Chapter 135 The Open Net

The number one beauty in Zuimenglou, I don't know what color it is, but it can be so wildly rumored by people. I don't know how it compares to those famous ladies and brothel courtesans on the Huai River?
Under the darkness of night, a man in black jumped like flying, running amok in Daliang City.

"Here we are." The man in black jumped down from a tall building and landed steadily on another street. A row of small two-story buildings appeared in front of him, and a small flag was raised in front of one of them. symbol of.

A ferocious smile appeared on the face hidden under the scarf at this time, and in the blink of an eye, the person had already arrived in front of the inn from the middle of the street, and then jumped to the roof, stepped on the blue tiles, But without even the slightest sound.

"It's right here." The man in black was about to break through the roof, when a burst of cold air suddenly pierced through the roof, and the man in black fled back, the biting cold air had already covered the blue tiles at his feet. Hoarfrost.

"This is the kind of boxing that condenses the power of wind and frost? It's very good." The man in black looked at the target who had already reached the roof but smiled, but amidst the laughter, there was an incomparably sharp sword energy.

The blood-red sword aura was extremely eye-catching under the moonlight. Yang Ming shook his fist to disperse the sword aura, and there was already a white mark on his fist.

"Sure enough, I'm still better." The man in black swung his long sword and stabbed at Yang Ming after the first trial and obtained a satisfactory result. Absolutely, this is his sword technique.

He was born on the banks of the Huai River, and has lived on the Huai River since he was a child. When he was young, he failed to achieve martial arts, so he made a living as a water thief. In the middle age, until the middle age, the martial arts finally mastered, and he began to cross the Huaihe area, from the wealthy clan to the ordinary people, all of them were afraid of him.

During those years of slaughter, his martial arts have already melted into the shadow of the Huai River. The denseness of the sword technique and the endless flow of the sword force make people fall into it as if they are deep in the Huai River. There is only one dead end.

Today, his swordsmanship is even better than before, because in his swordsmanship, there is an extra layer of fire called the flame of desire. Open, he has already seen the person in the room, a beauty that can overwhelm the country, but this beauty is about to belong to him.

But as time passed, his expression became serious, because he found that although his swordsmanship had reached its peak state, the opponent was like the frost in late autumn, letting Huai Shui go forever But after all, it was never able to resist the invasion of frost.

"The swordsmanship is good, but it's a pity that you came at the wrong time." Seeing that the timing was almost up, Yang Ming used the lightness technique of Fengshen's legs, and a flash appeared behind the man in black. , throwing his fist down to the back of his heart.

Wherever the wind of the fist passes, the breath of wind and frost is scattered crazily. It is the fourth form of Tianshuangquan, frost and snow flying. The boxing method that restrains the body training technique in the army.

With a muffled sound, the man in black was about to break his muscles and bones. In the next moment, he really heard the sound of his own muscles and bones breaking. How could it be possible?The man in black, whose body and soul were severely injured at the same time, swung his sword and stabbed behind him from the ribs, and at the same time flew to escape into the night. Yang Ming, who avoided the blade, just stood on the roof and watched the man in black escape. direction, without any intention of pursuing.

The man in black endured the actions behind his back, blood was already stained under the black veil, he knew that not only his muscles and bones were injured, but his internal organs were also injured, that man's martial arts were too strong.

Especially the movement of the last blow, its speed is so fast, like a ghost, it is hard to guard against. If there is a next time, I will definitely not rush to attack. With such a movement, defense is the best way .

But who would have thought that a person who is proficient in boxing has even more terrifying body skills.

The man in black kept thinking about the battle just now, and realized that he had made a mistake from the very beginning. It was the beautiful woman who blinded him.

When I recover from my wounds, I will invite a few or five friends, and I will definitely avenge today's revenge.

However, his figure stopped suddenly, looking solemnly at the dark street, where there were slight footsteps.

"Congratulations, Master, for your great victory." In the room with a big hole in the top, the 'Surprised Salamander' in apricot-yellow dress and blue underwear smiled at Yang Ming. Her smile was beautiful, and it came from the heart. The two rows of white teeth that were exposed because of the smile made her smile look extremely sincere.

This kind of smile is beautiful and sincere, but it shouldn't appear on the body of the startled salamander, but this is the case now?What is the reason?
Just because this 'salamander' is not the other's, the appearance is the appearance of the startling salamander, but the heart is still the heart of a parrot song.

"It's still early, it's just an opening victory, and there are still many things to come." Yang Ming said.

"Next, the hostess killed someone." Parrot said.

The Zuimenglou in the night is still brightly lit. The owner of Zuimenglou, who specially left a room for himself during the construction of Zuimenglou, has a panoramic view of the entire Zuimenglou through the window.

Looking at the world he created, the boss of Zuimenglou couldn't help showing a complacent smile.

