Chapter 18

Hidden in the Baihu Village among the lofty mountains, the owner of the village, Bai Po, who defeated the purple girl under harsh conditions not long ago, is leisurely roasting the fire, warming the dirty wine, and listening to the reports from his brothers.

"That little fox went to the direction of Mount Daliang? It seems that my conditions are really too harsh." Bai Po, who knew about Zi Nu's movements during the report, rubbed his gray beard, and there was a faint light in his eyes. Flickering, obviously some conspiracy is brewing.

"Brother, although I don't think it's appropriate to say something, I still want to say that the deal proposed by the purple girl is beneficial to us. Why did we reject her in that way? This is not in line with the village's policy. Benefits." The middle-aged man said with a troubled expression.

"Wang He, starting from pure interests, you are right, but haven't I told Zi Nu the conditions? As long as she meets my conditions, we will naturally cooperate with her, and now the choice is in her hands. " Bai Po said indifferently.

"Brother, why do you care so much about that young man? I don't think there is anything special about him, and it's worth betting on such a big deal for the village master." Bai Po's reason obviously couldn't convince Wang He.

"Didn't you see that? That young man is the same person as us." Bai Po's cloudy eyes burst with fiery light as he spoke, shining brightly under the reflection of the fire.

"The same person as us? Impossible, that boy has Zhao Di's accent, and he is only fifteen or sixteen years old. How could he be the same as us?" Wang He was shocked.

"He is practicing the White Tiger Seven Kills Style, and his body shape that can only be trained by the White Tiger Seven Kills Style can't be hidden from me. You should be very clear about what the White Tiger Seven Kills Style means to us." Bai Po suppressed the excitement in his heart road.

"White Tiger Seven Kills? Could it be that he is... impossible, his age is not right, he is Zhao Ren." Wang He questioned.

"After Mr. Wu'an was wrongly killed, some of us were scattered and organized into different teams, while the other part fled to Taishang Mountain, and finally settled in Hengshan Mountain. It has been almost 20 years now. " Bai Po said.

Under Wang He's puzzled eyes, Bai Pomin sipped his drink and said slowly: "One of our brothers was recruited under the command of that bastard Zheng Anping, and he was made a prisoner of Zhao by Zheng Anping. Settle down in Zhao, marry a wife and have children."

"Is that young man Yang Xi's son?" Bai Po said this, and in Wang He's mind he thought of a former comrade-in-arms uncontrollably.

At that time, they were both the commanders of the soldiers around Wu Anjun Baiqi, even though they had been separated for nearly 20 years, how could they forget their past feelings.

"It's just that his appearance doesn't quite resemble that guy Yang Xi."

"That boy is much more handsome than Yang Xi. He probably followed his mother. Who can say about his appearance? My father was very handsome back then, but I just couldn't inherit that good looks. That body Practicing the White Tiger's Seven Killing Style to the state of harmony of mind and qi is unavoidable, if it wasn't for Yang Xi's personal instruction, outsiders would definitely not be able to practice this state." Bai Po said.

"When I found out about Brother Yang, I wrote him a secret letter that only we could understand. Unfortunately, at that time, he was married and had a child, so he could only stay in Zhao State. Now his son Appearing in Hengshan, obviously something happened to him, maybe he is no longer there."

"Brother, why do you want to make a deal with Miss Zi Nu on the condition of our eldest nephew, just to bring him back?" Wang He said solemnly. At this time, he realized that he had really misunderstood his elder brother.

"Your head is really hopeless, what are we bringing him back for? Do you want to be a bandit in Mount Heng like us? Drinking this dirty wine, and suffering from the cold wind and snow?" Bai Po didn't He glared at Wang He angrily, even though he had already given up any expectation of the other party's IQ, it was hard to hold back the desire to complain in his heart at this time.

"Brother, why did you put forward such a condition?" Wang He said with a little embarrassment.

"For our elder nephew, let's see if Zi Nu can be trusted. If Zi Nu is a person who can betray friends for profit, then we naturally can't see our elder nephew staying with her. Zi Nu has a heart. With nine holes, if the character is not good enough, it is better to stay away from it, so as not to be sold in the future."

At this time, the male and female protagonists in the conversation at Baihuzhai are walking between the rugged mountain roads. The purple girl who has a bad nose in Baihuzhai can only give up her original plan and go for the next best thing. The Qin army was defeated.

"Didn't you say that there are still some fugitives from Zhao State in Hengshan and the villages formed by fugitives?" Yang Ming stepped on the rocks after thinking about it, but still felt that it would not be best to go directly to Mount Daliang. choose.

"There are four villages. Why, don't you want to unite them?" Zi Nu, who was rushing to the door, looked back and asked, with surprise in her purple eyes.

"That may not work. Although the majority of the four villages are Zhao country fugitives, those who really hold power are those vicious Zhao country fugitives. These people are cruel and greedy, but there are no people from the military in Daliangshan and Longshan villages. Follow the rules." Zi Nu shook her head and said.

It wasn't that she hadn't thought of uniting the forces of the fugitives from the Zhao country, but the fugitives from the Zhao country were too weak, and those fugitives were too vicious, so they were not suitable partners for cooperation.

"They don't follow the rules, we can make rules for them." Yang Ming said, his voice was the same as before, but Zi Nu heard something else from Yang Ming's voice at this time.

Zi Nu looked at Yang Ming in front of him, Yang Ming, who was holding Xue Nu carefully, looked like a boy from a good family who cared for his younger sister.

His face is very clean, every morning and night, no matter how cold the weather is, he will wash his hands, feet and face with cold water or snow, just like a son of a rich family.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he still looks immature, but his figure is already extremely tall and strong. There is a heroic look in his dark eyes, and sometimes there will be a flash of shyness and immaturity, and he can even see A touch of melancholy belongs to the melancholy of a teenager.

Along the way, Zi Nu thought she had a full understanding of Yang Ming, but at this moment, Zi Nu realized that she might be wrong. Yang Ming's words were still calm, but in that cold voice, Zi Nu He heard an aura called domineering.

If that's not a juvenile delusion, maybe I should really re-examine my 'friend'.

"Make the rules? Ming, are you kidding me? Those fugitives are all vicious people, and their cruelty is even worse than your imagination." Zi Nu, who was overwhelmed by Yang Ming's words, said calmly. .

"Then we are more vicious than them, more vicious than them." Yang Ming grinned, his white teeth gleaming faintly in the winter sun.

I may be really wrong, this is definitely not a good boy.Zi Nu shouted in her heart.

"Violence is not just talking about it, but also has stronger power. Without enough power, the so-called ferocity is just the roar of a breast tiger, which even the hunting dogs can't back down." Zi Nu said in a condensed voice.

"With your strength, it should be no problem to take down the weakest village." Yang Ming had already looked at Zi Nu's waist hidden under the wide robe, where there was a hidden handle. like the sword of a viper.

"Although my martial arts are good, I still can't take down a stockade. As for you?" Zi Nu looked at Yang Ming. She believed that Yang Ming could become the most valiant fighter in the army, but that would be in the future. small.

(End of this chapter)

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