Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 115 The net hurts people's feelings

Chapter 115 The net hurts people's feelings (add 1 for the leader's face)

"External move?" Lu Qi looked at the murderous Lai Ai, but couldn't realize for a while, is this his friend?

"That's right, the martial arts competition is coming up tomorrow, and it's impossible for me to improve my martial arts. The only thing I can do is to weaken Yang Ming's strength, so that I can be sure of winning." Lao Ai said.

"You want to use the power of the net to assassinate Yang Ming and injure him?" Lu Qi had already reacted at this time: "No, I have other arrangements for Yang Ming, so I can't offend him."

"Brother Lu, did you forget that I am also caught in the net, how can I not know the 'rare goods' that Brother Lu is looking for, I do this, in fact, kill two birds with one stone, that is, I can get the position of captain of Oasis Palace, and I can also get the position of captain of the Oasis Palace. Let Brother Lu take Yang Ming under his command." Lai Ai said as if I had already calculated everything.

"How do you say that?" Lu Qi asked.

"Brother Lu, you said that if I become the captain of Ganquan Palace, what else can Yang Ming do? He is very strong in martial arts. Judging from his previous behavior style, he seems cautious, but in fact he is arrogant. Such an extremely confident Man, after his failure, his heart must be frustrated, and he lost his position as the captain of Oasis Palace, which can be described as a real low point in life. At this time, Brother Lu made a move to win him over, can he not be grateful for Brother Lu's favor?" Lai Ai stated.

"It's very difficult to win over a young man who is in high spirits, but it's very easy to win over a frustrated young man." Lai Ai bewitched.

In Xianyang, it is still taboo to use a net killer to assassinate a person with an official position, even if it is just to stab the other party, not to really kill the other party. Lao Ai really didn't dare to act rashly.

"Are you sure?" Lu Qi pondered, he was already shaken.

"Of course, Brother Lu, did you forget that the story of Lord Xiangguo in Zhaodu was not successful? If the previous king hadn't been a hostage of Zhaodu, forgotten by Qin State, and bullied by Zhao people, how could Lord Xiangguo's action be remembered by the late king? I will never forget Master Xiangguo's kindness in my life."

Knowing that Lu Qi has always followed his father Lu Buwei as an example, Lai Ai, who imitated his father Lu Buwei everywhere, knows how to persuade Lu Qi.

"Okay, this matter is up to you." Lu Qi nodded.

"It's done. Lu Xiangguo has rare goods to live in. How can I, Lai Ai, let you be prettier than me? My 'rare goods' will also be purchased." Seeing Lu Qi's agreement, Lai Ai couldn't help but smile.

While the conspiracy was brewing, Yang Ming had already returned home, and Orchid, who had improved a lot in her cooking skills recently, was roasting mutton, and this weather was most suitable for eating such food.

Smelling the aroma filling his nostrils, Yang Ming became even hungrier.

On the side, Yingge in unlined clothes was sitting next to Yang Ming, gently shaking his cattail fan. At this time of year, the mosquitoes had not completely disappeared, which was extremely annoying.

Soon, with the little scimitar flying up and down in Hu Ji's hand, a plate of delicious barbecue was placed in front of Yang Ming.

Yang Ming picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks, and in anticipation of Hu Ji, put it directly into her mouth: "Come, this piece is your reward."

Hu Ji, who was slowly stuffed into her mouth, covered her mouth hesitantly, her eyes narrowed comfortably.

"This second piece..." Yang Ming picked up the second piece of meat and looked at Yingge.

In the anticipation of Yingge, Yang Ming directly stuffed the meat into his mouth: "Of course I want to give it to your master. Today your master defeated all the heroes of Qin in Ganquan Palace. The so-called majestic and heroic!" , nothing more than that."

"The master has always been the most powerful." Hu Ji muttered, chewing the food in her mouth with difficulty.

"Yes, the master is the most powerful." Parrot Song, who had been teased by Yang Ming, did not show the slightest bit of embarrassment, but complimented with a smile.

"The two of you have to work hard. Otherwise, when your master and I get rich, we will have to change maids." Yang Ming joked.

"Isn't the master going to start a mess and end up abandoning it?" Yingge said sadly with Yang Ming's gaze.

"Chaos and abandonment? The word is wrong." Yang Ming said.

"Wrong? No, I just saw this word today, and that's what it means." Hu Ji was puzzled.

In the past few months, Yingge taught her Qin language and characters on a daily basis. Now she is not like before, and she has to spend a long time in her mind when chatting before she can switch between the two languages.

"Hu Ji, stop talking nonsense." Meeting Yang Ming's playful eyes, Yingge hurriedly stopped Hu Ji.

Hu Ji couldn't hear the banter in Yang Ming's words, but she could tell that if Hu Ji continued to cooperate with Yang Ming, the master, in such a daze, Yingge was sure that she would be the one who got hurt in the end.

This is the experience of summing up the countless painful lessons in the past few months.

"I don't have one." Hu Ji said innocently and innocently.