For more than 30 years, I am still sitting here, and my opponents have become dead bones rotting in the mud.The boss of Zuimenglou became more and more complacent as he thought about it.

Zuimenglou is his legend.

However, his legend will end today.

Suddenly, a vigorous figure broke through the window, wearing tight leather armor, a silver-white metal mask, and grid-shaped stockings.

"Killer?" The boss of Zuimenglou looked at the person who broke in suddenly, but he didn't have any trace of fear, only curiosity.

"I'm still a female killer. The old man's favorite is a female killer." In the dimly lit place, a majestic figure rushed out, and when the killer's sword was about to hit the boss of Zuimenglou, he stood in front of him , blocked the blade with his own body.

Immediately thereafter, another punch was thrown out, carrying the lingering wind of the fist, so powerful, and the fist stone was so fierce that the heavy one seemed to be in danger of shattering bones.

Facing this circle, the killer also chose to give in, staggering the fist wind with his dexterous bodywork, and then stabbed the opponent's throat with his hand.

"The sword is a good sword, but it still can't break the old man's defense." The person who came did not dodge or dodge, and even held the opponent's sword blade with his flesh and blood.

With a clang, the killer fled back, the opponent's defense was indeed terrifying, even though the sword in her hand cut the iron like mud, but at this moment she encountered an indestructible rock.

Two figures were fighting in one place, sparks flashed amidst the clanging of gold and iron, one side was unparalleled in defense, with fierce fists and heavy punches, the other was nimble in movement and flawless in sword moves.

But the owner of Zuimenglou in the room was drinking tea while watching the battle in the room. He obviously had sufficient confidence in the strength of the old man.

Sure enough, under the attack of the old man, the killer gradually showed signs of decline.

"The entire Daliang City can be ranked among the top five masters, how can any killer be able to touch porcelain." The boss of Zuimenglou thought leisurely.

But at the moment when the old man almost forced the killer to retreat, a sharp sword light flew towards him, and the boss of Zuimenglou felt a pain in his heart, only to see that a dagger had already sunk into his chest middle.

"You?" The old man slammed at the killer with a rage, and was blocked by a sword. As he stepped back, he had already pulled out the short sword on the chest of the boss of Zuimenglou.

The killer who took back the dagger thought for a moment, and a figure appeared in her mind. The real face hidden under the mask pursed her lips and smiled, remembering someone's evil taste, and said: "You are a master, but Not a good guard."

The person who spoke had already jumped out of the window that was broken just now, and disappeared into the vast night.

In the Prince's Mansion next to the Wei Palace, some people also returned here in the dark.

"Looking at you like this, it doesn't look like you have succeeded." One person received the man in black and smelled a faint smell of blood, but did not smell the smell of makeup. He already knew that his friend had missed.

"It failed. The details of that person are beyond our imagination. Take me to see the prince. I have important information to report." The man in black said weakly.

"what's the situation?"

"It's about your Majesty and Lord Xinling." The man in black said.

"As you come." Hearing this, the man also showed a more dignified expression.

After receiving the news, Prince Wei Zeng put on his clothes in a hurry from the warm embrace of Concubine Ji, and came to the study.

"What information did you find out?" Prince Zeng came up and asked.

"I saw people under Mr. Xinling's sect at that man's residence. They said that the king is in poor health. If something happens to the king, they should help him ascend the throne." The man in black said.

"What?" Prince Zeng turned pale when he heard the words. He subconsciously stood up, not caring about keeping a sufficient distance from the man in black, walked up to the man in black, and asked, "Is this true?"

"Returning to the prince, this statement is absolutely true, no matter how bold the villain is, he would not dare to cheat on such a matter." The man in black replied.

"Father is in poor health, Gu Gu doesn't know it, but Lord Xinling knows?" Prince Zeng was in a daze for a while, such a thing is so unimaginable, but it happened so naturally to Lord Xinling.

"There are too many things." Prince Zeng said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, the man in black respectfully folded his palms in front of Prince Zeng and struck out at Prince Zeng. Prince Zeng was caught off guard and was hit by a palm.

"You?" Prince Zeng looked at the man in black in astonishment.

"Prince, you are blocking the way of the king." The man in black sneered, broke through the door and fled.


"Shut up." Prince Zeng stopped.

"Prince, are you alright?" the servant quickly shut his mouth, helped the crumbling Prince Zeng, and asked anxiously.

"If he used a sword instead of a palm, Gu might really be dead, but he still can't die now." Prince Zeng said palely. Especially the fright just now and the information behind it made him tremble.

Lord Xinling?Father?How should Gu deal with it next?

No, Gu must not sit still and wait for death, he must take action, but Lord Xinling's power is nothing more than a superficial power, those so-called strange disciples are...

Thinking of this, the gloom on Prince Zeng's face deepened.

When thinking about the long-term plan, the long-term plan, Prince Zeng thought, and a figure appeared in his mind: Wei Yong.

(End of this chapter)

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