Chapter 12

"Ancestral temple, in such a military important place, there is such a place?" Zi Nu was slightly startled when she heard the words.

"When the Jin Kingdom was still there, this place was not a military center." Yang Ming handed the wine bag to Zi Nu and said.

Although Zi Nu was generous, Yang Ming didn't think that Zi Nu was going to give him the wine bag, because there was a purple orchid embroidered on the wine bag, which was obviously embroidered by an embroiderer who spent a lot of energy of.

Even if it is not worth much, there is still a lot of heart in it.

"So, let's go and have a look." Zi Nuyi moved.

The future Boss Zilanxuan's knowledge and knowledge are not only from the books, but also summed up from her experience of traveling among the seven countries in the past few years.

"Okay." Yang Ming nodded.

"Wait, I'll drink some more, it's really cold." Zi Nu also raised her neck while speaking, raised the wine bag high with her left hand, and a line of wine flowed out from the wine bag, turning into a small The waterfall fell into his own mouth, and Yang Ming could even hear the sound of the wine falling into Zi Nu's mouth.

It's very slight, but it seems to sound better than the sound of the waterfall next to it.

For some reason, Yang Ming even had an illusion. He seemed to be able to see that in Zi Nu's mouth, the line of wine falling from the wine bag hit the wine in Zi Nu's mouth, stirring up layers of wine. The layers of ripples, the spread of the ripples, let the layers of wine flow in her mouth, stirring the bright red and flexible tongue, overflowing the white teeth carved like jade, and hitting the soft flesh on the inside of the cheek, Let the wine return layer by layer.

The aroma of wine reverberated in the mouth, mixed with the aura belonging to Zi Nu, and transformed into an aura that made Yang Ming slightly drunk.

In Yang Ming's sight, the linen robe on Zi Nu's body was swaying gently in the breeze. Through the sunlight, a shadow fell on the rocks, swaying, stirring Yang Ming's mind.

At that moment, Yang Ming's young heart skipped a beat, and the scene in front of him reminded him of a person: the man standing on the edge of a cliff, facing the sea, dressed in red, drinking with his head up, perfectly blending heroism and charm people together.

"Little guy, are you dumbfounded?" When Yang Ming was in a daze, Zi Nu patted Yang Ming's shoulder with her palm and said jokingly.

"No." Yang Ming barely maintained his composure.

Only he himself knew that at that moment, his heart was moved.

At that moment, he seemed to understand why it was difficult for him to settle down like Uncle Biao in the past. He had more ambitions for this world, because this world has such beautiful scenery as Zi Nu.

Zi Nu is undoubtedly the most beautiful woman he has seen in these years, as for Xue Nu, she is just a girl.

At this time, Zi Nu is not as charming as the female boss of Zi Lanxuan, but has the heroism and heroism of a Jianghu woman, but it is this kind of heroism and heroism that attracts Yang Ming's attention even more.

Perhaps this is not Zi Nu's original appearance, just like the charming and graceful boss of Zi Lanxuan in the future, the so-called heroic and heroic spirit is just for better walking in the rivers and lakes.

"Let's go, let's go, let me see the temple you mentioned." Zi Nu said with a smile.

Xue Nu, who was ignored the whole time, couldn't help puffing up, and her face with baby fat instantly turned into a round bun. Although she didn't know many things, it didn't prevent her from knowing, because the existence of Zi Nu made Yang Ming kept less and less eyes on himself.

This made Xuenv, who had experienced the pain of family ruin and death, very insecure, and even a little bit more displeased with Zinv.

But here, she really didn't have any right to speak, so she could only follow Yang Ming closely with two short legs.

"It really does exist. It is quite troublesome to build such a temple in such a place." After walking a distance of nearly a thousand steps, a temple appeared in front of Zi Nu.

"Does this temple have any allusions?" Zi Nu looked up at the temple at the end of the steps, not rushing in.

"This ancestral temple is dedicated to the Jieshan clan, the younger sister of Jie Zhitui, a famous scholar during the Jin Wengong period." Yang Ming said.

"Still a woman?" Zi Nu raised her eyebrows slightly, as if a little surprised.

"Boss, you know the story between Jie Zhitui and Jin Wengong, so I don't need to say more."

