Qin Shi: Sword Asks the Bright Moon

Chapter 204 1 Mistake for Life

Chapter 204 A Mistake for Life
"Senior Gongsun, why are you so nervous? It's just an ordinary word of praise." Facing Gongsun Yu's unfriendly gaze, Yang Ming waved his hands casually.

Gongsun Yu was defeated at the hands of his fellow disciples back then, and had to stay obediently in this Diqiu City. It is not without reason. At least in terms of his heart and temperament, he cannot become a vertical and horizontal Guiguzi. He cares too much , There are too many things in the heart, and it will inevitably be affected when making a decision, and decision and decision are crucial to the disciples of Guigu's sect.

"What you said just now, coupled with your identity, it's hard not to let people think too much." Gongsun Yu said coldly.

"As the saying goes, a gentle lady is a gentleman. She will be eighteen in the next year and has not yet married. I see that Miss Gongsun is also in the age of cardamom, and she has a beautiful face. I think I am not bad when I grow up. I just don't know that senior Gongsun chose grandson-in-law. What is the standard?" Yang Ming said.

"You?" Gongsun Yu pointed at Yang Ming, and his beard was blown up in anger.

"Is it literary? If that's the case, I think I'm still qualified. Do I want to talk about martial arts? Let me say something crazy. Among the people under the age of 30 in the world, there are no more than three people who are my opponents. If you want to say When it comes to power and wealth, I'm not bad." Yang Ming laughed.

"Is it because I said so, that Senior Gongsun won't misunderstand anything?" When Yang Ming spoke, the smile on his face had disappeared, and he was completely indifferent.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Gongsun Yu growled with a suppressed voice.

"This is what I want to ask you. I asked you to preside over the public trial in Diqiu City together with Wei Zhao. Why didn't you go today?" Yang Ming asked back.

"Me?" Gongsun Yu was at a loss for words. Gongsun Yu knew what happened in Diqiu City today, and, in the original plan, Wei Zhao was the presiding judge, and he was the deputy judge. The two Wei Zhao were in charge of this matter, and they were able to convince the people of Diqiu City in the fairness of the public trial to the greatest extent possible.

But Gongsun Yu didn't want to participate in such a public trial, because everything in the morning was arranged in advance, including the people who were to be executed. In Gongsun Yu's view, this was taking advantage of the people and fooling them, so he didn't willing to participate.

"Senior, don't you think that I have treated you too much recently, which has given you some illusions?" Yang Ming said coldly.

At this moment, footsteps came from a distance, and Gongsun Li, who was supposed to be in the kitchen, was walking over with a net bag.

"What was grandfather talking to the guests just now?" Gongsun Li walked up to Gongsun Yu, and handed the net bag in her hand to Gongsun Yu.

"The fish after autumn is when they are plump, and they are used to entertain guests today." Gongsun Li looked at Yang Ming while speaking.

"That's really flattering." Yang Ming replied with a smile.

"It depends on whether grandfather is willing or not." Gongsun Li nodded, responding to Yang Ming's politeness.

Gongsun Yu looked at the scene in front of him, and the corners of his eyes twitched. Yang Ming's face-changing speed was too fast, which gave him a bad feeling. He knew that his granddaughter's beauty was unique in the entire Emperor Qiu City. Ming has such an attitude, how can he not be alerted.

"Senior Gongsun wouldn't be so stingy, would he?" Yang Ming asked Gongsun Yu.

"Heh, it's just a fish." Gongsun Yu had already made a move while speaking. The eyesight and arm strength that he only had after decades of sword practice allowed him to fish it out of the pool in an instant even if he was injured internally. I caught a fat big river carp.

"Be careful, this fish is quite strong." Gongsun Yu said as he handed the net bag back to his granddaughter.

"There is no water here, and it can't escape." Gongsun Li took the net bag and walked to the kitchen.

"In the afternoon, I hope you can appear in front of Weijun Palace." After Gongsun Li left, Yang Ming said to Gongsun Yu.

"Okay, I will go in the afternoon." Gongsun Yu, who was under the eaves and had to bow his head, could only resign himself to his fate.

No way, if Gongsun Yu was alone, facing Yang Ming's threat, he could completely remain indifferent, it was nothing more than a life, but it was different now, because in Yang Ming's hands he was holding his weakness, he would not Think about it, but you have to think about it for Gongsun Li.

"Senior, isn't it good for everyone to think like this?" Yang Ming said with a sunny smile, as if the person who threatened the other party with his granddaughter just now was not him.

"I don't think so." The suppressed and temperless Gongsun Yu said in a muffled voice. The old man couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't have been so indulgent back then, so that he had become that loser. Otherwise, why would he be so miserable now? Being bullied to such an extent by a junior.

In Gongsun Yu's eyes, Yang Ming is a bad guest, but in Gongsun Li's eyes, Yang Ming is a kind guest. After all, after the fall of Emperor Qiucheng, because Gongsun Yu stabbed and wounded The reason for the chief general of the Qin army is that old friends all went around Gongsun's house. These days, Yang Ming was the only one who took the initiative to visit.

