot Song dragged her cheeks with her hands, and slowly closed her eyes.

Yingge, who used to be able to fall asleep even in the wild, has insomnia tonight. Yingge opened his eyes in a daze, but saw that the night outside was getting thicker. Although the moon had already slanted, it was still hanging high in the sky. There is still a long time to go.

"How long have I been asleep?" Yingge twisted her almost stiff neck, but felt that her forearms were sore and her legs were also numb.

Yingge stood up and moved her limbs in the room. She just felt that sleeping tonight was too uncomfortable. She had experienced more difficult conditions than tonight.

But wasn't it so painful back then?Parrot Song thought puzzledly.

As she walked around the room, she didn't know whether her gaze was cast in the direction of the bed intentionally or unintentionally.

There, there were two very slight snoring sounds one after another, one of which was dull and long.

Yingge stared intently, taking advantage of the moonlight scattered into the room through the window, a complete picture was presented in front of her.

Although young, the extremely tall Hu Ji had shrunk into a ball at this time, leaning against Yang Ming and sleeping soundly, while Yang Ming was still lying on his back, breathing deeply and far away, looking very sleepy. Look steady.

Seeing the two of them sleeping, Yingge only felt that his neck became more stiff, his arms became more sore, and even his calf, which was already moving, became uncomfortable at this time.

"It's really nothing to have Orchid in front of me, and he's already fast asleep. As long as I don't take off my clothes, it's nothing." Yingge thought uncontrollably.

Driven by subconsciousness, her legs have subconsciously moved towards the bed.

"No, it's not a question of whether it's okay or not. Once you lie on this bed, you will be in big trouble in the future. Once this kind of thing starts, then..." Yingge thought, and suddenly controlled her pace. .

"It's not a matter of substantive contact, but an attitude. If I cross the line and let him misunderstand, then?" Yingge thought about it and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

While Yingge was meditating, Hu Ji turned over, and then she didn't know what she was dreaming of, and even more dazedly grabbed Yang Ming's arm and hugged it tightly in front of her body, caressing Yang Ming with her small face. Ming's arm, and then muttered a nonsense that maybe even she couldn't understand, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Yingge looked at everything that happened just now in astonishment, struggling between expressions: "I'm leaning against the end of the bed to rest, it's not crossing the line, right? As long as I don't lie down."

(End of this chapter)

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