"The story of the owner of this temple is also based on this. At that time, the Jieshan family married and went to Weizeguan. I never thought that not long after the marriage, Mianshan would be burned. Jiezitui passed away with his mother."

"It's pitiful." Zi Nu said sadly, a woman is a creature that can easily empathize with herself.

"When Jieshan went back to her natal home, she saw the scorched earth all over the mountain, and saw the people suffering from the cold food for a hundred days. She couldn't bear it. She thought that Jie Zitui should not get out of the mountain, so that Duke Wen of Jin ordered cold food. The inconvenience caused by the common people is deeply uneasy and guilty." Yang Ming continued.

"It's a kind heart." Zi Nu said, her expression was a little more moved.

"So starting from the winter solstice, she went up the mountain to collect a salary every day, and set herself on fire a hundred days later, in order to change the custom and save the people from suffering from cold food." Yang Ming narrated.

"There is such a woman, really..." Zi Nu moved, and the image of a woman who piled up firewood in the mountains could not help appearing in her mind. Although there are many people in the world who show their gentleman , but how many people can really give their lives for others?
"Such a woman is really rare. No wonder the people here are cultivating ancestral temples and enshrining her here. Now that she's here, I'm going to pay her respects." Zi Nu walked up the steps as she spoke.

"Wait." Seeing Zi Nu's excited look, Yang Ming didn't know what he thought of, and a strange look appeared on his face.

"What's wrong?" Zi Nu tilted her head to look at Yang Ming and said.

"You don't even know the name of this temple."

"I'll know soon." Zi Nu pointed to the building at the end of the steps.

"It's called the Shrine of Jealousy," Yang Ming said.

"The Shrine of Jealousy?" Purple Goddess looked dumbfounded. It didn't seem like a good name. Since people built temples to commemorate and worship Jie Shan because of her kindness and feats, why did they choose such a name.

Jealousy, no matter where it is, is not a compliment to a woman, is it?Zi Nu looked at Yang Ming who was already holding Xue Nu in his arms in puzzlement.

"It is rumored that although the Jieshan clan is kind, he is jealous. Those who come here to pay homage with beautiful clothes and beautiful clothes will definitely make thunderous noises because of jealousy, and even hurt people." Yang Ming said.

"Really? If that's the case, I'd like to go to worship and see if it's really as magical as what you said." Zi Nu didn't flinch when she heard the words, but became even more curious Stepping on the steps, he trotted all the way to the Shrine of Jealousy.

When Yang Ming climbed to the end of the steps, Zi Nu had already knelt down on the futon in front of the temple.

Because of Zi Nu's kneeling action, the wide robe made the cloth of the robe tightly attached to Zi Nu's back, presenting Zi Nu's perfect body outline in front of Yang Ming, especially the curve between the waist and buttocks. presents an attractive landscape.

For a moment, Yang Ming didn't know whether it was Zi Nu's round buttocks that made her waist slender, or her slender waist made her hips round.

"Why didn't I hear the sound of wind and thunder? Is it because I'm not pretty enough?" Zi Nu turned her head and asked.

"It's just a rumor. Maybe the world regards a coincidence as a miracle." Yang Ming stepped forward, and after putting down the snow girl, he followed the example of the purple girl and knelt down on an empty futon.

As Yang Ming's knees fell, a thunderous sound suddenly resounded in the mountains. It came so suddenly that no matter it was Yang Ming, Zi Nu, or Xue Nu, they were all stunned on the spot.

"Hahaha, so it is so, so it is so, now I believe it, this is really the Shrine of Jealous Women." After a long time, Zi Nu, who had recovered from the shock, looked at Yang Ming who was still in a daze, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Self-controlled laughing, trembling, and flamboyantly laughing.

Even Xuenv looked at Yang Ming with gleaming eyes, as if she wanted to see some secret from Yang Ming.

Only Yang Ming looked blankly at the Temple of Jealousy in front of him, with some embarrassment already appearing on his face.

"You who are beautiful in Chinese clothes!" Zi Nu laughed as she spoke, not because of the legend, but purely because of the awkward and dazed expression on Yang Ming's face at this time, which was really too funny.

The purple girl couldn't help but want to tease her.

(End of this chapter)

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