"It smells so good, it seems that we came at the right time." At this time, two people came uninvited.

"Miss Liwu." Yingge saw the person coming, and quickly got up to meet him.

"Sister Yingge, we haven't seen each other for half a month." Li Wu took Yingge's hand and said with a smile.

"Exactly half a month." Parrot Song replied.

"Miss Yu'er is here too." Yang Ming looked at the two masters and servants who came uninvited, and finally set his sights on Yu'er beside Li Wu.

In the past few months, Yang Ming and Li Wu seem to have really become good friends. After all, no man can refuse the enthusiasm of a beautiful woman, not to mention, beside Li Wu, there is another person who makes Yang Ming feel A very special fish girl.

"Yang Ming." Yu'er responded, her voice was very soft, and there was a kind of coldness in it, but that kind of cooling was not the kind of coldness in winter, but rather like the coolness in the hot summer, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Seeing this scene, Li Wu couldn't help showing strange emotions. In the past few months, she had contacted Yang Ming quite a lot. There is nothing wrong with that.

But every time they contact each other, Li Wu finds that Yang Ming pays more attention to her 'maid'. Thinking of this, Li Wu doesn't know how to describe her feelings.

jealous?Of course not, Li Wu is very clear about her identity, besides, her biggest pursuit is to leave Jinghuayuan, leave the trap, and take shelter by Yang Ming's side as a concubine. If it's not her turn, at most she just has a little doubt about her own charm.

Besides, she didn't dare. Although she didn't know why Yang Ming was interested in Yu'er, who was just an ordinary-looking fish, she didn't dare to question it. Yang Ming was the one she needed to win over, and Yu'er But the son was the one who frightened her.

However, there is a great doubt in Li Wu's heart, why Yang Ming fell in love with a fish, and this fish is still fake.

"Have you heard a lot about martial arts competitions in Ganquan Palace today? Congratulations, Yang Ming, you have won more than 20 games in a row." Li Wu did not regard herself as an outsider at all, and took an empty stool beside her to sit down.

"Tomorrow's will be hard to say. If the remaining three are not in order, there will be a master who is difficult to deal with." Yang Ming said.

"But Yang Ming, you are also a great master." Li Wu said wantonly flaunting her charm.

"In this world, I don't know how many Li Wu masters you mentioned will die in a year." Yang Ming laughed.

"It's not good to say that, it's too bad luck." Li Wu took the chopsticks that Orchid handed over, and started eating. It was obviously not the first time she had done this kind of thing with her proficiency.

"But speaking of this master, your opponent tomorrow does have a master." Li Wu said.

"Lao Ai?" Yang Ming directly reported the name of one person.

"You also know?" Li Wu asked in astonishment.

"I don't know how high his martial arts are, but I know that he is definitely not ordinary."

The name Lai Ai is really too famous. In the power structure of Qin State in the next five years, this person will be a unique existence.

"Yes, as far as I know, 20 years ago, he was a very powerful young swordsman in the capital city of Zhao. Now that 20 years have passed, no one knows what level his strength has reached, but it must be extraordinary. Be your enemy tomorrow." Li Wu stated.

"It's really troublesome, but there's no need to talk about such a thing now, with delicious food in front, I can't live up to it." Yang Ming, who didn't want to say more, moved his chopsticks and said.

"That's right, Miss Orchid's barbecue skills are indeed outstanding. Next time, I'll bring a fish. I think the fish can also be grilled." Li Wu said.

"Didn't you already bring a fish?" Yang Ming said.

"Ah? Fish?" Li Wu was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then wanted to laugh, but when a cold gaze passed by, the professionally trained Li Wu still froze in time.

In the story told by Yang Ming, time flies so fast, it seems that in the blink of an eye, the crescent moon in early August has already hung high in the night.

"I still haven't finished listening today, and I have to wait for the next time." From the small study room separated by the living room, Li Wu, who had never heard the ending, stood up regretfully. Back to Mirror Garden.

"Let me see you off." Yang Ming also stood up.

"Don't worry about this, right? Could it be that someone hijacked me on the road?" Li Wu refused.

"That's not sure." Yang Ming didn't wait for Li Wu to continue to refuse, and he had already walked out of the room.

"Okay, I got it." Li Wu looked at Yang Ming's back, and understood in an instant that it was fake to give her, but it was probably true to give him a fish.

The senior is indeed a senior, I can't learn this method.

Knowing that it is impossible for Luo Wang to cast Li Wu, a first-class killer of Tianzi, on Yang Ming, she naturally doesn't think too much about it, she just finds it interesting.

In the dark of night, Yu'er was driving a carriage, and Yang Ming was sitting beside her. Yu'er was already used to this, and even though the film studio would appear in front of her, Yang Ming never had nothing to say , when she herself didn't want to talk, Yang Ming would accompany her in silence, but in the silence, she could really feel Yang Ming's existence.

For such a feeling, Yu'er always felt very strange, but couldn't explain why.

Just don't hate it.

(End of this chapter)

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