Moreover, in Gongsun Li's eyes, Yang Ming is a very polite young man who has enough respect for her grandfather. Naturally, Gongsun Li can't hate such a person. After all, the person she cares most about is her own. Grandpa, she will also feel happy to see her grandfather being respected.

Therefore, driven by such a mood, Gongsun Li's excellent cooking skills have been brought into full play, so that Yang Ming, who seems to be a good guest but is actually a bad guest, can also be in the kitchen. Diqiu City, which is thousands of miles away from Xianyang, once again enjoys the cooking skills that can only be tasted in Ganquan Palace.

When Yang Ming had lunch at Gongsun's house and left with Gongsun Yu, Jing Ke returned from the outside reeking of alcohol, looking at Gongsun Li who was packing up the tableware, Jing Ke's drunken eyes suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Junior Sister, it's really a coincidence at noon today. I met a few friends who invited me, so it's hard to refuse, so you can help me prepare lunch for nothing." Seeing that Gongsun Li needed to pack three pieces of tableware, Jing Ke repeatedly apologized.

There were only three people in Gongsun's house, and Jing Ke finally didn't come back, so Jing Ke naturally regarded the third set of dishes as his own.

"It's not in vain." Gongsun Li looked at Jing Ke in amazement, wondering when her incomprehensible senior brother became so polite.

Under Jing Ke's puzzled gaze, Gongsun Li continued, "A guest came today, and this third tableware is for the guest."

"Guest? We have a guest at our house, is it Master's guest?" Jing Ke asked in surprise.

"If you're not grandfather's guest, can you still be my guest?" Gongsun Li turned her head slightly in disgust, she hated the smell of wine.

"It was my slip of the tongue, it was my slip of the tongue, how could Junior Sister have guests?" Jing Ke repeatedly begged for mercy.

"Brother, what do you mean by that? Why can't I have guests?" Jing Ke's apology fell into Gongsun Li's ears, but it didn't sound very pleasant.

"Forget it, forget it." Gongsun Li waved her hands, not wanting to pay attention to Jing Ke anymore, and walked towards the kitchen with the packed tableware.

Jing Ke touched his head in embarrassment, only feeling drunk, and walked towards his small courtyard unsteadily, now is a good time for a nap.

The future Jing Ke has regretted the drunkenness at noon that day countless times, but now he still doesn't know what happened in this ordinary noon.

A person broke into Gongsun's house in a very sudden way, breaking the story that should exist, and making the story develop in another direction.

But that's all a story for the future. In Diqiu City, the most important thing is the public trial in front of Weijun Palace.

With Wei Zhao and Gongsun Yu, two highly respected elders in Diqiu City, personally presiding, the hostility of Emperor Qiucheng towards the Qin army has been reduced a lot without knowing it. During the public trial, the hostility that should have been difficult to eliminate Fewer and fewer.

After all, the people who hate Qin Jun the most should be those rich and powerful.

When the Qin army came, they lost even more.When Qin Jun came, their life might not be better, but before Qin Jun came, their life was not so good either.

As the public trial continues, more and more dignitaries will be killed, and all their property will be confiscated. Things like gold, silver, jade, and rare treasures can be brought back to Xianyang, but the land and houses cannot be taken away. How to deal with these things became a problem before Yang Ming.

With such a huge amount of resources in his hands, Yang Ming began to select strong and brave soldiers from the original guard army, and started to form an army with a smaller number but higher combat power than the original guard army.

At the same time, Yang Ming selected suitable elite soldiers from the Qin army to fill the new army. For example, elite soldiers who were not the eldest son of the family and were not married, let them serve as corporal commanders, division commanders, and village commanders in the new army. The grassroots officers of the Qin army have tempered a real army with the elite of the Qin army.

After two days, Yang Ming selected 800 people from the original guard army and organized them into an army, preparing to use the Wei army as fire to attack them in the upcoming battle with the Wei army. Temper, and then temper the elite comparable to Qin Jun.

While Yang Ming was busy, Wang Jian had already led tens of thousands of Qin troops to Baimajin, where Wei troops were already attacking, and on the other side of the river, there were signs of mobilization of soldiers and horses on the southern Great Wall of Zhao State. There, there will be a big battle.

And as Wang Jian led the main force of the Qin Army to leave Diqiu City, Wei Yong, who had been huddled in Chaoge, finally saw the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time, so he began to actively prepare for the battle, waiting for Zhao Jun to attack Baimajin and kill Wang Jian. When his troops were dragged along the river, he led the main force of the Wei army and went straight to Diqiu City.

At that time, he will use his absolute superiority in military strength to crush the Qin army with majestic strength and completely defeat the Qin army, forging his reputation as Wei Yong.

It's just that Wei Yong doesn't know that the advantage lies in my terrible curse, which cannot be resisted by someone like him.

(End of this chapter)

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