Chapter 202
Faced with Wei Zhao's sarcasm, Yang Ming didn't show the slightest bit of annoyance. What Wei Zhao's words meant, Yang Ming had heard even dirtier words in the manor in Wu'an County.

"I heard a saying once." Yang Ming said.

Unfortunately, neither Gongsun Yu nor Wei Zhao had any intention of cooperating with Yang Ming here, so Yang Ming could only continue: "The people are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of it?"

"General Yang has also read Tao Te Ching?" Gongsun Yu asked in surprise.

The Tao Te Ching is a Taoist classic, which ordinary people can't see at all. Gongsun Yu was also lucky enough to see it when he was studying under Guigu's school, but Yang Ming still has such cultivation at such a young age?It really had to surprise Gongsun Yu.

"I only know a thing or two." Yang Ming said modestly.

"Since you know this truth, why do you want to massacre in Diqiu City?" Because of Yang Ming's words and deeds, Wei Zhao's impression of Yang Ming changed a little, so he took the initiative to ask.

"For the living." Yang Ming said.

In the eyes of the two pairs of surprised, Yang Ming continued: "Ji Yuan's testimony today is indeed false, but I want to ask the two seniors, the people I arrested, except you, Senior Wei, have been wronged." Is it?"

"You...?" Wei Zhao's expression was filled with surprise and a trace of shock.

"I have read all the cases of the Sikou Mansion in the past 30 years, and I have also seen a word in every volume of bamboo slips. Does Senior Wei know what this word is?" Yang Ming looked at Wei Zhao and asked.

Wei Zhao looked at Yang Ming and suddenly laughed. In the death cell filled with death and decay, it is really strange to hear such laughter.

"This is really a big joke. After living for 60 years, this old man actually saw such a joke on me." Wei Zhao laughed loudly, and coughed violently while laughing.

"I didn't expect that what I have been pursuing all my life would be realized by you, the enemy who destroyed my own country. Is there such a ridiculous thing in the world? Old Gongsun, tell me, there is still such absurdity in this world." What about it?" Wei Zhao said out of breath, stroking his chest.

"It's quite absurd, but it really happened." Gongsun Yu said.

"So, how could I do such a ridiculous thing, General Yang, if you want to kill someone, you should do it yourself. Forgive me for being powerless. All I can do is to give you my white head as a gift." Wei Wei Zhao said calmly.

What Yang Ming wants to do is not bad for Wei Zhao, but he is unwilling.

"Senior Gongsun, is the person in front of me a gentleman?" Yang Ming was not surprised by Wei Zhao's refusal, but asked Gongsun Yu beside him.

"If there is only one gentleman in Diqiu City, that person must be Wei Zhao." Gongsun Yu affirmed.

"It's good to be a gentleman. A gentleman is easy to bully. After all, a gentleman can be bullied by others."

After Yang Ming finished speaking, he stood up and said to Gongsun Yu when he walked out of the prison door: "Senior Gongsun might as well stay here and tell this stubborn old fellow why you are still alive and well at this moment when you want to die. Yes, come to think of it, your experience is very useful to him."

"You?" Gongsun Yu was furious when he heard the words. Under Yang Ming's intimidation, his heart, which was already about to lie down, burst into uncontrollable anger.

Listen, is that human speech?
However, Yang Ming doesn't care about Gongsun Yu's anger, his people have already left.

Right now, there are still many things that Yang Ming needs to deal with. The "fair justice" in Diqiu City is only the first thing Yang Ming needs to do. Next, there is a more important thing, which is to fight against the garrison In Chaoge City, the army of the State of Wei who neither advances nor retreats.

In Chaoge City, Sikong of Wei State and Wei Yong, Commander of Wei Army, are sitting in the hall of the county magistrate's mansion, listening to the information from Diqiu City.

"Lord Sikong, when are we going to enter the guard?" When Wei Yong finished listening to the information, he still had a calm look, which made the generals under Wei Qi's command unavoidably a little bit dissatisfied.

The purpose of the Wei army this time is to support the Wei country, but now the Wei country has been captured by the Qin army, and the cities in the territory are being invaded by the Qin army with the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. Only one city is still struggling to resist the attack of the Qin army. The other cities are either occupied by the Qin army or surrendered to the Qin army.

The state of Wei is almost gone, but as the commander-in-chief of the long-distance Wei state, Wei Yong is still so leisurely, he simply regards military and state affairs as a child's play.

"The timing is not right now." Wei Yong shook his head.

"Then when is the right time?" the deputy general who was not afraid of Wei Yong asked.

"Do I need to explain to you?" Wei Yong sneered.

Although he had already taken over the military power of the Wei State after Zhu Hai died in the Qin State, his foundation in the army was not so deep after all. At this time, his deputy general was not his person. The orders will be obeyed, but in this kind of private cooperation in front of them, the cooperation of the lieutenant general is really limited.

The deputy general couldn't help feeling angry when he heard the words, but there was nothing he could do about it. In the army, Wei Yong was the chief general. Although he could be dissatisfied, he could do nothing but be dissatisfied, and his emotions could not be brought into the march.

Seeing the deputy general's eyes wide open, Wei Yong's heart moved. He just felt that it was an eyesore to keep such a person in his heart, so he said: "It's not that I haven't done anything. Intelligence, one of which is very interesting."

"There is a Qin army at Baimajin, at the crossing of the Dahe River. If we can capture this place, we can connect with the State of Zhao. At that time, we may be able to join forces with the State of Zhao to fight against the Qin army. In that way, our chances of winning will be great. Increase." Wei Yong said unhurriedly.

"Since you have such a willingness to fight, you can't help but lead a group to attack Baimajin." Wei Yong stated his ultimate goal, to kill people with a knife and clean up the disobedients in the army.

"No." The lieutenant, who didn't know what Wei Yong was thinking, only thought that Wei Yong, the chief general, was going to make a move at last, and he responded with high spirited fighting spirit when he was selected as a general.

In Diqiu City, Yang Ming and Wang Jian were also analyzing the information from Wei.

"Wei Yong is quite well-known in the state of Wei. He has fought against the Chu army many times. He won more than he lost, and he can be regarded as a wise general of the state of Wei. After he and Zhu Hai, he was entrusted with military power by the king of Wei, and now he is a very important person in the state of Wei." Wang Jian looked at Chaoge City in the map, and had no choice but to do anything about Wei Yong who was huddled inside.

Chaoge, the former capital of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, although it was almost destroyed following the collapse of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, it is still a large city within a radius of thousands of miles, with a large population and high walls, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the Wei Dynasty are hiding in it. Qin Jun really had nothing to do with it.

After all, a deep and tall city like Diqiu City could be captured because of the absolute power gap, but it is difficult for the same thing to happen in Chaoge City.

"Wei Yong is cunning and wise. He is indeed a character." Yang Ming pondered. He knew Wei Yong better. Back then, the two had worked together in Daliang City.

"It's really not easy to let him leave Chaoge City on his own initiative, but it's not a good way. We can help him increase his courage." Yang Ming said.

"What does General Zuo mean?" Wang Jian asked in surprise.

"What I'm going to do next will cause violent turmoil in Diqiu City and the surrounding cities. If we capture or surrender to our cities, there must be rebellion. If we can cooperate One point, the situation of rebellion will be even more serious, and at that time, do you think Wei Yong will take advantage of the opportunity and think about sending troops?" Yang Ming asked back.

"If it's profitable, of course there is no reason to refuse, but I'm afraid the temptation is not strong enough." Wang Jian said.

"Then let Zhao Guo enter the game again. At that time, I don't believe that Wei Yong will not move." Yang Ming said.

"Let Zhao be like this? In this way, Wei Guo and Zhao Guo will send troops together. Although there will be hesitation, the scrambling mentality will make them lose their sense of control. There is really an opportunity to take advantage of it." Wang Jian said clearly.

"So, for Baimajin to face Zhao Jun, it's up to you, General Wang, to wait for Wei Yong and his Wei Jun to arrive at the city of Diqiu." Yang Ming said.

"General Zuo, if the Zhao army moves again, the troops left in Diqiu City may not be able to stop the Wei army under our division of troops," Wang Jian reminded.

"If Wei Jun is not allowed to see the certainty of victory, how could they leave Chaoge City? But General Wang, you have to be careful when facing Zhao Jun's attack. If Zhao Jun breaks through Baimajin, After crossing the big river, we are really in trouble." Yang Ming said.

"How many soldiers and horses will General Zuo plan to leave in Diqiu City?" Wang Jian asked.

"Ten thousand is enough. General Wang can take away all the other soldiers and horses," Yang Ming said.

"Could it be too little? Diqiu City is not small, and [-] soldiers and horses are defending it, and we have to divide the troops to suppress the situation in the city. I'm afraid it's not enough." Wang Jian pondered.

"Isn't there still a guard army of ten thousand people in the city? At that time, we can still select thousands of warriors who dare to fight." Yang Ming said.

Only then did Wang Jian suddenly realize that Yang Ming spent a lot of time in killing those dignitaries in Diqiu City just to get more resources and distribute these resources. When the time comes, Qin will get these resources looted from the dignitaries. As long as they don't want to lose what they got, they can only stand on Qin's side and even defend Qin, because only under the order of Qin can they get what they want .

While Yang Ming and Wang Jian were discussing how to deal with the enemy army, an old man named Wei Zhao finally came out of the prison.

As Yang Ming said, gentlemen are easy to bully, as are Gongsun Yu and Wei Zhao, as long as you find a suitable method, it is not difficult at all to take them down.

(End of this chapter)

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